Thursday, August 18, 2016

Source of accumulating personal power

1. Power is taken in...

Source of accumulating personal power

1. Power is taken in confronting society. Be arrogance to be happy. Prepare yourself for the fact that many do not like it. The results will appear after one solar year. It is necessary to observe yourself when svalivaeš′sâ in depression, and consider this as a drop prigibanie to the ground, belittling his dignity, and recover from, knowing that the effort necessarily opens the inner source of joy.

2. Source of personal strength is sober introspection with the motto: "well, what are you miserable?" try to speak aloud the reasons for their unhappiness. The further you go, the more you'll laugh over marazmami that make you be unhappy.
Of course, it's hard to pull the soul from under suggestions and problems. We plačemsâ on the occasion of any disease and call it compassion. It is known that bad mood and poisons the body destroys the space. But we understand it mentally. We obessilivaem due to the fact that constantly share each other. We have incredibly strong emotional stereotype empathy unhappiness. We cannot rejoice with, soveselit′sâ. Good condition is not a reason to have fun for modern

3. Personal power you can simulate. Imitation awakens a source of inner strength. If you are bad, try to imagine that you are already strong. You stand on the stage as an actor. Play strong man. Play for real, until you get bored. The game is a simple method for inducing labour. The human body is arranged so that if we start to play the desired role for us, then we acquire followed appropriate internal state. As Munchausen, we drag ourselves

Unfortunately, people are looking for any excuse: "well this I will pretend, when our hearts were so bad?!" the most terrible, that under the sign of such reflection passes all of life. Another said that Roerich can be compassionate people, but only rejoice with the angels. When we respond with joy at joy when we recognize that his joy better than our sadness, we serve God, nature, become geysers of this joy. We open in heart valve, from erupting n
Sell your soul to the devil means to live like everyone else. To give the body, mind, mood, happiness, time. We are not talking about the people that make up the mass. The crowd is a separate entity, something extremely boring gray. No wonder at all times called her mobile. Every person is valuable when it comes out from the crowd. The task of esotericism and is to all withdraw from the crowd and put into place that everyone feel valuable, do not ascend above the other, to

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