#Happyhalloween friends 🎃🕯
Remember that today and new moon in Scorpio? 😈🌙
For me the last few days have been energetically exhausting, and it turns out that's it, the Moon is decreasing-it happens ...)
But as your mood, noticed the decline of forces or conversely, someone "zarâdilo"? 😝👯
#Halloween ##magic ##time new moon astrology
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Monday, October 31, 2016
#Happyhalloween friends 🎃🕯
Remember that today and new moon in Scorpio...
I wish you naipriâtnejšej, calm and good night! Let your...
I wish you naipriâtnejšej, calm and good night! Let your dreams will only be beautiful and be filled with the most fantastic dreams. And let this night will give you strength for each turning dreams into reality!
#Astrology #школа_астрологии #доброй_ночи
Returned to India, and then Diwali (new year ☺)-Fire Festival...
Returned to India, and then Diwali (new year ☺)-Fire Festival in destruction by fire, we decided that it is symbolically sent the unneeded along the Ganga, released all doubts and fears, and tomorrow go meditate, looking at how, thanks to a fire, people are sent to another world. After all, where something is destroyed immediately created and something new ❤ 🌱
#Astrology #tetahiling ##thetahealing #astrology Varanasi
⭐ 1 November-3 lunar day Waxing Gibbous...
⭐ 1 November-3 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. It's an unfortunate day for hair. Can have a negative impact on the health and finance. Today it is not worth to paint hair.
⭐ 2 November-4 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. It is not recommended to do haircuts, diminishes the positive energy. Hair dye can be made only with natural dyes.
⭐ November 3-5 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Today is an auspicious day for a hair cut, will open the way to success and prosperity. Paint hair in unusual shade for you, change your image.
⭐ November 4-6 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Capricorn. Set visit Wizard to another, more auspicious day. Do not dye your hair that day.
⭐ 5 November-7 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Capricorn. Haircuts on this day will bring to you the trouble. Painted hair today is not recommended.
⭐ November 6-8 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Hair day are very favorable, give strength and confidence. Hair coloring so can help in love affairs.
⭐ November 7-9 lunar day Moon in the sign of Aquarius. First quarter comes in 22:51 hair cut that day will make your life unpleasant situation. The hair is allowed to paint only soft natural colours.
⭐ 8 November-10 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Aquarius. A very auspicious day for haircuts, positive energy will come into your life. Hair coloring bring luck.
⭐ November 9-11 Lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Pisces. If you postrižete today hair, the entire day will feel unfounded fears. The hair can be dyed only cannot fundamentally change their color.
⭐ 10 November-12 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Pisces. Today was not a very auspicious day for hair. After the haircut you will disturb the sense of insecurity. Hair dye can be made only with natural dyes.
⭐ 11 Nov-13 Lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Aries. On this day safely change the style and shape of the cut, so you will be drawn happiness. Dye your hair today can be in any shades.
⭐ 12 Nov-14 Lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Aries. Auspicious day for haircuts for long hair, you can trim the ends. This will eliminate the accumulated negative. Hair dye recommended soft dyes.
⭐ 13-Nov-15 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Taurus. Do not cut hair today, so as not to attract diseases. Hair coloring in this day highly undesirable.
⭐ 14-Nov-16 lunar day Moon in the sign of Taurus. Full moon occurs in the 16:52 haircut on this day will bring you a sense of anxiety, so it is better to postpone the visit for another day. For hair coloring that day neutral.
⭐ November 15-17 lunar day full moon in Gemini. This day is considered to be unfavorable for hair. Paint today hair in Golden shades.
⭐ November 16-18 lunar day full moon in Gemini. This day is unfavourable for haircuts, to play it safe. Hair it is recommended to paint in dark shades.
⭐ November 17-19 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of cancer. Try to get into the salon, any manipulation of the hair will attract good fortune. Dye your hair with natural dyes-this will give you confidence in making important decisions.
⭐ 18-Nov-20 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of cancer. If necessary, you can do a haircut, but not desirable. Change tone hair coloring you disappoint, the effect will not be the one you expected.
⭐ 19 Nov-21 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Leo. Today haircuts joy, to attract good luck. Painted hair better in bright colors.
⭐ November 20-22 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Leo. A very good day for haircuts, will succeed on a lot better than you'd expect. Hair dye can be in any shades.
⭐ 21-Nov-22 lunar day Moon in the sign of Virgo. Last quarter comes in Neutral 11:33 hair day. And here's the choice hue take seriously, good tone will help open many doors in your life.
⭐ 22-November 23 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Virgo. Hair cut today will help get rid of negativity and will add vitality. Auspicious day for hair coloring, streaking will come out well.
⭐ 23-Nov-24 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Libra. Do not cut hair today, otherwise wait for cash losses. Painted hair can only be in bright colors.
⭐ 24-Nov-25 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Libra. An unfortunate day for any manipulation of the hair. Haircut will result in deterioration of health. Coloring your hair can cause scandals and gossip around you.
⭐ 25-May-26 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Libra. Beautiful day for hair cut, to attract into your life positive. Color your hair in their natural color-so you will be drawn to itself the right people, both in business and in love.
⭐ 26 November-27 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Scorpio. Hair cut today is recommended to those who are looking for peace of mind. Radical change of hair color, increase your finances.
⭐ November 27-28 day Moon Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Scorpio. Hair cut today will give your image a charm and femininity. Coloring hair is best to defer to another, more suitable day.
⭐ 28 November-29 lunar day Waning Gibbous Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Do not cut this day hair, so you avoid financial losses. Hair dye can be made only with natural dyes.
⭐ 29 November-30 and 1 lunar day Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. The new moon occurs in the 15:18 hair cut that day, and that's hair care treatments are very effective. You will be satisfied with the result. Dye your hair today better dyes contain ammonia.
⭐ 30-Nov-1 lunar day Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Haircut today unfavorable. You can paint your hair using natural dyes.
#Astrology ###znakzodiaka horoscope prediction #Feng Shui fengshui ##baczy #lunnyjkalendar′
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: spiritual teachers
Srila Prabhupada once told a story about the Taj Mahal. When built the Taj Mahal, there was someone like foreman in our understanding of the man, who looked to have done that, all you need to do. He once complained that there's one Mason that extremely long makes the mortar between the bricks. Very long and very carefully he peremešival and peretiral solution, peremešival and peretiral. for a very long time. Builders have complained that because of him all one hundred
Therefore, when a person becomes a specialist, he has the ability to invest your heart in what he does. Sometimes people say, he seemed to master, but it is still a heart that he does not. But if a person really does something very good and in doing so puts your heart is the greatest satisfaction. A person can make, but a little bit to do with such love that everyone immediately feel this love.
