GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the week ✨ 30 January-5 February.
Major astrological event of the coming week will be the ingression (transition) Venus in Aries February 3. It is a sign of exile for the planet, which it feels is not very comfortable. Money at this time is spent impulsively, spontaneously and unconsciously is often not that necessary, and that enjoyed the moment. This behavior usually leads to losses in financial matters therefore prudence. Emotions in this time become brighter display
Marry in the next 3 months is not recommended. Venus at this time describes the loop: in direct motion comes to 13° 09 ' Aries and 4 March unfolds back; in retrograde motion 3 April returns to the Fish, and April 15 is again direktnoj. Finally the planet emerges from the hinges may 18 and will leave the sign of Aries and Taurus enters only June 6, 2017 onwards.
As for the current period, 30 January-3 ‼ February passes Merkurij squaring Uranus and Jupiter continues Tau-square mercury/Pluto-Jupiter-Uranus. This is a dangerous time for contacts, travel and flights. Possible faults in the appliances, computers and guidance systems. Increased the drop rate of car crashes, accidents, injuries, conflicts, major scandals, various unpleasant surprises. Recommended maximum self-control and SA
Towards the end of the week, when passions calm down gradually, begins a favorable period for significant initiatives, implementation of new developments and changes in various workflows and business projects.
🌙 Moon Void WEEK
(In periods of ineffectiveness of the moon is best to engage in the usual, daily activities and not to take anything important, involving the future and development)
31.01.2017 20:37-01.02.2017 12:48
02.02.2017 19:51-03.02.2017 4:51
05.02.2017 1:43-05.02.2017 7:45
Daily verse
☀ Monday, January 30-full moon in the sign of Pisces; 3/4 lunar days (9:24)
During the day, likely breach plans to cancel business meetings and negotiations, be prepared to act in the face of changing circumstances. In the morning you may encounter uncomfortable situation in the social space, which will require efforts beyond our current interests. There is a possibility of obtaining the expected gift, award, awards, parcels. Ambiguous connectivity of the Moon of Neptune can symbolize how sadness, disappointment, RAS
☀ Tuesday, 31 January-new moon in the sign of Pisces; 4/5 Lunar days (9:48)
Moon in PISCES is favored by people of art, artists (poets, musicians, artists), contributes to the pensiveness, sensitivity and emotion. Connection with Venus in the afternoon all the more reinforce these trends. At the same time, it should be wary of poisoning and infection. During the day, increasing the likelihood of worsening weather conditions that cause difficulties in further actions. However, it is necessary to continue active
☀ Wednesday, February 1-new moon in the sign of Pisces/Aries (12:48); 5/6 Lunar days (10:10)
Moon in Aries increases impulsivity, enthusiasm and vigor. This transit is favorable for short-term cases, especially those requiring physical energy. Quintile Mercury with Mars will nahodchivomu and predpriimchivomu person find the original solution challenge, get out of the maze, escape from real dangers. Connection of the moon with Mars and Mercury square Uranus points to a potential threat to life. Acute disease status
☀ Thursday, February 2-new moon in the sign of Aries; 6/7 Lunar days (10:33)
Intense, unpredictable day. The Moon passes squares with Pluto and Mercury, uranium and opposition with Jupiter, further reinforcing dangerous Tau-square (see General forecast). Advised extreme attentiveness, willingness to timely respond to different surprises and negative changes. The situation may develop along the dramatic scenario with an unexpected turn. Mercury square Jupiter implies difficulties if necessary
☀ Friday, February 3-full moon in the sign of Aries/Taurus (4:51), 7/8 Lunar days (10:57)
Tension throughout the day gradually loosens, but the General background is unstable. Two women on the planet today are changing their sign. At night the Moon moves into the cells, increases the tendency to solidity and prudence. Although lack of vitality may be affected or the materiel. In the evening, Venus enters the sign of Aries, dramatically changing its capacity (see General forecast). The planet already in the loop, and 28 April, again in direktnom motion will pass segodnjashn
☀ Saturday, February 4-new moon in the sign of Taurus; 8/9 Lunar days (11:25)
Morning Sun square Moon bears spiritual discomfort or difficulties with the need for vigorous activity. It will require determined efforts to organize everyday worries. Luminaries in the conflict, but the Moon is in a stronger position, and therefore more likely to "win" the desire for comfort or material interests. Moon Trine with Pluto imposes today participated in a collective exercise and mood may be a lack of enthusiasm and poziti
☀ 5 February to Sunday, growing in the sign of Taurus/Gemini (7:45); 9/10 Lunar days (11:58)
On the morning Moon enters the sign of Gemini, increasing fussiness and neposedlivost', the desire to seize on several things at once. There was a rebound in the information space. Rapid change of situation, many minor events, and in the evening, maybe you will attract some vigorous exercise. Just don't hold up and not bring more money than not a pity to spend. Evening hours may be frustrated, psychological discomfort, and
* Moscow time everywhere. When preparing the material were used quotations from works S.a. Vronsky and P.p. Globa. We remind that this is a general prediction for all people. Features a personal horoscope will make their adjustments.
Individual astrological consultations here ⬅
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the week ✨ 30 January-5 February.
The Tzolkin calendar and cycles in it
#ASOL @ merging_times
The Tzolkin calendar and cycles in it
#ASOL @ merging_times
Tzolkin calendar-ritual calendar with 260 days period.
Creates a combination of 20-day months and 13-day weeks.
In him
13 months of 20 named days
20 weeks of 13 numbered days
The HAAB calendar is a solar calendar with a period of 365 days.
Has a feature:
360 days divided into named 18 months 20 numbered days.
And at the end adds 5-day Vajeb Osiris is the God of creation who was born on the first day of these 5 days, won at Moon Goddess.
From ancient myth, it is known that 72 conspirator wish to kill Osiris.
72°-this aspect 1/5 part of the fifth circle, creative aspect, a symbol of new life, invention.
I.e., the transition to the new Solar year is under the influence of aspect Quintile (Sun and TBP) within 5 days of Osiris.
The calendar circle is an Association of Tzolkin and Haab calendars.
Dates in calendar terms are repeated over 52 years.
Why 260 days in the Tzolkin ritual?
260 = 52 * 5-five cycles of 52 days.
And the 52-year calendar round (merging calendars)
52° is Septil' (1/7 part of the circle) aspect of the transformation, in the higher spiritual.
5-number of informed person (5 development lifecycles informed person).
Get the ritual period-5 cycles of higher spiritual trasformacij (hex 7 cycle), to go to the samoosoznannyj more developed spiritual level. Stages of growth of the spirit, consciousness.
Tzolkin 1-small life cycle
The calendar circle is a great life cycle
#Astrology #ASOL
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
Monday, January 30, 2017
#деловые_женщины_в_контакте #Astrology #horoscope...
#деловые_женщины_в_контакте #Astrology #horoscope
❗ ❗ ❗ All that you are doing today, check and pereproverjaj is the probability of error or miscalculation. You will mainly engage in financial matters. At least, from the morning until lunchtime. In the afternoon, someone from close work environment will assist you in promoting your affairs. Don't forget to thank that person eventually.
Today you projavish' yourself. The guide will be delighted with such an employee! It is a pity that it's not forever. Your energy and initiative-Yes, all staff across the country. And yet, if you need money, it is today worth formalizing a credit loan, borrow at all. In the evening, relax and enjoy a good vyspis'.
Today you're going like hot cakes-your opinion and your Board will need many. The result in many cases and projects will fully depend on you-from your creativity, initiative, generally ranging from a desire to work on this topic. In the evening you'll feel universal fatigue, as well as the satisfaction of accomplishment and successful achievements.
On this day thou shalt perform many of the cases of which we are all aware of is not recommended. This period will be supportive of some privacy, intimacy. In the afternoon, whatever you signed-look both ignoring the treaties, protocols, etc., do not put your signature. It is fraught with consequences.
Today, someone who is stronger or older you will try to help you in your affairs. No otvergaj helping hand. Under your pressure and pressure of your assistants, event goals and projects gain greater stability and form. Keep moving in the selected direction and do not change yourself and your business. Remember: persistence is a sign of skill.
At the beginning of the day you will experience difficulty with a resolution of many production issues. You will have to seek help from colleagues. Which, by the way, they will provide you with joy. And you, and the guide will be very satisfied with the result. In the afternoon you will be able to resolve some important issues relating to the economic situation.
Weight scales
Today it is important how you will dispose with incoming information to you. The news will relate to the relationship to you of some staff and colleagues. In cases requiring immediate and practical solutions, emerges a clear success and progress. The afternoon will be made important acquisitions-and in the House, and in the Office. And in the evening you will go to the guests.
Day will be active early in the morning-you have to solve many organizational issues. You will assume the role of Manager and administrator. It is also worth to bring order to your workplace. In the afternoon you can establish your personal relationship with your partner, you'll come to an agreement and give each other another chance.
Someone will help you in solving your business. And this someone wish to remain invisible and hidden from your eyes. Thank him mentally. So much so that its service will be important and essential. Also today you can allow any of his family's financial problems. And in the evening expect surprise from their home.
A day you will be in "combat readiness" and going to try not to miss their chance to you and the right. You will engage in concrete and practical actions. By the end of the day you will see that day was not in vain, and you managed to do quite a lot. Program your Hydroplane on a romantic date night, with dinner, and, of course, followed by breakfast.
