Forecast for March
There comes a good period to tie a romantic relationship. Virgins at this time, it is recommended that you communicate more. Cooperation can bring good results in business matters. It is also a good month for treatments, beauty treatments, beauty salon visits. Monthly investment is extremely bad. Try not to make too expensive and unwise purchases. Money at this time may suddenly leak like sand through your fingers.
* forecast characters describes the General tendencies. In order to obtain an accurate projection must be based on individual horoscope.
#Virgin ##Astrology forecast
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Forecast for March
There comes a good period to...
✨ In early March, repeated opposition...
✨ In early March, repeated opposition Jupiter-Uranus, which took place at the end of December, predznamenovav some very tragic events. Any aspect involving Uranium talks about unexpected events and negative aspects indicate that these events carry negative and even destructive.
✨ Events that took place at a time when the first row dimension (in December) will be the development and in March, and finally, the third time, Uranus and Jupiter will be in opposition at the end of September 2017, when past events may again give itself felt.
✨ At the end of the month, Jupiter will be in a negative aspect to Pluto. This is another fairly strong destructive aspect that will bring changes, transformation and new experience. This aspect may indicate the destruction of the old values and principles.
✨ Another important event March can be called a reversal of Venus in retrograde motion. In addition, its position in the Aries will make her very weak, so any cases involving Venus, will not turn out properly. Especially do not recommend in the next month to get married.
✨ In Aries later this month will be also the Sun and Mercury, so month promises to be quite active. In March, it will be possible to observe the first stellium (accumulation of planets) in Aries, where gather 5 planets.
The entire article:
#astrologicheskiesobytija #astrologicheskijprognoz ##lunnyjgoroskop #calendar horoscope
#lunnyjkalendar' #Astrology #astrologer #goroskopnamesjac #astroprognoz

🔹 Do not expect perfection, and do not ask and do...
🔹 Do not expect perfection, and do not ask and do not ask him. I love the ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people - are unusual. Everyone is so unique. Respect this uniqueness.
[Club66466145 | Osho]
Monday, February 27, 2017
2 Lunar sutki🌖
waning gibbous
Monday, c 7:50 27...
2 Lunar sutki🌖
waning gibbous
Monday, c 7:50 27.02.2017 8:14 on 28.02.2017
Symbol-a cornucopia.
Stones-jade, chalcedony, agate.
The second lunar day-perfect for beginning physical realization of our plans.
It's time to start implementing all the plans that you have today. It is better to proceed with the implementation of the affairs in the second half of the lunar day. The second lunar day take active rest will sweat. Ulavlivajte and soak up new information, it may be useful to you.
Good day for travel, moving into a new home, business trips and all types of travel. On this day all your words and deeds will be the Foundation for future events, so watch what you are doing and saying. To the people, even the most arrogant, condescending attitude. You can wake up aggression, and if you're born with unbalanced man, then you will be very difficult to control the influx of anger. And yet try to pull yourself together. MOP
The symbol of the second lunar days — a cornucopia, hvatajushhij mouth. Wakes up big appetites, greed. You should not indulge their emotions, to lean on food, especially steal-steal is found very quickly, like a thief. Not to "off", often meditate and analyze their words and actions.
Health and nutrition. Eat moderately, don't fall for the second day of the Lunar characteristic chrevougodiju. All harmful and superfluous food eaten on this day would have a negative impact on your health. Attention should be paid to the teeth and the upper sky — on this day, the mouth is particularly vulnerable to diseases. Apt is the intention to go on a diet, you only have to choose it correctly. For this try to imagine all the usual for your diet products
The disease, which began on that day, may require special treatment, but in any case will prove to be short-lived. Try strengthening your body through physical exercise — you are preparing the body to take and preserve the growing Moon energy. Go to the pool or take to the gym. Any active steps are encouraged.
Love and companionship. Better to limit its communication for a while to not to quarrel with anyone. Not worth the squabbling, more so — to argue with superiors. On this day, you may feel that someone from your circle of contacts is already overweight. If this man can leave later, then do it (only if you are confident in the strength of his self-control). Be generous to people opposing kindness growing greed. Give gifts
Work and creativity. Try less contact with superiors. Successful day to find sponsors for your project, which you gave yesterday. Any financial transactions and investments will prove successful. Visit the charity event and donate a little money. Subsequently, the nature you will reward for your generosity.
Trade, real estate is today materialize. Remember that the second lunar day strongly favour active work, and if you do not sit idly by and gently treat the surrounding, fertile basis for your good future is already laid.
Born on this day is strong, has good physical strength. It is not threatened by excess weight, so a person second lunar day can be a good appetite and, in so doing, slim figure. Such people can be possessed by all sorts of attachments to family or property. Those born under the symbol cornucopia not only have good appetites, they still often inflammatory. Undeveloped or CAD person can become dangerous not only d
Lunnyesutki ###moon astrology #lunnyyden fazaluny ###simvoldnya Ayurveda
27 February full moon 1-2 lunar day. All conceived and...
27 February full moon 1-2 lunar day. All conceived and planned the first lunar day comes true with minimal effort on your part. The first lunar day charges its energy your thoughts and gives an opportunity to realize the most courageous plans and dreams. Dream, visualize, meditation will help you dive into his world of desires where everything is possible. 🙏 #New Moon #2017 #Astrology #astrologicheskajakonsul'tacija #astrologijadljazhizni #astropsihologija #and
2 lunar day: (27 February-28 February...
2 lunar day: (27 February-28 February 7:58 to 8:21) Moscow time. The Moon is waxing.
Characters: jaws, mouth, cornucopia.
Stones: Jade, chalcedony, agate iridescent
The second lunar day is considered the day of abundance and consumerism. If such a day you feel nausea from a certain food, or even human, then they become to you harmful and superfluous.
Those who do not have time to formulate the tasks in the magical time of the new moon, not ogorchaemsja, you have the whole day.
So far the only plan, ponder but came before the lunch ideas keep to yourself. Otherwise, the afternoon will quell conceived. It is useful to begin the cycle of physical exercises, but without significant load. Charging a 10-minute workout with the aim of strengthening the body is quite enough.
28 February 2:08 to 7:52 the Moon without the course. This is another reason to keep your ideas to yourself.
Have a nice day!
#Astrology #lunnyjkalendar' #2lunnyesutki
On this day, try not to engage in sports and...
On this day, try not to engage in sports and travmoopasnymi activities.
Day is not suitable for any important cases. Tackle routine cases or possibly relax.
Born in the year of the rabbit stands caution and prudence.
Try not to take vital decisions.
What is Personal BaZi and Destroyer, see my YouTube channel.
You can order an individual calendar (you can see on my site
#BaZi #Ltv #galiagreku ##sovetdnya horoscope astrology ###galiyagreku goroskopnakazhdyyden
🔮🔯Goroskop 26 fevralya🔭🌌
As you wake up the creative...
🔮🔯Goroskop 26 fevralya🔭🌌
As you wake up the creative side of your nature. If you send your creativity in the right direction, you will be able to devise a new approach to the usual cases, making routine brighter and more varied. Unleash your imagination! Perhaps now someone accidentally will give you a secret. You will be able to learn even more, if you ask the right questions.
If you are not able to go to the full journey, go outside and just wander aimlessly. This will help you gather your thoughts. Clear your head, you will be able to take a fresh look at the situation, which ceased to understand, and eventually be able to make the right decision.
Today may emerge new circumstances that can abruptly change the essence of the matter. Be on the lookout! The development of this day can be quite unpredictable. Try to keep abreast of events.
This day is perfect for all kinds of public affairs. You have a lot of work, but the effort pretty soon bear fruit. Just be sure to correctly understand the promises of people worked with.
Perhaps today, you will have to master some technical novelty. At first, this may seem a daunting task, but you can handle, if you show quite a bit of ingenuity. Share lessons learned with those who are much more difficult to get used to all sorts of changes.
Today You will have to settle the matter of misunderstanding arising recently. Most likely, we are talking about the relationship with relatives. In general, this day is very important to have everything to do with home and family.
