Translation of the book by Howard Sasportasa "gods of change". "The TRANSIT of URANUS on the seventh House. Part 2 "-
«... Uranus will require that we reassessed the existing partnership and worked on what needs to be improved. Uranium does not wish we stayed in something solely out of a sense of duty or obligation, or from fear of the unknown. Uranium wants truth and not pretence. If the transit of Uranus on the home we want to save neudovletvorjajushhie us or are on the verge of collapse of relationships, we'd better find some way to give them new
Thank you for the translation of the practitioner of the astrologer and translator [id22699192 | Igor Sivaka], translation, 2017.
#IASTRO #Astrology #IgorSivak #translation #GovardSasportas #Uranium #transit
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Translation of the book by Howard Sasportasa "gods of change...
Astrology forecast for April 2017. Lyrid meteor shower.
#Astrology #астрологический_прогноз...
Astrology forecast for April 2017. Lyrid meteor shower.
#Astrology #астрологический_прогноз #апрель_2017
During this day you can take a...
During this day you can take a peek at the most with krovennye depth thing her events himself, see that as inside, what were your reasons gnez p roblem, vices, Hove. To see and pick them up from the depths of the subconscious to clear light mind and pony mania. Time victory n the hell fears. TCI which day the doors of the future, one of the best for the release of the new UB Wen, new spaces. avoid IMP fertile arid IU art, protected and salt
Directly from do not free themselves, and do not beat your head against the wall. But if n otrudites', will get a chance to penetrate in the essence of all phenomena, unravel any t, recognize the Ainu Ta jniki human do sh.
Good omens-Doge sq on the head, I spilled water. Bad, if broken heel shoes begin to reckon with the porv you falling teeth, eyelashes, and hair. Any sleep n tell th water begushhe ADO, and then badly (e) leave, and good ol' iblizitsja to you.
#tashatregubova #self-development #esoterics #solnechnyesutki #solnechnyjden' #10solnechnyjden' #Astrology #sovetdnja
What is a woman, who is a woman and how does she differ from a man? Men and women are different. In addition to having their own functions, the energy moves in us in different ways. The Vedas say that each person has 7 mental energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are arranged so that in men and women the energy in these centers moves in different ways. Y to
We'll start from the bottom. The lowest chakra - muladhara. It is responsible for the survival and offspring, and it is arranged in such a way that men, this chakra is activated, and the woman is passive. That is man gives energy, and the woman accepts it.
This means that this male function is to give protection.
Protection for women's survival. Provide basic security. Our task - to focus on their responsibilities. Responsibilities of women in this area - to learn to accept. Most of us have a problem with that. As planned, we should fully trust the man, and rely on him - that he would take care of us.
At us, at many of us, there are any generic scenarios and other traumas. Very often we do not let a man care about us at all. Very often, women say: "Oh, I would like a strong shoulder." But in practice it turns out to be so scary to trust that it's easier to do everything yourself.
If a woman begins to take care of herself, for example, herself and her children, then the chakra begins to work in a masculine way, it begins to be active. If a woman has a husband next to her, then he has nothing left, and his chakra becomes passive. That is, he begins to take, and give the woman. And this situation is very difficult to break afterwards. Because a woman, in order to somehow change this situation, one must abandon this, as it were, to jump without a parachute
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Mountains of Krasnaya Polyana Olympic village Plateau Rose height 1170m...
Mountains of Krasnaya Polyana Olympic village Plateau Rose height 1170m in 2014 athletes lived here and now, here the class ski resort.
#adlerjoga #KrasnajaPoljana #jogaputeshestvie #jogatur #Happiness #Jyotish Vedic Astrology #@ #Rosa Khutor
Inside every man there is a struggle of the evil...
Inside every man there is a struggle of the evil Wolf good. Always wins the Wolf, whom are you feeding.
Native American wisdom
#astropsihologij #Astrology #волка_кормит
One should never explain anything. Whoever doesn't want to...
One should never explain anything. Whoever doesn't want to listen, hear and will not believe, but those who believe and understand, needs no explanation.
#astropsihologij #Astrology #не_стоит_объяснять #hears
Karma and cancer (June 22-July 22). We...
Karma and cancer (June 22-July 22). We all throughout his life, trying to comprehend what Crayfish are born into the light: the most important thing, as people should care about its true I cancer lives in harmony with the world, when he finds his house inside is one of the challenges in life. Home is the place where people feel safe, where his love and where the care-and you must know the Cancer that he had such a place exists. Only then will he be able to p
#MagijaDushi #magic #esoterica #рак_знак_зодиака ##Рак_и_карма #horoscope astrology
Lunar nodes, or guide to life (continued)
Multifunctional obosobljajushhee quality...
Lunar nodes, or guide to life (continued)
Multifunctional obosobljajushhee quality Southern node often vividly manifests itself in practice. And South node happens to be more noticeable than the North node. And it is not surprising, because the South node-gained experience that differentiates us from other people with these experiences are not only useful, but also the problem of accumulation, the main sense which can be expressed by the words "not as others", "something is wrong".
To understand that it is not so-we must look at the position of the Nodes in the houses of the horoscope. One day I had to work with someone whose birth was known very inaccurate, and therefore, the birth horoscope was a mere hypothesis, derived from a long and difficult process of rectification. To check how acceptable this hypothesis, I took from the horoscope a few notable factors and met with a client, namerevaja
What question could I ask? 4-th House is the roots, origins, family, parent, and most likely from 2 's parents-most likely the father. Kuspid House-the point at which the quality of the House expressed most vividly, and if there really is South node, the parent of my client's family might be related to something special. The question sounded something like this: "wasn't linked to your parent family something that provided them, and therefore you
The answer sounded good: "my father was a prisoner and died from prison." Is it possible to illustrate the situation, isolating brighter isolating Southern site on 1 c? In another similar case a woman South node was in the middle of 4 houses. Not on kuspide, so the situation is not as bright, but still curious. Her grandfather was a Hindu, while all other ancestors-entirely Russian, she lived all his life in Russia. Again the exception from the General stream.
Interestingly, in keywords for Lunar nodes (Munkasey) often sound tunnels, culverts, pipes and other similar objects. A pair of Lunar nodes very well describes exactly the pipe, because the pipe gives some common thread (North node), but only due to the separation of its interior cavity from Wednesday (South node). It is also interesting that many people who had okolosmertnyj experience, remember about movement on a tunnel. Wasn't this direct FEA
South node is inseparable from the North. They form a complementary pair, and in the horoscope you can imagine vector, or arrow, based on the South node, and edge points to the North. A pair of Lunar nodes in the horoscope sets the vector of individual human evolution, indicating which way it is better to go to turn collective goals in individual experience to living in circumstances of ongoing life, gradually approaching the goal of her existence.
It remains to understand what he is talking about this vector. Here I would like to move from theory to practice and offer the key to the interpretation of the Lunar nodes. If you strive for brevity's sake, we can say this: go there, where shows North node and South node issues will be solved then themselves.
In an effort to solve the problems of the South node directly, you only usugubite. Remember the image of the "River of life". You can not swim to unexplored target, and back, on land already mastered. You will instantly feel that wrong-it will have to go against the tide. You decide so task North node, because will not move to the goal. But the problem remains unsolved also Host South, hardens in place-it will cease to grow projd
Author: Alexander Kolesnikov
(continued tomorrow)
◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠
#lunnyeuzly #Karma #astrology
Start today! At 8:00 pm Msk
Secrets of aspects...
Start today! At 8:00 pm Msk
Secrets of aspects in practice
Aspects in Natal astrology is the most complicated and confusing topic. In many books, you'll find that means square between the Moon and Jupiter or opposition Venus and Pluto. But often, these interpretations are very blurry and does not fit the definition of personality.