This is a good and successful day. During the workday, you'll catch a lot, so unspeakably will be happy your guide. You hear its many pleasant flattery and compliments. You earned them! You will be offered a lucrative contract with abroad. And will raise an issue on your business trip there.
Need to go on a business trip, or just leave the Office to decide any case outside will break your plans for today. Not worth severely upset about this. In the afternoon you will receive support and tangible assistance from colleagues and partners. Pleasant communication, presents and easy flirt are expected at the end of the day and evening. Enjoy!
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
Wonderful poems about each Sign of the Zodiac! (part 3...
Wonderful poems about each Sign of the Zodiac! (part 3)
#Astrology #MPPG #horoscope of #vstihah #part 3
And you can imagine what your zodiac sign is dedicated to this poem?
Read with pleasure!
SAGITTARIUS 23.11-21.12
Oh, this sign! Fire! Around so much light!
Marie Stewart, Empress Lizaveta,
De Gaulle and Churchill, Razin and Plekhanov.
Various ages. Peoples. The country.
Kropotkin, Lunacharsky, Karamzin.
But look at the way one for them.
Musset, Toulouse-Lautrec and Berlioz,
The path of doom. Way ideas and tears.
Horace, Zhukov, Garibaldi, Twain.
The way the cleanest and highest change.
Beethoven, Strauss, Swift, Milton.
Sarcastic laughter, rolling stone.
Sagittarius-sign travel and Victories.
Dreams on Earth leaving a trail.
He is charming. Sincere and straight.
He strives not to greed and money.
Life for him-comfort and cleanliness.
It lead to Harmony, practicality and beauty.
He is the lightning! Mutable fire!
He is fast because he has a horse.
It is dangerous because it has a bow.
He is very loyal and good friend.
Optimistic and impatient.
He is stubborn. Dynamic. Not talkative.
Can accurately take reshen'ja.
Can wait. Transfer lishen'ja.
Knows how to flirt and loves it.
Gambling and ready to run to the edge of the world.
Sagittarius does not change its nature.
Life for Sagittarius-chain of adventures.
They are tireless. Adamant.
Zhizneljubivy and Restless.
CAPRICORN December 22-January 20
They don't like their light beckons twilight.
Motto-no need to change everything is very good and so.
Practical. Punctual and correct.
Reliable, as the Earth, are simple, honest.
Yes, cool, but love deeply,
And feelings to express them very easily.
In any work he had successes.
He can paint, wearing armor.
As Joan of arc, as Shishkin as Perov.
It can be a chain of words.
Zhukovsky, Kipling, Griboyedov, Miscavige and Moliere,
With goat's horns, they are not afraid of the barrier.
Everything before they have even tasted like a Pompadour or Marie de Plessis,
It may intrigue Plait,
That is not rasputaet her and the devil himself,
It is a sign of destiny. It doesn't need a charm.
Its appearance do not care does not entail.
It clean energy flows.
Gods invested in them as resistance in the machine,
That should rise to the top.
The fate of the main advantage they gave
-They nekolebimy like a rock.
He will dig though to skonchan'ja light
While not dig up the answer.
While he's in the lead, not make gold
He never would tell-all! The end!
Ascetic. Obstinate and hard working.
Stable. Secretly. Thy.
It's all good, but cons it is darkness.
Cruelty. Parsimony,:, Heartlessness, Emptiness ...
And yet he had success everywhere:
In the Earth and under the Earth and in the sky, and in the water.
AQUARIUS 21.01-19.59
They Angel in half involved with the demon.
The character of different interests.
Very sharp wit.
Does not like theatricality,
But all shocking them pulls on the complexity.
Fighters for Truth and justice. Servants Of The Faith.
But poshlovaty and preskvernye manners.
Gullible. Religious and mystical.
Sometimes tolerated, sometimes despotichny.
Nepronicatel'ny. Sometimes very naïve.
And the slogan they become such a simple but wonderful:
-"Don't do as I do, and do as I tell you!"
They are very visible difference deeds and words.
But The Air. Gabby. Cheerful and lively.
Stubborn and chatty, but evil.
Promiscuity. Coldness and calculation.
But objectivity, honor, teamwork, how to score in the standings.
Here's Lincoln, Burns, here's Byron, Edison, Jules-Verne, Maugham, here is the Galileo
Vysotsky, Shevardnadze and "Tatyana's day".
Charles Darwin was a scientist-Aquarius.
Gave the world "the truth," and we all believe it!?!
Not jealousy and pity is a plus.
But it is hypocritical, porvjot any Union.
But married and friends-it is very inconvenient,
As should always be free!
FISH 19.02-20.03
Intuition in them to the highest extent
Live simultaneously, and Mozart and Salieri.
They are honest. Hardworking. Systematic.
And at the same time, impressionable, pensive and very romantic.
Idealists. Their life-quest for knowledge.
Harmony, beauty, a chain of disappointments
That the world is not perfect and in reality
-No Spirit, and a gold in vulgar materiality.
Prefer the truth. Don't like the changes.
Born tired and full of doubt.
Water-but more like a gas.
Truth in them his own, not visible to the eye.
They live their lives special
Distant from people from the world of realism.
However, it is not always at odds with itself,
Between the Budget and the throne, Throne and prison.
A man's life will take place-just one loving.
He understands all-but not yourself.
However, cons: Duality and laziness.
Evasiveness. Withdrawal from life in shadow.
Plaque gloominess. Insane have.
And the joy of children's-Delight and Naivety.
Rossini, Chopin, Mikel'andzhello,
Hugo, Caruso, Handel and Einstein,
And Washington, and Gorbachev, Steinbeck.
The gods subject to everything-and Gad, and people.
And creating a fish, they decided to so
-Let it be the most constant and persistent sign,
Their not possible Neither persuade nor tame,
They can only win by force!
King of swords in combination with other cards of the...
King of swords in combination with other cards of the Tarot
With the card "the jester"-conflict with the child.
With the card "Mag"-the strategy in action.
With map "high Priestess"-knowledge.
With the card "Empress"-conflict with his wife.
With the card "the Emperor"-conflict at work, in the family. An influential man who keeps everything in its power and under control.
With the card "Hierophant"-actions that characterized the damage. Act according to the rules.
With the card "the lovers"-crisis in relations.
With the card "the chariot"-seek at any cost.
With a map of "power" is manifestation of great willpower, courage, the combination of mind and strength in the right order.
With the card "the hermit"-solitude; without response.
With the card "wheel of Fortune"-denting its line.
With the card justice-judge, lawyer or attorney.
With the card "the hanged man"-punished.
With the "death" card-a widower; sad changes.
With the card "moderation"-mental adaptation.
With the card "the devil"-cruelty.
With the card "the tower"-divorce; the loss; material damage; loss of credibility.
Star card-hope for improvement; Thanks to the power of the mind to blaze their way.
"Moon" card-to lose her sanity; disease.
With map "Sun"-mental update; the idea has received recognition.
With the card "Court"-development of mental abilities.
With the card "the world" project, associated with the World Wide Web.
#Алория_Собинова #Tarot #runes #Astrology #karma

Advice from runologa, an astrologer, numerologa Tatiana Kovaleva.
Cute girl...
Advice from runologa, an astrologer, numerologa Tatiana Kovaleva.
Cute girl, this post is dedicated to active planet with the male character, namely Mars. Today, 28 January, this assertive planet moved in a strong sign of Aries until 10 March!
What to expect? Of course, first of all we are waiting for the active and decisive action on the part of men of knightly deeds.
What should I do? Give us men win so themselves control your emotions, direct them to targets who have long waited for active action from you. Need a team? It's time to gather and become a leader. Time for action, not only at work but also in the gym. Long like elastic body? Our goal today-tomorrow we go to the gym.
Mars reveals the will, powerful energy, activity, dedication, resourcefulness and efficiency. However, this planet and have negative traits: short temper, irritability, anxiety, 1945, adventure.
So girls, switch to brutalov and softer than the former.
From heart to heart ❤ ❤ your Casket of happiness!
#larecschast'jaastrologija ###Astrology astrologer astrological forecast #esoterics #divination #движениепланет_лц
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) can see and...
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) can see and describe in different ways by different people. These signs are able to adjust to the interlocutor, based on with whom to communicate and allowing to see only what is expected of them. They never give themselves completely.
Astrology horoscope ####znaki_zodiaka twins Sagittarius ###maiden fish
Sunday, January 29, 2017
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
29 January
🐉 Day fire dragon, is unfavourable for born...
29 January
🐉 Day fire dragon, is unfavourable for born in the year of the dog
☀ favorable for the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and Rooster
⚠ Sha month-obstruction of traffic, delays and obstacles, it is not necessary to deal with urgent issues, buy and sell land and real estate. Do not start the project, which has a clear time frame, you don't meet them. Travel on this day are insecure.
👍 Excellent holidays, planning, chores
⛔ Not suitable for important things
🍃 Sunday - the day of the Sun
Harmonious colors - burgundy, dark red, golden, yellow
Harmonious stones - ruby, garnet, amber and gold.
Forecast ###BaZi astrology horoscope ###Feng Shui Feng Shui #astro-forecast
Happy New Year everyone!!! With the Year of the Rooster...
Happy New Year everyone!!! With the Year of the Rooster 🐔 on the eastern calendar !!!
Let all wishes come true !!!
