Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Tzolkin calendar and cycles in it
#ASOL @ merging_times


The Tzolkin calendar and cycles in it
#ASOL @ merging_times

Tzolkin calendar-ritual calendar with 260 days period.
Creates a combination of 20-day months and 13-day weeks.
In him
 13 months of 20 named days
 20 weeks of 13 numbered days

The HAAB calendar is a solar calendar with a period of 365 days.
Has a feature:
360 days divided into named 18 months 20 numbered days.
And at the end adds 5-day Vajeb Osiris is the God of creation who was born on the first day of these 5 days, won at Moon Goddess.

From ancient myth, it is known that 72 conspirator wish to kill Osiris.

72°-this aspect 1/5 part of the fifth circle, creative aspect, a symbol of new life, invention.
I.e., the transition to the new Solar year is under the influence of aspect Quintile (Sun and TBP) within 5 days of Osiris.

The calendar circle is an Association of Tzolkin and Haab calendars.
Dates in calendar terms are repeated over 52 years.

Why 260 days in the Tzolkin ritual?

260 = 52 * 5-five cycles of 52 days.
And the 52-year calendar round (merging calendars)

52° is Septil' (1/7 part of the circle) aspect of the transformation, in the higher spiritual.
5-number of informed person (5 development lifecycles informed person).

Get the ritual period-5 cycles of higher spiritual trasformacij (hex 7 cycle), to go to the samoosoznannyj more developed spiritual level. Stages of growth of the spirit, consciousness.

Tzolkin 1-small life cycle
The calendar circle is a great life cycle

#Astrology #ASOL

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