Virtually no one is talking about the technology of reading aspects. What is the area of opposition? How can they be worked out? But aspects in astrology are making the most of the weather, creating the unique individuality and particularity of every person.
If you want to master the techniques of accurate reading aspects, learn how to develop intense aspects, then we invite you to take part in the new free webinar Paul Dementieva "secrets aspects in practice"
Read more:
You will learn:
How do aspects in Natal astrology
Reading levels aspects
Psychological and event aspects
The main rule of reading aspects
How does the opposition?
Prorabota the opposition with Saturn
Compensation technology of intense aspects
Want to participate and learn about aspects of
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Today's new moon in Aries. And we worked on...
Today's new moon in Aries. And we worked on it perfectly. Active games played, arranged so that our desires are never faster!
In General, crippled from Aries all that could.
Photo at the start of the evening. Therefore, not all even approached. Behind the scenes @astrolog_kseniya
Girls! Thanks for coming! I love you!!!
#moiastrologi #shkolaastrologii #prorabotkanovolunija #astropatilunavumate #astrogoliki #Astrology #bonilena #new moon
Effect of...
Effect of eclipses in houses of the horoscope
ECLIPSE IN THE 1ST HOUSE. Eclipses are usually the true attitude to problems at home. When fatal'nom horoscope man inexorably and fatally carries into the abyss. Very often the person does on their own fateful error, try something that is taboo. Triggered the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We can say that Adam and Eve were born in Eclipse. Eve plucked the Apple when Eclipse was it (I) home, and Adam to the 7th House. Beguiled their snakes, w
Loop snake is the Lunar nodes. Venus was in Taurus means, Eva on ascendentu was a Taurus. Venus and Sun were on the Asc, and Adam at the Asc was Scorpio. When the Eclipse in the 1st House person is useless to prove something, it pulls to try the new, he behaves like a child becomes infantil'no curious. But for your curiosity might suffer on the functions of this House. Even smart people with Eclipse in the 1st House become blunt, meets trouble. When then
ECLIPSE IN II HOUSE. To Eclipse the man usually normal attitude to money and riches, and when Eclipse becomes pathologically greedy, begins to accumulate. In this case, his relationship to the problems of fatal house II. Money will fail as in the sand when sunny Eclipse and when the Lunar Eclipse — in the swamp. Will fatal wasting, Eclipse as though selects extra finance. The food is not going to be retained, the person starts to eat more. It is as if hungry. But any action
Eclipse in the 2nd House gives a person the unsteady ground. He becomes unsure of its security, indecisive as the base. Due to fatal uncertainty people turns into chrevougodnika, fatally attracted material problems. It even warned that he would not spend funds for the purchase, but he still spends. All purchase go ashes, for example, he bought a carpet, but it eats Mole, car-crashes, dear
ECLIPSE IN THE 3RD HOUSE. Fatal problems can arise from relatives, contacts, gossip. People don't run away from your contacts, it will always say. On a more serious level appears fatal fussiness, small weight and pointless Affairs, events. This is a very serious figure. Positively they operate only for serious people, who have prepared for change. Eclipse acted according to the principle, if they do not destroy, then reinforce.
Man, that has stood the test of Eclipse, strengthens its position gets full compensation by the end of the cycle. But this will only occur when a person prepared to it. When evil Nodes, if a person is not getting ready for Eclipse will be incomprehensible conflicts with relatives, travel troubles, it hurts reflected denunciations, gossip. Everything will be at best vanity, meaningless, stupid and unnecessary talk, promises. Specia
ECLIPSE IN THE 4TH HOUSE. The most severe effects gives the Eclipse when it plays in the angular houses. One of the worst manifestations of Eclipse on IV home. The closer to the nadir plays Eclipse the more touches home, family. In the worst case possible divorce, robbing houses. The troubles that occur in the home, you need to determine the sign. If it is in the sign of Water, then the House can pour water, fire sign is fire. This test under the roof of his house. In academia
ECLIPSE IN 5TH HOUSE. Eclipse can cause abortions, miscarriages, trouble with children, lost in the games. Adversely affects the health of random links.
ECLIPSE IN THE 6TH HOUSE. In the best case, the fatal addiction, Submissive, heavy load at work. Chronic diseases can occur.
ECLIPSE IN THE 7TH HOUSE. Often people imprisoned, a sharp conflict, fighting with opponents. When the Eclipse in the seventh House of the husband and wife must try less contact pulls swear.
ECLIPSE IN THE 8TH HOUSE. Does not cause the man to death, is not as terrible as, for example, in the 7th House. There is a fatal fear, threat, some morbid expectation of danger. In the worst case, a person becomes witness something terrible, increasing the risk of exposure to black magic, spoilage. This impact will be rather metaphysical, not shown on the physical plane. Because the House is not angled, and the average, so the effect of the Eclipse is weaker.
ECLIPSE IN THE 9TH HOUSE. Proigraetsja weaker than VIII home. Often this ideological infighting, disappointment in the teachings, the failure of the long-haul travel, travel. May appear serious enemies from afar, all roads are destroyed. People quickly falls under the influence of false ideologies.
ECLIPSE IN THE 10TH HOUSE. Possible collapse, falling from a height. Destiny at stake, can lose just made, total destruction. Possible total collapse and fail. For politicians Eclipse in X House can serve as a collapse in his career. In the best case will test the strength, hardening and loneliness since significator X home Saturn. Rarely in humans are in trouble.
ECLIPSE IN THE 11TH HOUSE. All plans come true with precision "to the contrary". Identifies the true value of the human environment, who is a friend and who is foe.
ECLIPSE IN XII HOUSE. Man in jail is not planted, but may appear as mental illness, fears, miserable and low position. All secret becomes obvious. Prison metaphysically plays at the domestic level, burned out the mystery. A person becomes a pathetic, despicable person, very passive before any tests, an exaggeration of the dangers in life. On eclipses in falling houses don't need to deepen, because this is the weakest of the Eclipse. But if these Eclipse
from the book "Globalization negative predictive Astrology P.p.» Minsk, 1995
#лунное_затмение ##лунный_день #Astrology forecast
#Astrology #viv'enrobson #book #gift #natal'nyekarty #informacijadljaastrologov #ljubov'kastrologii
#Astrology #viv'enrobson #book #gift #natal'nyekarty #informacijadljaastrologov #ljubov'kastrologii

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🙏 CENTER "AGE of AQUARIUS" recommends! 🙏
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-Introduction to astrology
-Signs of the Zodiac, planets stewards
-Classification of the signs of the Zodiac on the elemental spheres, crosses
-Planets and their cycles
-Planets in the signs of the Zodiac
Aspects of planets (minor, major, harmonious, tense)
-Houses or fields of the horoscope
-Formula of happiness or unhappiness in the horoscope
-Lunar nodes, vital human space program purpose
-Karmic or fictitious point in the horoscope: Black Moon and the white moon. (Lilith and Selena)
-Sinastricheskij analysis, compatible partners in marriage, business, etc.
-Profession according to the signs of the Zodiac
-Transits in predictive astrology
-Ephemeris spreadsheet fundamentals
Practical activities
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#Gift #beauty #Venus #знаки_зодиака #astrology
#Gift #beauty #Venus #знаки_зодиака #astrology
(Inside a gift for all participants! 😃)
Every woman in the map have Venus in the sign and House. Her position will tell you how and what to do to a woman to become attractive. In other words, your code on the beauty and success of men look on the status of Venus in the natal chart.
Venus in Aries
Add to your image and manner of dress something bright, provocative and exciting. The color red to help you. Venus in Aries is similar to Amazon, fiery, flamboyant, dangerous. As often as you update your wardrobe. Improvise, change your image, hairstyle.