Bhakti Vijnana Goswami
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
"If we speak objectively and take into account the real...
"If we speak objectively and take into account the real historical process, then astrology is the oldest of the sciences, which used systematic approach."
Doctor in psychology. Venda writes in his article ' Ordinary psychology ' extraordinary miracles ':
Congratulations on this rasčudesnym morning! Wish it, today opened for you a day that will bring the most beautiful discoveries and accomplishments!
#Astrology #школа_астрологии #доброе_утро
♏31 OCTOBER Monday, the 2nd day of the moon with...
♏31 OCTOBER Monday, the 2nd day of the moon with 7:56. Moon in Scorpio
🌙Simvol day: Cornucopia
🌠Horoshee time to start the research work, new projects, taking major decisions. On this day, it will be easy to win the trust and strengthen its credibility. You can buy vehicles, equipment or any machine. But the move to a new job in this day unfavorable. It is better not to go for buying clothes and do not wear new clothes, so she quickly wear out or lose presentable appearance.
##Lunnyykalendar lunnyyden horoscope ###Calendar lunnyesutki lunnyygoroskop ###astrologer astrology ##lunnyykalendarstrizhki lunnyedni
30.10.2016 at 05-00 Moscow time Moon enters Scorpio...
30.10.2016 at 05-00 Moscow time Moon enters Scorpio sign and will transit to go on it until 11.01.2016.
Moon in Scorpio puts seal passion for all that is planned and conceived. For all cases and activities are characterized by solidity People are more active than at other times, to show aggression, critical, intolerant, moodiness, increased sensitivity to insults, especially when drunk. Most expressed sharp, sarcastic comments, up to abuse. At this time, people embrace strong momentary experiences, there were
Stressful aspects bring increased sensitivity, receptivity. People are touchy, but at the same time militant, intolerant, sarcastic and jealous. And jealousy is manifested not only in relation to your loved ones, but it can be expressed as intolerance to the signs of attention, rendered to others, or envy the achievements of others, etc. The reason for jealousy is not difficult to find, however, that the reason most often remains unconscious
Good time (if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th lunar day)
- Collaboration, cooperation, co-authorship;
- For scientific, creative or intellectual activity, teaching and lecturing work, experiments and secret experiments, testing of new technology;
- For making serious decisions, strengthening their own authority, permit complicated situations, confidential transactions, meetings with influential people;
- To study and improve the knowledge, training and use of phenomenal abilities, occult practices;
- For lectures, reports, plans, manifestations of competence;
- To search for the missing items, the start of the repair;
- For sports, hunting, fishing;
- For the sale and purchase of new equipment, motor vehicles, machine tools, buying antiques and living creatures;
- For training and the application of unusual abilities (best 1 st, 4 th, 6 th, 14 th lunar day);
- For beauty treatments, massages, hair clippers in order to accelerate the growth of hair (especially on the growing moon);
- For sowing of all crops except potatoes, cultivation of medicinal plants and those that have spines, thorns, sharp shpileobraznye leaves and fruit;
- For pest control;
- Irrigation and fertilizer plants.
Bad time (especially if it's the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th lunar day)
- For important companies, new beginnings, new responsibilities, new positions, receiving employees to work;
- For litigation and cases related to insurance and social security (social security in the better not to go);
- For a loan or transfer of money in the debt;
- For the exchange of apartments, moving and other cases related to the apartment or house (sale, donation, etc.);
- For love affairs, sex, engagement announcements, marriage and celebration of family events, of parties;
- For travel, travel and tourism;
- For any acquisitions (necessarily found to marriage), you can not also be worn for the first time to upgrade, because things will get dirty, worn out, corrupt;
- For gynecological surgery and surgery related to the allocation of organs;
- For trimming of fruit trees and shrubs, cutting down trees.
- Conflicts because of excessive straightforwardness, sarcastic, touchiness;
- From alcohol abuse, which can lead to disastrous results;
- Poisoning.
Author - SA Vronsky
#Vk.com / astro_taro #www.astrotarot.su ##tarot astrology #spirituality
Sunday, October 30, 2016
#Lunnyy_kalendar @ ot_panterki #lunnyy_kalendar moon ###astrology elements
OCTOBER 30 (c) 6...
#Lunnyy_kalendar @ ot_panterki #lunnyy_kalendar moon ###astrology elements
OCTOBER 30 (c) 6 h-Moon in Scorpio (water sign)
These are the days of moisture. The air becomes more humid, the ground may be a long time to keep the morning dew. It increases the probability of precipitation. It is recommended to reduce the intake of fluids. You can podcherpnut energy of the pool, or visit the pool.
This time is well suited for washing (especially during the waning moon). Only immediately hang clothes. Ideal for cleaning when you need to wash everything well. This period is ill-suited for baking and all, and are not suitable for procurement and preservation.
When the Moon is staying in water signs, increased emotionality, sensitivity, receptivity. These days are particularly suitable for the creation, as wake up the imagination.
October 30
⏰ Closure
🐓 Day Wooden rooster is unfavourable to those...
October 30
⏰ Closure
🐓 Day Wooden rooster is unfavourable to those born in the year of the rabbit
☀ Favorable for Rooster, ox, snake and Dragon
⚠ Star disease unfavorable for doctor visits and surgery.
👍: Excellent vacation, casual Affairs
⛔ Is not suitable for important cases
🌱 Sunday-day of the Sun
Harmonious colors-red, dark red, beige, yellow
Harmonious stones-Ruby, Garnet, amber, and gold.
#baczy prediction ####horoscope Astrology Feng Shui fengshui ##astrological forecast
29 October-29-th lunar day.
Symbol - octopus.
Stones - black pearl, mother...
29 October-29-th lunar day.
Symbol - octopus.
Stones - black pearl, mother of pearl, obsidian, kahalong, opal white, labrador, colored jasper.
29-th lunar day is the day of the fight against evil. He, though dangerous, but very important, and if you live it right, unpleasant surprises, which he carries in himself, easily avoided.
The Moon hides his face. That's the new moon arrives. Dark goddess Hecate takes possession of the podlunnym world. The disappearance of the Moon in the sky accompanied by universal decline, State of despondency. Today, people can experience the unwarranted anxiety or panic. Can fall into depression or do stupid things. All this is due to the lack of energy. Today accompanied by illusions and catastrophes. It is not recommended to go on a journey,
Drivers should be careful on the roads.
The twenty-ninth day is Satanic, so you cannot guess, conduct any rituals and collective activities.
Also, you cannot start or planning something new, even in the mind. Do not purchase anything new-buying would be useless or defective. Does not make new acquaintances, they entail face blank.
