Saturday, October 8, 2016

15 the main myths and questions about astrology

1. The...

15 the main myths and questions about astrology

1. The world, and the more stars are so far away from Earth that I can't act on people.

The fact of the matter is that they are not valid. Planets and stars is the only process indicators, but in the process they will likely have no effect. In the same way as the clocks show the time, but the time in hours no. For example, the clock shows that you are late for work, but they are not to blame, that you do not coordinate their actions over time.

And if the planet, say, Mars, Saturn and Uranus, lining up in the sky in a certain order, it does not mean that they are at this time are conspiring to harm humanity or any individual. It's just a signal to us that we have here can happen any nuisance. As mentioned in the ancient texts-what is below is similar to that above. Let's call it a law of nature.

However, modern astrologers have different points of view on this issue.

2. stars move, zodiac signs are no longer in those places that used to be, but astrologers do not know and do not take into account.

In ancient times there were no differences between astronomers and astrologers. So talking about ignorance of astrologers who "missed" the movement of the characters relative to constellations, wrong.

Astrology is more mathematics, geometry. Zodiac signs only nominally coincident with the constellations. From zodiacal circle has a fixed reference point is the intersection of the celestial equator and ecliptic. The Sun passes through this point in the day of the vernal equinox. This is the start of Aries is not the constellations, namely mark. To date, the vernal equinox falls on the constellation Pisces, after a while, she moves in the constellation Aquarius. This is me

Undoubtedly, professional astrologers know this, and they take that into account.

3. Astrology-it's a scam.

Can't argue that among people who do Astrological predictions, no scam. Them fully in any case-in trade, politics, medicine and many other industries. While we're not saying that all medicine or politics-fraud. Astrologer makes calculations on the basis of these calculations he makes predictions, but if he takes the forecasts from the ceiling when he was a scammer.

Determine who in this case, the scammer who was not, at first sight difficult. If you read the newspaper horoscopes, not the fact that they will have you come true, even if they did. Because all people are separated by only the 12 categories-the signs of the zodiac. At the same time, people on Earth already more than seven billion, and each has its own unique horoscope. Therefore, in the newspaper, you can only give some general predictions, is not specific.

But even in this case, you can see as far as the overall canvas corresponds to what happens to you. Moreover, convergence, alas, are not excluded.

At least look-whether under newspaper Outlook signature. If the author is indicated, it means that he is responsible for their words.

Well, the truth of astrology you can see only by making the individual horoscope.

4. Answer the astrologer-100% prophecy, so be it.

Not to be confused with astrologers prophets or sensitives. An astrologer makes predictions only on the basis of their calculations. Thanks to these projections can avoid trouble or bring some positive moments in your life. Everyone has free will, and astrology it cancels.

Horoscope is like a road map with painted on her road signs. You can use the card, and can ride the "saints" at random. Let's say a person is going to change jobs, and astrologer sees is that now it is not to do so. But in a few months will be an excellent opportunity for this. How to proceed in this case, decides the man himself. It's his free will.

5. no Fate, because astrology is meaningless.

Fate, alas, there is another thing that it may. And as the Knight at the crossroads, we always have the choice to go left, right or straight, and can return to their initial positions. Very often it is Astrology helps you make the right choice.

Fate is like a corridor. One corridor wide as a football field, and someone is narrow, as the ventilation hole. About the past say that their life is fatal. While the Doom is not always a misfortune. You can be and fatally lucky. And horoscope shows how your life is fatal.

But even the football field has a border, so its fate there. And in principle, the fate is the lack of freedom, then there is a specified route. Say the same-from fate. And sometimes you want.

6. Astrology-no more than common words.

If a person ahead of favorable period for buying an apartment, him and say a favorable period for the purchase of apartments. This common words? Of course, an astrologer will not tell what construction company it go and how much it will cost. Or what surname will have future husband in heaven girls names not written. Information about that: "with this on a number of you have the risk of a car crash" are not common, and have a particular

7. If Astrology worked, the twins would have the same fate, and would meet counterpart among older people.

The interesting thing is that the doubles really occur. As for the twins, i.e. publications on early childhood razluchyonnyh twins, you can find them on the Internet. Their fate up to the last detail.

In addition, the birth of twins is not even at one point, there is a difference in minutes, and to build a horoscope you need exact time, so even a Gemini horoscope and destiny produces different.

8. do not bring people or country to symbolism only 12 characters.

Of course, individual horoscope has all 12 signs of the Zodiac and "work" all the planets, but the combinations can be countless. Therefore, despite the fact that only 12 characters, horoscopes, all people are different.

