Right and left aspects
If the quick planet makes aspect to slow, located on the Zodiac behind quick (e.g. fast in Leo, slow in Taurus), the dimension is called the right-hand, and if slow on Zodiac is ahead of fast (e.g., slow in Scorpio, fast in cancer) is left hanging.
Ptolemy believed that the right hand square more serious than left, right left, i.e. more favourable Trinh that right more important and strong.
Many astrologers consider the right as more jekstravertnye effect left noticeable aspects of objective observer.
Izraitel' B. W.
Except for exact opposition, all aspects are either right or left. That is, aspektirujushhee luminary is placed either on the right or left of those luminaries with whom it can form aspects. In other words, it either goes away from them or moving them.
Right and left also have value for impact rays shone-aspektora must inevitably have a few excellent quality or effect if it is removed (right) of aspektiruemogo luminaries as compared to when it is approaching (left) to it. However, this distinction is perceived is not enough to affect the birth. These two words represent rather a variety or situation aspect (whether it is the aspect of convergence of luminaries or remove
Llewellyn George
Aspects can be left and right. Of the two planets involved in any aspect, one always has a great, another smaller longitude; ARC, lazy between them counterclockwise will make the left aspect, and arc, lazy clockwise is right.
Left-wing aspects usually stronger; planet with less absolute longitude, subordinates its influence the second participant aspect, because this influence coincides with the course of planetary motion. But there are cases where stronger turns right aspect, for example, when both planets retrogradny, retrogradna, or when "dogonjajushhaja" planet, but the second takes a strong position.
Of particular importance is the quality aspect of the left or right when it involves the Sun or moon. If the Sun is to the planet left aspect, i.e. "catching up", it's usually a positive factor — receives from the Sun energy that enhances its positive and negative qualities. If the Sun is to the planet right aspect, then it affects the Sun. If the existing favourable aspect between them (seksti
All of this can be attributed to the Moon, with the only caveat that Moon more prone to foreign influence than the Sun, so the right Moon aspects with other planets should be checked especially carefully.
The connection of the same Sun and Moon in one sign stressed, firstly, the quality of the latter, and secondly, can serve as an indicator of health: the Sun, the Moon is overtaking (left connection Sun-Moon), indicates the person on the kind of weak, but "two"; The Moon is the same dogonjajushhaja the Sun (Sun-Moon right connection), human giant, could give the addition, but suffering from some ailment. However, in the latter case, his body is strong enough to
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###horoscope Astrology planets
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Right and left aspects
If the quick planet makes aspect...
Modern "school success" teach us that the universe is a...
Modern "school success" teach us that the universe is a fabulous Djinn, and the Lord God is our personal servant, just waiting when we click fingers and declare on its next request. But in fact not snapping your fingers, and beak, when you grow overseas authors technology of happiness.
#astrologpitchenko ###astrologer Astrology Jyotish #horoscope of #mudryemysli #quotations #quotations
Day is one of the most difficult...
Day is one of the most difficult and critical. It is connected with raking up dirt, fighting with evil. And unlike the opposite fourteenth sunny day, where a key is issued that opens a lot of different doors, ways and roads, you can find a lot of keys here, but you need only one, namely from this door. There - the open space of the heavens, here - the underground labyrinth of caves, from which only one outlet, and the one on the castle. And no one can help - in
#Tashatregubova #self-development #esoterics #sunsetset #sunny day #28solar day #astrology #advice day
Monday, April 17, 2017
Astrological forecast for the week of 17 to 23 April...
Astrological forecast for the week of 17 to 23 April from Vedic astrologer, a specialist in the selection of successful dates Helena Grushinoj instagram.com/zvezda_74
It will be a very successful week. Two planets, the Sun and Venus are in the biggest force. And it promises a lot of bonuses. Family Idyll, which lasted the whole of April and ends this week.
The Sun gives us success and in the profession, and in business. Open great opportunities for increasing profits have lucrative contracts and proposals. Open great prospects of career growth. However, luck will smile only those who are ready to take responsibility and show their personal "I", so to say, become a leader. After all, the Sun is the planet leaders.
Leaders will have a great opportunity to build the right relationship with co-workers, subordinates, partners with contractors. Worth a listen to recommendations of stars and work competently display personal boundaries. Quietly, efficiently, without pressure and despotism. This rise of the Sun (our) can exacerbate conflicts and quarrels, if doing all mindlessly and overly expressive. In addition, carefully analyze opportunities because there are
Relationship with the children soon, quarrels and conflicts will go on there, will reign the family Idyll and understanding. Parents require more attention, moms and dads will want to spend time with children. Separately the signs of the zodiac:
️ Aries ♈. You will find professional success, new career achievements. Move only forward. To projects that would benefit.