Health and nutrition.
Today it is advisable to fast, practise humility and self-control. Eating eat more flour and milk. Grain would also be useful. Bake bread, pancakes, pies or cakes in his house and eat them with your family.
Love and relationships.
Try to reduce the number of communications. Today is much more practical to stay one, reflect, take stock of the month. People prone to deception and empty chatter. In a conjugal relationship, strained nedogovorennost′ may occur.
Work and creativity.
Refrain from active work and interaction with colleagues, partners, superiors. All official talks today will be meaningless, projects — are unsuccessful. You cannot start anything. One mistake could lead to the collapse of the whole than you so thoroughly engaged in the whole month. Deplorable any financial transactions. You cannot borrow and lend. You cannot sign treaties, important documents.
What you need to do in the 29-th lunar day.
Relax, if possible, do not overload yourself and clean its energy and housing. Leaving home, make sure to install the protection so as not to catch the corruption or evil eye and does not suffer from "Vampire".
End of the case, give debt, dispose of unneeded things: it will attract in your home and clothes will not amass debt.
Očiŝajtes′ mentally and spiritually.
You can burn oil lamps and fumigating an apartment bagul′nikom.
Take a shower before going to bed. Water will soothe the body and wash away with it negative and dark energy.
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#Astrology ###rituals achieve well-being #лунный_день #self-realization #ličnostnyjrost #world #freedom
#Moon #Astrology #Luna_bez_kursa
Today the moon with 13:10 GMT...
#Moon #Astrology #Luna_bez_kursa
Today the moon with 13:10 GMT time is without the course. Hurry up to make all things up to this time!
Astrologers believe that the Moon without any course beginnings, things will proceed with complications, delays, unforeseen obstacles. Moreover, something that will be taken on the Moon without the course, does not take place, will not be realized, literally-"nothing will change", "none of this will come out."
My observations show that new, really, it's better not to start such a moon, but here is a case ending, concludes quite you can plan at this time.
"No," the Moon is a time of calm, relaxation, accumulation of forces before the new jerk. In such watches we for a while as if disconnected from everyday fuss and familiar worries. During the course of the Moon without people increasingly scattered, thought-provoking, there may be a lack of energy. Therefore, the risk of errors, often silly and unexpected. Occur ridiculous randomness, much more often, according to statistics from the newspaper reports on the Moon in the free care happen Ava
Astrological forecast for October 29, 2016 year 29 lunar day...
Astrological forecast for October 29, 2016 year 29 lunar day (6:13), full moon in Libra. It is best to hold this Saturday at home, doing housekeeping and guidance of the order. Complex recovery can begin fasting, exemption from the excess weight. Watch out for words and monitor the progress of thoughts that no negative thought is not translated into reality.
An appropriate day to take up the case, which had not been able to cope. This time you will be able to achieve success through perseverance, hard work and self-discipline. Friends and relatives offered assistance; using it, you will bring them pleasure. Possible cash and gifts, as well as proposals by adopting that you will soon be able to significantly increase revenues. Do not disappoint romantic date, you find a way
Auspicious day for communication. You can discuss any questions, even the most difficult-will be able to reach a compromise, to find solutions that will suit all. Many Taureans will engage in interesting acquaintances or greet people whom previously experienced. Possible romantic interests, perhaps the beginning of a serious relationship. Probable receipts. They hardly will be considerable, but the money will prove very handy. Afternoon promises
Interesting promising day, especially well suited for cases requiring a creative approach, non-standard view of things. You can experiment, use unusual methods to search for its own path, you will have good luck. In the first half of the day is still not excluded minor failures that are not worth taking to heart; the second reason for the anxiety and grief will not be at all. Need indulgence and TER
On this day, it is better to plan and think about the future than to undertake concrete actions and try to translate your wishes into reality. Worth a listen to advice (old friends they are not stingy): following several recommendations, you can avoid errors and losses. Do not hurry to solve financial questions-you're missing out on something important. Against unplanned purchases best avoided, and reduce costs. Afternoon starši
At the beginning of the day may be difficult, but you will not become discouraged and upset and just find a way to overcome them. Have to make an effort, but you have plenty of energy, so you can not be afraid of fatigue. At this time the slight financial loss, bad purchases. In the afternoon, the situation has changed for the better, new opportunities, a chance to resolve the issues for a long time not only calm you and VA
An appropriate day to chat with friends and like-minded people to join efforts to achieve common goals. Participation in joint projects is not only useful but also interesting and inspiring. New ideas, which will be useful not only for you but also for your loved ones. You take original solutions embody in life unusual designs. Often the result even surpasses your expectations, becomes a pleasant surprise. Evening
The day is shaping up well. You will feel a burst of vitality and energy, will understand that they are ready to take up the case, which were not up to the task for you. Difficulties may arise, but will not seem insurmountable, and minor misunderstandings do not spoil the balance. Bargain possible and purchases; any questions relating to money, you decide. Afternoon is the best time to think about something important. Many Scales at this time adjusted cost (ACY)
Favorable promising day. It is possible to achieve great success, if you take up the case in the morning. Circumstances add up favorable for you, many initiatives are successful, and if not everything turns out right, you show perseverance and a little later still achieved success. It is desirable to draw up an action plan in advance and stick to it even in small things. Try not to waste time in vain: laze bad often
The day is shaping up well and pleasing surprises. Many Archers will be able to focus on the fact that they are interested in a long time, and find like-minded people, meet people, which will bring a lot of joy. On this day, a good place to start your studies: new information will be processed quickly and the first successes truly delight. There will be new ideas and plans. Some Archers violent stereotypes and misconceptions
A wonderful day full of interesting cases and pleasant meetings. Have to do a lot of things, but you won't feel the fatigue: life energy you have enough. Several issues can be addressed at the same time, deal with their own affairs and to help others to correct mistakes, as well as give advice to those who are in a difficult situation. Day suits in order to test their strength in an entirely new field to tackle what you previously only t
The beginning of the day will not be easy, but that is no reason to be upset and lose heart: the impact of positive trends would soon skyrocket, you will notice a change for the better. To achieve significant success, you have to persevere and make an effort; You may feel tired, but you will not feel sorry for yourself, and enjoy oderžannym victories. In this day it is possible to address important issues, including those relating to finance, property (like your personal and family), and also
Worth relax-day fits perfectly. Case, especially more complex and convoluted, if possible, set aside, or commit to someone else. Now you are more tiring than usual fuss and confusion, the need to make decisions quickly or do what you are good. Good meetings with friends. Joint recreation gives pleasant experience, General Affairs help to tune into a creative twist. At the end of the d
##Goroskopnasegodnya goroskopnaden horoscope ###astro-forecast forecast ##prognoznaden prognoznasegodnya astrology #horoscope ##slyubovyuozvezdah
The main thing in this life - to find his flock...