Venus in Aries is ignited from the whole of the graceful, elegant and a bit of shouting. Actively show your feelings, you are a woman is the leader!
Venus in Taurus
In terms of image and clothes you recommended classic, vivid and provocative colors are undesirable. Stick the image calm, a little home and confident women. Expensive accessories, decorations also include your Venus.
Venus in Taurus especially ignited from a good perfume, cosmetics. Also go easy fitness or yoga, massage regularly.
Venus in Gemini
You light and a little youth style. In the image are allowed different experiments. Your goal is to create an image of a light and cheerful woman. In terms of accessories do not use expensive or heavy jewelry. The simplest clothes and jewelry will fire up your Venus.
Venus in cancer
In image and clothes primarily follow the rules of comfort. Avoid provocative and strident style. Silver jewellery and pearls will help engage your Venus. You also don't want a strict style.
🎁🎁🎁PODAROK-in order to determine the position of Venus in the sign of the zodiac in your horoscope, write in a personal message to Yulia Astrologer Khoroshko marked with "Venus"
Venus in Leo
Here you all bright, unusual. Your goal is to create an image of the Empress. Ornaments of gold are welcome. High heel, elegant hat and mysterious dark glasses razzadorjat quickly your Venus.
It is also recommended that you stick to any brand. A proud, showcase your originality, even if you are feeling shy or not quite sure yet.
Venus in Virgo
Here is a classic, as they say: "no sex". Strict clothing, pastel colors. Your image should not be flashy but practical and convenient. Be extremely careful with experiments in clothes or haircut.
Especially Venus in Virgo is lighted from all kinds of beauty treatments aimed at rejuvenation. Use light and unobtrusive Accessories: neckerchiefs, elegant brooch. The best will be the style of minimalism.
Venus in Libra
Austere modern, elegantly chosen accessories under the eye color will warm your Venus in Libra. Extremely not recommended free and easy style.
Venus in Scorpio
We recommend that you add to your image something very provocative, blatant and dangerous. Crimson and black tone will help. The challenge is to create an image of a woman of mystery, puzzle, which I'd like to reveal.
Venus in Sagittarius
You easy and playful image. Ethnic style thereby your Venus in Sagittarius.
Venus in Capricorn
Uniquely classic business style. Nothing superfluous, nothing brilliant. Elegant minimalist Accessories: dark belts, scarves will include your Venus in Capricorn. In the image there should be restraint and austerity.
Venus in Aquarius
Allowed image everything unusual, extraordinary, any experimentation with fashion or appearance is very welcome. Unusual hair color, an unusual accessory undoubtedly will include your Venus in Aquarius. A more conservative look suggests that your wardrobe unique dresses (which no one else has).
Venus in Pisces
You are advised to stick to the image of women. Scarves, shawls, kerchiefs, light exotic accessories will help you. In clothing can attend some razboltannost' or as they like to say painters: creative mess.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Natal horoscope (birth horoscope) constructed at the time of birth...
Natal horoscope (birth horoscope) constructed at the time of birth and place of birth and destiny of man: laid down in it capabilities, aptitudes and circumstances of life. And forecasts help you in making important decisions and will learn many interesting facts about his life!
Please contact us if you have any issues.
#natal'najakarta #Astrology #astropsiholog #kartazhizni #vseosebe
vajber vatsap 89996342400
#astroprognoz ###forest reserve prediction #tarozapovednogolesa #astrology
March B.E.
#astroprognoz ###forest reserve prediction #tarozapovednogolesa #astrology
March B.E.
At 6 am we are waiting for the new moon in Aries. In fact, this is the first new moon of the new astrological year which started on March 20 and is generally already full-fledged start of the solar year.
Relatively calm day-the beginning of a new lunar cycle usually gives no special ignition energy for activity and conflict, while the Moon and in Aries. Rather it is an internal fuse start something, finally begin to act in any way after a difficult month decline in connection with retro-Venus and the end of the annual cycle. Recall that in new moon it is undesirable to take important steps in any case, take decisions and fully trusted but
In the evening the Moon reaches the complex configuration, which is already quite a long time hanging in the sky. And again, it can be a trigger for a crisis situation and breakthrough in the stagnant question. Much depends on the individual forecast.
Night promises to be turbulent and violent dreams.
Astrology again surprised me 😃 there are situations in practice, when...
Astrology again surprised me 😃 there are situations in practice, when people do not know at what time they were ⏰ Then comes to the aid of rectification-clarifying birth time on important events in life. But, what about that tells your appearance! I didn't expect such a turn, thanks to new seminar 🙏 now I scan every man on the street. If you see for yourself my gaze-do not worry, all for the sake of scientific interest and 🤗
#Astrology #rectification #astrokonsul'tacija #horoscope of #znakizodiaka
In the horoscope...
In the horoscope of each person has a destiny, the axis defines life lessons and a fateful situation. It is determined by the Lunar nodes.
Years and periods when the North node of the Moon was in Leo:
North node in Leo symbolizes the fighting will. In this incarnation, the individual learns to develop inner strength. Very often he was not someone to rely on. The individual eventually realizes that if his life should be better, it must be created by him. But before he could create something, it must overcome its apathy and carelessness.
It still continues the trend of past life, feeling self-pity due to lack of friends when they need you most. In moments of stress others always seem to be missing. Common periods of loneliness, isolation and retreat, in many cases.
Eventually, when it was decided that little may reject individual from his fate. He must know that his isolation is used for gathering the forces. Very capable to strong leadership in this life, this individual must learn to overcome all doubts.
Past desires friendly relations weakened it, because they have little strengthen its confidence. It should more focus on purpose, rather than follow the usual trend of waste energy. Interestingly, while continuing to think that need other to answer their questions, he rarely takes their advice.
He has friends from all walks of life. In a sense, it increases its capacity, because now they bring him knowledge, which he earned in previous incarnations.
When determination takes root, stops on the road to success will not be because the individual doesn't like to rest on something second-class. A lot of thoughts is devoted to the future. In fact, he used to live in it until one day he comes to the realization that "today is yesterday's future" and that nothing will exist in the future that created today!
He is not one of those easy to understand and will do everything to enhance their individuality. In previous incarnations, he removed himself from the majority and allow yourself to go its own way. Now he is proud to be different from others, and cares not so much about the traditions of society, but rather the rules which it has set for itself.
The main difficulty of the individual in this life is the lack of control. He can direct his force on useless projects, not yet aware that no one will stand over him with a whip. Based on past knowledge, he can do something for the benefit of all mankind.
Many people with this position of the nodes move from poverty to wealth; big changes are coming after the tendency to overlook is transformed into the ability to observe! They are amazed when they discover talents last life, the existence of which is not suspected.
You can achieve happiness, if found, which dedicate the remainder of his life. Moreover, unyielding principles should be found so that an individual felt that he creates something substantial. Then he would reconcile his life with them.
The activity of other people reminds him of his own past incarnations. He wants life was moving on a straight course, and at the same time wants to keep its full independence. As a result, it was difficult for him to tolerate other people, which constrains its style — he will constantly check the limits.
South node in Aquarius brings with it the roots of past life, strongly have penetrated in the principles of Justice and equality. In the current life of the individual is able to be independent so that it can express their inner beliefs, not embarrassing others. His job now is to show people so vividly or so powerfully as he can, the ways in which the world can overcome its burden. He achieved highest achievements, if subordinate
There is no doubt that this is a good material leadership, because deeply rooted in a past life, the sense of Justice of Aquarius never violated. This individual is able to make revolutionary changes in what was once an established tradition. He amazed and fascinated by all the possibilities, which can reach people. At the same time he was irritated when he sees people regretting about own limitations, since it is well
He tends to stay high to its not ridiculed for those beliefs that he so wanted to express. While his ability to love growing, all remaining it is not so far from the surface. Continued attraction of his past life in short-term charm continues to churn it out of the way, making a clear vision of his true self. Thus, his achievements — the only real barometer of his values.
