Saturday, February 18, 2017

💥Ne know what professional vector lay in a child?

💥Ne know what professional vector lay in a child?
💥Ne understand why you twirl around like a squirrel in a wheel, and the money pass by you?
💥Vy not satisfied with your work and do not know where to go?
💥Gde and than to reveal their talents to succeed?
📈O your personal guidance will tell the astrologer, psychologist Tatiana Mikheyeva
📇📊🌛Ispol'zuja your personal data and astrological charts, she offers the vector to your professional success.
👩Personal'naja consultation with an astrologer lasts 40 minutes.
• 🏻Dlja record for a consultation, you must provide your personal information: name, date, time and place of your birth, blood group.
• 🏻Stoimost' personal advice-1200 rub.
#Astrology, #astrologijaprofessija, #astrologijakar'era, #astrologcheboksary, #gdeden'gi, #jahochuuspeha, #konsul'tacijaastrolog, #career #cheboksarykar'era

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