Home Your task for today - to keep your composure at all times. If you can not cope on their own, ask for help from loved ones. Oh, they do certainly know how to lift your spirits and set up in a positive way.
Your house is full of amazing gizmos, and everyone who comes to visit you, do not get tired to admire how skillfully you pick up and combine all. This day is perfect to go to antique shop and look for something else. Surely you will get great pleasure from these searches.
Today will be a very important exchange of ideas. Try to find out what they think surrounding. Analyzing the thoughts of others, you are perfectly stimulate their own mental activity. In addition, it would be nice to visit any museum or library.
Unleash your imagination. Inspiration can come to you from the most unexpected sources. Write down all the ideas that come to your mind that you have had the opportunity to take advantage of them at every opportunity.
Having dealt in the past, you will begin to better understand the events that occur in your life now. You will be able to appreciate all that surrounds you at the moment. Talk to your older relatives - they will open you the secrets of which you were not even aware.
Today, your success depends on how well you organize your time. You should think not only about business, but also about the possibility to fully relax. After all, you will be able to conquer the summit, if he knocks out of breath?
#molodprikubanka ##astrology horoscope
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Today, this Sunday
I will ask all seek.
For an...
Today, this Sunday
I will ask all seek.
For an involuntary pain that I
Suddenly caused you, friends.
Forgive me these errors
And I'll forgive everything.
And with a huge inspiration
All with Proshhenym Sunday! #dobryjvolshebnik ✨ #dobrajajoga #vkusnajavypechka🎂 #juvilirnoedelo #Astrology #otdelkapomeshhenijpodkljuch #beard #borodatyjlajf
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
I think that many people will be useful and interesting to understand how the planet manifested in human life. And the best way to do this is to disassemble the REAL testimonials, where its possible to understand the principle of operation of one or another planet.
Today I want to start with one consultation, which clearly demonstrates the work of weak Mars. Let's say right away that when I speak of "weakness" of the planet, I mean that man does not live on the energies of the planet. Being in a better position, but used a man low, any planet will give bad results.
The girl-client in the map was very faint Mars in 3 home associated with home partner. It's a lifetime literally attracted trouble-bruises, cuts, accidents and even attacks on her. Unfortunately, Mars is famous for its zlovrednost'ju, the planet which brings such complexity.
Moreover, in its map Mars is responsible for House partner, so for it to come across young people who are weak, bezvol'ny, not surprisingly, still. And because Mars is responsible for maleness, because of the nature of the activity.
Of course, in order to remedy this situation-it must harmonize the energy of Mars, do recite mantras, neutralization and change the way of thinking and life so as not to be in disharmony with his energies. Only after some time you can expect improvements.
But the complexity yet is that weak Mars gives that person difficult to bring developed through, so many people simply stop working on it and return to the past. Therefore, it is important to show awareness, patience and perseverance!
Irascibility, anger, resentment, anger, aggression-all this provides energy of Mars out of balance, so you must remove them first, as the root of the problems, to remove the negative influence of Mars!
Develop peace of mind and balance.
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#VedicheskajaAstrologija #VedicheskijAstrolog #MamedovAdam #Jyotish #swakshetra #svakshetra ###Astrology astrologer Mars #SvakshetraOpyt
PERSONALITY OF THE DAY - Alla Andreeva 25.02.1915 (Mercury...
PERSONALITY OF THE DAY - Alla Andreeva 25.02.1915 (Mercury in the northern node)
Soviet and Russian artist, Daniel's wife Andreeva
She began to draw at an early age, and in 1938 graduated from the Institute for Advanced Studies painters. Then she married the artist SM Ivashov-Musatov (divorced in 1944)
In the 1940s the work of Alla copyist and a graphic designer at the Art Works and taught at the art studio of the All. In 1944 she married Daniel Andreev.
In 1947, Alla, was arrested along with her husband on charges of anti-Soviet agitation and organization of the assassination of Stalin. After his release, August 13, 1956 was next to her husband until his last breath, was his muse, his beloved wife and faithful assistant.
After the death of her husband in 1959, she spent nearly 30 years kept the manuscripts of his works. Since the beginning of perestroika, he organized their publication, wrote a book of memoirs of Daniel Andreev, performed with a reading of his poems accompanied by professional musicians - it was memorable poetry evenings.
Alla was a gifted artist, a student of Baksheeva, Johanson and Kramarenko. She was a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, paintings and graphic sections. But only in 1974 she had her first exhibition. Today Alla Andreeva works are in the State Museum of Zaporozhye in Moscow gallery Nikor, Tarusa Museum, as well as in many private collections abroad.
Killed Alla Andreeva in Moscow, in her apartment April 29, 2005 in case of fire.
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Andreeva ###artist astrology Mercury ###cosmogram formula_dushi Astropsychology ###Planet Horoscope

Saturday, February 25, 2017
Maha Shivratri or a great night of...
Maha Shivratri or a great night of Shiva is one of the greatest celebrations of all spiritual seekers. Astrologically in this night Moon, Earth and Sun are lined up in a row, forming a kind of a channel on which, according to legend, Shiva sheds his grace. Vedic Knowledge dictates that any spiritual practice, performed at this time, gives results in hundreds of times greater than the fruits of practice at the usual time.
Traditionally, Maha Sivarathri night begins at sunset of the fourteenth lunar day of the waning Moon of the month of Magha (February-March). Vedic Knowledge claim that during this time of every spiritual seeker needs fast all day and stay awake all night. Maha Shivratri is a holiday not only shivaitov and shaktistov. It is celebrated in India with representatives of all denominations and devotees of any deities.
The Vedas tell about how even an unconscious spiritual practice that night caused sinners and even animals to the final release. Most popular among these is the story about Hunter, who on the day of Maha Shivratri couldn't kill no animal. He was frustrated, hungry and angry, in addition to all these troubles he met Tiger. Fleeing from a predator, mountain hunter climbed the tree bil'va is a plant of Shiva.
The Sun has long gone beyond the horizon, but Tiger and wasn't going to relinquish the easy prey. Seeing that the predator waits under a tree, it was nervous and Hunter remained in suspense all night. To somehow reassure himself, he tore tree leaves bil'va and threw them down, where fluke was shivalingam. Thus, unconsciously Hunter fasted all day, he performed Puja and Shiva all night, which was undoubtedly "aided" Tiger. Pre
Even if an unconscious spiritual practice at this time gives these results, then, to say nothing about the fruits of conscious aspirations towards God? Traditionally spend this night four Shiva Puja, which symbolize the various stages of spiritual development. During these actions, pronounced the mantra and offers a variety of offerings. The shivalingam pour milk, yogurt, ghee, honey and water. The same who have no ability to carry out complex rituals required
There is a legend about how Maha Sivarathri night Mother Parvati worshiping Shiva, and he satisfied her worship said that will fulfill any desire. Mother Parvati asked that any living creature that awake that night and dedicates its spiritual practices, reached final release. Since then, this night was special and in India it is the beginning of a new year, however, astrologically it is.
Vedic Knowledge assert that to cleanse the mind and control you need to fast at least once a week. If you can't do that, then at least once every two weeks. If this is difficult, it is once a month, or at least semi-annually. If this is not possible, then at least one day a year you want to devote to God and spend it in fasting and prayer. And the best time to do this-just the Maha Shivratri. After all, at this time, you can burn the greatest quantities
The study of Vedic Astrology Jyotish and veneration of the great Deities will be a very important step on the road to knowledge of the truth.
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#Jyotish Astrology ##маха_шиваратри ##Shiva shivaratri
#mantra #Shiva #Astrology #vedicheskieznanija #Veda #Sakshi #Jyotish
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Everyone has both a...
Everyone has both a zone of weakness and strength zone is his talents, abilities and predispositions. The consultation I tell people about this man, but in this article I want to help those who, for whatever reason, is not yet ready to pass her. And we stumbled on areas of strength.
,about 6 levelmysterious İtems
There are so many ways to do this. I will present a few of them.
1. remember what in childhood you have rested soul? 🚸Chto did you like to do? Usually at such age intuition is not quite "disappeared", so we internally tjanemsja to what we have a predisposition. Give it a shot!
