Sunday, October 9, 2016

SUN in Virgo
Sun in Virgo: Pedantry, stiffness, analyticity and...

SUN in Virgo
Sun in Virgo: Pedantry, stiffness, analyticity and criticality. The ability to work, keenness and v″edlivost′. Tendency to notice and know everything. Diligence and care. Prudence. Devotion.
In the best case the highest sacrifice, mercy.
At worst, pedantry, pettiness.

In harmonious aspects: entity responsive to the feelings, appreciates the attention to himself, diplomatic, tactful, but at the same time, lucid, rational, realistic and practical. A good, logical and formal sharp and sober mind. Emotionally stable. Hard work, good business skills, diligence, technical, efficiency, orderliness, reasoning, accuracy, punctuality, integrity, efficiency, conformance, love for trained

If the Sun is damaged, the person's character appear such traits as self-love, suspiciousness, sverhobidčivost′, sensitivity, žemannost′, discontent, grumbling, fretfulness, vindictiveness, exactingness, vorčlivost′, selfish ambition, demonstration, skepticism, distrust, trickery, a penchant for intrigue, dissatisfaction, pettiness, prudence, reasonableness, avarice, greed, avarice, vanity, carelessness, callousness, formalism, PLN

S. V. Shestopalov. Handbook of astropsychology

##astropsihologiâ #Astrology horoscope #Sun #Virgo #формула_души #Zodiac #знаки_зодиака

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