🌛 Lunar horoscope from SKYLARIA
Moon in Taurus (continued)
In this sign the Moon gets the greatest virtue and grant born integrity and good quality of nature, inherited from the mother. First of all, these people are very slow, they thoroughly suited to business, so they need a little more time than others. But the result of their work is impressive. They are very patient, steady, measured and stubborn. Very practical, very important material side of life, economical, tied to your property
16-th degrees Taurus
"White Dove, adorned with a pink ribbon with a little Bell, sits on the right shoulder of the man, a drinker of wine". -Indicates a fun and outgoing person who will patronize women, and Venus. Here the tendency to excessive potakaniju your weaknesses, but also with this degree involves strength limitations guide such a person on the go easy and natural history events. It is a symbol of Pleasant Zhi
17-th degrees Taurus
"Seagull flying over ocean waters." -Indicates the person, free as air, inspired, daring, restless and unsuitable to the routine of everyday life. In early childhood care about it is simply necessary. Such human-nature of the Wanderer, and frequent changes just for him. It is a symbol of Wanderings.
18-th degrees Taurus
"Festively dressed Herald blowing into the pipe, at the same time with the sound of which two Knight-one on a white horse, another battle-on black, rush towards each other with Spears slung over their shoulders." -Indicates the person very warlike nature, experience the joys of battles and contests. He loves the glitz and pageantry and anxious to be heard. Inside this man constantly there is a war between good and evil, and victory depends only on himself. This SI
19-th degrees Taurus
"Archer, dressed in red, puts arrows to the side of the Moon". -Indicates the person, who is unable to measure their capabilities and engaged in reckless and senseless acts. Such a person with a lack of self-restraint has a tendency to irritability and aggressiveness. Because of this, it will not be trusted, and he will have to suffer from their actions. It is a symbol of Wasted effort.
20-th degrees Taurus
"Flight of the White Eagles". -Indicates the owner of sublime thoughts and commensurate desires. He develops together with life, gaining respect and power. This visionary man, his dignity and give him the right to mete out good deeds. It is a symbol of Celebrity.
21-th degrees Taurus
"Racehorse under number 3, put next to the saddle goes on start". -Indicates a person who is not indifferent to the sport, which is fun in the verification and confirmation of his skill. He is usually successful. Generous, compassionate and versatile nature of such a person is attracted to him many friends, giving him popularity. It is a symbol of Sporting attitude to life.
22-th degrees Taurus
"Hand holding a torch in the darkness". -Indicates the bearer of light, whose mission is to guide and assist the development of other people. And no matter how dark is the way, his presence always brings people clarity. It's a strong man, and he knows what he meant to our world, and that's what he does. It is a symbol of leadership.
23-th degrees Taurus
"The Archangel Michael in the streams of black rain kills the Dragon. -Indicates someone who has an adamant intention and ability to pass through tests. Dragon is lust, decay and death. The Archangel Michael-this life energy from the Sun, victory over decline; black rain is evil, which entails decomposition. At a time when such a person feels his spiritual strength, it will become a true winner over the monster, whose killing claws
24-th degrees Taurus
"The prisoner has just escaped prison, tries to break their shackles with a few large stones of flint". -Indicates person surrounding haunt. Such a person will fall at a disadvantage where he freed himself and go to places where it will be better and there will be more opportunities for individual skill and achieve their own personal benefit. To clarify the situation, look at his horoscope. This symbol
25-th degrees Taurus
"A thick column of smoke, in which the visible Flash of lightning". The talented from the nature of identity, which will not be easy to achieve popularity, however, the intellectual power that person will manifest itself more specifically, precisely because of the problems encountered. When the time comes, his power will be palpable. Such a person will gain recognition for their skills and energy. It is a symbol of sophistication.
26-th degrees Taurus
"Genial giant, crushed foot broken sword, tearing to shreds the world's laws, through which people have been governed for centuries. For him-falling into the abyss of torn bags of gold coins ". -Indicates that the child of a new era, whose mindset is against dogmatism, bureaucratic systems, wars and biased justice. Distinguished by dignity, wisdom and skill, he has a bright personality and possesses the gift of persuasion. Among the controversial MN
27-th degrees Taurus
"Inventor of the punches perfectly, from the bench, enthusiastically looks at wonderful engine, which he had just assembled. The person who creates the project, necessary for all mankind. Such a person given the talent of the inventor and quick mind, so he can implement ideas at a time when others will only dream about them. It is a symbol of ingenuity.
28-th degrees Taurus
The woman looks at the crystal ball in which visible incoherent picture. " -Indicates a person who has some psychic abilities, but due to lack of focused study and practice has difficulty in understanding the true value and destination receives messages. The long and laborious occupations will bring him a reward. But that may not be enough. Here such a person would require sacrifice. This SIM
29-th degrees Taurus
"Man at the crossroads. Over it two spirit, one black and the other white. Everyone tries to influence him, but his mind is too distraught, and he cannot understand neither. " -Indicates the person, constantly surrounded by problems that, when deciding how to proceed, all time turns out to be in a quandary. He constantly dwells between the forces of opposite nature and is quite able to do like what is needed and what
30-th degrees Taurus
"A huge stone magnetite, rolling down the mountainside, crashes into a clump of ultra-strong Flint, causing a fiery blinding flash". -Indicates a brave and determined man who dares to much and many will make in order to achieve for their desires. His life is full of efforts and difficulties, but because such a person progresses over the years, this is what will allow him to gain experience, so necessary for the
🐠 to find out what is your degree of the sign and moon, can write their data (date, time, and city of birth) in the comments or us in personal messages.
#Лунный_гороскоп #Лунный_Телец #Луна_в_Тельце #exaltations #Moon #Taurus #градус_Луны ###SKYLARIA Jyotish Astrology

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