Sunday, November 6, 2016

Do not break the heart itself. Not ruining your sun...

Do not break the heart itself. Not ruining your sun, do not push your moon.

Do not do it, so as not to cause yourself pain:

1. Light in connection with the Neptune:
Do not let people dismiss your feelings or downplay them.
If you feel something, it's always really for you. And no one has the right to say that it does not exist. Never. After all, none of them live in your body. Not looking your eyes. No one can survive in exactly the same way that you feel. And because no one has the right to tell you what and how you should feel, or to judge your feelings. They are important - especially for you. And do not let anyone convince you otherwise.

2. Light in connection with Mars:
Do not regret the decisions you make.
If you regret the decisions taken in the past, stop. Remember - if you took the best possible decision, based on your existing data and knowledge. These decisions are not present, you and your younger and much less experienced subsistence, and if you take them now, of course, you would have done much differently. So leave yourself alone. Time and experience magically make us wiser, richer, and help make the right decisions

3. Light in connection with the Sun:
Do not take those you love for granted.
One day, for one reason or another, you will realize that someone you really miss. And it's not how long since you have seen him or how long have you talked to him. Just you will be engaged in some in the business, and suddenly realize that you want it to be near you. Right here, right now. So value is each moment you spend with your loved ones - and try to make these moments were as much as possible.

4. The light in connection with Saturn.
Do not let your selfishness prevail over you.
Sometimes we ourselves decide to be wrong - not because we did something wrong, but because we value our relationship with some people much more than his own pride. Remember - when two people who care about each other, quarrel, they are both wrong. They put right in some issue above, a private friendship or love. And because in a situation like this right it is the one who first admit they were wrong and apologize.

5. Light in connection with the Venus / Chiron.
Do not get involved in every petty dispute come your way.
The fact that you are strong, does not mean that you must stop and fight in every tavern brawl. The fact that you are strong, does not mean that you have to answer tough replicas. And certainly not worth answering counter insults. Be above it, do not lower yourself to their level - in fact it is only that it should be. Keep calm and dignity. Truly strong people are usually smart enough to, when faced with delusions, turn away from it and leave

6. The light in connection with Jupiter:
Do not let my soul in the negative
No matter how much negativity is poured on you the other - it is not necessary for him to give up the flow and stand on the path of self-destruction, which they have been going on for a long time. How to deal with your own soul, it's you and only you. And if you are happy, determined, above all, the content of your thoughts. So be positive. And you know - the best days of your life is still ahead.

7. The light in connection with Uranus:
Do not force love.
Good personal relationships - these are the relations in which two people take each other's past support future together, and love each other enough to secure the future. So do not force love. Find a partner who will not cling to you, until you are choking, will encourage your growth, will allow you to get out of your shell and into the world will believe that you are sure to go back. This is true love, and p

8. The light in connection with the Moon:
Do not keep those who do not want to be near you.
Yes, sometimes parting with those whom you really do not want to let go, can be very painful, but believe me, if they do not want to be with you, you have them all the same does not hold, but you will be even more painful. If someone does not respond to your love and the same most of the time behaving as if you meant nothing to him ... think, whether so you want to see this person in your life? The only people who should hold the next - those hot

9. Light in connection with Mercury:
Do not ignore all the other people's advice, without exception.
The worst lie of all - that which we tell ourselves we are. A real friend and real because that always tells you the truth, whatever it was unpleasant. And because not everyone gathered together for your criticism, considering it automatically hater. Maybe someone you really hate, but it's not all the same. Some people you simply care about, which is why they tell you the truth, you subconsciously deny.

10. The light in connection with Pluto:
Do not give up. Never.
Living in hard times, if you are coming in thick fog. Not always you can see, where to go, you constantly feel that you are lost, you want to turn around and go back, and each kilometer seems an eternity. But no matter how you may be frightened or tired, you have no other way out but to continue to breathe, look at the road in front of you, keep moving forward and believe that your destiny will not abandon you. Article #@ horoscope365 #Asters

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