And today I run the New Year together with #wownevateam team and under the direction of [id13103350 | @anetta_berti]
Anne, thank you very much !!! Assignments are very interesting and positive! I carry everything in order) magic begins 😉
##Novyygod astromarafon astrology ###Solyar ispolneniezhelany
MagiyaDushi ###magic esoteric horoscope ###obschiy_goroskop goroskop_na_kazhdyy_den goroskop_na_segodnya ###astrologicheskiy_prognoz astrology
MagiyaDushi ###magic esoteric horoscope ###obschiy_goroskop goroskop_na_kazhdyy_den goroskop_na_segodnya ###astrologicheskiy_prognoz astrology
Horoscope for today, January 28, 2017
January 28, 2017 will be exciting and tense day in which can happen anything. Today should be excluded in advance all the annoyances and constantly be on guard to avoid becoming a victim of someone's aggression.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Compatibility horoscope or fatal connection
Analysis of horoscopes for two...
Compatibility horoscope or fatal connection
Analysis of horoscopes for two can determine suitable people married to each other or do not fit, whether you be friends or feud, can work together or not. These questions (and many others) is a steam bath or sinastricheskaja astrology.
We attract to yourself something like this, then the opposite. As stated in a famous anecdote: "for a harmonious marriage Vasilisa the wise need Ivan-Durak and Vasilisa the beautiful-Ivan-freak". Why?
Every horoscope has its information field — that is, its energy structure. When communicating with other human beings, with visible and invisible contacts our horoscope interacts with the energy structure of another person.
With one person, these contacts will be harmonious, people will be attracted to each other, and with others — will be the opposite: the fight would emerge, conflicts, tension. It often happens that when such a fight people can't just leave each other, they have to adapt.
You could even say that our surroundings there is chaos, it is selected for a particular system. This environment is necessary for a specific purpose, because every man is his karma — the investigation of their cases from past lives. "Karma" means "work".
Try to analyze your environment, understand that you joined what the cause, what is the overall purpose of whether further cooperative work perspective.
Your environment can give an indication of your level of development. For example, unconscious and dormant people usually attracted to the opposite, conscious and responsible. They are very eager to make friends, meet, chat with the man who is their opposite.
"Sleeping" is a person until it is complete — that is, not yet connect with the subconscious mind consciousness until it feels enormous responsibility for their lives and development.
If someone from your surrounding annoys you, you vrazhduete or quarrel is a disease of personal growth. They are given to you attached through enemies, through conflict and suffering that you yourself overcame, through awareness went your way to himself. The trail on which people can leave to himself, each has its own. And each way has the right to life.
And people who are awake, have made a conscious choice between good and evil, will attract the kind of people in the environment to work together towards the light, the way ministration. Watch carefully who around you, with whom it is easy, and with whom it is difficult. Watch your surroundings!
The easiest way to understand whether there is compatibility and that will bring possible relationships is considered paired relationship Sun one person with another Sun. With the help of the Sun we influence people, is our external characteristics.
In paired contacts the Sun particularly evident our level of spiritual development. Contacts for various solar signs are actually acquired, the natural process of learning and the accumulation of karmic experience.
Union of the Sun with your own sign (Aries with Aries, Taurus with Calf, etc.)
Union with his Sun sign allows you to see yourself in the mirror. This is actually in contact with yourself.
At first glance is a fellowship of people who understand each other very well, they have a lot of common interests, the same way of looking at things. Union of such people is a good check, because people in exactly the contact will manifest itself depending on their spiritual level where it is located.
The best version of the contact-group, Union of people associated joint spiritual task oriented to a single spiritual path. In this case provided an excellent creativity, when collective (integer) and collaboration can energetically raise and inspire their piece.
Behavior and reactions in this pair contact by the Sun can be 2 types. Can be one of the following options:
1. If a person does not engage in self-deception, honest to himself, Frank, is not afraid of exposing the negative traits of their character, not afraid of such "games". Then it's open for contact with his character.
Communication will be very interesting, easy, creative, sound knowledge of both partners. Everyone sees themselves as a partner as a reflection in the mirror.
At a high level, this will be the awakening of spiritual fire, revealing spiritual essence, overcoming its weaknesses. Permanent new interest to partner, mutual Ministry insights. Such relationships can sometimes escalate and in marriage, with mutual help and love.
This occurs more frequently among Virgins, Lions, Scorpions, Aquarius.
2. If the person engages in self-deception, always justify their actions, afraid of critics damn her character, never criticize myself. Then it will be closed for his character, fearing that it will read like an open book. Communication will bring nothing good, it will be like in a case.
The low level of development is very much our ego. The man just wants to stand out, to his notice while nobody hears. If the person controls their consciousness in such a communication, monitors itself and tries to avoid negative manifestations, there will be willful great job, and he immediately will receive assistance.
Union Sun composed of pairs of adjacent characters
This couples: Aries with Taurus, Taurus with the twins, Twins with crayfish, crayfish with Lions, Lions with Virgins, Virgins with weights, Weights with Scorpions, Scorpions with Archers, Archers with ibexes, Capricorns to Aquarius, Aquarius with PISCES, the fishes with Ovnami.
If you are the first sign, then to your next character do you think, as a source, gives energy, help, money, wealth and sustainable position as to the Foundation. He also perceives you unconsciously, because you like him for the backs, "in an invisible space.
Union with the person whose character is behind us, can we switch off the energy plan. In the worst case, it could be "slipping into the swamp": if it is stronger than you can potashhit' you. And you can lose spiritual pivot, to become a materialist.
In the best case, this is a great prop. Thank you for the hidden mystery, an enigma. It before you lost, afraid to make mistakes. He may be with you strange relationship.
It may be diffident, lethargic, weak-willed. At best, this contact will help uncover its underlying possibilities, highlight weaknesses, help understand yourself through the work of voluntary restrictions.
The Union between the third and eleventh sun signs
It: Aries-Gemini, Taurus-Cancer-Leo, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Leo-Libra, Virgo-Scorpio-Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio-Capricorn, Sagittarius-Capricorn-Aquarius, Pisces, Aquarius-Aries, Pisces-Taurus.
Our third sign for us is a source of novelty, information. To him we have relations impulsive and volatile. The low level of development such a Union can make a person multiple scattered. Such a Union is good for juvenile people (which in later years remain teenagers).
And for an excellent couples is a perfect touch. The Union characterized as brotherhood, neighborhood, friendship, warmheartedness. You can make friends, share new information on the hobby a joint creative effort, on any topic.
If you are an Aries, and partner-twin, or you are a Taurus and partner-cancer (and so on), then you are for him or her — the ideal of friendship, the ringleader, reformer, original man, unexpected, interesting, bearing the Transfiguration. He (it) to you will steady interest.
Such unions are held long enough, they're strong, good, rarely disintegrate. Such a Union will keep the contacts information. If the exchange of information in a pair of runs out, then people may leave. To preserve the Union, it is important not to engage in empty talk on the phone, do not be overly nosey, no gossip, no lie.
Union Sun between the fourth and tenth characters
Aries-Cancer, Taurus-Leo, Gemini-Virgo, Cancer-Libra, Leo-Scorpio, Virgo-Sagittarius, Libra-Capricorn, Scorpio-Aquarius, Sagittarius-Pisces, Capricorn-Aries, Aquarius-Taurus, Pisces-Gemini.
It's stressful. In fact, it will address the problems of the past, the future, tradition and individual goals.
You to the man with the Sun in the fourth (counting yours) sign will be treated well, but ... — as in the past, roots, roots. He is a symbol for you home, security, fire, deep support — whatever symbol family.
It may refer to you as an unattainable goal, social media status as the head of his career. May arise envy, since he (or she) understands that never reach the top, which climbed you.
Low contact the development, turns us back to what is left in the past. Can be perceived as a hindrance, impediment, as an attempt to regain lost power. Treating you with envy, a partner can accumulate a lot of grievances and consider you as an obstacle.
The only exception is the Union of the Sun in cancer with the Sun partner in Libra.
At the lowest level of such alliances typically bear misunderstanding, confrontation, constraints. But they are very good for people who are inclined to take risks and work hard. When partners are employed, there were fewer quarrels, razmolvok and misunderstandings.
At a high level is a very fruitful contact. This Union of paternal and maternal of traditions, Union strength and wisdom and intuition with care. In such a Union, you can, together, make a vertical ascent, relying on roots and traditions.
Can get energy from clean source of life and strength, which will give the opportunity to climb up without stopping. This strength will help you develop. This combination of traditional and innovative capacities and the path to the ultimate goal of spiritual transformation and allows to achieve objectives in this incarnation.
Union Sun between the fifth and ninth characters
Aries-Leo, Taurus-Virgo-Libra, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio-Sagittarius, Virgo-Capricorn, Libra Is Aquarius, Scorpio-Pisces, Sagittarius-Aries, Capricorn Is Taurus, Aquarius-Gemini, Pisces-Cancer.
It is for you as a kid, your embodiment of hope. And thank you for it — the source of love and an example to follow, credibility. The Union promotes creativity, relaxation, entertainment. He will treat you as a spiritual teacher, media mystical teachings, the leader, the man who pushes for the development. You will learn, to lead, to expand the Outlook.
This Union is the most harmonious, if to do joint work, good for spiritual development and full disclosure of feelings. This Union can give satisfaction, make you the wrestlers and such communication, you will be able to realize its full potential.
At a low level, this may be the use of each other's selfish purposes. Sense of freedom could lead to anarchy, creative infertility.
This is a perfect Union, when people can have fun, create, use a partner to own self-revelation. Although the ninth sign must give the fifth sign landmark, and you should help him or her make the choice to expand consciousness, to withdraw from the State of spiritual childhood.