He may sometimes wish for loneliness, but never live without people, because the blooms on their admiration for his accomplishments. He believes in justice, but quickly forgives when people admit that they are wrong, and never hit the lying. He is so honest that it is inconvenient to participate in any competition that includes cheating.
Things that aren't bothered by it in past incarnations, suddenly become important when it starts rather closed in life than parted from her. Although Karma his life today is the use of his uranianskoj ingenuity through practical and traditional outputs a lion, he still is struggling to maintain its unique character.
Some people with this situation, the Nodes hold the later years of his life in solitude. Others, being married, still adhere to the independence and tend to keep other family members on the periphery of its range.
The situation in the House of the South node points to the sphere of life where the needs of past life in originality and are still looking for freedom of expression. The situation in the House of the North node indicates the sphere of life, through which all energy cards can be focused on a significant new shining creation — the gift of generosity the world. Indeed, this provision Nodes "inventor".
Source-chapter from the book of Martin Shulman "Lunar nodes and reincarnation."
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#cosmovoice #prediction #recognize #think #slowly #Astrology #helped @ Kiev Kotovskogo Street
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Monday, March 27, 2017
NEW MOON in Aries 28 MARCH 2017 ✨
Next week begins...
NEW MOON in Aries 28 MARCH 2017 ✨
Next week begins with a new moon, which will be an approximately 6 a.m. Moscow time at Tuesday 28 March. Therefore, it is recommended that Monday to protect their forces and health, to complete the case, get rid of all the superfluous and outdated (which will facilitate and retrograde Venus), to restore order in the House and in thoughts. The most negative and painful thoughts you can write on a piece of paper and burn. Because the Fiery energy Tuesday require us to clean them
Aries is the sign of the beginning of the creative process and the first step of the soul to incarnation cycle experience and involvement in the process of spiritual renewal. Together with the Moon in Aries turns stellium five planets, and the upcoming new moon very powerfully activates energy of this sign. Time of important change and transformation, demonstrating its individuality, will and creativity. Aries is esoterically linked to uranium and Mercury that will initiate a new bright and CME
New Moon energy affect all characters, and more (on Sun and ASN)-Aries, Libra, Aquarius, dev, Capricorns, as well as those who have other significant planet in these signs.
Define and set your goals, rather than strangers, and follow the stars you support ✨
All successful week ❤
#Astrology #NovolunievOvne #Alhimijazvezd
Sunday, March 26, 2017
🍀Muzyka relaxation 🍀
#Школа_азбука_счастья #Astrology #meditation #practice #raskrytie_istinnoj_sebja #Shkola_zhenskogo_schast'ja #realizacijazhelanij...
🍀Muzyka relaxation 🍀
#Школа_азбука_счастья #Astrology #meditation #practice #raskrytie_istinnoj_sebja #Shkola_zhenskogo_schast'ja #realizacijazhelanij #happiness [club126191613 | @magiaizhizni]
March 25, 2017 year Horoscope by zodiac signs
Today 25...
March 25, 2017 year Horoscope by zodiac signs
Today 25 March-84-th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Before the end of the year remains 281 day.
Horoscope for Aries on March 25, 2017 year
Today devote part of their free time any useful lessons. For example, you can try upgrading your kitchen or pantry. Even if you are not satisfied with their forms, avoid starvation, try Eating nutritious food chilling effect on poor menu. Lose weight and make a more slender shape will help exercise. This is an opportune time for the onslaught on nature, in the Park, on a summer residence.
Horoscope for Taurus on March 25, 2017 year
Today you will hardly be able to sit idle, so the stars will not recommend you to choose passive recreational activities. Being a very reputable figure in the eyes of others, you will be able to personally take the lead in any risky activity. Body treatments (e.g., flavorful hot bath) will give a good effect only when you want to spend your time for the sake of your own or someone else's good.
Horoscope for Gemini on March 25, 2017 year
Today, sophisticated intellectual pursuits are focused practical action. May this day you prefer frivolous entertainment or reading your favorite book chores (e.g., cooking for the whole family). Don't forget that any case initiated at that time quickly takes a systemic and cannot be completed until all the parts are brought to perfection.
Horoscope for cancer on March 25, 2017 year
Today, all your effort has good prospects. If you need additional tools or brute force, you will quickly find an appropriate source of assistance. Do not hesitate to contact the support of representatives of stronger sex. They will gladly help you cope with the problem. Don't forget the delicious feed all your team, or have a friendly posidelku.
Horoscope for Leo on March 25, 2017 year
Demonstrate personal initiative on this day is not enough. That other people believe you and went for you, show your availability, the ability to produce material goods or to dispose of them. Without this your family or other event could be in jeopardy. It is not excluded that today you will need additional funds to maintain their own status (for example, when receiving important guests).
Horoscope for Virgo on March 25, 2017 year
Today, you are able to seize the initiative and begin the parade, if you want. It is possible that you will find yourself in a society of people from afar or will seek to contact with opinion leaders. Time spent in the company secured, enterprising, respected people, not will pass unnoticed. This is the appropriate time to increase physical activity and active sex life.
Horoscope for Libra on March 25, 2017 year
Today, the worst possible time for complete idleness. Try to do specific chores, which at another time you usually do not reach the hands. It does not pursue quantity made and strive above all to quality implementation of each stage of work. The better you do the job in the afternoon, the nicer you will the long-awaited opportunity to relax and unwind in the evening.
Horoscope for Scorpio on March 25, 2017 year
Today your precious half can be for you or the subject of acute jealousy or role model. It is possible that you will idealize the ability of a loved one in many areas. With you willingly share any benefits if you agree to show reverence and temporarily remain in that tandem on sidelined.
Horoscope for Sagittarius on March 25, 2017 year
Enjoyment of life today is quite compatible with the work for the sake of his or another's benefit. Maybe you should help parents or do landscaping your home. Ask about the health of their colleagues and how they spend the weekend. Most likely, they will be pleased to have your attention and care. For your well-being during this time will be useful to moderate physical activity.
Horoscope for Capricorn in March 25, 2017 year
Today you can wake up, lauding the makings. Hand in your organization or someone else's vacation, you don't stop halfway, and script created by you proves to be simply enchanting. In your personal life you will be capable of increased activity and perseverance (which might not expect from themselves). It is not impossible aggravation of sexual instinct, risky game eagerness to sensual enjoyments.
Horoscope for Aquarius on March 25, 2017 year
Good day for the improvement of living conditions. Today is the right time to continue the unpleasant or dangerous technical process, once you have paused for one reason or another: for instance, perestilki floors, rearranging furniture. If you are not able to cope with this task yourself, feel free to contact us for help to other people, you will be easy to find a skilled Wizard.
Horoscope for Pisces on March 25, 2017 year
The atmosphere of the day not conducive to indolence and relaxation. The desire to get everything in life is the ability to show activity in the search for the necessary. It is not excluded that the object of their lust (gastronomic, sexual, aesthetic) you are ready to go to the end of the world. Today there may be meetings with influential people, willing to pay generously to your every whim.
March 25, 2017 lunar calendar year
Waxing Crescent, 27th lunar day
Day emotionally stressful enough. You can only start a well-designed and well-planned case, otherwise you may encounter problems. Not worth to schedule meetings with anyone who is not associated with you, kinship, however important they may seem — success is communication.
Day of kindness and mercy, searching and finding their spiritual core, its path. It is advisable to spend the day with family. Try not to succumb to the hectic talk less and listen more.
Lunar horoscope for the 27th lunar day from Tamara Globa and Pavel Globa
Symbol-Trident, Rod.