2. We cannot objectively assess yourself-we too are critical either to himself, or vice versa. View from 😎 will help you understand what we are really good at and what we are strong. Someone can be a strong point of communication and ability to organize something. Someone the ability to write beautifully, draw etc Ask 5-10 people in your neighborhood and it will help you understand your zone!
3. Pay attention to your hobbies 🎨 usually they indicate what we can well realize that we can open up. For example, I always loved writing, through this I myself and am implementing in part. Someone knows how to beautifully knit, and someone sing. Hobby is a reflection of the interests of our soul.
Here is a simple and affordable methods can help you to find your strengths, you can safely evolve! Be the researchers themselves, and pleasant change will not keep you waiting.
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#Vedicheskijastrolog #vedicheskajaAstrologija #mamedovadam ##swakshetra #Jyotish svakshetra #astrologer #Astrology #astrologmoskva #talents
#formuladushi #Astrology #astropsihologija
Meet Alex Pakhabau, winner 7th battle of...
#formuladushi #Astrology #astropsihologija
Meet Alex Pakhabau, winner 7th battle of psychics!
Alexey was born November 28, 1983 year Pakhabau, simple family from the small town-Achinsk. Father Alexei Pakhabau, was a simple electric and psychic mom, was the engineer. Alexey have formal education lawyer.
The first manifestations of Dara from psychic Alexei Pakhabau, was 19 years old when the girlfriend left him, he loved and adored, almost 3 years. After he fell into a deep depression and had not talked with anyone on long over. His "aloofness" lasted for about 3 months. Once summer night he couldn't sleep because the mosquito that flew over it. So it was a long time in the powerful slipstream, and surprisingly, accidentally was able to enter into a trance. He p
One day he accidentally stumbled on the tv show battle of psychics, looked a few series and realized that easily copes with your needs, that's when he decided to apply for participation in the battle of psychics.
Center for personal development "Arkanum is a unique educational project that was created in the year 2009 the winner of season 7 of" the battle of PSYCHICS, "Alexei POHABOVYM. Arkanum company "Center for thousands of people have already discovered the path of inner transformation and energy preobrazhenij. The basis of magical training projects, we put our own experience of development of supernatural abilities.

Astrology and karma (the end)
Karmic astrology is defining the...
Astrology and karma (the end)
Karmic astrology is defining the primary task of human incarnation. All the information given in the horoscope is, that is all that a man has accumulated over many incarnations on Earth. Horoscope reveals the potential variety of opportunities and variety of life that can be lived.
Here are some interesting examples. Damage in the horoscope of a rising Lunar node Neptune, said the negative religious experience, a man in a past life could suffer from the Church. And when we analyze the horoscopes, we see that many atheists and many critics of the Church at one time suffered from it. This aspect is Lenin. As is known, he passionately hated churchmen. He had a past life end of martyrdom from the Inquisition.
Astrological methods can determine the previous incarnation. You can determine when a person last time incarnated, where and what. If the Ascending Node is damaged the Moon, man died from accident damaged Mars-it could kill, Uranus — could be marginalized or committed suicide. Hitler's Ascending Node is damaged uranium. There is reason to believe that in a past life, as well as this, he committed suicide.
Here are examples of good karma is the same node in harmonious aspect with the Sun — man held high social status. He could be the King or ruler. But everyone who was ruler in a past life, have become established and in follow-up. Karmic memory tells them how to effectively manage and govern. And such people are very quickly moving up the social ladder — they become major leaders, Presidents. Presidents in the past
There is a karmic number tasks 12 signs of the zodiac. They are determined by the Lunar node in the signs of the zodiac. The node moves in every new incarnation to the next character, but in the opposite direction. And karmic task changes all the time, hence the change of activity. So, naturally, we go through all the tasks.
Horoscope be interpreted depending on the karma of social conditions, the level of culture. With regard to free will, a person can properly take advantage of the free will, if he has no idea about our future? It's like driving on a dark road with his headlights off. Astrologer, as a spotlight, illuminating the path of man. And already in the living space a person is able to lit to enjoy free will.
The adoption of a decision by a man too is largely predetermined, and astrology sees it. Space, affecting the astral body is a person a certain desire, intentions, interests, inclinations, State of love, in the end. Astrology can predict when a person will love affair, how it will be profound. Imagine the situation: astrologer predicts family man love in the future. Man knows in advance and the situation
Astrology warns of possible dangers, illnesses, accidents. She said and about opportunities that you can prepare for and use them as much as possible. There are many such situations, but because of the reluctance of the we do not use them in full. For example, a person creative will know when he has a favorable period for creative achievements. He, of course, works constantly, but his art will be Max
It often happens that a man, having received forecast from astrologer, passively waiting for when it will come true. Naturally, it all depends on the level of development of the individual. As astrology will be included in a person's life, it will increasingly realize that there is some programmed part of destiny, but there is also the opportunity to rise above it.
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#Astrology #Karma #fate
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA"! Good...
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA"! Good morning and waking up. We wish you a nice and sunny mood for the whole day, effort, feelings of cheerfulness and optimism. Let everything you do today will let luck in the morning and the evening will be with you
We continue to publish amazing rubriki- "Character and Destiny Date of Birth" In it you will find your unique traits will discover something new, get valuable advice on strengthening your advantages, harmonious development, to strengthen your health tips, astrological stages the formation of fate according to the date of your birth, and much more.
A detailed horoscope for each day of the calendar year, you can find on our forum section -ASTROLOGIYa.http: //
yl power sets them apart from others. Over
February 20 - February 29
The ruling planet is Saturn gives those born in this period, dreamy, prone to loneliness and change.
Important years: 12, 24,36, 58, 60,72.
Modest mimosa - a symbol of this sign.
Those born during this time-sensitive nature, they are easy to offend, offend and hurt. With full responsibility they carry out their work, sometimes forgetting about the limit of their own strength, so important to them is the ability to relax, to give more time to rest, to continue to successfully work and do not suffer from various ailments.
Birth 24 February
Fate: ambition and ambition inherent born on this day, they are characterized by persistence, vitality, independence and determination. The most pronounced traits amplified vibrations of the day, and the life and character of the people will depend on what features it will develop in themselves. They are characterized by firmness in achieving the goals, which does not break. The financial sector and the career they will be successful. As well as in family life have harmony
Mystery birthday: Subject sacrifice permeates through life born on February 24th. Willingness to sacrifice themselves can manifest them in different ways. Sometimes they act for the good of the team and to the detriment of their own interests, or to give suggestions of friends or family above their own interests. But they demand from others of the same sacrifice, especially of loved ones. In a more abstract form of sacrifice topic may appear as acceptance Well
The first perceive the role of self-sacrifice to the honor and pleasure, they sincerely believe in his great roles for others and the common good - is the most important reward for those born on February 24th. Others carry the role as a cross, a duty, reluctantly. Sometimes underestimation of their contribution or not welcome the adoption of the other victim may disappoint them. From time to time feeling the lack of demand and lack the desired positive assessment from the surrounding
Developed representatives, born February 24, adequately perceive it and strive for objectivity in the assessment of their efforts, the others tend to consider themselves failures and blindly follow the fate. Born February 24, we need to understand that the balance between the public interest and their own desires possible, and they can choose the path of service to the public needs without ignoring their needs. Those born on this day should develop confidence in the ideals, to
If one day they have a desire to take control of their lives, then greeted the inner bitterness and resistance, as they have to step on the throat for years to develop a habit. For those born on February 24 it is important to find the strength of will, courage, certainty and decisiveness before they bring a sacrifice to someone or something. Speaking in romantic relationships strong, born on this day feel great satisfaction.
Health: Born February 24 prone to frequent omissions and relaxation, so it is necessary to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, it can lead to diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Their apparent inclination to self-sacrifice and negative forecasts sometimes leads to resentment and fury surrounding. Some of birth 24 February choosing love ties the center of their universe, so they should know about the existence of sex-love addiction,
Tip: Be adequate to reality. Do not ignore or dismiss from the others' opinions, suggestions, wishes. Your talents require development, engage them and raising their willpower. Oppose complete abandonment of the inner ego.
