Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Textbook horary astrology (J. Frawley)

The location of...

Textbook horary astrology (J. Frawley)

The location of the planets

To resolve some of the kinds of issues we don't need aspects. You will find many examples of such cards in subsequent chapters, containing their interpretation. It is most common in matters of State Affairs, in contrast to the questions relating to a specific event: "is it not true that I'm pregnant?". Bishop V (child) in the 1st House kverenta clearly shows a child inside kverenta: "Yes, you're pregnant. "Where's the book?" the lost book wherever she is, that would be

In some matters relating to a specific event, the position of the planets also gives an exhaustive answer. "If I Win this tennis match?" with Bishop VII at the very beginning I House: my opponent is in my power — Yes, I win.
But most issues position of planets doesn't point to the event, and the desire or fear of something.
In the "will she marry me?" my significator for the VII kuspide serves no compelling evidence for the answer. This situation my signifikatora indicates that I really wish that she got marry me, and it increases the likelihood of marriage compared to if I do not like; but no more.
"Do I get this job?" with Bishop І kuspide naX. I definitely want to get this job, and this increases my chances to get over if I didn't like; but no more. Such a provision does not give the answer to the question.
If other specify maps indicate "Yes" on the House kuspid signifikatora promotion may allow us to determine when an event happens.
Likewise, "do I get this job?" with Bishop X Ascendente does not indicate "Yes". Usually the planet at Ascendente says that it is worried about burdening kverenta. Thoughts on the work or how to find it, care kverenta.

One of my students had built a map question "Come my ex-husband at a family celebration?". Significator ex-husband was on Ascendente but not aspektiroval nor signifikatora nor kverenta signifikatora celebrations (Lord V). The lack of perspective: he didn't come. But the signifikatora has pointed out that the thought of his appearance has caused concern kverentu.

Finding the signifikatora kverenta within a meaningful home (rather than its kuspide) again indicates only the desire or concern. For example, "I Relive this disease?" with Bishop I in the 8th House tells us that kverenta bother thinking about death, he or she will die.
Much more favorably to discover the significator of the desired object inside the House rather than its kuspide. In the "do I get this job?" with Bishop X inside I home situation is favourable: work in your pocket. This is not a definite "Yes", but, nevertheless, this strong positive evidence. It is said that "kverenta" wants to work that much more encouraging than the desire to work kverentom.

When an event is known or expected, approaching the signifikatora kuspidu can be seen as an indication of this event to determine when it happens. "When it's my Granny?" with signifikatorom grandmother approaching I kuspidu: "Grandma in the way», and the number of degrees, which must pass its significator to I House cusp, indicate at the time of her arrival.

Planet moving and kuspidy homes and Arab Part still. Thus, the planet can approach kuspidam or Parts; kuspidy same and parts cannot come close to planets.

##положение_в_доме #aspects planets #horar ##Frawley astrology

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