9. What do you say about that Pluto no longer a planet? Will it work in astrology now?

And that it can prevent? If the scientists called the Sun "yellow dwarf", it has lost none of its importance for us. If those same scientists "razžalovali" Pluto from the planetary positions at the dwarfish planet to him from this, neither hot nor cold. Two world wars started precisely on the aspects Pluto, so the importance of it, certainly, is enormous, and nobody in power it just turn off like a light bulb.

10. Is it true that the signs of the Zodiac do not now 12 and 13? Here's who is now a Scorpio/Sagittarius or Sagittarius?

No, it was 12 and left because the circle consisting of 360 degrees, cannot be divided into 13. It should be remembered that astrology is close to mathematics. Zodiacal constellation Ophiuchus had always existed, and it has been known since antiquity. For example, an ancient astrologer Claudius Ptolemy in "Occultation" it describes.

In esoteric Astrology uses the concept of "the sign Ophiuchus", but it is calculated in a special way. So, if you were born when the Sun was out the Scorpion in Sagittarius, it means nothing. Live quietly.

11. Astrology-sin, forbidden by the Church.

By the way, it was not always. Astrology was mixed with vorožboj, divination, magic, and this is a totally different thing. Let's ban any analysts, futurists, seismologists, meteorologists, i.e. all those who boldly tries to see into the future. In addition, it should not be forgotten that not all religions astrology is considered a sin.

For example, in Zoroastrianism, which is considered one of the maternal religions for modern world religions, astrology is a special account. As it is written in Persian, "revajatah", a third of Alexander the great burned books Holy Avesta contain knowledge of astrology. But one of the 21 Nasca (books), Avesta and called-"stars" about the verdict.

12. of astrology is mysticism and magic, divination or fortune-telling.

Astrology has nothing to do with mysticism, nor magic, nor to fortunetelling to coffee grounds. Is the planet which quite sharp cycles, rhythms, their progress is constant. Therefore, and it is possible to know in advance how the planet will be in the sky tomorrow, in a month, a year, or century. Sometimes we fly a Comet, which make some adjustments, but overall progress of luminaries and razmeren is constant.

Astrology empirical discipline. If, over the centuries, people have been paying attention, that when such-and-such planetary position such things occur, it can be assumed that in the future in such a location will be the same thing. And that's all. Observations and conclusions.

13. The astrologer sees everything at once, such as the date of death.

Probably, it is tempting to be omniscient, but astrologer can only make predictions based on lessons learned.

Remember the "die hard"? When the hero Bruce Willis turns in Harlem with a poster "Hate blacks!", chances are that he will remain alive, were insignificant, but it vykrutilsâ. Same here-we can only say that the risk of something increases or decreases. So if u just born baby date of his death is impossible. Although the ancient astrologers of this charged.

14. Does the horoscopes of all those killed in Hiroshima, for example, in the horoscope was listed death on this day?

The explanation here is simple. There is such a thing-force majeure. We are not so much individualists, not live like Robinson on a deserted island, we depend on relatives, soul city, country, nation, mankind. We in society and our freedom is conditional. In seven years we are together we go to school, then to the Institute or the army, in a certain age we marry, give birth to children, etc.

In the ancient time for commoners generally did not do horoscopes-it was believed that people lived on the horoscope of the ruler, and this makes sense. Remember any totalitarian State, where all the step system-everything is standardized, even death.

Our life resembles Brownian motion, while we are relatively free. We can live a life of its own, according to his own horoscope. And when several thousand people rise to the Titanic, their horoscopes obey already common rhythms, especially if a person is prone to resonance. By the way, how much resonance resistant, too, can see the horoscope.

Accordingly, see common in private is not always possible. If you have a horoscope is in danger from the air, it does not mean that the plane on which you are flying, necessarily fall. But if such as you, a fair amount of it, the plane can actually fall, because you created the drop box. And even if your neighbor on the right does not exist in the horoscope no indicators at danger from the air, it was not going to go away from the aircraft.

There is a small category of people whose life is destiny. Such people are not affected by massive disasters. But they are few.

15. Compatible only marks one of the realms, and the rest are not.

It isn't even because in the horoscope of each human being contains all the 4 elements. In addition, if you combine water with water, you get the same water, nothing new. And people unite for development. Therefore, such a statement is fundamentally not true. People one of the realms, and even more so the same sign may be comfortable for a while and then become intolerably boring because there is no development.

Mikhail Chistyakov (c)

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

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