Astera #astera ###@ astera astrology horoscope @ astera data_rozhdeniya #@ astera
28 lunar sutki🌖
Waning moon
Friday, from 6:24 on...
28 lunar sutki🌖
Waning moon
Friday, from 6:24 on 2/24/2017 6:57 2/25/2017
The symbol - a lotus.
Stones - aragonite, chrysoprase, Belomoro, amethyst, plasma, milk opal, jade, aquamarine.
The day is very harmonious and light. Today everything will work out. Any business and undertakings, if they are directed to a good cause, lead to success. In the soul of man and nature in harmony reigns. Violate it can not in any case. Avoid bad words, destructive actions, negative thoughts. Do not get angry, do not revenge, do not hold a grudge inside. Yours should be treated not only to people but also to the world. You can not cut trees or pick flowers, prohibited from
Try the whole day to be in high spirits. Man grim, unfriendly may incur the trouble and dangerous disease. In the first half of the lunar day is not recommended to overwork. Possible mood swings. In the afternoon, the feelings subside, in the soul reigns calm. Do not make drastic action. Be consistent, cautious and observant. Those who lived the whole month in accordance with the Moon and used its power correctly,
Today is the day when you can go to a new spiritual level. Useful work with his astral body, the chakras and karma. Well given meditation, through her soul can know your past incarnations. Concentrate your consciousness, peered into his inner world. Good to analyze their actions, to look back and take stock of the month. But to make drastic changes in his life is not worth it. Dreams dreams mainly prophetic. In them we see our future
Health and nutrition. Recommended hunger or juice diet. Overeating is not desirable. Meat is better not to eat, you can give up the seeds. Today, vulnerable eyes, so do not spend much time at the computer, TV, or a book. Avoid bright light. If you suffer from insomnia, a five-minute meditation will help you to dim light. Engage cleaning procedures. Clean the body from the inside, to put in order the skin. You can use healing Kosmet
Diseases that occur today are usually associated with the chakras, or karma. Healing will not come until the patient is not aware of their mistakes and do not attempt to correct. The disease can be treated as a lesson that teaches us life. Today, it is recommended to protect your head and do not overtax the mind. If you jumping blood pressure or a headache, it's a sign that you have violated the commandments of the moon, and the energy you are denied.
Love and Relationships. Community benefit you and lift your spirits. Do not abuse the trust of others and not to impose them. It should heed the advice, if they are given your close friends or relatives. Today is the day when all your good deeds come back to you a hundredfold. If you help people, supported and listened to them, you will get a reward in this month. It may be monetary or non-material. Everyone will get what he deserves.
For the marriage day is not the most suitable. But perfect for a child's conception. He will grow wise and good man. All it will easily be given, it can conquer the world. An exceptionally lucky and quiet child, but is prone to laziness. Laziness can ruin his abilities and good intentions, so parents better not to spoil the child and teach him to justice and labor.
Work and creativity. You can start any business and projects. Feel free to solve financial issues, is engaged in purchase, sale and other operations. The most important case is better to postpone the second half of the lunar day. The advice and wishes of important information may be hiding your partners. Listen to their words. Today, a good day for representatives of all professions. Art People experience the creative impulse, the scientists will be successful in their endeavors. students
Born on this day with the birth of lazy. Often, he is born in a wealthy family and accustomed, that all his desires and whims immediately executed. If you do not eradicate it excessive demands and laziness, it will grow cynical man. To distinguish good and bad, can not, will be at the mercy of double standards. Big love, he did not experience, lose the ability to feel and become attached to the people.
At the highest level are born in the twenty-eighth day of the moon become altruists. They literally radiate light and goodness. They pulled the people, the world is at their feet. These people are endowed with high moral character. They can open a clairvoyance or successfully practiced lucid dreaming.
Lunnyesutki ###moon astrology #lunnyyden fazaluny ###simvoldnya Ayurveda
Friday, February 24, 2017
Post soon, so use the remaining few days at polnuju...
Post soon, so use the remaining few days at polnuju😂🙈🍷
Who else will be fast?
#skoropost ##galiagreku #Astrology horoscope #baczykonsul'tacija #baczykonsul'tant #galijagreku #sdelajsebjasam #godpetuha #fengshui @ La Marée Restaurants
Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017 year happens at 8 degrees...
Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017 year happens at 8 degrees Pisces zodiacal sign. Eclipse contains positive momentum which will help us to turn their dreams into reality. Emphasized the spiritual influence of the planet Neptune, inspired hope for a bright future. Neptune bears inspirations, a desire to move forward to new challenges.
• Start Eclipse 26 February in 13:15 UTC (GMT) or in 16:15 (Moscow time).
• Maximum phase 26 February in 14:58 UTC or in 17:58 (Moscow time).
• Eclipse 26 February in 16:31 UTC or in 19:31 (Moscow time)
On the territory of Russia it will not be visible. Eclipse is a circle when the diameter of the moon disc is somewhat less than sunny, so the Moon completely covers the Sun remains visible light ring.
Effect of solar eclipse in PISCES
The Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Fish form a connection with mercury and Neptune, so that the influence of Eclipse can speak ambiguously. Neptune immerses us into the ocean of fantasies, but the presence of mercury recalls that need to remain objective and sensibly evaluate prospects. Maintain balance dreams and realism, then success will easily find the way to you.
The impact of eclipses have a positive impact on many spheres of life, especially good for creative people and artists. In addition, you can count on a positive development in the sphere of relations. Maybe you have new influential friends, encounter love and start a relationship with a worthy man.
More than just the effects of a solar eclipse in February 2017 year affect representatives sign Pisces and Virgo, especially those who were born in the period from 22 February to 3 March (Pisces) and 26 August to 5 September (Virgo). Gemini and Sagittarius also feel his energy. The direction changes depend on the position of the planets and the important points in the natal chart, so the nature of change is determined for each individual.
Learn more about the impact of Eclipse for each of the zodiac signs read the horoscopes for February 2017.
February 26, 2017 Eclipse value from an astrological point of view
In astrology, it is believed that Eclipse the Sun marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It thus negates the past and opens a new chapter of life. This is a great time for beginnings, whether they work or personal life. The possibilities are many, and our task is to choose among them those that contribute to the realization of our true needs. To make the right choice, it is necessary to examine the case of days gone by, to assume responsibility
Solar Eclipse in fish bears a positive impetus, gives energy for new beginnings. One of the most important aspects is the connection of the Sun and the Moon of Neptune. Neptune in PISCES is very strong, because the Zodiac is his abode. While the impact of this mysterious planet is not always beneficial, now conspicuously displayed positive qualities because of its negative aspect with Saturn is no longer valid. Neptune shows that we can rise above the limit
Neptune is known as the planet of spirituality and mysticism, in its properties improve intuition and empathy. The boundaries between people dissolve and you feel true unity with loved ones. Spiritual teachings and occult disciplines are becoming clearer, could be psychic ability.
Jupiter and Uranus
However, not all planetary relationship harmonious (see astrological map Eclipse below). Confrontation of Jupiter in Libra Uranus in Aries increases the need for freedom, a desire to rebel against all rules and restrictions. As a result of unexpected events are not excluded, that will lead to significant changes in his personal life.
The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus highlight minor aspects: polukvadrat (aspect of 45°) of the Sun with the uranium and polutorakvadrat (135° aspect) of the Sun with Jupiter, which also made its own nuances. Jupiter makes us more self-confident, but should match the desired and the possible, otherwise excessive optimism may fail. The relationship of the Sun and Uranus is often a harbinger of abrupt changes. The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus shows high concentrations of energy, hot
Summing up, one can say that the solar eclipse February 26, 2017 generally positive, but there is a factor of uncertainty and chaos. It is likely that there will be influenced by events that have ambiguous meaning. Perhaps project will start, which was not destined to be realized due to lack of motivation, or they will be far from reality. If you plan to start something new, keep practice
Recommendations of the astrologer
February 26, 2017 onwards, as well as three days before and after this date, it is not recommended to do anything important, major purchases, major financial transactions, responsible negotiations, etc. If possible, meaningful activities and travel better move to a different period. Day should be conducted in a calm atmosphere, without taking anything unusual and risky.