The main thing in this life - to find his flock: in general and in particular.
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Astrology ###Astropsychology znaki_zodiaka #self ##interesting characteristic of forecast ###Karma poll
Our biggest misconception is that we still have a lot...
Our biggest misconception is that we still have a lot of time.
##Tarot astrology #spirituality
Textbook horary astrology (J. Frawley...
Textbook horary astrology (J. Frawley)
● Issues related to occupational choice
I strongly advise you to take these questions only after Querent chosen options. A variety of activities is so great that without considering specific options you rendered judgment will be more indicative of the limits of your imagination than the calling of the querent. Sometimes the question is formulated as "I would like to be a movie star, but maybe I'd better keep the accounting profession." Even if it is not, but kveren
Once you have a few options, consider the map and locate the planet, corresponding to each of them. Repelled from the homes values (taking their rulers) and natural significations of the planets.
For example, on an acting career indicates Lord V, and the on Accounting - Mercury. "And if the Lord V is Mercury?" Each card is adapted to ask a question, so that the Lord V, most likely, will not appear Mercury. But if that happens, the card will provide you with some other obvious significator. Believe me, it works.
Once you have figured out the significators, evaluate and compare them according to merit (essential and aktsidentalnym) and reception with the Lord I and moon (in the role as co-significator of the querent, with a focus on its emotional component).
Considering the merits, be careful: if the certificate corresponds to the image of what it refers to, treat it as a descriptive and does not consider flawed. For example, the querent wants to be a blacksmith: Saturn in Aries is the perfect astrological description of the craft, so we should not take into account the fact that Aries - the sign of Saturn's fall.
But if Saturn is retrograde, it's been said there is a problem, if the querent is not going to rebuild the lost art of blacksmithing techniques, or more than anything, it fits naturally into the retrograde nature (so, for example, as a revival of tribal fishing).
Pay a lot of attention at the reception desk between work and significators Querent. If Querent indifferent to the occupation and the question relates only to its earnings, we need not worry about how much work and Querent fit together. But usually, the question concerns the compatibility of the querent and work. In this case, the higher the level of mutual reception between the querent and work better.
"Will I make it?"
If your choice significator work was based on the ruler of the house, corresponding to this work (such as Lord V for the craft of acting) that is derived from the second of the house points to earnings from work.
If your choice was based on the natural signification of the planets (such as Mercury to the accounting profession, and Saturn - for a funeral), on earnings indicate the 2nd sign on which is selected significator.
So, if the querent wants to become a fashion designer (Venus) and Venus is in Sagittarius, on earnings indicate the 2nd sign of Sagittarius (the first sign of Sagittarius is the Archer himself; and second Capricorn) and its ruler.
In the absence of guidelines proposed by the querent, consider Mercury, Venus and Mars. The planet, which has the greatest dignity, points to the vocation Querent. In a broad sense, Mercury indicates mental work exercises, Mars - the physical, and Venus for activities conjugate with charm, appeal or aesthetics.
A more specific description can be obtained by analyzing the signs, houses and aspects closely.
Aktsidentalnye inferiority are often descriptive, not containing in itself anything negative. For example, a strong Mars in VII house (open enemies): go to the military. The VI (disease): become a surgeon. In XII (large animals): join the cavalry. Mars is in opposition to Saturn (building) specialize in demolition work.
Some may be useful vocation, especially when the above indicators do not give a clear answer. Consider this piece by itself, as well as (and especially!) Her dispositor.
Do not miss the obvious: a large number of activities available for twenty years, closed for those over fifty. Interpret card according Querent opportunities.
From time to time the astrologer asked about other people's career (most often it is an auxiliary to the question, "When I met her future husband?"). In this case, operate the derivatives tenth house and its ruler.
We can not use the main significator person on the work which asked for a description of the work, because it describes the significator of the man himself. If we did, we would always come to the conclusion that, for example, all those whose composition is similar to the military, must be military.
We also can not take that out of the three above-mentioned planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars), which is in its greatest virtues, because the planet will be the same for both the querent and so the question was asked about someone.
Please note that we have not considered in establishing the Master X Querent vocation. The reason for this is that the house X indicates human activity in real life, not on what he should do. The question "What is my future husband will make a living?" Querent interests, will do what her husband in real life.
Follow the usual recommendations for tying the planet to the occupation. Stick to common characteristics: while the accuracy takes its certain place in horary astrology, it is inappropriate. "Something artistic" significantly better "second viola London Symphony Orchestra."
Although we can not determine the profession of the person according to his chief significator, chief significator can eliminate some options. If we decided, according to the characteristics of the Lord VII of, that Querent husband will be small and thin, it will not work blacksmithing. And if the Lord of X indicates the blacksmithing as an option, we should think of other activities that could describe this planet.
##Horar Frawley Astrology ##work #choice ##profession prospects
Saturday, October 29, 2016
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Vedic psychology
At the moment, people can be at a rather low level, but perceive it is not human because the level at which it is now perceive should be human because the level to which he aspires.
Ruzau Vo-Srimad Bhagavatam 1-17-5
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
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🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
Female beauty is a power that is fascinating, intoxicating man...
Female beauty is a power that is fascinating, intoxicating man and sometimes robs sense of reason. The standard of female beauty is choppy, not permanent, as well as fashion. For every woman, there is your man. Many women may not see their stunning qualities and may not realize how ugly, from their perspective, was able to conquer the heart of beautiful men. Learn your strengths from the horoscope of feminine beauty.
🌹Ženŝiny-Aries are able to do so that they noticed and even memorized at a glance. They love bright outfits but attract attention not clothes, but all face: it combines passion, originality, the desire to be loved and simultaneously call.
🌹Predstavitel′nicy this sign know how to conquer the charm and softness. Only then the men discover that behind this lies a strong-willed and gentleness of nature. Ladies-Taurus ' have wonderful taste, so always look beautiful and natural. They know how to pick shades and colors like no other.
🌹Ženŝiny-Twins can be different, so they are very often need to change the image, often-radical change. They look exactly like them suggests the attitude at the moment. One thing is certain-it's hard not to notice a woman among the rest.
🌹Ženŝiny-Crayfish-nature, refined and original, which is reflected in their style of dress and paint. They don't like too catchy and striking images, but can highlight your outfit or costume accessory-and seem to be outdo many, seemingly more notable women.
