Wednesday, August 17, 2016

08.16.16. On Tuesday, the Moon enters the sign...

08.16.16. On Tuesday, the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 14:52 MSK, up to that time by inertia continued influence of Capricorn, which focuses on the situation in the society and the desire to achieve by any means tasks.

The sun generates late harmonious aspect with Uranus, which can bring into our lives drastic changes. This may relate to personal attitudes and opinions or expressed in the search for unusual and creative solutions. New discoveries, experiments and risky behavior is under this aspect often lead to successful results.

Sun's aspect to Chiron also invites us to reconsider the personal settings that are shown to be unviable. Maybe it was after an objective assessment we will cease to hold on well-established, cease to suffer from feelings of guilt and doubt.

Venus tonight united with the ascending node, in matters of the heart it will highlight a great need for love and feelings, and in opposition to Neptune, unfortunately, it may miss the true intimacy and depth. It remains only to recall that it's passing, and soon the power will leave us, but as always will make over something to think about and give the field to work in the future.

When planning your affairs take into account the presence of the Moon without a course to 14:52 MSK. During this period undesirable start important new projects. generally favorable energies of the day, and are suitable for any creative activity. Less favorable journey, completed cases, harsh and rough work.

Have a good day.

*** Astrological day presented as introductory information about the current movement of the planets and their interaction. The extent to which planetary energies affect you personally, and how long will the impact can be assessed only in the preparation of individual ASTROPROGNOZ. Think of this information as the basis for the observations of their own emotions and actions, but also remember that for more accurate information Mauger

Astrologer horoscope ####astro-forecast astrology

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