Union Sun between the sixth and eighth signs
Aries-Virgo, Taurus-Libra, Gemini-Scorpio, Cancer-Sagittarius, Leo-Capricorn, Virgo-Aquarius, Libra-Pisces, Scorpio-Aries, Sagittarius-Taurus, Capricorn-Gemini, Aquarius-Cancer, Pisces-Leo.
Sun partner enters the sixth sign from your, and your Sun falls into his eighth badge. He is a subordinate, dependent on you, working for you.
You are the boss, vzvalivaete on its obligations, as well as their illness and even your karma. Low, if doing it continuously, the number of jumps in quality. You can punish the fate.
At the highest level it helps you realize the highest essence of humility. IE may show that such debt, patience, compassion, sense of reality, voluntary service and transformation.
It belongs to you to mystically. This attraction rabbit to udavu. You can for him to become a symbol of horror, fear, disaster, gubitelem, destroyer, until his death. At a low level for such contact pulls people with complexes, masochists.
The Union can be bleak, scary, attractive. This pessimism, scrapping installations, asthenia and spiritual death. We are often on his sixth sign Act destructive. But such contact with us are often the closest people!
Fatal: Aries Virgo, Taurus to Libra, Gemini Scorpion, the Lion at Capricorn, cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Virgo Libra Scorpio PISCES to Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius geminis on cancer, lion Fish. The exception may be the Union of Aries with Scorpion.
Scorpio creates a constant active energy field and Aries gets stimulus to action.
It is a strange and mysterious Union. The result of this Union is at the highest level possible to overcome fears and complexes, the disappearance of fear. Union tempers, does not relax, turn back, contributes to the eradication of pride. If a person is aware of, understands and looks at the Union as to the divine test, he will receive strength, immunity, protection, transformed like the bird Phoenix.
This Union is interesting and people need water signs-Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. It's like gravity of the crisis, the desire for transformation, to the qualitative transformation. This incarnation of the program (especially if it's a Union with close people), would lead either to the total destruction or fairy tale about Cinderella.
Union Sun between the opposing signs
It: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo is Pisces and vice versa.
At a low level it will be an open feud, selfishness, spitefulness, confrontation. And then all we need to start with yourself. If you irritate your partner, then you have no integrity. If a person is spiritually awakened, this hatred, hostility is collected for years — until the complexes before the tragedy, which can lead to murder.
At a high level the Union says about real partnership, the dynamic development of the individual, that person can compensate for their flaws ...
If it is, then Scales Aries Aries can teach Scales be inventive, active, courageous, will show how much fun it would be to pave the way for people, go ahead, be a leader, generally as perfectly give something back. Scales help Aries to show calmness, wisdom, endurance, peacefulness, a sense of harmony, benevolence.
Of the unions on solar signs most favorable contacts the fifth and ninth, third and eleventh digits, i.e. respect for the elements of fire and air. The most severe and dangerous contact fourth and tenth, sixth and eighth characters.
Each of us can cite examples from life when theoretically incompatible people are happy and living together for years. The fact is that besides the solar sign in the horoscope compatibility discusses mutual position of the Moon, Venus and Mars, the Lunar nodes, Saturn and Jupiter, etc.
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
I am convinced that no one can "Save" his neighbor...
I am convinced that no one can "Save" his neighbor, making him the choice.
Everything can help one person to another, it is to reveal before him truthfully and lovingly, but without the unsentimental and illusions, the existence of alternatives.
Erich Fromm
#Алория_Собинова #Tarot #runes #Astrology #karma
We invite all those interested in astrology and wants to...
We invite all those interested in astrology and wants to gain new knowledge that affects the events of our lives. What is astrology and how it works? How it can help to plan the important decisions, determine the choice of profession? On this and many other things you learn in the open lesson, which will take place in 1.31.17 18.00. at ul.R.Zorge, 121.
Meetings are held the head of the school of astrology Guzel Valetminan. Pre-registration by tel. 79033435398 ##astrolink astrology lesson ###business interest in study ###fate career chtozhdetkazhdogo #@ Ailand tour, Island tour
Friday, January 27, 2017
#AlhimijaZhizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation...
#AlhimijaZhizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation #la108
27 ✨ Friday #astrological forecast
Friday ends the work week and...
27 ✨ Friday #astrological forecast
Friday ends the work week and at the same time, the last lunar day. From 10:17 to 11:36 #луна_без_курса: all questions in this period of time, have one answer-"no".
Then the Moon moves into the sign of Aquarius-stir freedom. Agreement are violated, plans change in the air hovering new exciting ideas and brilliant plans, however, to initiate and develop new businesses, plan important meetings, the purchase is worth it. Wait a couple of days. For personal relationships, new acquaintances, Contracting day is not suitable. From major purchases of financial investments best avoided.
Sunny mood whatever the weather !!! ☀
#Astrology #astrologer ###lunnyj_kalendar' horoscope astrological forecast
What not to do on the moon without kursa❓
✅ Start...
What not to do on the moon without kursa❓
✅ Start important matters;
✅ register a company, start a business, get a job, be interviewed;
✅ begin important negotiations, on which much depends;
✅ sign important contracts;
✅ agree on the important meeting;
✅ do surgery, critical examination;
✅ make large purchases;
✅ register marriages engagement, making a marriage proposal;
✅ make the final decision and implementation of the important decisions.
The list is endless. The important thing - if you want the case to be implemented and give it the positive results that you expect - do not start it on the moon in the free care. Because all important, aimed at obtaining concrete and tangible result, begun in the period of the Moon without a course, has a good chance or not be realized at all or does not happen in the form as you planned.
What to do on the Moon without a course ❓
✅ relax, read, devote time dreams, dive in yourself, relax;
✅ doing routine daily work;
✅ indulge in solitude;
✅ engage in spiritual practice, yoga, meditation, auto-training, sleep and analyze dreams, reflect;
✅ do things that you do not want to implement;
✅ to sort things out and assign unwanted meeting - nothing serious will come of it.
Thus, the idle periods of the Moon - not just passive "timelessness" of how the period considered in the past century. These watches are suitable for some classes, and can interfere with the other. But it is worth remembering that the astrological configuration does not override the concept of free will of man, but only to help us implement our plans more intelligently, in harmony with the "heavenly weather." Please also note that in all important undertakings must take into account the complex indicating the
#lunabezkursa #holostajaluna ##moon #lunnyjkalendar' #Astrology horoscope prediction ##лунабезкурса_lydia_astrolog
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
[club76967104 | 🌟 SHAMANIC ASTROLOGY.
The PREDICTION for the YEAR 2017 🌟]
[club76967104 | 🌟 SHAMANIC ASTROLOGY.
The PREDICTION for the YEAR 2017 🌟]
Часть 1
Read the future in the stars is an ancient tradition of all peoples. Shamans since ancient times, watched the starry sky, and gave recommendations on how to avoid the negative action of the planets and strengthen their good influence. The keeper of ancient knowledge of shamanic Astrology [id343081223 | Vedana Dar] prepared their predictions for all zodiac signs in the year 2017!
The first half of the year will be successful for all types of partnership deals and marriages. There is a high probability of transforming attitudes and worldview after talking with wise men. Possible meeting with a spiritual teacher or Mentor-don't miss it!
Good prospects in order to meet their soul mate or family relations. Love is in the air you breathe! This is a great chance through joint activities: sports, General or hobby become a happier marriage. Remember that each has its own characteristics, and your too someone reconciled.
✔ Your source of strength in travels, adventures and new discoveries. New knowledge will feel more confident.
✔ Spirit helper: musical instrument will Khomus give your searches and travel special meaning, along with the game on the homuse will come to understanding people and interact with them.
✔ Music Good Effects: self-knowing and peace
Stars promise you growth in money and business. Your favorite lesson will take longer, but you'll be the only happy.
Thanks to the knowledge, you can better manage your time and all the tasks you will be up to the task! Although health priorities this year will be for you in second place-do not forget about it when you take on the next challenge. Recharge will help you travel into the forest and the river.
✔ Recommendations: your source of power-the ability to control your money, time and planning Affairs. Avoid loans!
✔ Spirit helper: Shaman bracelet will help you keep control of themselves and the circumstances. He oberezhet you from hasty and thoughtless decisions.
✔ Music Good impact: Business-magic. Music success and prosperity.
The twins will be at the peak of creativity. This is the year when any undertakings on finding yourself, talents and the realization of dreams #1-get married successfully.
Someone close to you may not understand the importance of new classes for you: try to distribute their attention so not to offend anyone. Thanks to the creativity and the creativity you meet new friends or even love! For some Gemini planet promise child birth.
✔ Power-creativity, spirituality. Your partner should not lag behind you in self-development, otherwise the probability of rupture.
✔ Spirit helper: Amulet made from leather, embodies the creativity and helps find a solution in any situation. This amulet will inspire you to creative expression itself and make the creator of your own life.
✔ Music Good Exposure: creativity.
You will come to understand the importance of communication with relatives, with her family. Representatives of cancer will have to reconsider their previous action and pace of life.
You are too fussy and not enjoying every moment of life. Try not to wait for any day's, to be happy and feel the happiness right now.
Before the end of the year will be fortunate all endeavours with real estate, repair and large investments of money. Reward your helpers!
✔ Your source of strength is to change lifestyle. Find harmony and take care of spiritual health.
