Friday, February 24, 2017


Aquarius, Gemini and Libra-air signs that idealistic, they...


Aquarius, Gemini and Libra-air signs that idealistic, they live in ideas and information. Aquarians are people who more easily than others to abandon their selfish part, from his "I". Because of this, they often fall into addiction, podobostrastnost', cringing.
Actually, these people turn out Saints. When the right man comes under the desired effect, he begins to serve higher ideals, to admire the life of great people. Such a person is really able to forget yourself and become a philanthropist or a monk. They do not need to ask about anything, they will do themselves. But this sometimes results in the fact that the people of this sign are doing what are asked not to touch.
Aquarians are constantly engage not in those companies, not in those relations and not in those cases that need. The renunciation of his own "I" is self hate. When they are friends with the wrong people, their energy is blocked and dissipated.

These people are wonderful, "People scattered from the street Basin"-this could be about them. They are not charismatic, unobtrusive air. Aquarians often due to denial of emotions do not understand themselves and their nature. Them difficult to learn and accept yourself. But when those people follow the correct ideas, they may become even the chiefs, chiefs, glaring in some religious communities and groups.
The symbol of Aquarius is the water carrier, a pitcher of water is the life giving water of truth for the rest of the characters. People often get confused: like air sign and draw water from a pitcher. This air sign is always ideas in themselves, which is the water of truth, the source for the rest.

#секреты_бога #SekretyBoga #ZnakiZodiaka #Jyotish #Aquarius #astrology

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