Tuesday, January 31, 2017

GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the week ✨ 30 January-5 February.


GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the week ✨ 30 January-5 February.

Major astrological event of the coming week will be the ingression (transition) Venus in Aries February 3. It is a sign of exile for the planet, which it feels is not very comfortable. Money at this time is spent impulsively, spontaneously and unconsciously is often not that necessary, and that enjoyed the moment. This behavior usually leads to losses in financial matters therefore prudence. Emotions in this time become brighter display

Marry in the next 3 months is not recommended. Venus at this time describes the loop: in direct motion comes to 13° 09 ' Aries and 4 March unfolds back; in retrograde motion 3 April returns to the Fish, and April 15 is again direktnoj. Finally the planet emerges from the hinges may 18 and will leave the sign of Aries and Taurus enters only June 6, 2017 onwards.

As for the current period, 30 January-3 ‼ February passes Merkurij squaring Uranus and Jupiter continues Tau-square mercury/Pluto-Jupiter-Uranus. This is a dangerous time for contacts, travel and flights. Possible faults in the appliances, computers and guidance systems. Increased the drop rate of car crashes, accidents, injuries, conflicts, major scandals, various unpleasant surprises. Recommended maximum self-control and SA

Towards the end of the week, when passions calm down gradually, begins a favorable period for significant initiatives, implementation of new developments and changes in various workflows and business projects.

🌙 Moon Void WEEK
(In periods of ineffectiveness of the moon is best to engage in the usual, daily activities and not to take anything important, involving the future and development)

31.01.2017 20:37-01.02.2017 12:48
02.02.2017 19:51-03.02.2017 4:51
05.02.2017 1:43-05.02.2017 7:45

Daily verse

☀ Monday, January 30-full moon in the sign of Pisces; 3/4 lunar days (9:24)
During the day, likely breach plans to cancel business meetings and negotiations, be prepared to act in the face of changing circumstances. In the morning you may encounter uncomfortable situation in the social space, which will require efforts beyond our current interests. There is a possibility of obtaining the expected gift, award, awards, parcels. Ambiguous connectivity of the Moon of Neptune can symbolize how sadness, disappointment, RAS

☀ Tuesday, 31 January-new moon in the sign of Pisces; 4/5 Lunar days (9:48)

Moon in PISCES is favored by people of art, artists (poets, musicians, artists), contributes to the pensiveness, sensitivity and emotion. Connection with Venus in the afternoon all the more reinforce these trends. At the same time, it should be wary of poisoning and infection. During the day, increasing the likelihood of worsening weather conditions that cause difficulties in further actions. However, it is necessary to continue active

☀ Wednesday, February 1-new moon in the sign of Pisces/Aries (12:48); 5/6 Lunar days (10:10)
Moon in Aries increases impulsivity, enthusiasm and vigor. This transit is favorable for short-term cases, especially those requiring physical energy. Quintile Mercury with Mars will nahodchivomu and predpriimchivomu person find the original solution challenge, get out of the maze, escape from real dangers. Connection of the moon with Mars and Mercury square Uranus points to a potential threat to life. Acute disease status

☀ Thursday, February 2-new moon in the sign of Aries; 6/7 Lunar days (10:33)

Intense, unpredictable day. The Moon passes squares with Pluto and Mercury, uranium and opposition with Jupiter, further reinforcing dangerous Tau-square (see General forecast). Advised extreme attentiveness, willingness to timely respond to different surprises and negative changes. The situation may develop along the dramatic scenario with an unexpected turn. Mercury square Jupiter implies difficulties if necessary

☀ Friday, February 3-full moon in the sign of Aries/Taurus (4:51), 7/8 Lunar days (10:57)

Tension throughout the day gradually loosens, but the General background is unstable. Two women on the planet today are changing their sign. At night the Moon moves into the cells, increases the tendency to solidity and prudence. Although lack of vitality may be affected or the materiel. In the evening, Venus enters the sign of Aries, dramatically changing its capacity (see General forecast). The planet already in the loop, and 28 April, again in direktnom motion will pass segodnjashn

☀ Saturday, February 4-new moon in the sign of Taurus; 8/9 Lunar days (11:25)

Morning Sun square Moon bears spiritual discomfort or difficulties with the need for vigorous activity. It will require determined efforts to organize everyday worries. Luminaries in the conflict, but the Moon is in a stronger position, and therefore more likely to "win" the desire for comfort or material interests. Moon Trine with Pluto imposes today participated in a collective exercise and mood may be a lack of enthusiasm and poziti

☀ 5 February to Sunday, growing in the sign of Taurus/Gemini (7:45); 9/10 Lunar days (11:58)

On the morning Moon enters the sign of Gemini, increasing fussiness and neposedlivost', the desire to seize on several things at once. There was a rebound in the information space. Rapid change of situation, many minor events, and in the evening, maybe you will attract some vigorous exercise. Just don't hold up and not bring more money than not a pity to spend. Evening hours may be frustrated, psychological discomfort, and

* Moscow time everywhere. When preparing the material were used quotations from works S.a. Vronsky and P.p. Globa. We remind that this is a general prediction for all people. Features a personal horoscope will make their adjustments.

Individual astrological consultations here ⬅

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