♉ ️ Taurus. This week you will have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their creative energy in the profession, and good luck to you will be pulled back.
♊ ️ twins. Before you open up new financial opportunities, there is a possibility of receiving lucrative contracts.
♋ ️ cancer. The long-awaited advent of understanding with children, not Communists. Great time for a family trip with children.
♌ ️ Lion. A very successful week. You're on a horse, it is important to exercise leadership, firmness and brightness. Stop being in the shadows.
️ Virgo ♍. Be careful of money may be financial losses. Leading a reasonable dialogue with partners.
♎ ️ Scales. Misunderstanding may arise with partners if leave without attention to current affairs and too like other projects. As everyone was not udachnona work, do not forget about the family.
♏ ️ Scorpio. For you there will be a perfect time to refurbish homes, landscaping and creating home coziness. An excellent time for spring-cleaning.
️ Sagittarius ♐. Your children will require a lot of attention from you, see that they do not want to sit you on the neck. Correct personal boundaries with children will help you in the future when the kids grow up, avoid resentment and misunderstanding.
♑ ️ Capricorn. This week-time to devote themselves to family and his partner, it is important not to idealize him strongly not to lose your own luck. Try to find an opportunity and take time for yourself.
️ Aquarius ♒. For you the stars predict financial stagnation, stumble in the contracts. So stand on the break and devote time and attention to his family. Enjoy love and happiness.
♓ ️ fish. Family happiness next, just stretch out your hand. Review the requirements to ideal partners and cease to remodel the one you love. Accept the person as it is. And then you will find happiness.
๐ฎV Saturday, April 22, and Vedic astrologer Elena Grushina begins a series of encounters with those who are interested in astrology. It will be about the influence of stars on personal happiness. Admission is free to the first meeting. Each participant will receive FREE of CHARGE our meeting your card personal life and learns about the power of Venus in your horoscope. Come April 22 at 14.00 (Kirov str., 143).
Sign up for a meeting, you can by phone. 8 952 522 70 60 or write https://vk.com/e.grushina.
#cheliabinsk #chellynow #chelyabinsk #telefakt ##zvezda_74 #astroprognoz astrologgrushina #astrologijacheljabinsk #astrology
Today we have wind, wave and tide. By the sea...
Today we have wind, wave and tide. By the sea I rest my soul, forces if get tired physically. Drawn to vode๐๐ can because the Moon in my horoscope is in cancer (the element of water). Do you believe in horoscopes and astrology?) #Evpatoria #Crimea #sea #chernoemore #Astrology #luchshijotdyh @ Quay Bitter
Neptune and frustration in marriage.
Neptune descendente sometimes gives the...
Neptune and frustration in marriage.
Neptune descendente sometimes gives the happiest marriages in the world, with partner creative, sincere man. But that "sometimes". More commonly, lesions, there is disappointment when the partner is a matter of time and, accordingly, the quality Mark Cross, Cardinal — fast — fast medium or PISCES (with doubting "stay-go"), is not fixed soon.
In the case of a plot of this song, as it seems to me, Neptune was in a crucial sign:) The frustrations of marriage came unusually quickly ๐
And, by the way, the meaning here involved any element of 2/8 homes, the times we are talking about "bought". About such a marriage can be said that he was "not looking" was hasty and "bought": Neptune (fish) in 7 home; Mars (and 1st House); something from 2/8 houses:) And almost excluded, that marriage was the harmonious aspects:)
Here and total intoxication, and frustration, and repentance — a typical Neptune ๐
The lyrics of the song:
If only he knew, so had,
Than I got married so early.
Poor boy.
Before the marriage was healthy.
Complexion had Crimson,
As kogorchik.
I bribed a matchmaker,
One hundred roubles suggested-
And I'm sold.
Right so I surprised
In the upper room found myself.
Was scary.
There's the bride sits Lysรก,
As oshparennaja rat.
All grey.
No teeth, face tart,
All it Yes ponavislo.
Like rags.
Bosota, take your time
And so early did not marry-
Everything will be OK.
If no capital
You proshhupajte first,
That take, Oh, that take ...
#marriage #illusion #frustration #remorse #Neptune #descendent #astrology
#Astrology #MPPG #horoscope #of one sign #half
Relationships with a partner with the same zodiac sign can be quite difficult, as the zodiacal colleague will reflect both your best and the worst features. Let's see how this works for every sign.
1. Aries
It will be a tough couple. You are both hot and hot-tempered; Both are bending their line and are inclined to blame each other when things go unimportantly. On the other hand, you mutually nourish your passionate natures and know how to have fun together. Your relationship is a constant struggle, and even the real battles of the Titans.
