Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Myths and truth about hair

The word "hair" in our...

Myths and truth about hair

The word "hair" in our language is one of the oldest; its origins date back to the ancient Indo-European roots and is common to all Slavic languages. And it is not a coincidence-everything connected with hair has always attached special importance.

In myths and legends of various peoples curls symbolize vitality, special knowledge, what wise elders and saints were always depicted with long hair. Flowing hair typically symbolized freedom and even promiscuity, while accurate, gathered a hairstyle-a degree of service duty, whether matrimony or public service.

In ancient times it was believed that one who Combs has human influence is gaining power over him. That is why children in families of the ancient Slavs rasčesyvali only parents. With these views echoed and known many signs associated with hair. For example, say that you should not cut hair before important events before birth, before taking the exam.

This is the explanation. Scientists long ago discovered that the hair are unique information custodians, imbibing at the level of the biochemistry of everything that happens to a man. (These properties of hair used in practice in various areas, for example, in criminalistics.)

As far as myths and other beliefs-everything is even easier. Grow hair on your head, and at the level of the Archetypes of our unconscious associated simply with what is in your head-thoughts, spiritual world, human psyche. Try now from this perspective to assess the above signs.

It turns out that camping in the barbershop as a generic female way to solve all the problems, has a serious reason. We really we put in order head-in all senses. How to change my hairstyle when it is better to do who helps us in this-all of these issues are important not only for our appearance, but also for overall health and mood.

###Astrology horoscope beauty #fashion #style #tips

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