Tuesday, November 1, 2016

##Moon Astrology

Today the Moon is in the sign of...

##Moon Astrology

Today the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio

Subject sign of Scorpio - the intensity, depth, mystery, unquenchable desire, endurance, recovery. Scorpio - a sign of great opportunities, but in order to make constructive use of its powerful potential, we need a strong will and purity of thoughts. Scorpio feels the strength of our principles, our faith; and mere mortals do not like any kind of tests was, therefore, when the moon passes through Scorpio, it is often perceived as emotionally

The subconscious mind becomes very active, increases intuition, the ability to understand the inexplicable, hidden.

This time promotes concentration and concentration, increases the sharpness of mind, criticality. It is beneficial for researchers, psychologists and occultists, as well as employees of those organizations whose activity is hidden from prying eyes.

It is difficult for family and collective relations as tense emotions and spilling suddenly, immediately cover the large number of people. Out of Home Affairs at the time it is best to make repairs associated with the destruction of unwanted and obsolete, but we must be careful when working with tools. You can devote himself to that associated with the key word "revival": observed that the pronounced representatives of Scorpio have literally

Moon in Scorpio contributes to the loss of a sense of proportion in the food, drink, but especially in sexual relations, because the anatomical line of Scorpio - reproductive organs. Being in this sign, the moon increases susceptibility to genital infections, contribute to the exacerbation of diseases, so moderation will help you avoid troubles with health.

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