2. Taurus
Taurus monstrously obstinate and differ in inflexible and narrow-minded thinking. If you are driving on the same track, it's great. If not, then both of you should expand your comfort zones, and this is a difficult task for any of you. You are both unbending in your opinion, because if one Taurus is a liberal, and the second is a conservative, be a trouble. The only thing in what you are similar is in the love of sensual pleasures.
3. Gemini
Gemini with each other is never boring, and in this alliance is a lot of unpredictability. One of you should be more stable, so that the relationship has a future, because this sign is inclined to impermanence and windy, and also does not have deep attachments. Nevertheless, you know how to pronounce all your problems to solve them, plus you both adore a bright social life.
4. Cancer
One of the best alliances between the same signs. Both Cancers are people oriented towards family and coziness, convinced domestic folk and introverts. The biggest drawback: when you learn to tolerate the moods and moods of your partner (and not take them personally!), A sexual spark may disappear between you.
5. The Lion
The union is lively, cheerful and short-lived. You both need a lot of love and compliments, and, as a rule, the Lions suffer a lot, not receiving them. And they both want to be the only center of attention. Lion's relations are very passionate, which is good for sexual life, but in everyday life, be careful in words and actions, since they can destroy everything. A key condition in relations is mutual respect.
6. The Virgin
If you both serve one higher purpose, then this is the covenant made in heaven. Just do not try to improve your partner, analyze or criticize his behavior - it instantly kills all passion. It is better to plant trees together or engage in yoga, to identify each other only the best.
7. Scales
It can be a wonderful union, since both of you are set up to make your partner happy and always stand up for balance and justice. The danger, however, is that you will remain too superficial, that is, outwardly project love and affection, and inside conceal insults. Rinse out the boat periodically to work together to restore balance.
8. The Scorpion
Passion, danger, intrigue - this is the scorpion couple! Perhaps even too much passion and intrigue. Trust is the key component that this union is cementing. If one or both partners are prone to jealousy and suspicion, then the relationship will turn into a real hell. Share your feelings and emotions so as not to "store" offenses until they reach a critical mass.
9. Sagittarius
The most cheerful couple, crazy about activity! Both Sagittarius will race motorcycles or go kayaking, so as not to get bored. The principledness and conviction of both can lead to bitter discussions, but in their case it is in disputes and truth will be born. The problem with Sagittarius will arise when one of them wants commitments, and the second will prefer to remain free as the wind. They are connected mainly only by high
10. Capricorn
Romantic relationships you will not work, as you are both the most sober of all the sober realists. Nevertheless, your practical nature allows you without illusions to give an assessment to your partner. In this relationship, you can be yourself. Just do not let your ambitions, snobbery or aspirations for status prevail over your positive human qualities.
11. Aquarius
Aquarians are very open and can be tolerant of the antics of their partner. And so both partners-Aquarius - it's probably better friends than lovers. The emotional sphere is not their strong point, and the display of tender feelings for Aquarius is equivalent to getting out of the comfort zone. They are always so far removed from each other that a true passion between them is hardly possible.
12. Pisces
You are both rare dreamers - and it works for both you and you. Two Pisces can swim endlessly in their fantasies, never emerging out into the harsh reality. Pisces tend to wear rose-colored glasses, which means that you completely trust the partner and always justify him, even if he does not deserve it. Your weakness is the joint budget and inability to manage finances.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Horoscope for April 16, 2017 year
Your ability to...
Horoscope for April 16, 2017 year
Your ability to see and feel what others may not notice today skyrocket under the influence of the moon. If something still remained a mystery for you, now you're sure to find the answer.
Of course, it is better to negotiate peacefully, but if you didn't want to listen to, will have to go ahead. Today, you can't afford to retreat.
Today you have to also reduce their tendency to leadership. Try to avoid conversations on "who here?!" and some in than to yield to the opposition.
Try to plan for the day, and around to follow his plan. Improvisational decision today will not be too fortunate.
Today you can provide someone a great service, helping solve some problem. You just have to deal with it, so much so that not so long ago you have already such a task. You only need to draw a parallel.
You too seriously to all fit. It might well, in terms of the effectiveness of your labors, but the nerve cells, though recovered (if recent statements by scientists on this occasion warranted), but still very slow.
Weight scales
Do not let the will of your imagination today, otherwise it could turn into a okoloparanoidal'nym State of the organism. You will be very useful to society, but very fun human management.
Date cannot be considered successful for all sorts of events. Better to devote his self-improvement.
If you want, you can pass through walls, the main goal-to see and believe in yourself. Today nothing will become a barrier between you and the object of your desires.
Today, you'll be able to cope with any situation, no matter how exotic she wasn't. But one day, as luck would have it, promises to be extremely peaceful, and demonstrate their abilities in all its glory, you will most likely not happen.
