#Astrology @ magic_edelweiss
The element of Earth, the area clearance, moving the cross. Manager of mercury, in Neptune and Jupiter, in the fall of Venus and Chiron.
Man Of The Virgin.
Typical Virgo is always very busy; but I strongly doubt that the busy it yourself. And the point here is not that Virgo nevnimatel'na-it, maybe even too sweet-but rather that it is bad, imagine what a personality.
Virgo, representing an element of land in the zone of clearance, sees the whole world to form various dismembered and sometimes quite fanciful, pleasant or not, committed or in need of refinement and feel these forms very confidently, mistress. It seems that nothing but understandable it forms in the world-and cannot be-and so it really is simple and straightforward, although very diverse, and there are no problems and there is a lot of work-on the p
Virgo, as no other character can see and appreciate the small details form. (One of its ideals-the legendary Lefty from Tula, who shoe a flea, and the small Horseshoe lettering and all propechatavshij your name: left-handed). And this is its main trouble-flee from her eyes. She sees too much detail on anything and can't stop look. For it is very difficult synthesis because it assumes it is a moment of abstraction from a specific item
So instead of synthesis of Virgo often goes on the more affordable for her, but usually search cul-de-sac details, details, details of the lines, which would be the most important, the key to conception and embodiment of the sense. Virgo can find carefully disguised as a key to solving chess Etudes, but lost in the complex compositional game, where a common intuitive assessment of the situation and there is no strong moves.
As a moveable sign, Virgo (not like the Taurus) doesn't tend to bind to popadajushhimsja in its path forms and details. Doing one thing, it can get to a completely different without trauma. Coming to a party for a friend and discover that Paul (according to Virgin) is not clean, it not thinking quietly in disguise and it washed out, then in disguise again and forget about his act. This plasticity Virgin could become her uniform bane,
In the absence of work with their forms of Virgo, and misses relax her hard. (For her emotional life is closely linked to tangible forms, is often expressed through them, she was pretty "real signs of incorporeal relations"). For her vacation-it is rather a change of occupation. Virgo can get great satisfaction from any work done (in her opinion) well, no matter how nasty and dirty this work might seem surrounding: Virgo instinctively knows how to see
From unrealized Virgin formed following subconscious belief: "as soon as I get to work with forms, putting order, etc., I have an enthusiasm (in other words, turn on Virgin and gives energy), I'm arguing in work and spend a lot of energy, and as a result, it fails, and I fall without force in the midst of chaos, so that better and not start at all. However, any one symbolic action even quite neprorabotannaja Virgo will
Virgo-Chief comforter. That would be with a man no matter what happens, no matter what emotional suffering and deprivation do not get lost it when it is found in yourself minimum force starts to be engaged in any particular case (for example, prepares a table for funerals), Deva comes to him and comforts him in his own way, distraction, helps eliminate the heaviest sorrow (switching the main energy channels of mooladhara).
Virgo has the most specific way of thinking of all the zodiac signs. She was a very great difficulty perceives abstract concepts, stubbornly trying to find them an analogy from the world of intelligible forms that it is not always possible. So Virgin is characteristic of terrible profanity: not having understood and not well enough overall concept or the intricacies of the devices in your spiritual life, but having learned vocabulary, Virgo can start talking that you bitterly regret his acquaintances
Virgo-the salt of the Earth. They symbolize the important thing, for what people put into the manifest world-this is the exact working with Forms. It materializes all of our dreams, fantasies, thoughts, emotions, energy, and only realized through it all karmic human programme.
Managing Mercury symbolizes the way of perceiving the forms of the Virgin-through thinking, idea, kombinatornoe, but not directly mapping-sensually, as Taurus. So Virgin strongly hampered by direct perception of the form as such (and enjoying it), she perceives her mentally, rational-and here, thanks to mercury, has no equal. In her mind the most freakish arise and a variety of options for creating new forms (and reconstruction
Neptune's imprisonment gives the difficulty of perception for the Virgin all sorts of subtle feelings, moods, tints and just things to discuss. At the same time it strives to comprehend the unity of the world, but in his own way, through a key detail and completeness of the details (see below Jupiter's imprisonment). Here the subtlety is that the way she thinks he synthesis it cannot and may not be able in principle; but these attempts sometimes Virgo myself not realizing it turns out
Imprisonment of Jupiter gives Virgin an instinctive love of abundance of details, i.e. small forms that make up the most. Here she is also looking for a way to harmony and its synthesis and usually does not find. Cloistered Jupiter gives Virgin many shapes to work with them, but also respite change sessions and secret (well, if not explicit) pride of work done. He gives Virgin temptation, which resulted in the scattering of her eyes, but with the proper methodical foreman
Here is the study of the captivity of Jupiter more difficult than in Gemini, as additionally prevents imprisonment of Neptune. Virgin is still very hard to see things broadly.
The fall in Virgo Venus symbolizes the difficulties of the Virgin in the emotional, romantic and sexual matters, complex relationship with art and scepticism towards the society.
Difficulties with romance, emotions and sex are rooted in too specific and practical view of the world; in these matters is good still light haze, and, in the end, sex not limited to Physiology and even it is not defined. Virgo must understand that its natural perception and reactions have a right to exist, but does not represent nor her most, nor the world; then it can gain even a known fineness.
Virgin relationship with art is complicated by the fact that it perceives it through the details, ruthlessly dissecting a single live fabric paintings or narration. If a work of art it the same love she will revel in its otsechennymi parts did not hesitating because they bleed and are the last gasp-She doesn't notice. At the higher level of Virgo comprehends synthesis and becomes a true connoisseur, but the temptation of sneaking UTO
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
#Astrology @ magic_edelweiss
The element of Earth, the area clearance...
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