Visibly manifested energy mark fish and if you want to be with her on the same wavelength, allow yourself time to escape from reality. For example, you can go to the movies, read a fiction novel, listen to spiritual music, to do the painting.
This is an opportune time for meditation, reflection and planning for the future. When meditation is good to use stones zodiacal sign Pisces: Amethyst, aquamarine, Opal, blue lace agate, and others.
Day has a strong energy, so magic rituals will bring excellent results. Since the Eclipse of the Sun is essentially predicted peak, well, if you find time for the ritual of the new moon on the fulfillment of desires. They may relate to love, work, business, money, and anything that you want to attract in your life.
(Website: astro101)
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#Astrology #Eclipse #Sun
Aquarius, Gemini and Libra-air signs that idealistic, they...
Aquarius, Gemini and Libra-air signs that idealistic, they live in ideas and information. Aquarians are people who more easily than others to abandon their selfish part, from his "I". Because of this, they often fall into addiction, podobostrastnost', cringing.
Actually, these people turn out Saints. When the right man comes under the desired effect, he begins to serve higher ideals, to admire the life of great people. Such a person is really able to forget yourself and become a philanthropist or a monk. They do not need to ask about anything, they will do themselves. But this sometimes results in the fact that the people of this sign are doing what are asked not to touch.
Aquarians are constantly engage not in those companies, not in those relations and not in those cases that need. The renunciation of his own "I" is self hate. When they are friends with the wrong people, their energy is blocked and dissipated.
These people are wonderful, "People scattered from the street Basin"-this could be about them. They are not charismatic, unobtrusive air. Aquarians often due to denial of emotions do not understand themselves and their nature. Them difficult to learn and accept yourself. But when those people follow the correct ideas, they may become even the chiefs, chiefs, glaring in some religious communities and groups.
The symbol of Aquarius is the water carrier, a pitcher of water is the life giving water of truth for the rest of the characters. People often get confused: like air sign and draw water from a pitcher. This air sign is always ideas in themselves, which is the water of truth, the source for the rest.
#секреты_бога #SekretyBoga #ZnakiZodiaka #Jyotish #Aquarius #astrology
Today I am using their...
Today I am using their intuition distinguish illusion from other playfully and I overcome daily difficulties. Overcoming all obstacles, I find the power of magic, use it to achieve its objectives. Inside there is the dreamer in me.
KalendarMayya ###Tzolkin Horoscope Astrology ###Goroskopnaden Goroskopdnya #Lunnyykalendar VremyaMayya ###AndreyBorn Mexico
Horoscope of your female power. Learn about yourself something new...
Horoscope of your female power. Learn about yourself something new!
Even Shakespeare and Dumas said that the power of a woman - in her weakness. Is it so? To all women whether you can use this phrase? It turns out that women's power depends on the month of her birth. What power you possess, learn in this horoscope.
The strength of the Aries - in his determination. Girl-aries primarily sees the goal. Obstacles? Nothing will overcome! Even on her way to grow very tall wall, sooner or later it will strike her. Or explode. She knows that you can work around the wall, but is Aries will make compromises? This is for wimps!
The Power-Taurus girls - in fantasy. All mistakenly think that it is - earth person, devoid of imagination and stand firmly on his feet. It's a delusion. In fact, Miss Taurus - smart and strong, with a small problem, it manages to once or twice. If, however, on her way there are serious obstacles, it runs in your inner world, which shows a few people. There she draws energy and comes back. The problem, you see, has resolved itself.
Power of the Twins - the ability to communicate. This girl - a master in the creation of social ties. She skillfully manipulates people, like a puppeteer. But there is a force more powerful Gemini - the word. She is able to speak to anyone's death. Keep in mind that the printed word is also covered by this magic. So before the open letter from the Twins, better crosshairs. And then you never know.
Cancer Strength - empathy. It's not just girl-cancer hides from the world in his armor! If she will even out the tip of his nose - all the young lady was gone. She was immediately sucked into someone else's skin, and she would have to empathize, sympathize and get involved in other people's problems. In everyday life, this quality is not very convenient, but in the case of global cataclysms - perfect. Mistress of Cancer can not win, because if it is necessary, it is - it's you. And with himself
The strength of the Lionesses - in her fearlessness. They do not know the feeling of fear, so they are always the first: the first clever (it does not matter that there are a lot of other clever), the first beauty (and no matter how they actually look like) and in general they are the Queen! That is why while all sit and fear comes Lioness and takes pride of first place.
The strength of the Virgin - in logic and intelligence. Virgo thoroughly decomposed into atoms of every situation and problem, carefully consider, examine and collect back - now knowing exactly what she do with all that. Or is not it, and you - because Virgin does not matter that it was disassembled. It does not matter. Situations or feelings, yours or someone else's - it's all the same. But it does not allow blunders. Never.
Weight scales
The strength of Libra - in charm and ease. It is always lovely, even if it is a lawyer with shark teeth, the most severe in the world's accountant or the school head teacher - it always remains a girl-girl. Sweet, charming, incredibly charismatic and very light. Next to it is the inconspicuous man feels himself a hero, every tired woman - a young princess, and every young bully - sweet angel. Because no one wants to upset this fairy!
The strength of the Scorpion - in a natural attractiveness. This young lady Scorpio does not make any effort in order to draw to himself anyone, like a magnet. It happens by itself. Scary magic! Fortunately, the young lady-Scorpio only interested elected to the majority of the victims she never condescends, and they somehow gradually fall off themselves, wondering what it was?
The strength of the Sagittarius - in steadfastness and optimism. It is like a cat with nine lives. All around the living will lay the tsunami, and the young lady Sagittarius will stand where she stood. The strength of the Sagittarius can hide from all the ills of life, as in an impregnable citadel. However, the first citadel still to be won, but that's another story.
The strength of Capricorn - to disability. For horses from work not just died tragically, and will have time to become a fossil, and the Capricorn girl will still work, without giving the slightest sign of fatigue. Some try to feel sorry for "poor things" Capricorns, not understanding the essential: the young lady Capricorn - a perpetual motion machine, it draws its energy is in action. This means that the principle of "Do what you must, come what may" always working on it.
The strength of the Aquarius - in thinking outside the box. To many it seems strange and even insane. Some even believe that it is the young lady Aquarius is not adapted to a normal life, everything is in the clouds. How wrong they were! When everyone starts to panic and run around yelling "All is lost!" She quickly finds a way out. And even more. And tell everyone what is best. Because only she can walk through walls of stereotypes and stupid rules.
The strength of the Pisces - intuition. Mistress Fish feels the world as water. She notices the tiniest changes that no one sees. However, the magic ball Fish do not like to work, the extra people they are straining. But their relatives Fish, of course, will withdraw from the danger long before this is the danger somehow manifest themselves. Fish And she, of course, will not disappear.
Astrology ##psychology ##formula_dushi horoscope #zhenskaya_sila
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Retrograde Jupiter
If a natal chart has a retrograde Jupiter...
Retrograde Jupiter
If a natal chart has a retrograde Jupiter, it is said that man's spiritual for itself, without any special willingness to share spirituality with others. Or vice versa, its spirituality and not sketchy "deep down", because there is not enough direct energy of Jupiter, that could break through the negative phenomena. Retrograde Jupiter gives a small number of children (as Jupiter is Karakoy children).
Retro Jupiter will not yield favorable results that he would being in a direktnom situation, but this does not mean that such a Jupiter bad or unfavorable, no, it's all the same benefactor and "good-natured". But on the basis of the rules that the favorable planet in retrogressii less beneficial (as immersed in itself), and specific results for the period and under the periods of Jupiter expected is not worth it.
#Astrology #vedicheskajaastrologija ##retrograde Jupiter
#Astrology #Moon #affirmations
For Moon in Capricorn, you can practice...
#Astrology #Moon #affirmations
For Moon in Capricorn, you can practice the following affirmation.