✔ Spirit helper: Shamanic candle. Shamans often turn to the spirit of fire, which gives energy, activity concentration. Meditation on the flame of a candle is a special Shamanic practice that develops your ability to concentrate.
✔ Music Good impact: disclosure of super-powers.
This year, action and fast results! You get new knowledge that will help in career growth. Closer to summer, you might want to change the situation is to let him.
Meeting new people, places, travel will bring a lot of benefits. Don't forget about the old links that are worth supporting from cold calculation.
✔ Your source of strength-labour and usovrshenstvovanie skills. Treat more seriously to the issue of children.
✔ Spirit helper: stone Kudaj Kama. This course will help you keep in touch with the elements of the Earth and be persistent in reaching the goal. Keep the stone is always with you, and the energy will not dissipate in the creative impulse, you'll be able to bring developed up to the end.
✔ Music Good impact: for the development of concentration, commitment and obtain space knowledge
The central theme of the year 2017 will finance. Achieving tangible viability you absorb, because you always put clear objectives and plan your life.
New sources of revenue will come, and it definitely will be the result of your hard work and a little luck.
There is one danger-extravagance, excessive charity. Don't forget that money is your energy, do not waste it in vain. Apply your practical nature and in this line, too.
✔ Your source of strength is responsible for their actions and planning a reality. If you dreamed of a new home-start choosing wallpaper.
✔ Spirit helper: the image of the goddess Umai. Strengthen your practicality and contribute. Put a picture in a room where the whole family, this is going to be a real family home.
✔ Music Good impact: to gain an eternal source of wealth
#inliranga #Рассвет_Инлиранги #book #wisdom ###horoscope Astrology prediction #shaman
meet 🔽
2017 ###znaniesvest success of astrology #@ Tyumen
meet 🔽
2017 ###znaniesvest success of astrology #@ Tyumen
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Among the people there is a link called energy binding...
Among the people there is a link called energy binding. Bindings there are negative and positive.
Negative binding appear when we have lost touch with the expensive man (broke up with her husband, my uncle died, he went to another town brother, talking with her sister after a quarrel). The relationship has long been lost, and we continue to think about this man, suddenly remembering him and those moments that were lived together. All this, of course, it stops you and your development, since living past memories, we do not leave room for the new.
On the nature of the phenomenon of binding energy
Consider the phenomenon of the binding energy in more detail. Very often it is common in people with an explosive insight. More often than not — among women. Moreover, the binding energy becomes stronger, if we spend more time with your loved one. What is the reason? Our biofield consists in close contact at a time when we are experiencing similar emotions. For example, while watching a comedy or a horror film you and your partner are experiencing similar emotions to
The strongest binding energy is known to exist from the twins and twins. Most of the time they spend together, and when they separated, it is easy to feel what's happening in the life of a brother or sister. This relationship between the spouses is also not uncommon. Gradually it becomes stronger and the point here is not in the habit, or in learning partner.
Invisible vibration that creates our body feels the biofield, which is surrounded by every one of us. Vibrations are totally different in the rhythm and frequency. For example, when sexual desire they frequent and pulsating, and if a strong anger is sharp and kolkie. Vibrations are invisible to the human eye, but their very sensitively perceives and feels our information.
#Алория_Собинова #Tarot #runes #Astrology #karma
🌍Sovmestno with our team we decided to conduct a #wownevateam...
🌍Sovmestno with our team we decided to conduct a #wownevateam ASTRO marafon🌍.
🌒Kitajskij new year come January 28 in 3:05 by Moskve🌒
January 💥28 creates a powerful stream of magical energy, which subsequent 15 days-days of growing Moon-will help us fulfill our desires! 💥
⭐ The following 12 days after 28 January gives us to lay a foundation of success for next year ⭐
🔮12 days after the new year, as well as 12 days after birth to symbolize the 12 areas of our lives, which corresponds to the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 12 houses goroskopa🔮
📝Ottogo as we carry out these 12 days of life the whole year the Fiery Cock 🐥
💥hochesh' be in the topic, pishi💥
#Astrology #life #solar #life #Moscow #Spb #Peter #gatchina
Good morning, astrologers! :)
iastro #iastro #astrology ###motivator astrology
Good morning, astrologers! :)
iastro #iastro #astrology ###motivator astrology
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
25 January, Wednesday ✨ #astrological forecast
Who passed yesterday? Complaints of...
25 January, Wednesday ✨ #astrological forecast
Who passed yesterday? Complaints of headache, Hung phones, "Cupid having descended» Internet and slow work SB😕. And how are you? Share in the comments 😊📋
Today will allow us to really look at things and clean up the mess in your head, on your desktop and in the home. To achieve success and satisfaction is by the end of the day:
✳ follow the planned schedule.
✳ say briefly and to the point.
✳ follow rules and regulations.
The day is favourable:
✔ for the signing official papers,
✔ long-term, serious and thoughtful cases requiring perseverance and concentration,
✔ for real estate operations, repairs
✔ for getting rid of bad habits
✔ for consultations with doctors
✔ to reclaim debts
✔ reporting and other financial and accounting documents
Sunny mood whatever the weather !!! ☀
#Astrology ###astrological forecast astrologer horoscope #lunnyj_kalendar' 😊
FORECAST for 25 JANUARY, 2017.
All the energy of the...
FORECAST for 25 JANUARY, 2017.
All the energy of the day contributed to the determination and put stress on the topics of career growth. Also deals with themes of professional education and training. Day empowers us to clearly formulate thoughts on time and correctly use the information received and not neglect useful advice.
Communicating with superiors and officials will take place in the best possible way, as well as meeting.
It is a day of summing up, which can be combined with the discussion of news and Envisioning the next phase of any activity. Based on the latest data could be made an unexpected creative solution. But starting something new is not recommended.
You have a great possibility to negative to positive, using knowledge, relationships, and an original approach. Be sure to take care of compliance regime of secrecy regarding their ideas.
Direct all their efforts on those cases which can finish today, relieving thereby themselves for new opportunities. Be attentive and receptive to the needs of others, do not deny them help and support. On the front is the ability to forgive and sympathise with. Welcome also open-minded.
Do not engage in soul-searching!
The most successful are purple, gold, green, red, white color, you can use olive oil.
###Astrology horoscope Numerology
"We need to be contemporary and write what...
"We need to be contemporary and write what you see."
© Edouard Manet
And excellent analysis from [id22699192 | Igor Sivaka]:
When Ms venerianskom sign of TAURUS is one of the most likely areas of professional activity is that which, in one way or another, related to art, aesthetics.
But in order to "bind" the profession of art, one only MS in the sign of VENUS, of course, is not enough.
In the horoscope you need to find the factors confirming this initial hypothesis (or disprove it).
In addition to MS VENUS also manages the 3-m home communications (one of which is art) and is in the major aspects of the two rulers 5 home creativity-Jupiter and SATURN (both planets — angle!).
In the 3-m House we notice Moon in venerianskom the sign of Libra. She aspektiruet as its dispositor, Venus and Neptune, planet 5 home creativity and second signifikatora "aesthetics and art.
In principle, this could be and finish the analysis of the professional profile, which, as shown above, undoubtedly linked to the "creative aesthetic communication.
But it's worth considering horoscope for professional selection standard by is to open some nuances.
Uranium, as a final dispositor and aspektiruja square MS, points to the singularity and innovation that revolutionized nativ scope of their professional activity.
URANIUM sekstilem is associated with Venus, which reinforces the evidence of "aesthetic" direction of the profession.
JUPITER, the second planet dispozitorov chain is a corner and aspektiruet ASCENDANT, which strengthens its role in the choice of profession.
Jupiter is in 7-m House public and manages the 5-m home more creativity that brings us closer to a professional artist profile (person associated with art), "formula" which, I recall, includes relationship MS with 3, 5 and 7-m homes.
JUPITER is also in the aspect of kvindecilja ("obsessive intensity) with Saturn, 5 soupravitelem home and planet 1-home, aspektirujushhej Ms.
5-th House includes mercury (natural significator of communications and the ancient ruler of any artist) in contact with Saturn and Neptune, MS aspektirujushhij and the Moon in the 3-metre House that nominates him for the first several significations of the profession in this horoscope.
Being, along with Venus, signifikatorom "aesthetics" painting, Neptune is already quite explicitly associates the profession (as a "vocation") with the arts in General and painting in particular.
#iastro #astrology #iastro #Astrology #JeduardMane #quote

#Astrology #esoterics #horoscope
Moments in the life of zodiac signs...
#Astrology #esoterics #horoscope
Moments in the life of zodiac signs
Good luck-loyal companion of Ovnoy, but the problem lies in the behavior of these people. Aries ' imprudent and adamant. They Rod as tanks, not noticing the small things in your life. Fate gives them the signs only events indicating possible changes, and changing the way. Pay attention to what happens to you in moments when everything goes on as usual, but then abruptly changed.
Calves stars offer subtle strings, for which you want to manage to grab to get to a strong rope and tackle it with both hands. The problem is for Calves that make out in a stream of cases and events of these thin strands almost impossible, but there is a way out of the situation. Try to just take all the interesting cases and then sift through them in order of importance. So you will be able to select the correct "niti" fate.
The universe constantly guides you along a path that can lead you to the harbor. If you're strongly opposed to what is happening in your life, the consequences can be dire. Gemini is the Sign, whose fate depends on the logic. Try to avoid the miscalculations that make you go on the road, devoid of meaning.
