Monday, August 15, 2016

Develop a philosophy of honesty

We live in a world...

Develop a philosophy of honesty

We live in a world of broken promises. Nowadays people don't take words seriously. Inviting his girlfriend for lunch next week, we understand that we simply will not have free time. Promising to bring us the beloved co-worker new book, we clearly understand that this contradicts our rule not to give anyone their books. We also promise myself that this year will deal with their health, will live easier and joyful, but

Over time, the habit of speaking is not something that we think is taking root in us. Inability to keep this Word turns this misfortune — you are no longer considered a reliable man. If you do not consider reliable, that means you're undermined credibility. And the loss of confidence is inevitably leads to rupture of human bonds.
To develop the philosophy of honesty, try to count how many "small untruths" you, without hesitation, say within a week. In the next seven days arrange for themselves what I call "meatless days of truth, giving myself the word be absolutely honest in relationships with others and with oneself. Every time evading the good deed, you develop the habit of lying. Vowing to someone do something, be sure to

Mother Teresa said: "we must talk less; After all, the sermon is not meeting. What do you do? Just take the brush and sweep the floor in the House of another person. This is your act will speak louder than any words.

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