🔹 Sometimes we think that we are yearning for some distant...
🔹 Sometimes we think that we are yearning for some distant place, whereas in fact we miss about the time we spent there, being younger and fresher than now. So is cheating on us under the guise of space ...
[club66466145 | Arthur Schopenhauer]
22 February - Wednesday - the 26th day of the moon and...
22 February - Wednesday - the 26th day of the moon and very soon February 26 - the new moon and solar eclipse! 🌛🌛🌙🌙🌝🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚Dvadtsat sixth lunar day is characterized by emotional outbursts. The mood of people jumping like a frog / symbol of the day / -More minute ago someone was laughing and crying now, not had time to look back, and good-natured person suddenly become a tyrant. 🤗🤓😎😡Glavnaya danger of the twenty-sixth day of the moon is in its ability to "tighten in rubbing
Moreover, observance of the golden mean emotionally this is the fact !!!! 🙏👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 #natalnayakarta astrology ###dostizhenietseley coaching lunnyykalendar ###solar eclipse Krasnodar Sochi ###Kropotkin ozmoll
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
"Empty House"
What to do with the House, which does...
"Empty House"
What to do with the House, which does not? We know that the presence of planets in the House can determine the nature of the people: this is a strong sign of the manifestation of this home and nature. And by the presence of planets in house we can distinguish this House among the priority in the life of this man.
How do you determine the work "empty" homes? If it is obvious that the presence of planets in the House strongly drew attention to this House, especially in the presence of stelliuma and, accordingly, the House on the opposition.
Because the presence of stelliuma in the same House as would outweigh the relative to all other houses of this axis, so it becomes more prominent and elevated above all others. And these planets vibrate when they go transits and they vibrate at the same opposition. So when they say that in the VIII-OM House nothing but 2nd-overloaded, consider that both these houses are overwhelmed. And the question of personal and strange energies you can not avoid and problems with them. So on
mark is applied
• The length of the home;
• The trustee House cusp and the Manager of the mark, where there is kuspid;
• Manager: what sign, House he stands, and what aspects is the Manager of an empty House.
The length of the House. .. Whether it's a small part of the sign, or House stretched and captures 2-3 mark. This significantly changes the significance of this House: the presence of different characters in the same house speaks about its diversity, raznoharakternosti, changes throughout life and constant switching of attention. Thus, in addition to the Manager, we are soupraviteli ...
Depending on the length of the House, you may find that it turns out to be mark, fully enclosed between two other so-called "included. "Included a symbol"-it is least understood and hardest to elaborate. This is another problem in a person's life. And when he realizes himself sufficiently advanced, will begin dismantling the spear. If it is the planet that person their very difficult to feel, for example: "do not feel I am in SEB
-The presence of retrograde planets gives a different character. Imagine how much you have to keep in mind in order to tell me your questions: "and if I have Uranus in the VI-th House in opposition with Saturn, what?"-nothing. -"And I still have the opposition sites, can you imagine? ..."
The presence of stewards in different houses in relation, for example, the 3rd House, etc. We find ourselves faced with a choice, how to discern the presence of planets in the House, the availability of home in the appropriate plate or the presence of planets in this sign.
For example, if Mercury is in the 4th House, or manifestations of mercury in cancer. The House is a projection of character, there are some characteristics, the same stewards, the same planet in exile. And if the planet is in a house sign or House in a similar sign, like this spot. For example, if the Mercury in cancer, as distinguished from home III. If the 3rd House in cancer, it is the interaction of cancer with mercury. Mercury in cancer is different. If
We say that the deep level of the horoscope is a sign, the next layer is a planet in the sign, the following is a House and, accordingly, the planet in this House. If the planet is worth in cancer, wherever he lived, he would still be in the Ruck in the natal chart. And if you were born on the same day several man, and all amounted to horoscopes, Mercury in cancer fall into different houses, and hence, projavlennost' will have people in different spheres. At the same time at Tog
So when do the interpretation, then you hear a similar crossing from one language to another. But there is something more depth through the sign, and there is something shallow that mark in the House. If Mercury in cancer, he will talk about a specific human perception, intellectual, because of its deep water Cancer perceives, here is his memory, deep, emotional memory, feelings here sign, because he deeply affect
Author: N. Markina
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#Astrology #Eclipse #Sun
#centrformulydydushi #books #tutorial #formuladushi #astrology
#centrformulydydushi #books #tutorial #formuladushi #astrology
Everything will start that day will multiply, so try to...
Everything will start that day will multiply, so try to be optimistic and do positive deeds, meet friends, pamper yourself, etc.
Not worth it: borrow, to enter into a formal marriage, assume any obligation, to move.
You can make a valuable acquisition (of course not).
Born in the year of the dog is worth to show prudence and caution.
Try not to take vital decisions.
What is Personal BaZi and Destroyer, see my YouTube channel.
You can order an individual calendar (you can see on my site
#BaZi #Ltv #galiagreku ##sovetdnya horoscope astrology ###galiyagreku goroskopnakazhdyyden
🔽 Happy is not the one who has all the best...
🔽 Happy is not the one who has all the best, and the one who extracts the best of what is.
[Club66466145 | Confucius]
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
KIN 169-Red Cosmic Moon
I know that I can not...
KIN 169-Red Cosmic Moon
I know that I can not rest on our laurels, because so much more needs to be done. Only when the install complete harmony within ourselves, will be able to work in a team. Today I will do something for the society and join in harmony with nature. Today rasproshhajus' with selfishness, pride and stubbornness. I don't want to be lonely among people. Want to live in this world, and not just happen out of this world.
Detailed horoscope for today:
#Kalendar'Majja ###Tzolkin Horoscope Astrology #Goroskopnaden' #Goroskopdnja #Lunnyjkalendar' #VremjaMajja #AndrejBorn #Mexico
The main thing for you will...
The main thing for you will work, everyday care responsibilities.
A good time to do something for their health, eating habits, nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Especially good for you will get rid of bad habits in Eclipse.
In the sphere of relations diversity is and pleasant moments, and a very tense situation. Wisely, not to destroy them.
###horoscope Libra Astrology #goroskopnamart #prognoznamartdljaVesov
🔹 SUBCONSCIOUS believes in what you say. 🔹
I realized that most...
🔹 SUBCONSCIOUS believes in what you say. 🔹
I realized that most people just don't want to hear the good news. They like bad because it gives them a reason to complain about life. Many armed with an arsenal of stories with bad endings, that make us believe that evil triumphs in the world.
One day I decided to stop gossip. To his surprise, I suddenly realized that I had nothing to say. I first meet a friend as we immediately started peremyvat' bones. Over time, I made the discovery that there is some form of conversation, although I was not easy to get rid of a bad habit. By the way, note: If I bring gossip about other people, and they will surely come in the same way. One will reap what he'll sow.
Working with people more and more, I really started to listen to what they say. I began to distinguish individual words, and not only the general outline of the conversation. Usually my 10-minute communication with a new client I can say exactly what the reason for his failure. And all because I listened to the words he uses.
I know what contribution they are making to the birth of new problems and complexity of old. If only it were mostly negative words, you can imagine the internal dialogue. It must be a manifestation of negative programming, or by taking advantage of my term, "thinking of poverty".
I want to offer you a little exercise. Write down on their phone conversations or diktafon conversations with friends and family! And then listen to how and what you say. Chances are, you'll be amazed. After that you start to listen to your voice, follow its intonations. And, of course, keep track of the words you used.
You begin to treat this consciously. To discover that something was repeated three times or more, write. It is a reflection of some of your installation. Some plants can be positive and work for you. But, there might be a couple of negative attitudes, to which you return again and again.
As I already said, I would like to discuss the force, which has our subconscious. The subconscious does not have its own opinion. It takes everything we say, and creates our destiny according to our beliefs. It always says "Yes". Our subconscious loves us so much that gives us everything that we only ask with the help of their utterances.
However, the choice is ours. If we choose to "poor", "pathetic", thoughts and views, the subconscious mind decides that this is exactly what we want. And until we change our words, thoughts and beliefs for the better, it will remain still. The subconscious mind will offer us an appropriate situation.