🌹L′vicy can enjoy its beauty, even if they have no! Paradox, but it is: even if they do not possess ideal traits and personality, still others seem to be very beautiful. Perhaps the reason is their natural charm, which catches the eye, costs them smile.
🌹Na women-dev just nice to look at. They may not be written beauties, but so skillfully portrayed their beauty that only admired. They carefully look after themselves, for your skin and figure, so from them and blows a magic freshness.
🌹Ženŝiny of this sign are endowed with the beauty inherent in the ancient goddesses. They have an expressive face and a very beautiful hands. It should be noted that sometimes spoil your Scales harmonious choice of clothing or hair color, but they quickly corrected. They are very artistic, which gives them additional charm.
🌹Predstavitel′nicy of the very attractive and tend to consider themselves perfect. But their beauty is not common, and are likely to exotic. To this must be added their sensuality that attracts men like a magnet to them. That's why Scorpios know her worth and are very proud of themselves.
🌹Ženŝiny-Archers have the charisma, that their physical appearance doesn't matter: even their love almost everything. If the representative character is beautiful, then pass it is simply impossible. The trouble is that Sagittarius is very often too lazy to pay due attention to their appearance.
🌹Predstavitel′nicy of the mark have the appearance of an amateur, although their absolutely does not care that they might not like someone. They can easily create their own original style, which may even become a new fashion. Their facial features are irrelevant, since they are able to present themselves as better than others correctly.
🌹Ženŝiny-Aquarius is the original painting, which is the dream of many collectors. Not only are they attractive superficially: they have inside as if shining light that attracts men's views, regardless of whether or not a woman-Aquarius in a normal t-shirt or evening attire.
🌹Predstavitel′nicy mark Fish are among the most beautiful in the Zodiac pantheon. They attract men not only appearance, but also mystery image. They would never allow yourself screaming or vulgar outfits, and their appearance is always carefully considered and harmonious. 🌹
Stay tuned for the group, write your comments, we look forward to hearing! 📌U have many interesting! Join our group!
#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
October 29 #Mars in exact...
October 29 #Mars in exact square with #uranium, duration 25-31 October aspect. This time, the rebellious public moods, it strengthens the rebellious spirit and can trigger a wave of protests by existing conditions or action of the authorities. At this time the hot heads can manage not only the desire for social justice, and selfishness, rasčëtlivost′, cruelty, people on the way to goal. This aspect increases the likelihood of catastrophes and terrorist attacks.
In the cases of unforeseen circumstances may arise that create stress and require change "storyline in the course plays." The energy of this aspect gives the desire to free themselves from the pressure of Convention and can cause problems in a relationship. It provides a level of physical and nervous energy, which can be difficult to control. There is a tendency to over-react to every little thing and expend energy where you can save by taking his impulsiveness under control.
Be reserved and sosredotočtes′ on the host, it will control the situation and not expend energy wasted. Impatience and vzvinčennost′ will lead to disputes and conflicts with superiors, to reckless reactions and injuries. To avoid this, you need a shutter speed in communication and caution in working with technology, electrical appliances, sharp objects and cautious behind the wheel, especially 28-30 October. These are the days of high accident rate.
Elena Zimovec
###Astrology horoscope astrological forecast #October
Read more about aspects of October: https://astrowoman.ru/2016/10/05/goroscop-october/
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: Astrology
~ Your Friday-beauty ~
🎻 a good time for all, especially for creativity, art and communication.
🎨 on this day wakes up creativity and intuition.
✈ Today favorable travel and visits to theatres, romantic date and socializing with friends.
💃 is the day of sensual feminine energy. Venus reveals a woman of beauty, elegance and sexiness.
well today 💑 sing, dance, play, draw, mingle with the opposite sex.
💅 You can enjoy shopping, which require taste, beauty salon.
💎 Stones day-diamonds white Sapphire, zircon, tourmaline and white.
💖Cveta Venus pink, turquoise, purple.
👚👗Preobladaûŝij color in clothes-silver-white-pink multicolor (avoid dark shades).
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📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
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🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: Yoga
9 exercises to get rid of a certain type of pain. Based on the main yoga poses and have a powerful effect.
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
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📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda

This day is good to get...
This day is good to get something - a reward, recognition. Suitable for requests for promotion and assistance. Good start training, to get married, start a new job. Not suitable for a funeral, and the start of treatment, not visit patients.
Sha year
Difficulty in movement, delays and obstacles, it is not necessary to solve urgent matters, buy and sell land and real estate. Do not start a project that has clear deadlines, you do not meet them. Travel in the day unfavorable.
The energy of the day goes against the energy of the month. The works started on this day, will be unsuccessful.
🍀Blagopriyatno: rest, getting rewards, engagement, debt collection
⛔Ne favorably: travel, investment, purchase of property, signing contracts, repair, earthworks, the construction, foundation, the beginning of training, the funeral, the beginning of a new project, moving, starting a business, job, wedding, inauguration, initiation of treatment search of medical care, legal affairs, loans
The day is not auspicious for those born in the Year of the Ox.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
There is a subtlety, a secret. We believe that if...
There is a subtlety, a secret. We believe that if all goes well, then we will be happy. Nope .... not working. First, we are happy, and that's when everything becomes perfect! Miraculous time of day, lovely people beautiful planet!
Join yourself and invite your friends!
##Secret intricacies of astrology ##spirituality
💍Gemmoastrologiya. Or the stones the tickets already purchased.
The map...
💍Gemmoastrologiya. Or the stones the tickets already purchased.
The map is very common to observe an energy imbalance - some of the planet manifested brighter, some amazed, and some even sleep. Besides working on themselves, such gaps in the chart, you can work out with the help of stones and minerals. This kind of energy support, which will neutralize the negative and strengthens planets channels. Most do not realize what a pebble in their rings and a bracelet from which, as we ought to. Many enhance their negatives and sales
It is a science, but in general are as follows:
⚠Esli in the map violated the Sun channel = a sense of loss of strength, do not want the immunity is lowered, the broken state in the morning and thought, "Again the same thing" when things got, I want to change something, and the strength and desire it not. Confidence falls, optimism is not visible, you want to drop everything and put the blame on a desert island. But the loneliness in this unbearable. Enhanced dependence on others, lacks independence.
✔Kamni to help - citrine, amber, yellow sapphire, topaz, aventurine, diamond, the beryl.
⚠Esli to map the moon disturbed channel = emotional problems plan surpasses sensitivity, any fly - an elephant, a violent reaction to everything and everyone, and the wait and see attitude. The mood of galloping, "I'm not in the spirit of" it's about you, women women's issues. Psychosomatics, moods, digestive problems. Problems in dealing with women.