Neptune day, who played all of its mysteries. Associated with water and sea journeys. Also the day of receipt of the sacred knowledge.
It is recommended to meditate, because on that day, perhaps intuitive insight. In the 27-th day should be less than look in the mirror; It is better to do without it.
Love, born on this day, live in a State of constant change and fluctuations. This is the eternal thirst for knowledge with travelers, vagabonds, mystics, visionaries, healers (Neptune "manages" drugs). At the highest spiritual level it is people able to perfect love, lowest-drunkards, addicts. Before born in 27-th lunar day faces the challenge of mastering meditation, cosmic creation, but they must show a lot of willpower to "weed out" the lower world. N
Stones-purple transparent Amethyst, Emerald, aduljar, pink and Crimson quartz, selenite.
Name day 25 March
Alexander, Vladimir, Gregory, Dmitry, Ivan, Constantine, Simeon, Sergey, Theophanes, Phinehas, Barontij, Desiderius, Dismas, Jel'fvold.
Folk calendar March 25
Theophanes. Theophanes, prolomi Nast.
On Theophanes fogs — harvest flax, oats and hemp. On this day, in the form of food, birds drop out of hemp and flax seeds. Special care on this day showed the horses to not get sick: "If the horse gets sick, Theophanes all summer will be hurt." To protect against disease and evil horses led to the spring and put with silver, that is submerged in water a silver coin or gold ring.
Coming off of the snow cover. Termination of the sliding action. Complete thawing of the soil. Planting in ground radish seeds. Coli in the Warrens of the snow begins to melt on the South side, it means that summer will be short and cold.
Signs of 25 March
Crows perch on the ground or snow is warming.
Loach fish in clear weather starts wagging his long body in the Aquarium — the approaching bad weather.
Foxes and hares, moose and wild boars are moving from their usual habitats at higher — to strong-compatible.
#Astrology horoscope prediction ###goroskopnaden' ###weekend Saturday March #spring #25th March/
☀Neptun and Uranus, the best creators vselennoy.🌹
##Znakizodiaka astrology horoscope #
☀Neptun and Uranus, the best creators vselennoy.🌹
##Znakizodiaka astrology horoscope #
🌝 Moon in Pisces ♓ recommendations for the day.
At this time...
🌝 Moon in Pisces ♓ recommendations for the day.
At this time, people are emotional, sensitive, compassionate and sentimental. When the Moon is in Pisces hard to hard work, it is difficult to force myself to do something. I want to relax, dream, sleep late. At the same time, people often feel sorry for themselves, they want to feel empathy and involvement of others. The behavior appears moodiness, anxiety, tearfulness, melancholy, desire to run away from problems. Some people in
It is recommended to:
✔ Engage in creative work. This period is good for people in the arts. You can organize exhibitions, presentations of works and concerts.
✔ A great time for social and charitable activities, volunteer work, to refer to the patrons, sponsors.
✔ The Moon in Pisces for a romantic dating, dates, engagements, weddings and family celebrations.
✔ This time can also be used for spiritual development - to go to church, do meditation, spiritual or occult practices.
✔ Good to go on nature, especially near a body of water, sit in silence. To improve your health and cleanse you can go to the sauna, take a dip in the lake or just pour cold water.
Not recommended
❌ begin important tasks and projects.
❌ unfortunate period for hair clippers, pedicure.
❌ better to give up alcohol, as far as possible not to use strong medicine, products of questionable quality.
❌ bad time for mountaineering, trips to the mountains.
Author: Anna Vergeles
Photo: Elena Sheidlin
Saturday, March 25, 2017
THE HOUSE OF THE HOROSCOPE. House 6 and 12 House...
THE HOUSE OF THE HOROSCOPE. House 6 and 12 House horoscope.
(Elena Brova)
6 Kuspid House in Scorpio, ruler 6 House in Scorpio or in conjunction with Pluto.
● Pluto manages the most unpleasant diseases are often severe and treatable with great difficulty. Yes and all incurable Pluto controls too.
BUT it is important to understand that the most important task of Pluto-give a man a chance, and if he enjoys it, then make him rethink their values! It is for this and the justification of such serious diseases.
When properly implemented, the capacity of Pluto, holders of 6 houses in Scorpio can be very good health and a strong Constitution. BUT is the main word here is "correct application".
Pluto and Scorpio, very powerful energy indicators. 6 House, represents the human Toolkit gives shestidomnym Scorpios enormous physical and mental stamina, but as you know, Scorpion, a female character, and therefore it is able to accumulate energy well but bad it resets. To reset an external impulse.
What will happen if energy is not reset? Scorpio can accumulate it so much that she begins to "zabolachivat'sja", "zashlakovyvat'sja", and of the physical and mental strength to turn into one big "kaku" for the card holder.
Unspent energy Scorpion turns into resentment, manipulation, grudges, suspiciousness, generally in all sorts of destructive energies. And being related to 6 House, she sends this stream of negativity against human health! He may think that he has "strong energy that everyone is afraid of him, that he is capable of one his gaze make anyone feel bad, etc. and, of course, so be it (this is his" tool "
We will definitely return to the question of working conditions and discipline, but talking about health, it is important to mention that the work literally "wear and tear", and even more so in difficult conditions, one of the best preventive measures for the owner of Pluto or Scorpio in house 6.
Their treatment is, first of all, the treatment of its own energy. Firstly, they must want to get well, and secondly, having the desire to get well, their main way of changing his life (important! Not the disease, and even to life!).
Make them get better if they do not want to simply impossible. They really can "eat" itself from the inside, regardless of the procedure, the doctor will conduct with them. Their personal energy in 100 times stronger than any external therapy. All the stories of recovery from the cycle "help yourself", is primarily a story about a Scorpion.
Of course, following the intended symbolism of Pluto, in their quest for health they can use magic manipulation, but as practice shows, it is often the original shooting condition leads to illness care inside. And in the case of Pluto, on the contrary, it is important to withdraw their State of outward, as saying "the light of God», to consider them under the light, to understand yourself, forgive yourself, accept yourself, quietly aligning its energy and t
Same here! Remember that Pluto is a sexual energy! In this connection, a lot of health problems, is a consequence of violation of sexual harmony. People who have an ASN MEMBER, 6 or 8 homes in one way or another connected with Pluto, it is important to remember-regular, satisfying sex life is an important protector of disease!
With regard to the disease. I think by analogy with previous lectures, you are not difficult to understand that Pluto controls infectious diseases, and, especially, of course, sexually transmitted diseases.
Scorpion fixed, female Sign, which means that it induces illness to chronic stage. It should be noted that the consequences of these infections can have a global impact on the reproductive function.
The sexual organs, and internal and external managed by Pluto. And sexual function is generally controlled by him. Hence the standard men's "sores"-adenoma, prostatitis, disruption of spermatogenesis (again reproductive function), potency, etc.
Penis generally comes under the administration of the Scorpion, therefore having Pluto or Scorpio in house 6, especially in defeat, we can say that this body is under threat.
Women's Pluto can cause all kinds of vaginitis, vaginozov, herpes (men as well), kandidozy, mastitis, menstrual disorders, early menopause, PMS, etc.
In both sexes of all viral infections are trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes (genital), human papilloma virus, HIV, AIDS, etc.
Pluto governs organs of small pelvis. Hence all congestion, peritoneal commissures, inflammatory processes in the small pelvis (ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, rectum and bladder). Can be immediately and varicosity of the veins of the pelvis. And of course injuries (in case of Mars), etc.
Naturally, everything here is Oncology. Pluto is in General responsible for Oncology, the most affected States are easier to determine on Character or Planets, which amazes Pluto (Pluto in cancer or in connection with the Moon-eyes, female reproductive system and breast, stomach. Sun-eyes, brain, including dorsal. Mars-brain and blood, etc.).
