Thursday, August 18, 2016

Project Mercury

MerkurijMerkurij-the closest planet to the Sun. To see...

Project Mercury

MerkurijMerkurij-the closest planet to the Sun. To see with the naked eye, mercury is quite difficult from time to time it is possible to observe a bright white dot near the Sun. Mercury never deleted from the Sun more than 28 degrees. Mercury sometimes morning and evening-morning visible at dawn, just before sunrise, the evening after sunset.

Mercury in astrology is responsible for thinking, speech, information flows, trade, stealing. This is pure reason without emotional colors. He is also a symbol of travel, cars, schooling, mass media.

In medical astrology Mercury corresponds to light, hands, brushes, as well as the nervous and digestive system (gut). The damaged Mercurius can give the disease to these bodies.

Profession of mercury-a writer, journalist, office worker, Mailman, courier, merchant, entrepreneur, agent, researcher, translator, driver, sales managers and marketing managers and PR.

Mercury in the natal chart shows younger man, or human smart.

Burned mercury (in conjunction with the Sun with orbisom 1 degree) may provide speech defects, fix that will be extremely difficult. It also shows focusing on the man himself, a kind of narcissism-people did not see their own shortcomings.

Mercury itself neutral planet, and it can only highlight positive or negative quality of other planets. If it is in aspect with the favorable planet, enhances its positive properties. In aspect with zlj planet-emphasizes its negative qualities.

Mercury in the signs of the Zodiac

Mercury in the signs of the Zodiac shows what thinking human have what his mental abilities, as he thinks, speaks, and which of the Sciences will be given him the easiest.

Mercury in Aries

Passionate, fascinated by the mind. New interests, but the fervor quickly fades away. Do not like to go into the substance of a long time, they need to know everything at once. It is fast, loud. When proving something, do it, forgetting about everything, until the selflessness.

Mercury in Taurus

Slow mind capable of long get to the bottom of things. In order to solve something, they need to properly and, more importantly, long thought. Sheer inability to think on speed. It requires an immediate solution or speed solve the problem, the brain is blocked. All the time all records, not to forget. Not differ wit, but a good memory and good reasoning.

Mercury in Gemini

(Harmonious. Owned)

Excellent memory, sharp mind, quick quickness. A lively mind, rich imagination, curiosity. Interested in everything around, but their interests are impermanent, and knowledge of negluboki. They don't have the patience to learn the subject until the end. The trick, sarcasm, the propensity to keep. Can lie without batting an eyelid.

Mercury in cancer

Afraid to say unnecessary, prefer more listening, rather than talking. Often soars into the clouds can build sand castles and deceived people. Good memory for emotions. Talk of such a person can. Hostile Wednesday closes, rudeness to them completely blocks their brains. Often does not understand other people's jokes and takes everything into your account. Petulance.

Mercury in Leo

Like to make hot speeches in front of the other. They like when they know more. Like the produce the impression of his speech on the other. Pretend to know more than anyone else, even if it's not actually the case. Thinking, cross-cultural fusion. Simplify the predilection. Handing over the exam, it is better to have him orally rather than in writing. Speak confidently. Love to learn. Have the gift of persuasion.

Mercury in Virgo

(Harmonious. exaltation)

A penchant for analysis, excessive attention to detail. It's the biggest knockers all the zodiac. Love to speculate. Excellent memory. All activities are subject to logic and common sense reason, don't take what you can't touch and see. Do not give in to emotions, rationality prevails throughout. There is no intuition. Get along with such a man is difficult, since all the time will pick and nudit′. Neat, precise idealists.

Mercury in Libra

This man knows what, when and to whom you want to talk. Born diplomats. Able to find compromises and reconcile the opposing sides. Do not like extremes, all over are looking for balance. Tolerant. Believe that any idea has a right to exist, even if you do not agree with her completely.

Mercury in Scorpio

Wits sharpened on the disclosure of secrets and solving mysteries. Love guess crosswords, open other people's secrets. Very insightful. Developed intuition. Among them are the most frequent mediums. The propensity to talk to relatives to be disagreeable. Like themselves build out the cynics. Very curious, always come to the truth. Can't recognize they were wrong.

Mercury in Sagittarius

(Disharmonious. Imprisoned)

Interested in everything going on in the world. Excellent skills in foreign languages. Children in such Mercury well teach multiple foreign languages. Independent mind, all the conclusions makes only on the basis of own thought (positive aspects). Does not listen to others. Naivety, straightness, inability to lie. Strong abstract thinking. Lacking specifics.

Mercury in Capricorn

Firmly stand on legs, careful are pedantic, nothing is overlooked. This is the best Secretaries. As well as the talent of the researcher and šifrovŝika. Able to limit concentrate on the subject of research, and will do so until you get the result. Does not lend itself to foreign influence. Thinks only with his mind. When the negative aspects-snobbery, arrogance, intolerance to ideas of others sarcasm.

