Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dear readers!
Anton Astrogor is sent by Russia with copyright...

Dear readers!
Anton Astrogor is sent by Russia with copyright course Palmistry hand and Cosmic mystery of the soul. "

Course complete with Fiziognomikoj and Dermatoglifikoj.

Palmistry is a science is one of the oldest systems of interpretation on the individual characteristics of a person, his character traits, they experienced the events and his impending fate on skin relief of Palms-papillary and especially fleksornym lines, as well as the hills on a Palm and appearance hands. On your hands end with thousands of nerves that are in direct contact with your brain, and thus on nerves is the permanent bi-directional traffic.

Palmistry, one of the oldest Sciences going in times of Pythagoras and Aristotle, but already at that time people have owned the art. It is closely linked to Astrology and Medicine, along lines on your hands, you can tell the world about your predispositions and life situations you have to meet. Learn your hands you will be able to better spending time and watching with great interest over the life of the.

Palmistry-not just prophesying by hand is a companion astrology. Connecting the planetary influence with the lines on your hand, you can add personal horoscope interpretations or formula of the soul, as well as to trace the course of events, because the lines on your hand (our energy feeds) vary depending on the actions made by you.

The course will be detailed topics:

-Solar and Lunar psycho-types of people, their hands.
-Handshake and gestures.
-Planetary influence on the fingers of one hand.
-Elemental and Zodiac.
-The size and shape of the fingers.
-Value lines on the fingers.
-Energy blocks.
-Pads of your fingers and drawings on them.
-Problems and illness, read on the fingers.
-Loss of hands, fingers or individual phalanges.
-Nails. The mental world of a person. The shape and size of the nails.
-Signs on nails. Nail health and pathology.
-Zodiacal and planetary influence.
Hill Of Venus. Managed and unmanaged feelings.
-Soul and flesh. Carnal and spiritual marriage.
-Sensual blocks block husband, parent unit.
-Line offense. Marriage with a stamp in their passport and without.
-Stability of marriage on your hands.
Health line: size, meaning and interpretation.
-The power of Mars and Pluto on the Hill of Venus.
-Over the hills and Palm lines. Palm, as materialistic and idealistic world of man.
-Planetary influence in the Palm of your hand. Hills and hillocks.
-Palm, as the life or the battlefield.
Line of fate: value, build, size and interpretation.
-With what fate you were born?
-Line intuition: build, size, meaning and interpretation.
-Line crazy — the mental world of a person. Free or dependent you have mind?
-Heart line — the astral world of man.
-Children in the Palm of your hand.
-Line of the Sun: the value construction and interpretation.
-The Ring Of Venus. Other lines.
-Marks on the hand: moles, warts, islets, stars, triangles, squares, dots, wounds, scars.
-History of palmistry.
-Whether you want to predict the destiny?
-The Bible on the hands.

Each lesson lasting 2:00. Lectures written by Anton Astrogor in mode 2-3 day workshop by appointment only.
Planned cities:
-Irkutsk with 21 April until May 2-3
- Barrow

If you want to consult or you organizer of lectures and groups in those cities, please contact SMS to numbers: 8-926-300-5678 or 8-977-262-69-86

If you are studying topics such as: #Palmistry, Astrology, #Astropsihologija #, #FormulaDushi, #psychology, #Physiognomy, and other esoteric directions, then you will love this course.

In fact of course certificate!
All necessary materials are available!
For training, all you need is a journal and desire 😊

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