Scorpion manages the anus and rectum. It is a cause of hemorrhoids, fissures, rectal atonicescie constipation, etc.
Here, by the way, and the mucosa of the nose and pharynx-so the probability of infectious diseases of these organs.
Once again, sex life, energy State (not crushing, and pull out, consider, overestimate, etc.) are key players in the field of health 6 holders House in Scorpio or Pluto in 6 House.
Well help shestidomnym Scorpions and different energy practices, including yoga. Here is the only Yoga it is not such that a person devotes 40 minutes 3 times a week and performing exercises spared himself and the one where he worked to exhaustion and then another slightly. Exactly the same can be said about the sport-it can be used as a preventive measure, but it is again "to wear". If the winner of 6 houses in Scorpio will zhal
As for crayfish is an emotional component and experiencing emotions is the main thing that generates health or illness shestidomnogo Scorpion. So before blaming the world pout injustice — think about the implications and urgently start to understand yourself is what makes so respond? what you should understand about yourself? What are the things in themselves should take? Why is that not accepted so much broadcast to others? How do I get it
And vice versa-if you already have reason to believe that the disease came (especially Oncology course)-start to understand yourself — responding to the same questions. Remember-for any disease is not easy to move on to another body or come back again. But to avoid this-way with you! And again I emphasize-do not SHOOT in his features, and pull them out and consider carefully where they grow legs. Understand, and
For astrologers-doctors, I want to suggest further reading, extracts from the book Sanislava Mishkevicha "medical astrology":
Lumbosacral joint. Joints of the lumbar vertebrae. Sacrum (articulation). Additional fabric (warts, moles, birthmarks). The endocrine system: pituitary gland, ovaries, adenogipofiz, vnutrisekretornaja part of the testicles. The sex glands and their function, external genitalia. Breast: nipple. The uterus (as a body), clitoris, vulva, scrotum, peshheristnye body. Digestive system: thick and rectum with the internal sphincter, anus, Appendix. Conchie
As we talked, 6 House is not only disease but also workplace conditions, subordinates, discipline, and pets. These fields just need highlighting:
● Working conditions and discipline
Scorpions can work under the most adverse conditions. The greater the load, the better. Thus it is not necessary to think they always understand that they should work in such conditions. They can complain about the constant stress at work, on hard work in a physical sense, to the destructive emotional atmosphere. But very few owners of Scorpion in be able to house 6 long and fruitfully work where this most stress and tension gone.
Oddly enough, but many people with pronounced Scorpion generally in life are true psychological principle of "worse is better". Not all of course, and not all, but a lot of those issues for which their map meets Scorpio (Pluto).
As mentioned, if Scorpio is not getting rid of stored energy, it begins to deteriorate and poison his body from the inside out. Help in resetting can already mentioned sex, power and practice sports, but can help and simply great work-when for a short period of time to do very much. It may be work, and maybe just cleaning-but such a man to fully laid out in it.
As shestidomnym Cancers, owners of Scorpion in 6 home if they feel ill, began whining, offended and complain to venture home grandiose cleaning. Let us first think "my God! What is cleaning?! I hand raise can't! "but if, nevertheless, decide, then at the end, feeling the absolute physical fatigue, and a feeling of lightness and inner purity.
Make shestidomnyh Scorpions are tricky, because if they do something they don't want to do, its destructive energy easily spoil the day which leads (at least emotionally, they often literally suck the opponent). But it is another matter that the person that has 6 House in Scorpio, it is important to understand the need to work and fulfil the commitments, because otherwise, he himself and will get worse.
Here are rarely gentle, kind or playful and light. Almost all of them brought to, but rarely one of them happens to be affectionate.
Typically, this independent, tough pets, from the series "canny". Of course they may have strong instincts. Obviously, the impact can be and aggressiveness.
But they can feel his master. Whom they love, they shall respect and obey (which, however, does not protect the Speaker from periodic power struggles with pet).
These are good defenders at home (unless of course this feature is generally characterized by appropriate animal).
Holders of 6 houses in Scorpio or Pluto in 6 House gravitate to animals whose appearance can be frightening, or say if it's a dog, to those species that are "biased" reputation.
Of course, talking about animals shestidomnogo Scorpion, immediately raises the question: "and there's all sorts of spiders, scorpions, snakes, crocodiles and reptiles, isn't under the Skorpom go?". Of course, this is all Skorpion'i animals, and often those who drives home something similar are 6 House of Scorpio, Pluto, Aries or Mars, but are still uncommon pets. The majority of people not keeping spiders in his apartment or household cockroaches (wild animals is already 12 houses;)). So the
#шестой_дом #Scorpion #Pluto #disease #work #animals #astrology
#Astrology in the service of the kagala
#Astrology in the service of the kagala
Hello my dear friends and guests all appropriate pages "" ❤ ❤ ❤ 😊😊😊
Hello my dear friends and guests all appropriate pages "" ❤ ❤ ❤ 😊😊😊
I know that for a long time nothing was telling you interesting ... I promise to correct soon) 😌
Today I recorded my audio appeal to EMBITTERED comrades, which abound on my page ... I usually never have enough time and desire to communicate with these people, but in its audio, as I think I was able to answer some, apparently, "sore" questions from fellow dysfunctional. 😊😊😊🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
With love, your Elena ❤ ❤
#sobolevaelena #Astrology #swear #disgruntled #horoscope
Jyotish. TWELFTH HOUSE horoscope
Twelfth House - the last house of...
Jyotish. TWELFTH HOUSE horoscope
Twelfth House - the last house of the zodiac and is also Rashi Meena or Pisces sign of the natural zodiac. Ruler of this sign is Jupiter, Mentor of the Gods. Venus is exalted here in the form of Divine Love and Divine Bliss. It is also a mystic and spiritual character. It is believed that the position of Jupiter in Pisces Navamsa leads to Moksha. Jaimini astrology also ascribes great importance to Rasi, since Jupiter's position here as the Lagna or Karakamsha
Twelfth House is:
1. Mystical abilities
2. Loss and theft. According to KN Rao, the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses lead to the loss of credibility and money, provided that there is destruction of the 2nd, 11th and 12th houses.
3. extravagance.
4. Expenses. Since this house in the first place is home expenses if the lord of 12th situated in benefika Varga, the money spent on noble deeds. With Malefic - spending on vices, such as wine, women, bribery, gambling, etc. When aspect benefika father cares for the welfare of the native.
5. The confiscation, misappropriation of property illegally. Communication upraivtelya 12th house from unfavorable planets gives a tendency to lie, theft and illicit earnings.
6. Bedding pleasure
7. Hospitals.
8. Imprisonment
9. The left eye, feet.
10. Residence abroad.
11. The final release or Moksa.
12. Fall.
13. In a woman's horoscope 12th house indicates the nature and sensuality.
Jyotish astrology ####indium psychology
Friday, March 24, 2017
🙏 Favorably: rest
🙏 Day is propitious for...
🙏 Favorably: rest
🙏 Day is propitious for born in the year of the dog, rabbit, Tigger, horses.
⛔ Not favorably: travel, investment, buying property, signing contracts, repair, excavation, the beginning of construction, laying the Foundation, start, funeral, beginning a new project, moving in, starting a business, finding work, the inauguration of the wedding
⛔ Day not favourable to those born in the year of the Dragon.
🚀 Trends of the day: Star gives luck, activity, clarity of thought. However, make sure that your self-confidence is not turned into self-confidence! In General, the day today is favorable for any undertakings, so boldly grasp what did not know how to begin. In terms of well-being day too good: immunity at an altitude of, and willpower will help cope with any illness. But be careful: faith in themselves can be so great that will cause the
💘 Love: day supposedly designed to seek, so don't miss your chance! Boldly take the initiative into their own hands: today, love is a battlefield, and winning on it will most strongly.