Cancers fate indicates errors. If you want to keep your luck, then pay attention to the situation where you feel like all life goes downhill. If your marriage has collapsed, the business fell into decay or children disobey, then it proves that your life comes the fateful time when each of your steps for the future. It may be even better than the bright days of the past, so don't lose hope and uverennos
The Lions apparently useless giving signs, so the universe simply does everything herself for the Lions. This happens rarely, but aptly. In most of these cases, these people just accept any facts, then change their minds about people, events,. Sometimes this is very painful, but then everything becomes good. Parted with a loved one, and after a couple of months have created a strong marriage is about lions.
Virgos are seldom moments, because they deliberately ignore them. They have enough wisdom and knowledge in order to understand that this is the case, when their decisions for the future, but they lack courage. These people are afraid of change and want everything has always been so, as of now, at this point in time, therefore, to any situation headway, Virgins only need to force yourself to act.
Weight scales
Fate loves to give signs of Libra, because in such a case, they can simply go insane. Universe prefers simply to "adjust" the movement of these people, not letting them fall into the dirt face. Moments in the life of a Libra is a small fortune, which can be found every day. Someone found a lost wallet, somewhere happened to earn on the side, got a discount on expensive product — all gifts of destiny, not otherwise.
Scorpions destiny gives a chance to change your future just two or three times in my entire life, but it is a very great gifts that require certainty. Be aware that if fate puts you in front of the choice, with any one of them is positive for you and you are sure that this is your chance to make your life brighter, then pull. The universe will not wait for you to compare all the pros and cons. Make a decision using the inner voice. He will not disappoint you.
Archers in their moments of life can feel a strong tide determination, the wave of good mood. When life prepares you to "delicious cake" in the form of an event that at such moments as if air is heated. Around you as if you receive a certain aura, attracts good luck. If you are inspired, excited, then it is time to change its present and its future.
Capricorns have all is progressing. In childhood and youth Universe rarely intervenes in the lives of these people, but then the degree of assistance grows proportionally. That is why hardworking Capricorns often seek success than lazy. Consider these interventions of fate in their life they almost never can, therefore, think that only their genius and subtle calculations.
Aquarius have a similar situation with ibexes. They know what they want, but go to this only in the case of full freedom of action. When the Aquarius is the initial impetus, they become happier, richer and more successful. If you feel that you have a definite goal in life and the means to achieve it, you should know that this is the sign of destiny, telling you: "forward".
Fish signs of destiny can serve as quiet moments, when nothing distracts them from their problems. When you left to themselves, it is said that pleasant coming changes that at first may seem not very pleasant. One way or another but the fate to you kind until you want to find their place in life.
Horoscope for today from StopKilo for all zodiac signs:
Horoscope for today from StopKilo for all zodiac signs:
##Znakizodiaka astrology horoscope ##forecast #StopKilo
STAY energetically pure
1. Avoid contact with people who you...
STAY energetically pure
1. Avoid contact with people who you are unpleasant and uninteresting. Not to attract their attention, do not get involved in the debate, do not make in respect of their good deeds.
2. Being in crowded places, try not to let strangers close to your spine - in the 10-15 cm away from the back passes human energy axis, the most vulnerable - to influence the subtle energies. Good to use as a perfume with essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus and clove - their scent around you will create a strong protective energy field.
3. Try not to eat food prepared unhealthy, tired, irritable or bad related to you people, even if you are very hungry.
4. In the apartment you have to be your area, your personal living space - the so-called personal comfort zone, where no one can invade without your permission.
5. Handle with found objects, especially jewelery, amulets, personal things - you do not know the fate of their master, and they can be saturated very negative energy information.
6. Gifts also be treated with caution - many of them can weaken you, even to the serious and long-term diseases. Take only those gifts to which you "is the soul."
7. Exercise:. Running, swimming, fitness and aerobics, work out cycling, etc., etc. Take care of your health, physically unhealthy people not only can not resist the attack of energy, but he can gradually turn into a vampire.
8. Do not try on, and do not wear other people's things. Do not use personal belongings sick and dead people. Do not let their personal belongings for temporary use.
9. Be kind, most diplomatically and psychologically flexible. Try to move away from conflicts or mitigate them. Learn to forgive. Do not respond to evil with evil - with irritation and anger of you go vitality.
10. Smile more often. Learn to enjoy every day of your life, notice the beauty of the surrounding world. Love yourself, love people, love life.
astrology #astropsihologij ###power #spirituality purity
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
ASTROLOGICAL today. January 22, 2017 year 24-th lunar day. Twenty-fourth...
ASTROLOGICAL today. January 22, 2017 year 24-th lunar day. Twenty-fourth lunar day is just as active as the previous, but in contrast to 23rd, quite devoid of aggression.
😃Jemocii: 24-e lunar day people are generous: apparently, impact fatigue of the previous Lunar days. Day is a very laid-back and mellow: quarrel is no mood to rejoice greatly, and no strength. All only want warmth and serenity.
😴Sny: images of dreams, who visited you in this period, talk about the potential of creative forces, requiring implementation.
💏Otnoshenija: today is a very cool to meet a small company, talk, listen to music, watch a good movie. Events in this complex energy day are contraindicated.
🙇Prinjatie solutions, new cases: this day you can solve a lot of problems if well all consider and analyze.
💰Biznes and business: whatever you do today-everything will be successful, except, of course, immoral acts. Any event-repair Office, contract, hiring a new employee-everything goes as well as possible, but you need to keep good spirits and never put pressure on the situation. If you suddenly feel you have taken that thing called "not going", it is better to leave it, now is not the time yet for re
👯Rabota in a team: this day is better, speak less and do more. All talk, do not relate specifically to any important cases, become trivial gossip. Similar product rumors, in turn, will lead to the loss of energy stability.
💊Zdorov'e: twenty-fourth lunar day rarely happen any health problems, and if they do occur, they are generally mild and bystroprohodjashhie. Harmful factors for your body this day-smoking and alcohol.
🍎Pitanie: today go more for fish.
😡Konflikty and Showdown: do not use in communicating the pressure on the interlocutor as well as contraindicated gross jokes and cynicism.
🏃 ✈ relocation and travel: bad for travel
💇Strizhka: an unfortunate day for haircuts and hair coloring;
🎨Otdyh and hobbies: this is an excellent period for creativity: you can not only create artistic works, but fortunately their show. Presentations, exhibitions, concerts and recitals are held very successfully. It's a beautiful day for training, acquire new knowledge, in short, anything that requires intelligence.
The motto of the day: whether it be kinder and day too will be good
#Astrologicheskiyprognoz Minsk ###astrology horoscopes
Since the beginning of the week, my friends! At one...
Since the beginning of the week, my friends! At one of the workshops, my client once confessed that every Sunday in her bad mood simply "to tears." Full feeling that the holiday was over, the guests are gone, dishes and left ..... Well, how to help here? Of course, the mood has fallen from thinking about the future business, troubles and problems. But it is still a long time ago,. Confucius opened a simple and ingenious secret: "Choose a job to his liking, and you do not have to work on
(Canvas texture paste, liquid gold leaf, potal, acrylic, varnish) Size - 70cm * 90cm.
Energize activity, harmony and success, opening up new perspectives on life. Thanks to the continuous updating of the moon acts as a symbol of femininity, and the sun - a sign of stability and strength. It leads to a positive and beneficial change, opens up new perspectives.
Mandala ##mandala #elenakarlova #elenakarlovaart #elenakarlova elenakarlovaart ###spirituality spirituality Astrology ##Yoga
Tip for today - see it today...
Tip for today - see it today, and your life through the eyes of a child. Years go by, and we gradually become worse and worse. All the less surprised and pleased the way it did in childhood.
And the recommendation of the day - this applies to everything going on, both in the magical childhood when every day new games, stories, new knowledge, adventure and discovery.
Try to look at their children's life situations glance: What would you advise yourself right from childhood? What is missing you so as a child everything was easy and with new discoveries? See or hear this message for ourselves internally.
And if your child wants more creativity or make new purchases, be sure to pull it off today! Let it happen now in your life a new inspiring story that you can with a smile, then tell your children!
We wish you a wonderful day!
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#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
Monday, January 23, 2017
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
❦ #angmo_astro ➤ #SOLAR or as for #12dnej change 12 months #astromagija...
❦ #angmo_astro ➤ #SOLAR or as for #12dnej change 12 months #astromagija #Astrology #BirthDate
First day of 🍰🍾🍸
(from the moment of turning solar plus one day, it's the first day, it's not birthday) — indicates the talent activity. This day should be a creative activity. You want to be independent. Woman recommended to dress up and nakrasili, you can even completely change the image. It is desirable to devote the entire day to myself.
The second day of the 🍰🍾🍸
-indicates wealth, wealth, property. It is not advisable to be greedy, proud, borrow and receive gifts. It is recommended to do charity.
Third day 🍰🍾🍸
— denotes a curiosity, communicative, as well as sisters and brothers and relations with them. On this day, preferably more silent and talk a little. Beneficial is a short trip. Refrain from watching tv and reading. It is better to spend time with his family in nature.
Fourth day 🍰🍾🍸
— denotes a family home, family, parents. It is advisable to visit and spend the day with their parents and relatives. It is not desirable to start something new.
The fifth day of the 🍰🍾🍸
— denotes a children, hobbies, love, romance. It is advisable not to flirt and not to mimoljotnymi love intrizhkami. Favorably to devote this time to her husband and children.
