Saturday, August 20, 2016


Continuing the theme of management. In...


Continuing the theme of management. In the last article we looked at the classic control scheme. Here there is a certain logic. We said that a lion is fixed fire balloon in the shape of a star or the Sun. Indeed, the Sun, the properties must match the lion.

And then the planets are divided from land by zodiac signs, in order.

The Moon is closer to the Sun, mercury, Venus, Sun further further, etc.

And it turns out:

The House of the Moon in cancer;

House of the Sun in Leo;

The House of Mercury in Virgo;

House of Venus in Libra;

House of Mars in Scorpio;

House of Jupiter in Sagittarius;

House of Saturn in Capricorn;

House of Uranus in Aquarius;

House of Neptune in PISCES;

House of Pluto in Aries.

Why in this direction, we painted the planet? Because, in this direction they move on the signs of the zodiac. IE and the direction that we choose, distributing their characters also has some basis. Physical basis.

In astrology, the first half of the 20 century, which S.a. Vronsky studied in Germany, retrograde planets change management.

Mercury retrograde manages Twins;

Venus retrograde manages Calf;

Mars retrograde manages Aries;

Jupiter retrograde manages Fish;

Saturn retrograde manages the Archer;

Uranus is retrograde manages Capricorn;

Neptune retrograde manages Sagittarius;

Pluto retrograde manages a Scorpion.

Here's the complete schema management.

In this diagram, there is one drawback.

The drawback is that this scheme, and in astrology, which studied S.a. Vronsky, some characters do not have managers. For example, if Saturn is retrograde and direct, Uranus Aquarius two trustee, and Capricorn there is no steward. And if Capricorn is located in a House, then the House no owner. And if there are no planets in this House, this House is generally empty. That this side of life there is no human have? But it does not. It exists. As

The problem decided to S.v. Shestopalov. He realized that retrograde Saturn does not cease to be Saturn. And guess S.v. Shestopalova that retrograde planet does not lose control. They are dual control. Retrograde planets control the two zodiac signs. And this explains their properties.

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

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