💼 Business: the difficulty of movement, delays and obstacles, it is not necessary to deal with urgent issues, buy and sell land and real estate. Do not start the project, which has a clear time frame, you don't meet them. Travel on this day are insecure.
💊 Health: day of successful health plan: immunity at an altitude of, and willpower will help cope with any illness. But be careful: the belief in the forces today can be so great that makes you not dressed for the weather or disregarded traffic rules #Astrology #horoscope of #znakzodiaka ###fengshui Feng Shui forecast #baczy
#konsul'tantjekspert #Numerology #Astrology #Vastu vastujekspert ##astrojekspert #zdorovjekspert #rodojekspert #cancer
#konsul'tantjekspert #Numerology #Astrology #Vastu vastujekspert ##astrojekspert #zdorovjekspert #rodojekspert #cancer
School of astrology at TSVKD "Vedavyasa" invites you to the...
School of astrology at TSVKD "Vedavyasa" invites you to the training of Vedic astrology (Jyotish).
Please send applications and questions to address or
Welcome to the wonderful world of Vedic astrology. We recruit students for part-time training of Vedic astrology and science advice. Training takes place in the form of workshops, self-study and in the form of live communication with the mentor. It is also possible extramural studies. You are waiting for test questions at the end of each lesson, practical exercises and course work. The task of the school - the formation of attitudes and values that were at
Understanding the principles of Vedic astrology gives you the opportunity to see the complete picture of reality to understand how to relate to the absolute truth Your life and the lives of others. You will learn the principles of strategic planning, based on an understanding of the higher purpose and higher goals.
Particular attention will be paid to training the technique of astrological advice. Knowledge of astrology, without a culture of consultation, like a scalpel in the hands of the self-taught surgeon. The task astrologer - to send man to the Absolute Truth, indicate a positive development vector. Astrologer Tips should be simple, effective and applicable here and now.
Jyotish ###teaching astrology Veda ###student counseling plan ###successful development
Characteristics of primary colors in Feng Shui
Powerful and...
Characteristics of primary colors in Feng Shui
Powerful and strong color, which in Feng Shui is considered to be the destroyer of evil energy. This is the color of blood and life, strength and activity, saturation, and love. The color red excites in us the desire for action, movement, improve vitality. No wonder the homes he used exactly where energy weakens. But the abundance of Red irritated and tired nervous system. The excess of red, especially for people of fire can cause a heart attack or increased pressure
Dosed in the House Red is good to use for protection against negative energies, that is why cords happiness and longevity Chinese panels and Ribbon for bandaging crystals, bamboo flutes and other means to combat harmful energy make bright red. If you have low blood pressure or you are experiencing fatigue, according to Feng Shui could affect its State clothing red.
Yellow Color
Traditionally associated with gold and sunshine. Its soft colors of Feng Shui are beneficial to the person. At the same time, the intense yellow color is associated with danger, lies, slander, unfounded rumors. Intuitively we avoid a large number of bright yellow, his excess causes irritation or fear. For us good influence shades of yellow — honey, gold, copper. These colors have warm basis, they warm our hearts, inspire
Yellow color amplifies our ability to perception raises the spirit makes us more alive, active and happy. But you need to remember: If you have a yellow light, not worth it to use a flashing yellow light, it can cause epileptic seizures. Wear yellow color improves perception of the energy of the heart chakra.
The color blue is one of the most common in nature, it is associated with water and sky, wildflowers, coolness and quietness. This is one of the relaxing colors, it slows metabolic reactions in the body, induces sleep. Therefore, the blue tones are needed where it is useful to reduce activity and force energy. But the blue color is dangerous if we need an active and strong energy. For example, you can't contemplate indoors, where you eat, food will not be assimilated, or
Some people have the blue color can cause depression. Therefore, it cannot be used to decorate the rooms of patients or persons with mental disabilities.
Green Color
Green color in Feng Shui is considered to be calming, regenerative forces that create harmony. In nature it is the color of life. Green plants in summer, and when they fall asleep or dying become yellow. If yellow color is associated with the maturity, the Green is with youth and growth.
Clean green tones used in rooms where you want to relieve fatigue and stress in children's rooms, where the child is doing homework. Feng Shui is a good color for the places where you are recovering their strength after a hard day's work.
Purple 🖍
This color is associated with the election, Regal grandeur. This is the color of thinking, meditation, increased mental activity. It affects our thoughts, making them wider and objective promotes proper circulation of energy through the top (Crown) chakra. But long-term use the purple color is not recommended.
White 🖍
Connects all the colors of the spectrum. Maximum color accuracy, purity, chastity. White color you want to use very carefully, preferably — small doses and necessarily intermittently. Will a strong outflow of energy, its weakening. In China it is considered the color of death.
in black color.
Black color gives a general reduction in energy, stimulates its in'skie quality. Its not worth using for contemplation, that color perception is misguided, compounding gloomy feeling. But combined with the colors of metal (silver, gold) supports the vitality, strengthens the immune system. No wonder one of the mascots of health — black gold turtle shell.
The value of color in our lives is overwhelming. And the need to carefully selected colors for Feng Shui for the maintenance and promotion of health. Weak or too strong elements should be harmonized, i.e. increase or decrease their energy. Here it is necessary to consider whether the person has developed as much as possible and not whether it generates excess. Because if you become to harmonize energy, for example, through work with the sectors of your home by adding or removing symbols of the elements, the donkey
Water man, who lives in an apartment with a water area reinforced Blue will become sluggish.
A man of fire, living in a House with a fiery thrust, strengthened in red will be uncontrollable. And too bad if looked approach iskazjatsja leading good directions for your GUA year birthday! It will bring not only problems in his personal life, but also a very large health problems.
I want to add that all the colors must be seen in relation to the usefulness of the elements in your map BACZY and watch what YOU USEFUL and NOT USEFUL!
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Skype mr-zinger
#ElenaDmitrieva #фен_шуй #astrology
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
Thursday, March 23, 2017
TOMORROW, March 23
26-th lunar day, start at 21:03...
TOMORROW, March 23
26-th lunar day, start at 21:03
It is better to refrain from active work, relax or be sensible and economical in energy costs. It is a day of abstinence and fasting. You need to trim false relationships and contacts, selective communication.
We should strive to know life, real vision people to sober assessment of reality, the removal of any and all "masks". Probability of robberies.
Nothing to start and do nothing important, otherwise there may be losses and damage. This is one of the most critical, dangerous days, in which people are fighting, vain busybodies, spend a lot of energy on the chatter. On this day people can outspend its energy, strength, so be warned from wasting energy.
###horoscope Astrology prediction #Rahashan
🙏 Favorably: rest
🙏 Day is propitious for...
🙏 Favorably: rest
🙏 Day is propitious for born the year of the rooster, Dragon, Bull and snakes.
⛔ Not favorably: not suitable for important cases
⛔ day is not auspicious for those born in the Year of the Rabbit.
🚀 Trends of the day: day will not be declining to seek easy ways, rather than izvorotlivee the path, the more interesting! In all spheres of life and in work, and at home, and even in love-surrounding will tend to go toward its goal is not to think, and using every ingenious combinations and multistage moves. That's why the stars advise on important issues, including love and financial, be alert, trying to discern the "second floor" in words and deeds of others. (E)
💘 Love: love is the willingness to spend eternity together, and today you have the chance to think seriously about it. Today is ideal to make a marriage proposal or just say man about your feelings (but only if your feelings and intentions of really serious). For already established relations of this day is a good excuse to once again show that you'll always love their partner and take care of it.