✔Kamni to help - white quartz, white coral, adularia, pearl, pearl, moonstone, selenite.
⚠Esli in the map of Mercury broken channel = memory problems, assimilation of information by the nervous system. Headaches, difficulty in breathing, changes in voice, freezing limbs. There is a hunger for information, but to speak / read / write / listen to the lazy, confused thoughts, you misunderstand. Disclaimer words-parasites, inattention throughout.
✔Kamni to help - gray agate, serpentine, tiger eye, bull's eye, carnelian, turquoise, purple sapphire, yellow topaz.
⚠Esli to map Venus broken channel = doubt its appeal, fault-finding, increased demands on ourselves and others, femininity / masculinity around baseboards, anger and envy others, extreme changes (black / white and nothing else), and indifference to the work of art, tastes are changing for the worse, you're a hundred years did not hear compliments. Failure of the kidneys, diseases of the female genital organs, allergic reactions, deterioration of the skin
✔Kamni to help - rose quartz, chrysoprase, olivine, garnet, amazonite, turquoise, emerald, malachite, sapphire blue, jade, jadeite.
⚠Esli in map disturbed channel anomalous Mars = lazy, decreased physical activity to a minimum, there is no impulse to action, swing for the work extremely difficult, weakening of muscles, physical strain has been difficult up to the nausea. Reduced libido, potency. The tendency to give to everyone around, but would not touch. Decisions are made very difficult. Baseless stubbornness.
✔Kamni to help - garnet, ruby, magnetite, hematite, bloodstone.
⚠Esli to map Jupiter broken channel = skuperdyaystve, greed, pessimism, the concept of justice is blurred. Arrogance without soil, reduction / unrealistically high ambitions. Objectives set does not work, there is no need to develop, although the mind from that sad. Sadness, laziness, apathy. Failure of the hormonal system, liver problems.
✔Kamni to help - sapphire blue, transparent zircon, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, amethyst, lapis lazuli, birch, yellow topaz, aquamarine.
⚠Esli in map disturbed channel Saturn = restraint, tediousness, reduced level of responsibility, pulling to break rules and laws, reduced the security instinct. Delays, failure modes and schedules of the day, delays in business. Depression, a world in black. Damage to the bone, spine, joints, teeth, spleen.
✔Kamni to help - black onyx, obsidian, black coral, jet, tourmaline, blue sapphire, chalcedony, Morion, agate.
🚫S higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) requires careful selection of individual, as include them can be dangerous.
👉Kak use: carry with them in any way. Principled contact with the skin - it is necessary to make friends with a stone and let him know what his deal. Do not wait for the results the next day, but regular contact with the stone in a few weeks you can see the first effects. they are not expensive, if you buy a tumbling 1.5-2 cm.
AstroLikbez ###Tips #ozhizni astroteoriya astrology ###lithotherapy stones #planet #gemmoastrologiya
Friday, October 28, 2016
TOMORROW, October 28
28 the 7th lunar day, start at...
TOMORROW, October 28
28 the 7th lunar day, start at 22:58
Fortunate for the beginning of new and important cases of various kinds and nature of businesses. Day of comprehension and gaining spiritual consciousness, the day of contemplation. Designed to work in a dream with us (usually randomly). On this day, you must try to be elated to peer inside yourself, to control emotions. Good planting useful plants and spread the good thoughts. Not worth the cut down trees, tear and give flowers. Relate closely to the visually impaired: better
Venus in kvadrature with Rahu
Emotions and their expression in the society contradicts the dominant morals and normal (people Flirt in the Church, at the funeral). Marriage and financial transactions cause irritation.
The Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter
Significant, although intermittent success in financial affairs, particularly in real estate transactions in services. Fortunately the flow relationships with partners, establishes good relations with women; assistance can be expected from them, get good advice. On this day well set plans, perhaps opening new perspectives. Successful cases occur with official bodies, influential people. Success in the long-haul business trips.
Astrology horoscope ####forecast Rahashan
As always answer your questions. Help understand astrology, Numerology and...
As always answer your questions. Help understand astrology, Numerology and palmistri, as well as in your personal horoscopes and situations. On the agenda-analysis of celebrity numerologiej how to use the "lunar calendar", and still think of something on the run plays. Pour yourself a cuppa and join. Questions please write in private messages or chat (need registration in google.com).
Broadcast every Thursday in 20:00 go (the sixth).
#Astrology #palmistry #Numerology #Webinar #free #esoterics #Vedas
More news here: [[club73295274 | Horoscope 365]] when the guy Venus...
More news here: [[club73295274 | Horoscope 365]] when the guy Venus in 12 House and/or in aspect with Neptune ☺ 😍😄 #Astrology @ horoscope365
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[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Culinary Arts
Spicy beet soup
Beet 1 piece
Water 0.8 l
Potatoes 2 pieces
Fresh ginger root 1 tablespoon
Vegetable oil to taste
Coriander powder to taste
Herbs to taste
Mix peppers to taste
30% cream 50 ml
1. grate Ginger. Potatoes and beets cut into cubes. Note that the cubes of beet should be less because it is brewed longer.
2. In the boiling water to omit the beets and potatoes. Cook until done.
3. In a Pan fry the coriander and ginger.
Put in a pan with the vegetables, Cook for another 2 minutes.
4. Remove from heat and whisk the soup Blender to pûreobraznogo status. Or get it and clean the vegetables, if no blender.
5. Put the pan on the heat, add salt and pepper, bring to a boil and turn off.
6. Pour the cream, stir, add the Greens.
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📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: spiritual teachers
You will not have a deep relationship, if you want to control everything and everyone.
E.s. Radhanath Swami
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -
#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
#практика_странствия #теория_странствия #tutorial #Astrology #TAROT #Runes
By the way)) you...
#практика_странствия #теория_странствия #tutorial #Astrology #TAROT #Runes
By the way)) you can order your personal horoscope, Tarot, layout advice using the runes Futarka and much more.
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Vedic psychology
Question: what happens to experience if they don't share, don't pass it on
ANSWER: You can do a simple experiment at home: buy fruit, pear, and put on a plate and see what will happen with him. He will start to rot. The mystical process - somewhere there are small flies. Where are they hiding? - These apples, or what? They were not exactly home, it is very suspicious all the time. But the fruit starts to rot and smell bad, and all that fly.
