๐ lunar horoscope by SKYLARIA
Moon in Cancer
Here the moon is in its own sign and feels as comfortable as possible. This means that people with Moon in Cancer is very sincere, good-natured, compliant, soft and calm. They are very sensitive, emotional and sensitive, because of what can become touchy and thin-skinned. Strong intuition and intellect, wisdom, vivid imagination, a tendency to philosophize and humanities. They have a rich inner world, which they admit is not ka
1st degree of Cancer
"Outlandish ring, sealed with a large figure of a heart made of white onyx." - Indicates a man with a secret knowledge. He is extremely sensitive, full of compassion for people and doing much to help and bring joy to others. He is gifted with extraordinary strength, spreading a sense of calm and serenity. This person is probably not free from their own concerns, but it has enough force to cope with any
2 nd degree of Cancer
"Tiller, leaning against a tree, watching the other peasants, digging up the adjacent field." - Indicates that the one who gives others do the work, which he must fulfill himself. A man loves a luxurious lifestyle, it is agreeing to only receive, not bothering as it should for the sake of it. He may put forward his own philosophical concept for the protection of their deeds and will be supported throughout its current s
3rd degree of Cancer
"Climbing plants, eaten by worms and covered gazebo are unsightly." - Indicates that the person who is prone to a quiet and simple life, away from the hustle and bustle of cities. Good and trusting by nature, a person can pass on their most important business in the hands of others, entirely relying on them, thus risking to face adversity, turmoil and loss. It would be wise to be attentive to both their studies and to those to
4-th degree of Cancer
"Napivshiysya merry in costumes sleeping on the desk, his glass of red wine overturned - the contents spilled on the floor." - Indicates a romantic person, but the extravagant nature, appreciating earthly folly greater than wisdom. In his pursuit of happiness he finds nothing but fatigue, exhaustion and emptiness. It is a symbol disorientation.
5-th degree of Cancer
"A man sitting on a mountain near the gold mine, which has recently produced a boom in front of him -.. New picks and shovels He stared grimly at the paper containing reports of the most valuable discoveries in this area." - Indicates that the one who pays too much attention to rumors. Such a person is at risk before they gathered enough relevant information - such is the nature of his mind. This trend is being uncontrolled, lead him to the "country of hunger" BME
6-th degree of Cancer
"Man, generously spending money, entertains his friends, jester, hiding behind a curtain, laughs at him." - Indicates that the person to whom the money comes from, but he squanders them again and falls into poverty. This person must control their desire for extravagance, capable of attracting to it only ephemeral friends, leaving him nothing but trouble and misery. It is a symbol of extravagance.
7-th degree of Cancer
"The ancient white marble Corinthian column, crowned with gold, slightly damaged at the base." - Indicates that the one who does not know how to bend. Time does not inhibit such a person, because the beauty and grandeur on his side; However, the beauty, no matter how lofty it may be, is never complete without "cracking" and yet - it only emphasizes her. Direct column means strength, damage at the base - the fear that one is able to destroy everything if he make it possible
8-th degree of Cancer
"The editor of the newspaper at his desk, on which a lot of clippings negotiates with a man turns away from him." - Indicates a man whose position allows him to possess many secrets related to the lives of others. At his disposal is a force that will cause fear in many people with high position and reputation. The desire for material privileges can cause a man to fluctuate during the performance of their official Obl
9-th degree of Cancer
"Acrobat, speaking in the presence of a large number of people." - Indicates that the person who comes out to the public, whose ventures provide him success. He sees a lot of changes in my life, and at times he has to be very difficult, but the energy and resourcefulness of this great man and his spirit inflexible. great wealth does not "fall down" this man, but his life will not end because of a lack of funds. It is a symbol of Fame.
10-th degree of Cancer
"An artist at the easel is located on the wonderful forest glade. Sunset and the mysterious shadows of unearthly beauty fall everywhere." - Indicates a very stubborn man, endowed with artistic talent. Poetry shapes and colors found in it a mystical response. He loves the silence, and simple rural life will allow to draw his soul so much inspiration and relaxation. Such a person does not seek immortality, because it is not new to him. It penetrates VZG
11-th degree of Cancer
"The girls, adorned with wreaths of wildflowers, dancing on a green lawn." - Indicates a joyous man with a light heart and friendly nature, whose dream - to spread happiness and satisfaction wherever he may be. Such a person will be very popular and loved. He came into the world with a message of life, love, hope and the intention is not to yield to temptation and sin. It is a symbol of simplicity.
12-th degree of Cancer
"Avenue of trees to bend under the pressure of destructive storms - beautiful golden autumn leaves fall off a continuous stream." - Indicates a person whose thoughts are focused on providing himself a good financial situation in old age, he will work hard for the fulfillment of their desires. Love is such a person will suffer for calm and stormy winds of adversity will shake it in the same way as wood sotryasaemo hurricane. However, it is boron
13th degree of Cancer
"Active volcano, spewing, devastated the whole area in the district, but the peasants gathered in groups, are kept near their small houses." - Indicates that the one who was born to be in danger. He follows his desires, the enterprises participating in the very risky nature, but they are of little use and entail a great deal of trouble. Such people tend to get stuck in their beliefs and can get trapped, confronted with the views of b
14-th degree of Cancer
"The crab, climb the vertical steel harpoon on it - the ring of seven stars." - Indicates a person who did not embarrassed by the fact that encounters resistance, obstacles and difficulties, through their own efforts to gain influence and take an important and responsible position in his chosen field. His iron will is oriented toward the elusive goal and a man realizes the advantages and win. It is a symbol of invincibility
15-th degree of Cancer
"Hammer, which is used in the auction, is on top of the piles of gold coins and banknotes." - Indicates that the person leading their business with the agility and resourcefulness. Such a person will try my best to keep achieved. The position of such a person entails a real benefit, and its methods of forcing others to obey him. This man's life is not without disappointments, but he's not one of those who likes to procrastinate and wait
(Continued. In the trail. Article)
๐ To find out which is the sign and degree of your Moon, you can write your data (date, time and city of birth) in the comments or in our private messages.
##Lunnyy_goroskop Lunnyy_Rak Luna_v_Rake ###Moon #abode Cancer gradus_Luny ###Jyotish astrology #SKYLARIA

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