Monday, March 13, 2017

🌝 FULL MOON 12 March 🌝

The full moon will occur on...

🌝 FULL MOON 12 March 🌝

The full moon will occur on March 12 at 17:53 Moscow time in the sign of Virgo ♍.
At this time emphasized the zodiacal Virgo axis - Pisces. Virgo - is the realm of logic, organization, order and details. On the contrary, fish in general are not interested in specifics, they love to dive into the ocean of emotions and swim in the streams of inspiration. These zodiac signs are opposite, but they need each other for balance. Moreover, it brings their desire to serve one's neighbor, to stretch a helping hand to those in need and the ability to see beauty in the imperfections

The energy of the Full Moon on March 12 encourages us to look at your life the balance between these qualities and aspirations. Someone closer to the principle of Pisces - understanding of the world through the emotions and intuition, while others are committed to the principle of the Virgin - logical thinking and practical view of things. There is no right or wrong choice, because both approaches can give good results, depending on the specific situation. It is important to find harmony, to

Full Moon brings more understanding and clarity, because it highlights the fact that previously was hidden in the shadows. In those days, the ability to see things in their true light is always higher, so it is important to effectively use the lunar energy.
This Full Moon is dealing with health topics, the organization of the order. Moon in Virgo opposed to Sun and Mercury in Pisces, so there may come an understanding of the sources of problems associated with these topics, and ways to resolve them. Effect of Fish enhances communication with the spiritual life, but also tilts to the illusion, deception and self-deception. Luckily, Virgo is able to give practical expression inspiration Pisces. Perhaps, through imagination and fantasy, you will get the right of information

The motto of the Virgin - "Know thyself." Maybe you will make new discoveries about themselves, identify the hidden traits and talents dormant. Perhaps, the full moon will shed light on the relationship and show their contents. It can also be a turning point in relations with someone of the closest people. Virgo has the ability to heal, it's not only health, but also relationships. The ideology of the sign of Pisces - spiritual love, understanding, acceptance, - can help

But on March full moon brings conflicting energy. On the one hand, the opposition of Saturn's axis Full Moon can lead to a rather rigid communication and the search for truth through the quarrels and scandals. But on the other hand, if you can keep yourself within, to be consistent, honest, calm and responsible, it will bypass the sharp corners.

And one more feature of this Full Moon is that it reveals the true meaning of all the situations and problems of the period Corridor eclipse in February. And if there were errors, illusions, deception, unrealistic projects, they now run into the wall of reality. This is the time when you have to face the consequences and pay the abacus in the literal and figurative sense.

✨ [id311292799 | Astrologer Ilona Star]

##Polonolunie astrology horoscope ###March forecast

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