#Psychology @ vita_schkola_schastya
Today Orthodox Slavs celebrate Clean Thursday.
Historically, this day, our ancestors were physically and spiritually. In Net Thursday to hold a general cleaning, throw away all the junk out of the House.
The very title of the day "Clean Thursday" implies not only cleanse the home and body, but also putting order in their thoughts.
Happiness-it's in the details. In life there are no trifles;)
Let's talk today about home care and how to turn the routine into fun?
I often hear now that many women are willing to pay, just to have them in the House order cast a housemaid. In simple words-the other woman))
Okay-okay, won't Boggle, homework and chores around the House doesn't like most modern women. Many of the annoying fact that worries at home charged them literally in charge and distract them from the supposedly truly important and necessary cases.
In fact, important and necessary cases often, correspondence on the Internet 😜 you need to have a certain bravery to confess in an empty hobby itself and take on with enthusiasm for putting order-in a dirty apartment there is neither comfort nor comfort and, moreover, live in dust and dirt is harmful to human health.
But there is also a category of housewives that when the word "cleaning" experiencing strong stimulation. How to love homework and stop seeing it extremely unpleasant and tedious process?
It all depends on our inner attitude, so before the upcoming cleaning, cooking and ironing is not worth thinking about how you get tired walk and clean up everything and all, stand at the stove all day and so on. Better think of smiles of excitement, when they enter into a clean and neat apartment, as they will enjoy new original dish. Say to yourself-"I can refuse the gloom, I can do everything quickly and with pleasure". 😉💃
😃Sozdajte the right atmosphere-turn your favorite songs or tunes that will lift your spirits and give vivacity.
If it is specifically about cleaning the House or apartment is not a plan for one day only and immediately divide the process into several stages in order, for example, Monday wash all the curtains in Tuesday wash Windows and floors Wednesday.
☀ Hit yourself pretty aprons, kitchen towels, napkins and, update your wardrobe home clothes. It also inspires the cleanness and cosiness in the House.
Wine there is also the practice of "fifteen minutes": you initially plan to household chores that may over time in 15 minutes. You can impose order on the shelf, iron a couple of things, wash the floors in the hallway. Tired with this approach-fail, and Affairs to remake a lot throughout the day.
💥Ne refuse the use of technological innovations, they seriously can facilitate housework each women: dishwasher washes the nasty fat with pots and pans, "hair dryer" cope with linen, and in mul'tivarke you can easily prepare delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
💋Ne forget to praise yourself for an entire carved and transformed the case and remember home and order it-that's the true reflection of any hostess.
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