Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday-day of the moon. Moon-changeable planet because its influence is...

Monday-day of the moon. Moon-changeable planet because its influence is expressed in two ways. On this day, our mind is relaxed and pacified, but at the same time is unpredictable. If you incorrectly use the energy of the Moon, difficulties may arise and trouble in this day.
Best Monday to deal with everyday life, go shopping, spend time with your family. Engage in creativity, communicate with women, spend time at the pond. Favorable this day and to start new cases, cases involving trade and travel.
Try to avoid emotional stress, not behaving as well as it is not advisable to take the complex and important decisions, because on this day emotions prevail over reason.
Color of clothing suitable for Monday is a white, Milky, silver.

#relationship #psychology, astrology, #astropsihologiâ #, ##формула_души #, horoscope, esoteric

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