What happens in the mind when the fruit starts to rot? -This doubt in mind. Begin to appear a different sort of doubt begins to appear criticism: "I do, but others don't. This is how a person starts fast, then around he sees what others do not fast. Or a man early in the morning, got up, and he immediately noticed that others are not. And it seems to be somehow an insult, is loudly to all awoke, window opens, floor washes in the face, h
If we want to really have something happen, it should happen naturally, we should share, we need to inspire it. If we make, it's violence. And love can not be violence, love is always an inspiration. And if we can inspire, then Yes, we can inspire, this should be merciful inspiration. So I'd like to wake up, turn on the light, everywhere open window to all barn, pouring all the water soon
Sometimes enough Conversely, get quieter water, below grass and go outside and read all my JAPA on the street. And then everyone will feel inspiration from just seeing your happiness and that you are not pristaëte to anyone with its regime of the day. You are just happy and everything.
Charity inspires more than violence. Mercy more than an inspiring by nature.
We are very easy to use violence left and right, because it's such a material way to influence. Violence very easily influenced, but when we influence violence, this is a very short-term impact. You can easily make a man to be good, but it does not leave a good through violence. You can tell it, there is no problem in the morning, make the person stand up easily. But here's to desire in his heart alone in the morning waking up, violence is
When we naturally inspired by spiritual development, when we naturally inspired by the austerities, then they are real, then they change us. That's when changes are fixed, then it remains with us forever. That's when it becomes our real spiritual process, he uničtožimymi the spiritual fruits. That's when nothing happens to him. And then we have these share, then truly this fruit is ripe, immediately he PR
Ruzau V.o.
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❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
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🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -
#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
October 27
The 27th day of the moon
October 27
The 27th day of the moon
The day is favorable for vigorous activity, and in order to show their strength. Especially good to be active in matters relating to development and expansion.
If you make enough effort, but today you can find what you want.
To better understand where it is better to make an effort, and something to strive for in this life, you can seek the advice of an astrologer - https://vk.com/market-106511079?w=product-106511079_365572/
Tibet ###astrology forecast
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Horoscope for today from StopKilo for all zodiac signs:
Horoscope for today from StopKilo for all zodiac signs:
Read: http://stopkilo.net/horoscope/
##Znakizodiaka astrology horoscope ##forecast #StopKilo
Good morning, 🍖🍖🍖uvažaemye Center subscribers ☕ personality development "ASTERA"! 🌟S good...
Good morning, 🍖🍖🍖uvažaemye Center subscribers ☕ personality development "ASTERA"! 🌟S good morning! Good mood 😃želaem you in this wonderful day.)) ✨✨✨
We continue to publish amazing headings-"nature and destiny by date of birth." in it, you will learn your unique traits, discover something new, get valuable advice to enhance your pluses, harmonious development, tips to enhance your health, astrological phases of destiny according to your birth date and much more.
Detailed horoscope for each day of the calendar year, you can find on our forum topic-astrology. http://astera.privetbb.ru/
We also prepared you article on choosing stone zodiac sign, http://vk.com/topic-99402159_34455162 in our magazine"TRI brooms" to select amulet and talisman that will become your helper and protector for life.
23 October-2 November
Terrible Mars manages a decade, it empowers people, aggressiveness and temper ambition. Their life is in full swing, as the rapid flow. In her defeat and victory are woven into a single thread, and only myself born in this period should choose your path, your own choices and decisions, their attitude to the environment, to yourself and others.
Important years: 15, 30, 45, 60.
Beautiful flower Freesia-Scorpion symbol born during this period. Their tenacity and fearlessness that helps achieve success and gain the attention of lady luck, they respect others. Stubbornness is a strong minus their nature, it obstructs the path. That it does not outweigh the mind born in this period, it is necessary to learn flexibility and discretion. They tend to quickly tired, taking on a more than able to perform, so im calendar
BORN 27 October
Fate: Stubbornness, passion and ambition combine in naturah born on this day. Sharp wit, great intuition, habit, reflect, analyze, plan, calculate the options help them climb high on the ladder of life. Lots of friends does not exclude them and many enemies. If they choose a good way, they can expect a wonderful life if the same arrogance rises, headed a corner and just disregard fills their heart, then
Mystery birthday: active, impulsive nature is inherent born 27 October. Their emotions are always on the mind of trepeŝuŝego life and tumultuous merriment to experiences and painful thoughts, associated with various twists and turns. Sharp change in sentiment for them commonplace. It is therefore important for them to learn hampered control emotionality. Negative energy nor does not lead to anything good, it destroys from the inside and makes a negative phenomenon in personal relationships
Born 27 October can be totally absorbed by the negative (introverted), they flee from life, immersed in gloom and come to samouničiženiû. This is a very dangerous quality, develop rapidly and cover the entire human consciousness, even loved ones may not immediately understand what is happening, and in time help. Cheerful and active personality, born 27 October-extroverts open soul out and give her the energy of others. They have credit
Both types have the ability to perceive reality entails, and it helps them in their work, although this is the exception rather than the rule. As born October 27 want to look impregnable rock, solid and unwavering, they sometimes choke in sensitivity. But even the huge stone may lurk a gentle soul. Such a State is dangerous so that suppression of his sentimental hell may get into the habit, it will be klassificirovat′s
Born October 27 are in dire need of benevolent opinion surrounding and real support of loved ones is important. They are not afraid to manipulate the feelings of others, spilling affective waterfalls on loved ones and not bothering to explanations of the reasons still flashes. Born 27 October of the categories of people who are considered to be a source of emotional waves that bring the excitement of not only words, but look, we
Health: Impulsive outbursts born 27 October lead to emotional exhaustion. And here to restore them takes a long time after intensive periods and disease. Disregard the symptoms of illnesses and physical manifestations of their faces protracted disease, so they should care to listen to your body, to be treated in a timely manner. Because of its sensitivity, born 27 October painfully perceived serious from
Tip: Use the involvement and kindness to others. Be able to hear others. Learn how to creatively waste energy outside of work.
#Astrology @ astera #horoscope @ astera #дата_рождения @astera #Zodiac @ astera #astera #Astaire
Today 3:56 am to 5:01 pm Oct 28-27...
Today 3:56 am to 5:01 pm Oct 28-27 lunar day
Character of the day: Trident
Moon Phase: The fourth quarter, waning moon
General advice
Day is associated with water and water treatments, boat trips, purification procedures. It is also the date of receipt of the sacred knowledge. Exacerbated by intuition so you can make many interesting discoveries, largely to understand, understand what used to be difficult to understand. Suddenly can be found a way out of a difficult situation, which has not haunted. But this assumption, if on that day you will not be too concerned by the decision of the disposable
This day should be less than look in the mirror; It is better to avoid it.
A good day for sowing, planting, communicating with people of the older generation.
Dreams can come true, may or may not come true.
Among the pleasant surprises of the day is the probability of receiving good news from friends and old acquaintances. However, it should be remembered that the emotional background varies, so there may be differences between the relatives and acquaintances.
