Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Signs, to believe or not to believe?

In the twenty-first...

Signs, to believe or not to believe?

In the twenty-first century they are a lot of controversy over whether to believe in signs there. Today we will try one more time to look into this matter and find the truth. Signs - this thousand-year observations of our ancestors, which helped them to predict future events, and to be saved from impending misfortunes. Every modern man has the right to think and believe only what seems truly loyal to him. But to treat the signs completely skeptical not worth it. You just need to teach

The history of the household will

Now people rarely use in everyday life signs associated with nature. Why is it? For now, the weather forecast can be found in the media. But household signs still popular among modern people. People who do not know the history of this or that will, give them a special, mysterious meaning. But it is worth saying that the value of such date will. Human life is changing, and therefore the signs too. Here's to you the history of Naib

All probably know the signs, that in the new house must first enter the old person or a cat. But do you know where this sign? In the old days the people thought that the transition to a new house a person moves to a new stage of life, during which he has to make a sacrifice. It was believed that the victim will be the one who first crossed the threshold of a new home. Because this fall to the role of an old man, but over time people decided to do at the victim - cats

A lot will associated with salt. This is both good and bad omens. But the emergence of these will also associated with the story. As you know, at one time salt was a very expensive spice, due to which there were even war. Salt was the equivalent of money. In this regard, and there was a sign on the spilled salt, which was carrying over a trouble and distress. Salt endowed with magical powers, she could scare away demons and evil forces. Absolutely Fabulous accept people

Have you ever wondered why people yawn when the mouth is closed palm. You might answer that it is the observance of the basic rules of etiquette. But no, the roots of this action go to distant pagan times. Pagans believed that the soul of man is in his airway, and opening his mouth wide while yawning, this soul becomes wide open for penetration into her demon. Wary of impure forces attack on his soul, people saved themselves prick

Signs associated with a black cat appeared in distant England. In the Middle Ages, these animals are bred all over the country, that has brought the inhabitants of England, a lot of trouble. They stole food packs and spoil things and hungry cats could even kill a person. Therefore, it was believed that cats are the companions of evil forces, but a woman, a couple of sheltered homeless cats, considered a witch. Especially dangerous is the black cat, as it was the color of demons and evil spi rits

And finally, a sign, which is probably the main part of the population believes. It is a sign of a broken mirror. After all, a broken mirror causes fear in even the most skeptical of people. Today, we will help you get rid of inexplicable fear. The secret is simple - for the manufacture of the first mirror in the distant past masters used mercury. And when the mirror is broken, the mercury scattered on the floor in small balls. A mercury vapor are extremely dangerous

Contradictory Friday the 13th

We never thought that other people can have their signs, the interpretation of which is not consistent with our interpretation. Take, for example, Friday the 13th. The former Soviet Union this day is considered to be cursed. On this day, must necessarily occur some misfortune. But the Greeks believe that the number 13 brings good luck. And if it is also a Friday, then they will be altogether happy day. Here's to you and Friday 13th. And the secret is that n

Horoscope astrology ###beauty #fashion #style #signs

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