Tuesday, October 11, 2016

🌔11 Moon sutki🌖
waning gibbous
Monday, c 15:11 10...

🌔11 Moon sutki🌖
waning gibbous
Monday, c 15:11 10.10.2016 15:45 on 11.10.2016

Fire opal gemstones, gemstones, Carnelian.

Then came the most powerful energy day lunar month. Symbol of the eleventh lunar day-sword, the strength of the finest elements of fire. Fire sword will give its owner the power, indomitable strength, guaranteed victory, but only if the person can hold it in your hands. People inexperienced, insecure, he can turn on negligence this powerful energy weapons into a tool of destruction.

Today, the highest level of concentration of energy. You can achieve great things, if you have the makings of leadership. For politicians this is a great day to expand the campaign, athletes will be able to start your career. But all indecisive people better be cautious (remember the analogy with a sword). Power surges should be under your control, otherwise the power of eleventh lunar day will turn against you.

Don't be surprised if your pets will be set aggressively, even if they were the most gentle creatures in the world. Animals feel volatile flows of energy emanating from the man, and they don't like it. Today generally better not to have Affairs with animals — they can pounce on you. You also cannot kill living beings, even insects, so better to forgo attacks on nature or hunting.

It is not desirable to touch the metal handle sharp objects. Surgical operations are not allowed, even bread is better not cut but broken hands. Fallen on the floor — cutlery is a bad omen. Turn on the caution and care, monitor your condition, control emotions.

Today you can see how the marks ever conceived or developed in the early days of the lunar month. Lead an active lifestyle, do not relax, and continue to engage in targeted cases. Start new cases today should not be, unless you are confident in their abilities and be able to bring this case before the end of today, without postponing the pigeonhole.

Health and nutrition. Today is a good day to start fasting. The body is vulnerable in the area of the spine. The initiation of the disease would be negligible for men and dangerous for women. In the case of disease should not take a lot of antibiotics, generally better abandon active therapeutic effects. Possible aggravation in people with heart disease.

Physical effort today acceptable, but in moderation. Relax is not worth it, but overwork the body uses. The best solution — sports, swimming pool or gym. Boost immunity, monitor your health and be very careful — today, the chances of injury. Alcohol best avoided.

Love and relationships. Giving close attention and care. Can make gifts without cause, for your generosity you will be rewarded. Day should pass without conflict. Eleventh lunar day lavish love, so do not quarrel with her husband, not reproach any relatives. Stay calm.

Today you can get married if you are confident in yourself and in your partner. Remember that all your doubts will turn against you today, so to play it safe, if you are not sure of the need for engagement. If the wedding took place, it is better to hold safely. An abundance of alcohol on the table will affect adversely the celebration is at the mercy of the emotions people will quarrel, fight or even maim each other.

Day suitable for intimacy and conceiving a child. Likely conceived today, the child will be a boy. Nature will reward his large forces, it will be an active fighter or magician, can go wandering.

Work and creativity. All new undertakings better to postpone and address completion of current affairs. Financial issues can lead to losses, real estate is also better not to. Start projects in unfamiliar activities. Negotiations could end in your favor if you turn on your charm. Be very careful today can have a rare chance on luck, don't miss it. Moon favours studies science and TSS

Born on this day will be one of the happiest people on Earth, if not will ruin your data to it from the nature of high mental abilities and talents. This man will live long productive lives and reach a ripe old age. Such people are witty, spiritually enriched. Nature in them might, and okkul′tnuû provides if a person learns of it and uses it incorrectly, it will bring trouble upon himself. Such people often bite insects and animals but without risk

#lunnyesutki #Moon #Astrology #lunnyjden′ #fazaluny #simvoldnâ #Ayurveda

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