Thursday, February 23, 2017

Retrograde Jupiter

If a natal chart has a retrograde Jupiter...

Retrograde Jupiter

If a natal chart has a retrograde Jupiter, it is said that man's spiritual for itself, without any special willingness to share spirituality with others. Or vice versa, its spirituality and not sketchy "deep down", because there is not enough direct energy of Jupiter, that could break through the negative phenomena. Retrograde Jupiter gives a small number of children (as Jupiter is Karakoy children).

Retro Jupiter will not yield favorable results that he would being in a direktnom situation, but this does not mean that such a Jupiter bad or unfavorable, no, it's all the same benefactor and "good-natured". But on the basis of the rules that the favorable planet in retrogressii less beneficial (as immersed in itself), and specific results for the period and under the periods of Jupiter expected is not worth it.
#Astrology #vedicheskajaastrologija ##retrograde Jupiter

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