💼 Business: the day is not suitable for important cases: weddings, opening a business, signing contracts, began repairs and travel. Problems, errors, delays, failures, disruption of your plans.
💊: Health Day may bring personal injury, disease, problems with the opposite sex, including violence, betrayal, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, injuries; do not start treatment.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
#esoterics #magic #self-knowledge #astrology
#esoterics #magic #self-knowledge #astrology
♑ Wednesday, March 22, 23, 24 the 7th lunar day with...
♑ Wednesday, March 22, 23, 24 the 7th lunar day with 3:41. CAPRICORN
🌙 Moon without course with 16:20
🌠 Characters of the day: krokodil🐊 bear 🐻. Finally, small transactions or contracts should be appointed for the period from 11:00 to 16:00. However, be prepared for the fact that the situation can turn very suddenly: can emerge new items or things you haven't considered.
⛔ What not to do: during the morning hours (up to 11:00) is not advised to apply to the Supreme Court or to the senior people: it can bring quite the opposite effect.
#lunnyjkalendar' #lunnyjden' #lunnyesutki ##horoscope calendar #lunnyjgoroskop #Astrology #astrologer #blagoprijatnyedni #lunnyedni
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Sorting through the peas and thought about life. Remembered that...
Sorting through the peas and thought about life. Remembered that is long gone, but all comments are also in me. Cast a glance at the pile with unfit peas and marveled at her beauty. It was a pea green, black, Brown and even with buckwheat millet. they were beautiful and it was all their idea. They do not eat and never use, but they give your past experience and appreciation of the value of purity. Whether it's a porridge or your inner peace. Such "re-grading" usually delivers
#patrikbum ##patrickboum #muesli astrology
Today was an interesting lesson that threw me in meditation...
Today was an interesting lesson that threw me in meditation! I was not able to answer or to someone, namely myself one seemed like a simple question! directly into his head began to emerge 1000 thoughts, and nothing specific! But the question is: "why did I live?" and what is the meaning of life do you? And that you will save, if any hard crisis? Can you quickly without hesitation to answer these questions? 🌏
#self-knowledge #Astrology #astrologer #myslinanoch' #smyslzhizni #happiness #love #
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
#MagijaDushi #magic #esoterics ##общий_гороскоп #гороскоп_на_сегодня ##гороскоп_на_каждый_день horoscope Astrology #астрологический_прогноз
#MagijaDushi #magic #esoterics ##общий_гороскоп #гороскоп_на_сегодня ##гороскоп_на_каждый_день horoscope Astrology #астрологический_прогноз
Today's horoscope March 21, 2017
All the circumstances of this Tuesday will be tirelessly improve the positive emotional mood. March 21, 2017 year opportunity to enjoy harmony in all life aspects (including those that always caused only irritation and eerie discontent).
Astrologers, colleagues, I would like to congratulate all happy holidays...
Astrologers, colleagues, I would like to congratulate all happy holidays! 🗺 we are one big Happy family, I can communicate with all of you without words. 🌜💓🌛 all promotion and enlightenment #Astrology #vedicheskajaastrologija #astrologisamyekrutye
✨ 🌝 ✨ vernal equinox day is an important event not only in...
✨ 🌝 ✨ vernal equinox day is an important event not only in astronomy, but in astrological sense. In this day of winter begins to lose the spring, leaving the past. ✨ 🌞 ✨
The vernal equinox is considered a time of blossoming love energy, therefore, advised to conduct ceremonies for psychics to attract love in this short period. Positive energy from the day of the Equinox prevail over the negative, so people are more likely to fall in love and begin to see the world in bright colors.
The astronomical meaning of the vernal equinox
Between the ratio of day and night and seasons there is a direct relationship. When the day more nights, the Sun heats the Earth in one or another part of the planet is stronger. In this same part of it warms up worse when the day is very short.
The fact is that the Earth is tilted towards the Sun, so when she moves around it, one particular place first how would unfold to the cosmic object, and then hides, of which there is a change of seasons. Now the land is in the intermediate position, when the rays fall with a large, but not the maximum angle to the surface. on March 20 the Earth reaches a point in space where the Sun's power for the northern and southern hemispheres will andorr
Thus, the vernal equinox is not day in astronomical terms, but only a small MiG, which suggests that winter has come to an end. Since the Solstice Earth has gone exactly one quarter of the way around the Sun. Now begins the second quarter — the spring. Day will now longer than nights.
March 20 is the day of the Equinox only conditionally. The transition from winter to spring for astronomical measurements will happen in 13:28 minutes Moscow time. That's why 20 March day and night will not be absolutely equal and as close to each other.
One of the features of the spring equinox is it possible offset for one day. This does not mean that the Earth moves at different speeds — in fact this event occurs every time the same time interval, just there is such a thing as a leap year. It so happens that the vernal equinox falls on March 19 or 21.
Vernal equinox in astrology
With regard to the astrological vision that date, it is worth noting that 20 March always comes a new astrological year. It is March 20 Sun enters the sign of Aries, that starts the countdown signs of the zodiac. This is the main reason that all horoscopes begin with Aries.
20 March-world day of astrology, a professional holiday of all experts in this field. In some countries, this day begins a new year. On the day of the vernal equinox are treated with respect and dignity by the ancient Celts. They celebrated the feast of spring meeting — it was called Ostara. This pagan equivalent of modern Easter.
#Psychics called this day magical. Indeed, if you want to perform a ritual to attract love, money or luck, March 20, 2017 year is an ideal time for this. Positive energy will skyrocket, so you can still charge your amulets, talismans and amulets. On this day, any miracle, if you imagine. Wait for happiness, then it appears exactly.
Source: Internet
#SekretySily #Astrology #esoterics
Monday, March 20, 2017
If you want to learn more about Jyotish, Subscribe to...
If you want to learn more about Jyotish, Subscribe to my kanal😊 (there is a new video about houses in the horoscope 🙏)
#Jyotish #astrologer #astrologodessa #vedicheskajaastrologija #Astrology #Veda
19 March
- I have ... fears.
- Go to the seer...
19 March
- I have ... fears.
- Go to the seer, find out whether your fears come true.
- Sometimes it is better not to know someone's fate.
The Vikings (Vikings)
Taro_goroskop ###goroskop_Telets horoscope Taurus ###Tarot astrology ##znaki_Zodiaka goroskop_na_19_marta
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Translation of the book by Howard Sasportasa "gods of change...
Translation of the book by Howard Sasportasa "gods of change". "Transit of URANUS on the FIRST HOUSE. Part 2 "-
«... No matter what the sign is an ASN member, this transit brings anxiety and impatience. We wake up in the middle of the night, because we feel a "buzz" of ideas and revelations; us shaken by sudden flashes of energy; We feel "charged", vozbuzhdjonnymi, unstable, impulsive. We act in ways that surprise us and other people. At any age this transit may refer to external or collective impact that dramatichesk
Thank you for the translation of the practitioner of the astrologer and translator [id22699192 | Igor Sivaka], translation, 2017.
#IASTRO #Astrology #IgorSivak #translation #GovardSasportas #Uranium #transit
🔹 solutions that we have in the past identified the starting...
🔹 solutions that we have in the past identified the starting point from which our present life. The decisions we make in this life, determines what will happen to us next.
[club66466145 | Karen Berg]
Veronica 📝 ️ ✡ consulting
#Astrology ###horoscope the astrologer astrologkrasnojarsk #konsul'tacijaastrologa #psihologkrasnojarsk...
Veronica 📝 ️ ✡ consulting
#Astrology ###horoscope the astrologer astrologkrasnojarsk #konsul'tacijaastrologa #psihologkrasnojarsk #Numerology #psychology #compatibility #Krasnoyarsk