Monday, August 15, 2016


Aries-hot temper and determination! At...


Aries-hot temper and determination! At the same time, it should be open and sincere, with a well developed sense of humor and sense of duty. Aries are very jealous, so require absolute fidelity. If you have dark hair, deep glance, full, sensual lips, average height, feminine form, then you are already among his favorites.

Taurus-the woman who is able to easily create a pleasant emotional atmosphere, and characterized by good culinary skills. Ideal companion Taurus has a calm, balanced character, reliability and a degree of conservatism. It's intelligent and responsible. These men appreciate girls passionate but with a calm and balanced character. Superficially, this luxurious woman with terrestrial views on life.

Gemini-a woman with special mental organization. Ideal woman generous, friendly, unbiased, èrudirovana. Able to see around. Will never impose its society. This lady does not tolerate tantrums, screaming and smashing crockery. She is talented and well educated. Most likely, this slender and fragile brunette with rapid gait.

Cancer woman can be complete al′truistkoj, which would be satisfied with little, and give themselves entirely. Typically, this blonde medium height with light eyes and "played with mermaid" hair. Ideal for a representative of this sign is a woman-mother, loving, caring, excellent homemaker, devoted to family and belongs only to him. A girl who resembles her mother.

Leo-the Merry Adventures, I love traveling, kids and General signs of attention. It is a prominent woman with a bright, unique, often demonstrative character. It must radiate inner strength, dignity and confidence to Excel. It is very important to have a kingly figure, was spiritually rich and generous.

Virgo is very selective with respect to the opposite sex. Has a soft, appeasable character, comprehensively developed personality. Monitors the purity of home and relationships, gallant pedantična. She would think ten times and once to answer. Most likely, it is a pleasant girl with great figure.

Libra woman, capable to satisfy the spiritual and physical needs. As a rule, it is a great family man, but extremely important, for it speaks of the fact that all members of the family recognized her authority felt the spoken word law.

Scorpio-"fighting Lady", which enthralls. Has excellent intuition in intimate terms and feels that you need a partner. Smart, strong, self-confident, but that feminine.

Sagittarius is Generous and kind woman. In addition, it should be skillful mistress, caring mother and leaner. While its physical parameters should be as close as possible to the standard 90x60x90. Men prefer women who have similar interests, hobbies, passions, with whom it is pleasant to travel.

Capricorn-ways to understand the hidden sensual nature. Is respectable, stable, calm and cautious, honors family traditions and all have their own judgments. Develops all the details. Romantic.

Aquarius girlfriend and mother all rolled into one. Wife-mastermind, which will periodically pull out of bouts of laziness, protected from everyday routine. In short, every day turn into a celebration. And do not allow sentimentality in relationships and never really fully open my heart.

Fish has a very fine intuition, humanity and external calmness. Always able to restrain their emotions, generous, fair and sincere. Selects a partner for a long time, but the choice is almost always turns out to be true. Feminine, love for art and nature.

Aries-hot temper and determination! At the same time, it should be open and sincere, with a well developed sense of humor and sense of duty. Aries are very jealous, so require absolute fidelity. If you have dark hair, deep glance, full, sensual lips, average height, feminine form, then you are already among his favorites.

###horoscope zodiac signs #underwear #astrology

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