Sunday, March 5, 2017

🍋Druz'ja, before you mantra healing, which has an amazing...

🍋Druz'ja, before you mantra healing, which has an amazing effect!


👉👉Jeta mantra:
✳ used to treat physical problems
✳ helps heal relationship problems
✳ activates the energy, which will bring you the necessary way for healing,
✳ helps you find good, competent doctor or spiritual practice

💊 Here's how wine speaks of this mantra by Deva Premal: "Practicing mantra, especially such a strong, it is very important to remember that the effect from it, its effects may be manifested in unexpected ways. Perhaps mantra activates channel that will bring you the necessary way of healing needed a doctor or an effective recipe. So the main thing is to be open around and not to limit the effect of mantras! "

Discover energy healing, concentrate on the end result, and does not represent the treatment process. Let the universe do everything itself! Also very good charge this mantra water or medicines that you are taking.

🍀🍀Namerenie: "I utter this mantra to encourage healing energy to yourself and get rid of the disease (her name)!"

#mantra #Astrology #health #vedicheskieznanija #Nikolaev #healing #protection #esoterics #ol'ganikolaeva #мантра_здоровья

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