The sixth day of the 🍰🍾🍸
-indicates your well-being, as well as self-discipline and relations in the workplace. It is desirable to devote day labour. The probability of promotion through the ranks. Day of tranquility, but beware of the routine.
Seventh day 🍰🍾🍸
-indicates spouse, marriage, divorce, litigation. Favorably will spend the day with her husband and discuss future plans. Cherish and take care of her husband and family harmony.
Eighth day 🍰🍾🍸
— denotes a crisis, the end of the old and the beginning of the new, as well as the conception and birth of a child. A very difficult day, it favorably to spend in solitude to rethink their views. Unfavorable in this day of jealousy. You want to control all of your thoughts and emotions. It is possible that this day of life can leave something unnecessary, and it is very good, because a loss will bring to his new and good location.
The ninth day of 🍰🍾🍸
denotes knowledge, travel-favourable long-distance driving, travel.
The tenth day of the 🍰🍾🍸
— indicates a profession, manifestation of ambition, plans for the future. Want to remember all their teachers and thank them for their acquired knowledge.
The eleventh day of 🍰🍾🍸
— denotes a friends and dreams of man. This day changes your destiny. On this day, changing your fate in a favorable direction, their wishes. You can safely make the most secret desires, and they are sure to come.
Twelfth day 🍰🍾🍸
— denotes a liberation from old. On this day, it is advisable to let go of all their grievances and to engage in the coming astrological year with pure heart for new happiness. #novyjgod #NovyjLichnyjGod
22 January 19:30 TIME MSK START 26 LUNAR day...
22 January 19:30 TIME MSK START 26 LUNAR day.
Characters of the day considered the frog and toad in a swamp created the abyss, the abyss, duckweed, quagmire, maelstrom.
It is believed that the Toad is the embodiment of wisdom, which does not bring any benefit to the person, because it lurks the false seduction own accomplishments, pride, vanity, samovozvelichivanie. Man can pull on gossip, farce, meanness.
The frog is a symbol of strength checks, the penchant for deception of their own wisdom. Remember the fairy tale about the Princess and the frog-the number of tests which had to go to Ivan-tsarevitch.
So this is a day of Atonement, deliverance from Frog skins-must strive to know life, the worst in people, to a sober assessment of the fact, the removal of any and all "masks". Otherwise, the person may slack off and tease, with bigotry and coarse materialism.
Considered one of the critical days, in which people are fighting and scurrying around in vain, wasting a lot of energy on the chatter. On this day people can outspend their energy. Therefore, it is better to refrain from active work, relax or be sensible and economical in energy costs.
Domestic and social terms fails to communicate and have a high probability of robberies.
Spiritually good work on texts, books, avoiding overvoltages or unverified material. It is a day of abstinence and fasting, which favorably silence. Pride often comes after Tosca-you can work on these properties. Easily outspend strength, so all the work should be carried out carefully. It is a day of brotherhood and unity of people not for external installations, for internal needs. The motto of the day-don't believe what you see
On this day spiritual teachers arrange checking pupils: those tested water, fire, seclusion from the world. But the most difficult part is often the test world. Man, having passed all the ordeals, can master the hubris and contempt for ordinary people. In this case, his wisdom is false, because each person you want to see the bright and high, it is implied, though, can be, and is not implemented yet. Only together can come to
Mystical sign in this day is, if leaving home to meet a person with full bags or buckets, then you can take it that you go through life correctly; If during sleep or waking to see lightning-this is a warning that not ukroshheny pride and vanity.
In terms of health, we recommend that you run less, more sweat; doing massages, cosmetic surgery, smooth wrinkles and warts and moles, affect point channels. On this day, it is better to eat more fish and herbs. Contraindicated there is all round fruits and vegetables, heavily saturated liquid. Sacred food-cranberries. Meat is forbidden. You should avoid smoke strongly smoky rooms. On this day, it is not recommended to remove the teeth.
Based on materials P.globy "Moon astrology"
#Lunnyyden prognoznaden ###astrology horoscope
Imagine that you are flying in a hot air balloon...
Imagine that you are flying in a hot air balloon. In the basket only you and your luggage. Suddenly something went wrong, you began to rapidly lose altitude. You will crash less than ten minutes, if not you will think what to do. The only solution in this situation is to reset your stuff, at least half of it. Either things or you. You look at them and hesitate a few seconds. But in the end decide and begin throwing that hoarded all of his life. W
It happens every day with all of us in less dramatic circumstances. We become attached to things and thoughts that hoarded for many years, and simply don't notice how they hang on us goods, preventing moving forward. Here are the things that we need to let go, to once again shoot up:
1. Attachment
According to Buddhist philosophy, affection is one of the causes of suffering. We have a habit of bind to everything that was in our lives, including the fact that strongly keeps us on site: unnecessary things, nadoevshim places, meaningless actions, bad people. Ask yourself: have you tied to anything from this? Fold!
2. The guilt
Guilt have absolutely no function. What a change from what you feel guilt? No problem. It just keeps you in a State of grief and self-flagellation.
3. Negative thinking
Pessimistic mood and negative thoughts direct all our actions on this wave. This is a fairly dangerous path. Know that thoughts affect the world around us. It is enough only to think.
4. Self-criticism
Often this is the sore spot. Initially we criticize ourselves out of the best intentions to change and become better, but sometimes we turn all boundaries and criticism turns against us, making us the only worse. Release it and be kind and gentle to yourself.
5. Prejudices
Prejudices inhibit us. This limits our possibilities and inhibits our desires. Need to get rid of them.
6. the obligations imposed on
You keep doing something for no apparent reason just because you feel that you have to do it? It's time to honestly think about why you need it. You don't owe anything to anyone.
7. Need for approval
We often think whether our actions are approved by the public? It does not open up our desires to the fullest. Don't listen to the other, listen to yourself.
8. Limits
Most of the boundaries we set ourselves. But in life there is no limits. They are only in our brains. Transcend.
9. Discontent
Let me explain: everything, absolutely everything dissatisfaction affect our health. Science has long been proven that such emotion, like anger, is associated with heart disease.
10. The habit of postponing all for tomorrow
In the subconscious of each of us lives the smallest saboteur who tries to prevent us to perform important tasks. When you want to leave something for tomorrow or just to lazy to do, think about its existence, and it deliberately to make you focus on your business.
11. Anxious thoughts
They are born from our fear and uncertainty about the future. The thought of what might happen something unpleasant is only far-fetched idea, which we have created ourselves. Ask yourself: "it's got real proof?" if not, and harassing himself is not necessary.
12. your ex
Love the collapse survive difficult, and often depression after it lasts pretty long. Your heart locked, your brain thinks only about one. Actually you do not suffer from losses, and thinking about the loss.
13. Bad memories
Bad memories make you again and again to relive those sad moments and unpleasant history, what happened to you. Keep them where their place is in the past.
14. Useless stuff
Often we accumulate all kinds of junk that clutters our room or in the pantry, and suddenly comes in handy. Get rid of it, make the atmosphere in your home or Office more free and harmonious.
15. Bad company
If your environment is insincere, envious or manipulating you folks-stay away from them.
16. Its position
This is a very common mistake: we perceive ourselves as we are accustomed to perceiving surrounding throughout our lives. This limits our actions in the present and plan for the future, because we're stuck in a certain manner. You may be one person in the past and totally different now.
17. The identification of yourself with the profession
This is one of the consequences of modern business life: once we choose profession, we vzhivaemsja it with full dedication. But we must remember that this is just a role.
18. the patterns of behavior
There are popular acts or patterns of conduct that are imposed on us in a particular society. And we follow them, even though that we are not interested in: starting from viewing popular transfer and ending with the fashion for anorexia. Do not follow the crowd, be unique.
19. The perception of all things close to my heart
Very often we are too sensitive to events in the lives of others. We are worried and suffer like they have experienced them personally. Look at things from a more distant perspective, and life will be simpler and more objective point of view, and more balanced, focused on their priorities.
20. Time
Time is one of the main causes of emotional tension. We are enslaved to the concept of time, even in moments of relaxation. This idea captures our true freedom and our space. It should be remembered that don't really time itself, and our perception of time.
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#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
Be yourself.
It is an easy ...
It's as easy and...
Be yourself.
It is an easy ...
It's as easy and natural as the wind moves like rivers flow, grow grass and sunrise ...
But we have forgotten about it, we have lost memory, we believe in something that is not true ...
On what grounds do you know
that your memory can be resurrected?
When all the difficult, complex, uncertain and no longer go out to attract you. When their roles, images and masks
you can leave without regret, as the old clothes off and forget
Everything will be just ...
You just be at peace and happy with how your life is flowing and what pictures contemplates your soul ...
Life is flowing in and through you ...
And that Your Being, beyond the boundaries of your mind available ...
This condition is the ease with which you fall asleep and wake up your ease, like when you're kissed by his Spirit, and love in all that they see your eyes ...
Already there is nothing that disturbs your mind and your heart to rest quietly and breathes Love ...
Elena Ma, Vedic astrologer
Jyotish astrology ####elenama Saturn ##tvorcheskayavstrecha presence
Aquarius. Astrological forecast for 2017.
In 2017, Aquarius is recommended...
Aquarius. Astrological forecast for 2017.
In 2017, Aquarius is recommended to strictly follow the letter of the law, to be attentive to their actions. Some Aquarians will have to defend his case in superior organizations.
In mid-February, tensions may arise related to long journeys, obtaining higher education, relationships with brothers, sisters, neighbors.
May and August will bring love and harmony in the life of Aquarius. Successful relationships are, including people from afar, people of creative professions, politicians and athletes.