Mercury in Aquarius

The man who invents something new. Inventor. Confident. Loves to philosophise, but often further reasoning thing. Tendency to improve, refine, thrust to everything new. Extravagance thinking, innovative ideas. Rejects the practices established over the centuries. Confidently moving forward, leaving behind all the usual mercilessly and conservative.

Mercury in fish

(Disharmonious. In fall)

Excellent skills in foreign languages and science. Despite this, they have excellent noses and think they're more emotion than reason. Cannot benefit, is absolutely not suited to everyday life. A wonderful memory, especially Visual. This is a nice, soft interlocutors, able to take the point of view of the opponent. Do not like quarrels and conflicts. Often these people have traced the gift of clairvoyance and divination.

Mercury in houses of the horoscope

Mercury in house 1

Mobile nature. An inquiring mind, the propensity to intellectual pursuits and logical thinking. Such people usually love to read and very much aware. Old age will learn to travel and learn new things, which means long will not grow old. A good application for a career in the field of literature, science, medicine, and happily engage in Office work. Communication skills, desire to join the dispute to find the truth. Such a person is not averse to chat and its

Mercury in house 2

A large part of the reflection of this person is dedicated to material values. Constantly thinking how would earn, accumulate and multiply. Practical mind, focus on profit and creating a comfortable living for themselves and loved ones. Business acumen is directed towards those areas where you want to communicate. Can work in publishing, teaching in schools, colleges, institutes, work in the media, in the field of literature. Here he can get good earnings. Guess

Mercury in house 3

The school gives him a lot. Interesting to communicate with him, it's light and pleasant companion, witty, intelligent, interesting. Listen to them is a pleasure. It pours a stream. Excellent ability in journalism, literature. In the life of such a person will be a lot of trips, which can introduce the cuddly changes in his life. Brother or sister-younger nativa or engaged in the profession of mercury (writing, journalism, Commerce, Office staff

Mercury in house 4

In childhood, people grew up in an intellectual family. Parents teach his mind to mind, instill correct values. Nativ is interested in the history of his family ancestors. Often working at home. have a large home library. In adult life travel a lot, move from place to place. Love to capture their emotional experiences in a diary and engaged in the study of human psychology. A lot of people read it.

Mercury in house 5

Children born from such a person, different intelligence and ingenuity. Nativu it is necessary to help them emerge, develop their intellectual abilities. People with mercury in 5 home likes intelligent art that makes you wonder-cinema, theatre, paintings with deep meaning. From sports prefer intellectual-chess, backgammon. Love to solve puzzles and challenges. Have the ability in art, which in one way or

Mercury in house 6

Good position, helps in work, gives the desire to improve and gain new experience in the profession. Hardworking and diligent. Can achieve great results as doctors, engineers and academics. A penchant for improvements and systematization. Houses comply with the order and require it from loved ones. The same attitude to health and hygiene. Take care of yourself and to monitor a home. Easily provides profe

Mercury in house 7

Gives nativu a young wife or clever. Such a person likes to work in tandem with your partner. Suitable trade, legal profession, social sphere. Know how to speak in public, feel comfortable in doing so. Also love to join in the discussion, discuss topics, give advice, and at the same time, they like to listen to speeches and sound advice from others. They need a partner who could teach them lifetime something new.

Mercury in house 8

People interested in big money, tax issues, insurance, banking, real estate and inheritance of large sums of money. Vindictive touchiness. Mind, prone to creating your own mysteries, secrets, but at the same time, will not rest until they reveal someone else's secret or intrigue. Read a lot of detective literature. Also have an interest in mysticism, esotericism, matters of life and death. Such a person must listen more to intuition, because OS

Mercury in house 9

Actively interested in legal issues, cultures of different countries, travelling. Such a person is not usually one higher education. Loves to learn. Inclined to think broadly and philosophize. High moral values may be priests, teachers, Universities, mentors for others. Learn until old age, looking for the meaning of life and learn about the life of wisdom through their own experience. Often travel with the aim of expanding horizons.

Mercury in house 10

Great application for careers in media, publishing, as a teacher. Man gets higher education not for the sake of learning, and in order to achieve even greater success in the profession and public recognition. It is very important to the surrounding respect his achievements. Head of nativ have often are younger than himself.

Mercury in house 11

Humans like to be in a large group, share information and experiences with like-minded people. Original thinking that and attracts others. Sincere man who abhors Guile and mendacity in the other. Interested scientists, astrology. Likes to philosophize. -Unbiased judgments. Nativu no matter what is the origin of man, his place in society, membership in political parties and religions-he chooses friends not on ERS

Mercury in the 12 House

In the mind of such a person a lot of mysteries. Secretive, shy, mysterious. Do not denounce their true thoughts and emotions. Often their actions and thoughts are guided by the subconscious mind, feelings, intuition, which they have unusually developed. Not different hospitality, love to listen more than talk. Dry facts, information, makes it difficult for them to perceive without emotional coloring and games of imagination.

Find out the position of mercury in his horoscope you can making its natal map on our website absolutely free of charge!

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