Monday, August 15, 2016

• With 13.08.2016 year on year 19.11.2016-retro...

• With 13.08.2016 year on year 19.11.2016-retro Saturn becomes direct again ("moves right"), but we continue to feel its retrograde influence.

Retrograde Saturn happens every year, with a period of approximately 4.5 months.
Symbolically Saturn is associated with the political situation in the country and in the world, with the public service and Government agencies, real estate, and construction. Saturn controls our emotions, concentrates and cuts off extra is not desired, highlighting the main main, and retro Saturn even stronger limits and controls.
Retrograde Saturn returns us to the unfinished business, changing businesses and change of power. This is a period of rethinking the mistakes committed earlier that you can fix, and then will appear that you did not and did not finish. All decisions and actions must be thoughtful and well-informed and responsible for their perpetration, taken myself. This is a period of testing and inspection for strength, increasing tension, failure may occur

Here's what you don't want to do:
-advise the husband not to sign the Treaty and not to enter into a transaction;
-do not start construction of houses and other means of communication;
-do not leave job, because finding new workplace can drag on for a long time;
-During this period we can vary, and because of this in cases may arise all sorts of complications and obstacles;
-a sense of fatigue, depression, boredom, lack of force, may hurt bones and joints. Experience loneliness, feel some limitation and the inability to escape from some space;
-If you show diligence, will be awarded on merit, when Saturn exits retro loop.

Here's what you can do:
-It is necessary to continue the initiated case and not throwing them half way and to abide by discipline;
-During this period the person becomes more objective and realistic;
-recommended treatments for the body and
pay attention to proper nutrition;
-We are waiting for a lesson on the definition of the boundaries between themselves and other people. You can even get training how to become independent from the people closest to you. In love and alienation appears not to understanding, may appear old and again did not complete the relationship.
Author-S. A. Mashkova
#vk. com/astro_taro #www. #Astrology #Tarot #esoterics

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