In early autumn, there began a period of increased spending, unfavorable at this time to borrow, lend, invest in joint-stock companies, losses are possible due to the distance, they travel, treatment, fines or fraud.
In November 2017 at the Aquarius starts favorable period in the professional life that will bring a good attitude of society, highly appreciated your talents and increase revenues, some waiting for Aquarius growth careers. The flip side of the coin can be deterioration of relations within the family, there may be conflicts and misunderstandings.
The car at the Aquarius this year may require repairs related to the specifics of the planets Uranus and Jupiter, it may be electrical, lighting, glass lamps.
At the end of the year should beware of stress, which can be loose in the health of Aquarius.
Astro-forecast ##Aquarius #astrology, #astrologicheskiyprognoz

Sunday, January 22, 2017
The main task of any women-learn to accumulate energy, not...
The main task of any women-learn to accumulate energy, not to lose for nothing and give to whomever wants it to give away. For this purpose it is necessary to master the skill of living in the power saving mode.
• 🏻Davajte talk a little bit about it from a practical point of view. Do a little exercise-study. Take the sheet and write on it that gives you energy. From what you are feeling better, that helps you cope with stress, negative feelings. Without censorship, that it is harmful, it's hard, it's long, it's expensive .... For example:
Outdoor thing?
Cold shower
Study of a new
Favorite music
A friendly chat
Keeping a diary
View photo albums
Washing dishes
Communicating with children
Barber, etc.
• 🏻A now remember what you do when you are sick, that helps you to cope with this. And on another sheet of paper write down everything that takes you energy. And then you feel tired, broken and miserable. Or what you yourself eat.
For example:
The quarrel
Situation where you could not say "no"
Silent when inside the storm
• 🏻Rabota-and better specify what moments in it (for example, a strict Chief, situation, long road, a long work day, small salary)
Communication with some people (list)
Overeating at night
Fear of stigma
Inability to keep personal boundaries
Complaints against husband
Listening to whiners
Reading the news
A mess at home
Ugly clothes
Too open clothes on people
Loose hair away from home
• 🏻Projdites' on all areas of your life, to see what gives you energy and what it takes. Make such audit is to invest at this time.
And you will see that you personally helps to live in a power saving mode!
It is a mode of life, when you:
-Do not spend forces on extra people
-Do not make unnecessary movements
-Maximum are doing what you love
-Give priority in their lives, loved ones, not strangers (like you need a husband, not a boss)
-Doing something useful for you, but maybe not very nice (for example, trips to the doctor)
-Stop worry about you think or say other (most people at this time, think about what you think about them)
-Waive empty talk, convictions, disputes
-Filter the information, which is full of the world around you
-Learn to constantly replenish their energies in ways that you like
-Learn to fend for themselves, to hear his body and his soul-their needs, feelings
Every time you are going to do something significant, or not very simple, ask yourself:
Give me this energy?
Whether it's useful for me and my loved ones?
Do I like it?
When you learn to hear and understand their needs, understand where you lose energy, and where the purchase, your life will go into the new regime. Very pleasant and helpful. Not only for you, but for loved ones. Because you stop raspleskivat'sja on detail and in the wrong places. You can stash energy and give generously to it those you love.
And even when we spend energy on our favorite people, it becomes larger, it preumnozhaetsja and growing. And it is a signal that the energy spent correctly, usefully and in the right direction.
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📌U have many interesting! Join our group!
#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
The IDENTITY of the day-CHRISTIAN DIOR 21.01.1905 (Venus...
The IDENTITY of the day-CHRISTIAN DIOR 21.01.1905 (Venus in the South node, the Moon in the center of the formulas)
French designer-fashion designer
Christian received home education, and was then loaned to the free school of political sciences in preparation for a career as a diplomat. But it's not attracted the boy, he preferred to museums, music and painting. In 1928 together with a friend, he opened an art gallery. It lasted about three years and was closed due to the death of his mother and Christian father's disease, because the father had financed it.
Then Christian started selling their designs hats and dresses, which enjoyed great success. In 1941, he had worked in the famous Parisian model House Lucien Lelong. In 1942 year Dior opened perfume lab from which then grew renowned firm Christian Dior Perfume. Dior always considered an integral part of the scent of the female image.
In 1946, he opened his own fashion house and and created extremely feminine New Look collection, which conquered Europe and America, confirming the title of fashion capital of the world "in Paris. Since 1953 the year Dior also produces footwear, creating a finished appearance "Dior". In the 1950-ies fashion house Christian Dior was the largest and most profitable in Paris.
Christian Dior licensed their models, and they were sold under its brand name.
He died a famous Couturier Christian Dior October 24, 1957 year aged 52 years in Italy of a heart attack. At his home in Granville Christian Dior Museum was opened.
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#Dior #fashion #VeneraLuna #Astrology #cosmogram #формула_души #astropsihologija #planet #horoscope

Today ☆ ☆ on January 21 the maximum active day. And the...
Today ☆ ☆ on January 21 the maximum active day. And the more we spend, the more positive results it will give us. No responses to stimuli. Smile and mash.
Today is a good day to dare to do what has long dreamed of or that have not been addressed. Today is the time.
Today, you may receive a sense of inner strength and power lifting. Inspiration. Fasten these feelings and intentions.
Today it is important not to stay at home. Proactive move, meet up with friends, to engage in a. Active recreation-best vacation today.
The magic of the day 💜
#prediction #motivation #silaMysli ###Astrology esoteric Numerology #horoscope of #upravlenieReal'nost'ju
Planets in Jyotish.
Shani (Saturn) - Ayush karaka, life...
Planets in Jyotish.
Shani (Saturn) - Ayush karaka, life expectancy. Strong Shani in the horoscope says about longevity. Saturn in Jyotish - an indicator of negative karma, is considered the most unfavorable, but a very important planet. It destroys the false ideals, forcing think about the most important issue - the search for the meaning of life. Saturn brings the mind into a state of inner concentration, focus on the activities of the soul and stimulates the desire for spiritual perfection
Saturn - the most fearsome planet in Vedic astrology. Saturn destroys the house, which is (the exception is the seventh house, where Saturn obtains directional strength) and any house that he aspecting, and it destroys the planet, which have connections with him and aspects. Saturn, being the master of evil houses, or is in the fall, and by influencing the house through 4 aspect or connection gives a person grief, sadness and suffering in life.
Saturn - the planet retaliation, destruction, aging, death, harsh spiritual practices and the most difficult karmic lessons. This energy brings to our life long suffering, delay in cases of waste, hard work, harsh living conditions, testing and poverty. Saturn represents the death, misery, loss, hardship, arrogance, ruthlessness, evil. In society, the Sun - an aristocrat, Saturn - Democrat, while Mars is - a dictator. These guidelines will help you to do
Saturn governs longevity, prisons, machinery, equipment, designers, carpenters, miners, masons, real estate agents, engineers, workers, merchants, ascetics, yogis, monks, hermits, social workers, old age, psychosomatic problems, land, property, tree , coal, iron, steel, lead, sesame seeds, salt, black beans, and all the black objects. In the body, Saturn rules nails
Saturn represents our ability to act. If we do something regularly, Saturn sets in motion certain forces. These forces of our regular activities, go to our soul from one life form to another. Our destiny is reflected in our daily activities. Saturn's main function is to create forward movement of consciousness to improve our position and to strengthen the forces of good and peace in life. on - Our goal
Indian astrologers, most of them, are very superstitious in their understanding of the role and perception of the symbolism of Saturn. Indeed, Saturn presents difficulties, sorrow, old age, pain. However, all of the great classics of Indian astrology Saturn endowed and positive roles. Without favorable Saturn in the birth horoscope and transits, people will never be able to develop a deep attachment no. Saturn is denial (tyaga). It Tiago
Saturn retrograde. Often, he is talking about the absence of his father's influence in shaping a child. Father or leaves his family and so busy with work that the child grows up without his participation. The presence of retrograde Saturn in the 7th house of the girl can to delay the implementation of plans to marry. Saturn always everything slows down, and retrograde - especially. Maybe give the gloom, gloom, human tendency to approach everything seriously, tendency to depression. With the Saturn
STRONG retrograde Saturn. People tend to approach everything too seriously, too responsible and stressful. We must learn to take life easily and develop a sense of humor.
POSITIVE TRAITS. Hard work, authority, discipline, accountability, consistency, patience, wisdom, willingness to serve, a philosophical turn of mind, a healthy conservatism, punctuality, practicality, realism, humility, perseverance, persistence, the ability to follow their responsibilities and promises, loyalty, reliability, self-restraint, self-discipline , devotion, endurance, lack of attachment to material pleasures, renounce
NEGATIVE QUALITIES. Greed, pettiness, thrift, a huge ego and pride, all-encompassing fear, paranoia, phobias, pessimism, depression, depression, moodiness, anxiety, isolation, secrecy, depression, silence and strangeness (unlike the others), susceptibility to melancholy, disappointment, distrust and suspiciousness, irritability, unwillingness to work, laziness, lack of discipline, slowness neobschitelnos
To learn how to set the Saturn in your natal chart, all of the period of Sade Sati and other details - consult an astrologer!
Sign up for Jyotish consultation, please call:
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Sattvika ###tsentrysattvika ozdorovitelnyetsentrysattvika vedicheskayaastrologiyavsattvike ###vedicheskiyastrolog astrology
###Saturday denSaturna Shani Saturn #