We will always do this choice, because billions of thoughts, and all the while they are in motion. Our subconscious mind cannot differentiate truth from falsehood. We don't want to humiliate myself. We do not wish to say something like "Oh, I am old and dumb." We know that the subconscious mind grasps everything on the fly. After a while we feel it is an old and stupid.
Say something several times-and in your subconscious take root a new view. Subconscious have no sense of humor. It is very important to understand this point. It is not worth making fun of ourselves and think that this get away with it. If you joke though slightly humiliated-let you and tried to seem brave and cheerful-the subconscious will take seriously this humiliation.
I do not let people in my trainings joking Similarly, humiliating themselves or each other. You should never insult human dignity, whether it is about ethnicity, sex and so on don't mess on themselves and do not make derogatory comments. It will not bring anything good. Do not humiliate others. The subconscious does not conduct between you and other people.
It believes in what you say about yourself. Next time you want to criticize someone, ask why you have this feeling. You see in the other only what you see in yourself. Instead of criticizing people, praise them, and within a month you will witness tremendous changes.
Our words is an expression of the relationship to anything. Notice how they say lonely, unhappy, poor and sick people. What words do they use? That is true? In what terms they describe? What they say about their work, about their lives, about their relationships with other people? What they expect from life?
Consider their manner of expression, but please don't tell anyone that their life flows, as they say. Do not say that even their friends and their relatives-will not be taken into account. Use it to begin communication with yourself. Do constantly, if you want to improve your life.
Changing the way a little talk, you will attract other life situations. Let's say you people sick. Do you believe that the disease is incurable and prepare for death. You think that life is a brutal thing, because it works against you. What do you do in such a case, guess?
You choose freedom. Freedom from their negative perceptions about life. Start with affirmations, tell yourself that loved, worthy of the healing that attract to itself everything needed for healing on a physical level. Believe that the desire to get better and be healthy-is perfectly safe. Many people feel secure only when sick.
They tend to belong to the category of persons who could not say no. " The only possibility of failure comes down to the next phrase: "I'm too sick (sick) to do that."
When I gave private consultations, my clients often argued with me about their capabilities. They always tried to justify its inability to cope with the backlog of problems. If we believe that bogged down tightly and accept it as a fact, that's the way it happens. We go into a deadlock due to the fact that our negative installation become reality. So let's instead start to focus on their inner strength.
Love yourself-most important thing you can do. Because loving yourself, you won't be able to offend anyone-neither myself or someone else. Let us start your path to awareness, listening to what we say to ourselves and others.
© Louise Hay
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
Learn to understand people! Fabulous wise parable
How often we...
Learn to understand people! Fabulous wise parable
How often we screwed up in people, trusting them to fully and unconditionally? But the world teaches us that naivete and sincerity are different things. How do you learn to understand people? The answer in this short but very wise parable.
Once a disciple asked the old man:
— How do I learn to understand people — who trust me and whom to fear?
— Tell you at the outset, to fear, "said the old man.
-Beware of the humble-looking! When you find that someone puts in front of you bows, hugs you and shows you its unusual location, that thou beware — the most!
-How do so, Starche? — surprised student. -Explain to me!
Because he is the first and betray you! Starets replied with a sigh.
— And who do I trust? a disciple asked.
— Trust those who are straightforward with you and tells you the truth, whatever it may be, these people were the first to come to you for help!
Old monk said:
-True humility is always discreetly, so its hard to find; but when you find it, it will never betray you.
Aloriya_Sobinova ###runes tarot astrology ##Karma
The House is a sector in...
The House is a sector in the horoscope, telling what areas of life we better develop. Yet they symbolize the stages of development. In order to link all their knowledge together, I began to perceive a House not as separate sphere, but as a serial lifecycle. Accent home helps to identify what stage of life more influenced the formation of man and under the influence of any house he formed. Making a cheat sheet for myself, I want to share my vision
1 HOUSE: the beginning of life.
Their birth we inform the world about new energy, strength and youth. Babe keeps attention on themselves, because a miracle happened, sotvorilas' new life. This is exactly what people reveal themselves with pronounced first home-declare themselves with all boldness. For infantile pervodomnikov "I"-is the first letter in the alphabet, their judgments are subjective and brain-dead arguments in their universe are not valid.) In a positive option they devote life self-development, because I feel
HOUSE 2: talent.
In ancient times it was called talents monetary unit. There is such a wonderful parable of Jesus Christ about talents. On his return, Lord called to himself of slaves and demanded that they report on how they are ordered with the money entrusted to them. Slaves prevalence money cause he praised. Last came the BRA, zakopavshij money into the ground. In response Mr turned to him and present with the following speech: Should you give away my Silver trade
HOUSE 3: study.
At this stage of life we learn to talk and interact with the environment. First sounds, facial expressions, recognition of persons and objects introduces us in informative space. Here is formed by the need to absorb new. People who have pronounced 3 House, experiencing the same baby, unbridled curiosity for everything that is happening around and very quickly learn the material received.
HOUSE 4: identification of the family.
Came a time when we begin to understand who these people are, that we are raising. Mom, Dad, grandparents and shape our response to the world. Any family member can become a model of behaviour, inner voice and vivid memories. At this point, our character, outlines the underlying needs, a system of relations within the family. In my opinion the future man is laid already in childhood. All our aspirations we are exactly OTTU
5 HOME games.
There is an old tradition: when the child turns one year, on a tray stand several items and put in front of him. That he will choose, order and will deal. This tradition does not exist with easy, because subjects reflect roles in society. And after the game we choose what symbolism is closer to us. At this juncture, we acknowledge our oneness and personal interests are revealed talents. There is a saying of Shakespeare: "all the world's a stage, and people in
House: 6 skills.
Form, make out and we put in order all the previous chaos.) For me personally, 6 House is associated with the school, where we get all the basic skills and not only in terms of education. We learn to be useful primarily for themselves, but in what the show houses and ruler of the planet in it. Here we begin to exert efforts in order to achieve the desired and perfecting a skill that is formed by 5.
7 House: they are.
This is our mirror. The people we choose to love, friendship and cooperation represent our missing qualities. If we talk about the synthesis and sequence 7 House is the culmination of 5 and 6. We have an idea, implement it and bring to the public. This House shows the call we have sympathy and how powerful their support. All semidomniki outstanding diplomats, charming by nature and always in need of people
HOUSE 8: Desire.
When we jump above the head, then want to zarabatat' more attention, money, power and samoutverditsja by recognizing people. Vos'midomniki extremely alluring, captivating personality. They hypnotize one by their presence. I have some belief that sexuality can bring a person to mass success. After all, sexual energy is the most powerful, but not the kind that Playboy magazines. However crazy interest may result and antipathy when falsely
9 HOME: opportunities.
Powerful force eighth House invested in development. Here's to the man come the right people and good opportunities. Picture of the world takes on a completely different level, and the desire to become more widespread. 9 House forms the ideal self. The person feels his involvement in the high bar and all ways aspire to a place under the Sun. Usually people 9 home optimists because it corresponds with the sign of Sagittarius. And really, when you are on the rise-in
HOUSE 10: achievements.
In the previous House we understand their ideals, and in a 10-m realizovyvaemsja. Usually people with 10 home live for achievements. They don't allow themselves to spend time on insignificant existence, they are driven by a desire to assert themselves. I have 10 House associated with the mountain, where we both climbers pass testing fate and get to the top, or stop somewhere in the interval. 10 home is the culmination of 8 and 9 houses: want to try-
11: HOUSE development.
After investing in its purpose we get development. This can be compared with the retirement of many years of work, when you get a well deserved reward and live happily. It is believed that the 11 House is the home of freebies and all that can be obtained without straining, and another friends house. Odinnadcatidomnikov often have friends contribute to success, advance in your career and people are always going to meet him. Here a person gets bonuses from fate
12: completion of the HOUSE.
