Friday, March 31, 2017

Translation of the book by Howard Sasportasa "gods of change...

Translation of the book by Howard Sasportasa "gods of change". "The TRANSIT of URANUS on the seventh House. Part 2 "-

«... Uranus will require that we reassessed the existing partnership and worked on what needs to be improved. Uranium does not wish we stayed in something solely out of a sense of duty or obligation, or from fear of the unknown. Uranium wants truth and not pretence. If the transit of Uranus on the home we want to save neudovletvorjajushhie us or are on the verge of collapse of relationships, we'd better find some way to give them new

Thank you for the translation of the practitioner of the astrologer and translator [id22699192 | Igor Sivaka], translation, 2017.

#IASTRO #Astrology #IgorSivak #translation #GovardSasportas #Uranium #transit

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