Sunday, October 9, 2016

ASTROPROGNOZ 8 October 2016, 9 lunar day (14:44), the...

ASTROPROGNOZ 8 October 2016, 9 lunar day (14:44), the waxing Moon in Capricorn. In the first half of the day to go well in the tour and travel, make new acquaintances, to undertake changes in their lives. In the afternoon, it is important not to succumb to irritation and not to conflict.

You get along well with people, it helps to solve many problems. Alone for complex cases is better not to take they will take away a lot of time and effort; if you find a helper, then cope with any task much faster. You can make small purchases, it is best to buy things for the house - furniture, home furnishings, jewelry, pottery and textiles. Well, if your plans for the day will be flexible - most likely, they will have to adjust, and do it well,

Auspicious day. Influence of positive trends will be strong, you will be able to quickly implement all planned. You can address important issues relating to business and career: now properly assess the situation, do not cherish false hopes and to avoid mistakes. Take the initiative, do not be afraid to experiment and try new methods. Perhaps the restoration of relationships that were once dear to you, and then destroyed due to an unfavorable coincidence

Day, though difficult, but opens up interesting possibilities, allowing tie pleasant acquaintances, and get down to business, which is to your liking. Be selective in your contacts, try to avoid contact with people who do not miss an opportunity to prick you, to spoil the mood. Now for you particularly important unconditional support and encouragement. Possible financial difficulties. From shopping, especially on credit, it is better to abstain. It is also desirable to give money

This controversial and ambiguous day will be much better if you will not be nervous over nothing and try to tune in a positive way. There may be disagreements with loved ones, can not be excluded and quarrels, but you smooth things over if you want. Sometimes it is difficult to convey to others their point of view, there will be useful patience and quiet persistence. You can make small purchases. Day is perfect to update your wardrobe. Experiment

Start the day will be difficult. All is not as you expected, you have to change plans can bring people to support you expect. Not excluded conflicts and disputes, disagreements over trifles. Gradually, the influence of positive developments, it is becoming easier to find common ground with others, and then to deal with cases initiated. The second half of the day for discussion and resolution of critical issues that affect not only you. It will be in

Many of the difficulties that arise in the day, may seem insurmountable, but it is only an illusion: you are able to cope with them, and very quickly. The only thing you need - to take advantage of a favorable moment to choose allies correctly; here intuition you will not fail. There may be unexpected and very tempting offers both business and personal property. Dev pleasant surprises, favors and unexpected gifts. not excluded

Difficult day. What it fits well, it's to relax and have fun. It will be able to chat with friends, to have fun with all the heart, go where you've always dreamed of. Moderate exercise raises mood, but try to put the record is not necessary. If you have to do something important to tune in a serious way, pay attention to detail and try not to miss anything out of sight. Much will be given work

At the beginning of the day may be unpleasant moments, small problems that will spoil the mood. But the situation quickly changed for the better, so that there is no serious reason for the excitement and experiences. From noon begins the favorable period for purchases; you can buy computers, communications equipment, household appliances. In the future, the impact of the positive trends will only intensify. You will quickly deal with complex cases quickly ureguliruete disputes will find sp

Calm auspicious day, all going well, there's no reason to worry and anxiety. It will be able to quickly resolve some long-standing differences, to solve problems that were harassing you and your family. A potential good news and interesting offers. Possible unexpected success in financial affairs. Transactions concluded on this day, Sagittarius will bring a profit. You can start new businesses and projects. In the long-time allies can rely on, they n

It will be difficult, but you will cope with the difficulties. Day requires perseverance and patience, rarely achieve the desired quickly, many things are tightened. Capricorn is annoying, but representatives of the sign trying to keep emotions under control, because they understand: to find a way out, it is necessary to maintain composure. There are small misunderstandings home and family quarrels. The criticism in your address sounded more often than usual; try not to get upset because of this

The day is not too productive, but pleasant enough. Will enjoy meeting with friends, will be able to communicate with the people you recently missed. You get along very well with old and new acquaintances. It is possible the beginning of a romantic or friendly relations, which will have a very good news. You can make purchases, they will be successful. Many Aquarians become unusual things that will long to please them. Evening for secular m

Not the most auspicious day for the communication. You are too busy with their chores and worries, little interested in others, they can not seriously be offended because of this. Good deal with independent work, creative activity. You feel much better when there is an opportunity to give vent to imagination. There may be disagreements with loved ones, you do not always get from them the unconditional support that need. It should be careful on the trip

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