Thursday, August 18, 2016

17.08.2016 at 19-27 Moscow time comes 16 LUNAR...

17.08.2016 at 19-27 Moscow time comes 16 LUNAR DAY
-Butterfly symbol, Dove, stairway to Heaven, the soul is Psyche.
Time off from intense and active action in the period from the twelfth to the fifteenth lunar day. Now you should avoid all the hassle, bustle, futile movements and any tension. It is best to relax, even just to sleep. Unlike previous Lunar days, where not allowed passivity, now desirable manifestation of any activity. Here is where you can truly indulge with laziness. You can lie back on the couch, watch

Good for all peaceful Affairs, for planning and reporting, contacts. Good for cleaning. Marked by fairness, balance, harmony between the Astral and physical bodies.

On this day, it is recommended that any exercise is conducive to harmony, which conduces to the irreversible processes-both physical and mental. It is believed that the arrogant behavior of the Creek should be totally ruled out that day. Need to remain calm, not to disrupt any extraneous actions internal comfort and peace at heart, as a symbol of this day is moderation. Sixteenth lunar day is one of the days of initiation of preachers. Vile

Love the white color and purity, prone to blue and serebristomu. People-čistûli, in a good way. The dreamers. Life tends to be fruitful. They do not condemn others. At the first stage of their spiritual advancement they hear nothing at the second and third comes an understanding of the language of plants and animals. Such people permeates the work over time-correction of the past. Man this day is worth nothing to build a phantom, he is gentle indicator dreamer.

Your child will have calm nature, he loves animals and plants will be wanting of spiritual purity. Many people will seek his advice. In his life will travel, change, but will dominate the balance.

GEMSTONES-spinel, tourmaline, charoite, Emerald, pearls (other than black).

Views on the sixteenth day of the Moon from a business perspective, astrological schools disagree. Some argue that this period should avoid the hustle and bustle, it is better to dedicate it to establish comfort in your team. Other astrologers say that in this Business Plan day lunar manages everything, especially what is related to the partnership. It is good for exchanges, contracts, creating alliances and companies. It is difficult to determine which schools

These lunar day is not advisable to enter into marriage and to conduct the wedding. But it's a good day dlânačala honeymoon, and in order to make an offer to marry, as well as for the planning of future family relations.

Sixteenth lunar day is very good for cleansing procedures, ablutions, herbal baths, aromatherapy and similar procedures. It should be remembered that this is not time for active and passive recreation. It is best to hold the sixteenth day of the Moon not to hike and canoe in tranquil contemplation of nature. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to sit around all day and watch tv. No. But also not to overstrain stands. Need Yes

In the sixteenth lunar day preferably completely abstain from sexual intercourse. It is a day of rest in every sense. It is best to do each other a nice, relaxing massage using oils. Very undesirable in this period of casual sex, how could you not tempted, no matter how tempted-resist. All such encounters end with serious troubles. Any adventurous enterprise in sexual terms

By and large, the images of the Lunar dream day not carrying any important information, but if you dreamt about disturbing dream, it is a signal-you never relaxed. You definitely need to learn to relax the muscles and psyche. Inside you are very tense and constantly reside in anxiety for the most trifling occasions. It is therefore urgent to do some laboratory practices. Ideal can become one of the yoga poses-Chave

Almost all mystical schools spend in this Lunar period of purification procedures. In General, the entire day is designed for meditation (white color). Rituals or magical ceremony is not recommended, and in some traditions even strictly prohibited. Tibetan esoteric school offers in sixteenth lunar day perform pairwise spiritual exercises related to the harmonization of male and female energy. For example, the steamy yoga or with

Practice days:-Ritual healing, ritual ablutions. With full moon associated ritual that allows you to enter the stream of Waning Moon and remove almost any disease. Practice runs after the full moon and moonrise at 16 lunar day. In the open must see the moon when it rises. Stand back from the Moon, a place widely feet, bend and in such a situation, look at the Moon, saying, Mother Moon, pack everything I have excess (sugar, with
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