This House I have associated with elder. He is wise and able to share their experiences for the benefit of the people. 12 House is associated with privacy and Universal knowledge. People with 12 home know what was, is and will be. They have no interest in crazy joys of life, for them the world is like reading a book. They are interested in that is beyond comprehension. After the traversed path of eleven houses of the horoscope we make from this experience. And transfer it to another in
#Astrology #дома_гороскопа #znakizodiaka #astroprognoz #horoscope
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
🔮 Diseases associated with disharmonious Moon. Jyotish 🔮
Moon, if it is...
🔮 Diseases associated with disharmonious Moon. Jyotish 🔮
Moon, if it is weak, cause disease mainly air-type (cotton). This may be a weakening of the lungs, the lack of all kinds of bodily fluids, thinning of the mucous membranes and reduce their secretory function. In extreme cases, there may be tuberculosis or severe asthma. Poor Moon generates neuro-emotional disorders, dullness, depression, depression or hysteria. Frequent symptoms - insomnia or bad dreams. There are visually impaired
India Jyotish ####Vedic Astrology Philosophy #
Monday, February 20, 2017
👩Sejchas on Sunday I like pretty woman, beautiful, quite successful...
👩Sejchas on Sunday I like pretty woman, beautiful, quite successful, very live.)) She has already poreshala their internal conflicts and now a lot of laughs, rejoice!
👍Stressovye situation could no longer bring it out of balance, it just solves them. Husband more trusts, mom treats! Everything about than even dreamed could not now live in reality! I am a quiet delight watching her progress from our work! It develops and talking about the dream!
🏠 Dream beautiful: on the House! And everything is thought out and quite harmoniously! And when ordinary psychological admission "grounding", goes potty, block ridiculously! ⛔ "Must first be bought apartment son"! Do you know what laughter, that they start to build a House, apartment, where they live, will remain in the son, as will live only in the House! And not progovori we are together in the ear, this Setup would never dream come true!
🔶Vspominaetsja another story where a very positive man 30 years with good prospects, could not to their years make a woman (and intentions were serious, family). Talking, left fear: 😦 "my wife should give back all the money!". 😕Jeto would be funny if it weren't so sad!
😊Kogda, I'm in an worldly way it told that there may be more options: a month later met a girl. the second 💑A already married! Happy family raising a daughter now! How often is easier than you think! 💚Stoit only talk with a knowledgeable caring man! 💟Esli you do not have such a number, come to me! #prostozhizn' #konsul'tacijapsiholog #Astrology ##dream
#jauAstrologa #natal'najakarta #Astrology #cool #important #znat'osebe friends! I...
#jauAstrologa #natal'najakarta #Astrology #cool #important #znat'osebe friends! I have cool astrologer is, please! She cool helps-learn about yourself, your partner, your relationship, how you met, to reveal your abilities, personality traits, talents, karmic purpose, scope of business! Astrologer-Pauline m.
The fate of the once so said:
"I found you...
The fate of the once so said:
"I found you ... I you linked.
Other gifts of my do not wait ...
That is holy. Save yourself! "
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
February, 20
Establishing ⏰
🐅 Day Earth Tiger, is unfavourable to those...
February, 20
Establishing ⏰
🐅 Day Earth Tiger, is unfavourable to those born in the year of the monkey
☀ Favorable for Tiger, horse, dog and pig
⚠ Sha robbery of the year-subject to loss of documents and money, robbery, troubles while traveling. Do not start repair, as probable theft during the entire period of time.
👍 excellent: day-to-day affairs, planning, negotiation, engagement, visiting friends, start of treatment
⛔ Is not suitable for travel, weddings, investments, purchase of property, loans, contracts, opening a business
🍃 Monday-day of the Moon
Harmonious colors-white, cream, gray, smoky.
Harmonious stones Pearl, mother of Pearl, smoky Topaz, gamete, Moonstone, as well as silver.
Forecast ###BaZi astrology horoscope ###Feng Shui Feng Shui #astro-forecast
#Natal #goroskoppodaterozhdenija #Astrology #poznajsebja
📌Natal'naja map for the lovely...
#Natal #goroskoppodaterozhdenija #Astrology #poznajsebja
📌Natal'naja map for the lovely Natalia Revkovoj ✨
(Forecast for the Year)
Today was the longest night...
(Forecast for the Year)
Today was the longest night of the year, and at 13:44 Moscow time on the sun go down in the first degree of Capricorn and Astronomical come the New Year. Very good the first 2-3 days of the New Year to meditate on the intentions that you want to implement this year. What will bring this year? We see uranium opposition and Jupiter, which form a symbolic square to the sun, which indicates the time of unexpected change, unexpected explosions, volatile situation
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
23 Lunar sutki🌖
Waning Gibbous Moon
Sunday, c 2:13...
23 Lunar sutki🌖
Waning Gibbous Moon
Sunday, c 2:13 19.02.2017 3:14 on 20.02.2017
Symbol-the crocodile.
Gems-Topaz, Black Jade, krokodilit, sarder.
The fourth, began the last phase of the lunar month. Hekate days ahead — heavy, dangerous days. Today you may feel like you fear arises. Objects fall from the hands, the body is weakened. Raises the apathy and unwillingness to act. It's okay, don't blame yourself. You just don't have the energy, because the Moon is gradually decreasing. The twenty-third day of the ancestors associated with organized the bloodsuckers, the vampire. The energy shortage causes a person to dig it out d
Today you can master the temptation to engage in reckless quarrel with people. The surrounding atmosphere is wound up. So just get involved in the conflict or its cause. Try to suppress in itself any negative emotions. Protect yourself from people today. Be careful and cautious. Try strengthening your health and your home. In the apartment you can spend sprinkling holy water and consecration of the flame of the candle. Spend the day domash
Adios people, and they will forgive you. Avoid rassvirepevshej excited crowds. Practice types of self-defense, but do not overload yourself active pursuits. You can't waste energy wasted, because it is getting smaller, and there is not one tough day. Enjoy a spiritual practice. Summarize past month. If all you managed to do that planned? If you did everything correctly and not retreating from the cosmic laws throughout the month, you open
Health and nutrition. Practice abstinence, fast. Stopping food today is impossible. Include more dairy products in the diet, eat cottage cheese, cheese. You can bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese. You might encounter a craving for obzhorstvu, it must be overcome. Loading stomach today cannot in any case.
This day should pay special attention to health. Human immunity is weakened, so there is a risk of getting sick. We cannot allow any surgical operations. It is forbidden to even cut their hair and nails. The most vulnerable part of the body is the spine. Select the time to strengthen it. Any treatments today are favorable. Increases the risk of catching sexual infection, therefore, should refrain from sex.
Travmoopasen day, so do not make sudden movements. Avoid loads on the spine. Do not lift or carry heavy things. Watch carefully for their health. Arising today disease can be dangerous and unpredictable. Therefore, when the first symptoms, contact your doctor.
Love and relationships. Today, any exchange of thoughts, innocent conversation may well have a major quarrel. People are inflated, they are looking for in the words of a hidden meaning. They are obsessed with envy, jealousy, resentment. Better to state things directly, without hints, otherwise you might misunderstand. Best of all, if your lifestyle is no allows you to communicate with people today. If contact is unavoidable, be tolerant, not sryvajtes'.
Marriage is not recommended. You should also refrain from intimacy. Sex today is too draining. In addition, aggravated sexual disease. Also undesirable to the conception of the child. He may be born with physical or mental disabilities.
Work and creativity. One of the worst days for businessmen. Don't start anything new. It is better to bring to the end of what was once planned. Match issues seriously. Weigh and ponder the reasons. Better to postpone negotiations, they can only give rise to new problems. Deal with finances can be if it's not a major thing. Trade, real estate, litigation is all it is better to postpone for another day. People art
Born on this day is usually not notable external attractiveness. However, it can become a great human being, divine justice. Parents should inculcate in him an interest in knowledge, to raise it to others and kindness towards nature. Then this person will be wise and fair. In all its endeavors will succeed. His actions will be different maturity and completeness. He can take monastic vows or become a defender of the downtrodden and abused. In hudsh
#lunnyesutki #Moon #Astrology #lunnyjden' #fazaluny #simvoldnja #Ayurveda