Tuesday, November 29, 2016

πŸ“Œ [club62620907 | Time to make a wish. NEW MOON]
Moon November...

πŸ“Œ [club62620907 | Time to make a wish. NEW MOON]
Moon November 29, 2016 will take place at 15:18 Moscow time at the 7 degrees of Sagittarius. It is a sign of fire element in astrology is considered that there is the truth above all else. Sagittarius is managed by Jupiter, the planet of good, encouraging, so that the new moon gives start high hopes.

Sagittarius inspires the true and unconditional love for travel and the search for truth, opens up new horizons. New Moon is usually associated with something new that will soon appear in your life, and the influence of Sagittarius gives a desire to experience adventure, go on a trip, find new friends. There may come new ideas for creative projects. You will have a unique opportunity to reconsider their beliefs and start to think big.

Maybe in the next two weeks you will consider issues of further education, travel plans or addicted spiritual quest. The greatest impact of the new moon in Sagittarius will have on people Mutable signs of the zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, but others will also feel the impact.

New Moon in Sagittarius brings a sense of liberation, there is the inspiration given by the stars. This quality is further emphasized by the fact that Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius sign, forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Aquarius. Those aspirations and desires that have not been implemented, will now have the momentum and limitations will be left behind.

At the same time, there is a new moon stressful aspect with Neptune in Pisces, so it is advisable to avoid making important decisions, if you are not sure. Great expectations - that's great, but there is a difference between faith and naivety. It may happen that the initial enthusiasm fades and your new beginning will not develop.

On such a day is good to make a wish, and to carry out the rituals of new beginnings. They can relate to anything: love, money, work, career.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui ##BaZi lunnyykalendar

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