In General, an auspicious day. But do not start new businesses — extract the maximum benefit from the current. It is the day we can say that truth is born in a dispute. In the afternoon, not worth concluding new treaties, to sign a new document, proceed to the implementation of the new cases. It's a great time to scientific experiments, research and expeditions. Today, you can solve money matters, but the best thing you can do is hand out debts.
Diseases harmless and short-lived, they, fortunately without consequences. Useful water treatments
Good time for music, reflections, meditations, hope and searches
Bad time for: dive into routine, restlessness
Lunnyy_den ###lunnye_sutki astrology horoscope ##astrologicheskiy_prognoz
#cosmovoice #prediction #power #Astrology #I #link @ Kharkov, Ukraine
#cosmovoice #prediction #power #Astrology #I #link @ Kharkov, Ukraine
Study cases are important to you, use their...
Study cases are important to you, use their capacity to move. Such days are not common. The ban only for weddings, showdown, disputes with people of the opposite sex. All that means prosperity and development can start on that day or on track to expand business in any area.
In cosmetology-cleaning procedures. To advance in the business sphere — HAIRCUT! 💇🏼
#ènergiâdnâ ##astrolife_fd #Astrology astrological forecast #haircut
27 October 13:45 TIME MSK BEGIN 28 LUNAR day...
27 October 13:45 TIME MSK BEGIN 28 LUNAR day.
Characters of the day considered the Lotus, water lily, Lily. Lotus live simultaneously in all realms-in the land of his roots, stem, leaves in the water at the border of water and air, and flower in the air and under the Sun.
Lotus is a favorite symbol of Eastern religions. It is associated with self-knowledge, with disclosure of the chakras; with creative power, fertility, eternal birth, immortality and eternal life. It is a symbol of male and female interaction.
In Egypt, the Lotus served as the throne of ISIS and Osiris, the image of the Lotus was the symbol of upper Egypt.
In India were loved by Lotus Padma Sri, Goddess Lakshmi. The Buddha sat on a Lotus. Demiurge universe, Vishnu, drove from his navel, the Lotus Flower and Brahma. Everyone is familiar with "Lotus mantra" om mani padme hum (Padma-Lotus). For modern India Red Lotus flower is an emblem.
Lotus in China was esteemed and in Taoism and Buddhism. Buddha-Buddha Amitofo Western heaven, paradise, sits surrounded by lotuses. Lotus Lake West sky overgrown flowers, each of which is the soul of a deceased person.
In the Mediterranean, Lotus was dedicated to Hera. In the Greek tradition referred to the nymph Lotis, turned into a Lotus tree, when she tried to escape from her was Priapus.
It is considered an auspicious day in which perhaps a spiritual Epiphany. On this day, you must try to be elated to peer inside yourself, to control emotions. Good to plant all the useful plants and spread the good thoughts. You cannot cut down trees, tear and give flowers.
Domestic and socially successful day of worldly affairs, favourable for large undertakings and shopping. On this day a good buy and enter the House, doing repairs, as well as useful master craftsmanship. Work on the purification of the body, especially the skin, applied makeup, starve. You cannot eat animal foods, seeds, i.e. everything that can give life. You can eat fruits, veggies, but without seeds, drink juices.
Spiritually auspicious day, Sun day, boxing day and finds work well over the recesses of consciousness and logic, create. Is designed to work with the prophetic dreams, astral body, its the thinnest outputs with clairvoyance.
This day comes the Alchemy of the soul: in a dream or in the process of meditation you can know their past birth. Period of comprehension of the higher truths, gaining spiritual creation, day of contemplation of all chakras and work with them
On materials of p. Globa "Lunar astrology»
#lunnyjden′ #prognoznaden′ ##Astrology horoscope
TOMORROW, October 27
27-th lunar day, start at 22:16...
TOMORROW, October 27
27-th lunar day, start at 22:16
Good for any work, for planting and sowing, to communicate with people of the older generation, teachers and sages. Also the day of receipt of the sacred knowledge.
The Sun in conjunction with mercury
The Moon is in conjunction with Rahu
Gives a feeling of happiness. Intuitive adaptation to current events, using the current in their favor. You can without thinking to join in, without thinking about the consequences. Enthusiasm will make you popular. Men have the success with women, are able to dispense with the audience. Good luck in Commerce, politics, and public relations. Other favourable factors awake generosity, religiosity. This is a good effect, caused by the love of neighbor and willingness to help
Astrology horoscope ####forecast Rahashan
Friends, today, Wednesday, will be the author...
Friends, today, Wednesday, will be the author of my 38y lesson course Vedic Astrology. Total 144 lessons a year. Join at any time! Each tutorial is available in video recording. Details on my website http://vedica.ru/kurs
If you are not sure, our training suits you or not, you can see a trial lesson at the training page here: hhttp: //vedica.ru/kurs.
##Astrology Jyotish astrologer ###vedicheskieznaniya vedicheskayaastrologiya vedicheskiyastrolog ###kursastrologii obuchenieastrologii
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
26.10.16. the Moon transits the sign of practical...
26.10.16. the Moon transits the sign of practical earthly Maidens, increasing productivity and organization. Harmonious aspects of the moon to Mars and Pluto are helping today determine the choice of successful projects and direct energy on their implementation.
Harmonious aspect formed in the evening between favorable by their nature the planets Venus and Jupiter is further enhanced by their mutual arrangement. This aspect raises the level of harmonious cooperation, gives the opinion of others and fatal desire to please others. If you caught yourself enjoy socializing, or myself are experiencing what all around became friendly-it is thanks to this
Have a good day.
P.s. Subscribe also our community in via Instagram: astromaestro108 😉 ✌
*** Astrological day presented as introductory information about the current movement of the planets and their interaction. The extent to which planetary energies affect you personally, and how long will the impact can be assessed only in the preparation of individual ASTROPROGNOZ. Think of this information as the basis for the observations of their own emotions and actions, but also remember that for more accurate information Mauger
Astrologer horoscope ####astro-forecast astrology
#26lunnyjden′ #lunnyjkalendar′ ###taningoroskop horoscope prediction #astrology
I want to output...
#26lunnyjden′ #lunnyjkalendar′ ###taningoroskop horoscope prediction #astrology
I want to output already, but today collect all their physical and spiritual strength and not give in to provocation! Today may happen and scrape and emotional splashes. The mood jumps like a frog. It is a symbol of the day. Feelings can tighten into the quagmire. Don't settle for adventure and do not leave unattended bags and purses. Be careful on the roads. Keep it simple, use a sense of humor and irony, not globalizirujte problem. Any financial