Horoscope on April 7, 2017 on the signs of the zodiac
The 97th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. By the end of the year there are 268 days.
Horoscope for Aries on April 7, 2017
Today, until the evening, you can face obstacles that limit your freedom. It is possible that this will be the absence of the person you need, the severity or employment of a partner in marriage, the impact of any rigid rules and norms of behavior accepted in society. At the end of the day, people interested in you will change their anger to mercy and will begin to treat you much warmer, but their complete frankness should not be hoped for.
Horoscope for Taurus on April 7, 2017
Today start your day with compulsory procedures (for example, hygiene), as well as with the inevitable minor hassle of arranging the upcoming weekend. So you free the evening for a pleasant and easy interaction with people whom you consider close to yourself. The end of the day will pass perfectly in the company of a loved one, while your tandem will significantly strengthen the mutual sensual attraction.
Horoscope for Gemini on April 7, 2017
Today you will not be prevented from bringing complete clarity in your heart. Relationships that do not suit you or cause you to have reasonable doubts, it is worth giving one more chance. Plans related to the cultural event, the organization of recreation or preparation for a love meeting, should not be done in the morning, because at the end of the day your mood can significantly change.
Horoscope for Cancer on April 7, 2017
Until evening, you will only dream of complete and unconditional independence. Today, you may be pressured by family or national traditions, unfinished professional affairs, domestic turmoil, uneasy relationships with older members of the family. Rest, date or creative activity, transfer to the evening. By this moment you will feel much freer both internally and externally.
Horoscope for the Lion on April 7, 2017
In the morning and in the afternoon, your contacts and movements can be tightly regulated and painted down to the smallest detail. In the evening, your emotional connection with parents, children, home traditions, home will become closer. Today, regardless of the positive or negative feelings you experience, you will feel an inexplicable unity with people close to you and very much in need of contact with them.
Horoscope for the Virgin on April 7, 2017
In the morning, stick to the system and base your decisions on common sense tips. A rational and balanced approach to the situation will save you from unnecessary expenses and unnecessary contacts. In the evening, you will most likely need sharp sensations and emotional shakes. Perhaps today you will start looking for new impressions on a visit or on the road. Closer to the night is not ruled out a short trip on your personal initiative.
Horoscope for Libra on April 7, 2017
In the morning you will be prudent and prudent. Today you can be too modest or something suppressed. In your behavior, most likely, there will be no looseness and spontaneity. It is not ruled out that overstated demands on others will lead to temporary loneliness. In the evening, you may find yourself in the grip of strong feelings or new acute desires that force you to give up your previous harshness.
Horoscope for Scorpio on April 7, 2017
Until the evening has come, do not make unnecessary movements and do not insist on the immediate fulfillment of your whims. Today, unity with another person will be much more important than personal independence. At the end of the day, on the contrary, the stars allow you to quit to satisfy your own needs. At this time, your sensuality, intuition, musicality will increase.
Horoscope for Sagittarius on April 7, 2017
Day clocks are favorable for participation in mandatory or pre-planned events. It can be a meeting of the informal community, a meeting of old friends, participation in any social action. Closer to the evening, your actions will increasingly begin to control secret desires and dreams, sometimes reaching unprecedented strength and passion. Today, try not to make mistakes under the influence of emotions and instincts.
Horoscope for Capricorn on April 7, 2017
In the morning, you can be prevented by self-restraint and adherence to conventions, as well as excessive dedication and obsession with professional achievements. If you are born in the middle of January, you should take care of your health. Today, the atmosphere of the evening will contribute to relaxedness, sensuality, informal communication, romantic moods, changing interests to less boring and trivial ones.
Horoscope for Aquarius on April 7, 2017
At the beginning of the day, nothing will knock you off the pre-selected path. You will strictly follow your own convictions or words of people who are authoritative for you, which will provide you protection from any surprises. However, in the evening the circumstances will change, your rules may not be applicable to the new reality. It is not excluded that today you will find yourself in captivity of sensual obsession and will become very enterprising.
Horoscope for Pisces on April 7, 2017
Important events of a personal nature you should definitely move to the evening time. In the morning and in the afternoon, put yourself in order, restore the necessary clarity in the affairs and in the relationships with others. In the evening, you can forget about excessive restraint and stiffness, about the fears and psychological complications that haunt you. Today the scope of your actions will be determined only by the flight of your imagination.
Name days April 7
Savva, Tikhon, Alexander, Brynach, Heinrich, Hermann, Kellach, Notker, Ralph, Celestin, Celsus, Edward, Eybert.
The National Calendar of April 7
Annunciation Day
If the snow lies on the roofs, then in the field it lies to Egor (May 6).
If the night is warm, then spring will be friendly.
Wet Annunciation is a mushroom summer.
At the Annunciation Annunciation - to a warm summer and a harvest of nuts.
If the Annunciation is cloudless and the sun is bright - to be a stormy summer.
In ancient times, in Russia they jumped through the fire to protect themselves from the evil eye, on the night before the Annunciation, they burned their straw beds to exterminate the diseases; Fumigate their dresses to warn themselves against the charm.
In the evening, under the Annunciation, young settlers move with new beds to cold stands, and in the cottages there are old people, sick and children.
Elderly women in the Annunciation burned salt in the oven, which has miracles in various diseases; With this salt baked bread dough (small rolls in the form of lambs), assigned to cure cattle.
Signs of April 7
Annunciation. Spring has overcome the winter. The third meeting of spring. If the wind, frost and fog - to the harvest year. If there is snow on the roofs, so it will be a month later in the field. The first mushrooms grow on a hillock - to summer rains, settled in a hollow - to the land. If the blessing is cold, wait forty frosts in the morning. The badgers and raccoons come out of the holes, the hedgehogs from the rotting stumps, and the forest ants from the heaps.
Usually there comes a period of good fish biting.
Clouds with obscure contours, interlayers, halos - to change of weather.
If the snow on the roofs still lies, then in the field it should be before May 6.
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Horoscope on April 7, 2017 on the signs of the...
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