Thursday, November 10, 2016

09.11.2016 at 08-50 Moscow time MARS enters AQUARIUS...

09.11.2016 at 08-50 Moscow time MARS enters AQUARIUS sign and will transit to go on it to 12.12.2016.
At this time it switches the energies. In Capricorn it aims at achieving personal goals in Aquarius-for the realization of the objectives of the collective. But since Mars is always Mars in Aquarius, he prefers to work or fight led to any movement or be, at least, one of their leaders. At this time people inspire and unite the ideas of independence, freedom, self-determination, protection of human rights and other more or less abstract
At this time the activity is activated all sorts of informal groups. In the best case, it will be performances by the society for the protection of animals or the environment Wednesday, in the worst unrest provoked by informal associations of militant fighters for the purity of the nation. On the other hand, properly prepodnesjonnye in this time of reform will be accepted by the people and will have their supporters and promoters. Generally people at this time attract new ideas, they are directed to
The case, which begins at this time, would be viable only if it carries the idea of something radically new, not yet known, is not implemented. But in any case it will be reforms to the various changes, continuous improvement. Such a case may be interesting from a scientific or research perspective, but it is unlikely it will generate substantial income. Well, if the case does not become unprofitable.

Negative aspects indicate instability of public sentiment. Possible spontaneous rallies, protests, pogroms and other revolutionary performances. Reforms undertaken at this time, political statements, laws can cause a wave of protests and riots. In the period of Mars by sign Aquarius increasing the risk of failure of technique, technological accidents, crashes, accidents, the causes of which often remain is undefined
Author - SA Vronsky / astro_taro ##tarot astrology #spirituality

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