Today you will need to make considerable mental efforts to solve any problem. Might have to go to brainstorm. Eat chocolate in the morning helps.
Today is intended for ingestion and digestion of the large amount of information. Don't be afraid of choking-will fail.
#horoscope Astrology Zodiac ###prediction #esoterics
* An excellent day for starting new projects, entering a new...
* An excellent day for starting new projects, entering a new job, negotiating, zanimatij planning.
* Try to avoid quarrels and not to provoke a showdown. Any good it will not.
* Day is absolutely not suitable for medical procedures and treatment.
* Be careful and cautious, as there is a high probability of injury.
Born in the year of the rabbit recommend caution and prudence.
Try not to take fundamental decisions, and set them to a more favorable period.
Favourable watches: Dragon, Horse, rooster.
What is Personal BaZi and Destroyer, see my YouTube channel.
You can order an individual calendar (you can see on my site tuabellavita.ru).
#baczy #Ltv #galiagreku #sovetdnja ###Astrology horoscope galijagreku #goroskopnakazhdyjden'
✨ 6 poses to recharge your batteries at the beginning of...
✨ 6 poses to recharge your batteries at the beginning of the day!
1. tree Pose with the tension in his hands behind his back.
Hand pull back, chest looks up bent legs put a heel on the inner side of the thigh of the other leg, attach it to the side as far as possible. Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths.
2. Warrior Pose III.
If you feel that you're in this position you can stably allocate hands back like in the photo. Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths.
3. Posture Crescent.
Do not deviate too forward or backward in this posture, keep your arm bent, not making it too forward, eyes directed upward.
4. Posture the dancers.
Open the back, chest, look forward.
5. Pose backgrounds.
Be careful with the position of the neck in this position if you feel excessive voltage or loosen the lower head.
6. Dog snout upwards.
Remember that unlike the Cobra pose is that your knees when lifting the hands come off the floor and remain a short cab ride.
#ะะพะทัะพะถะดะตะฝะธะตะจะบะพะปะฐ_ะผะธัะัะฐัะพััะะทะดะพัะพะฒัั #jogaspb ###meditation Pilates esoterics #Tarot #Astrology #massage #soljanajapeshhera #ะะบะฐัะตัะธะฝะฐWorld
#Moon #Astrology #Luna_v_Strel'ce
Moon in the sign of Sagittarius...
#Moon #Astrology #Luna_v_Strel'ce
Moon in the sign of Sagittarius today
For this sign is characterized by enthusiasm, candor, filosofichnost', propensity to generalizations, restless strem headland, to the ideal of and interest in all things distant to other cultures and worlds.
When the Moon enters this sign and we all subconsciously become Archers, increasing optimism, is filled with generosity, benevolence, the desire to put into pokrovi.
These days are favorable for study, in General, and for cases of higher obrazovanija๐, in particular, for teaching and community education activities, as well as to expand the scope of their interests, for everything connected with distant travel and foreign bezhnymi countries.
The team at this time more receptive to ideas and new knowledge, it is easy to be interested in something unusual: after all, we are all in this time become a little adventurers, adventurers. However, in the relationship between increasing snis hoditel'nost' and tolerance, the desire to give tips, share their experiences.
Moon in Sagittarius is conducive to recreation, such as sportom๐ด ♀ ️, especially outdoors, travel, as well as excursions, visit museums, chteniju๐.
When you find the Moon in Sagittarius Che people becomes unusually sensitive to what is happening in the SI system of higher order — in society, and irregularities in public life can provoke such processes in nizme, when the organs and systems are functioning normally, and RR ganizm as a whole fails.
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
Saturday, April 15, 2017
#Astrology @ magic_edelweiss
The element of Earth, the area clearance...
#Astrology @ magic_edelweiss
The element of Earth, the area clearance, moving the cross. Manager of mercury, in Neptune and Jupiter, in the fall of Venus and Chiron.
Man Of The Virgin.
Typical Virgo is always very busy; but I strongly doubt that the busy it yourself. And the point here is not that Virgo nevnimatel'na-it, maybe even too sweet-but rather that it is bad, imagine what a personality.
Virgo, representing an element of land in the zone of clearance, sees the whole world to form various dismembered and sometimes quite fanciful, pleasant or not, committed or in need of refinement and feel these forms very confidently, mistress. It seems that nothing but understandable it forms in the world-and cannot be-and so it really is simple and straightforward, although very diverse, and there are no problems and there is a lot of work-on the p
Virgo, as no other character can see and appreciate the small details form. (One of its ideals-the legendary Lefty from Tula, who shoe a flea, and the small Horseshoe lettering and all propechatavshij your name: left-handed). And this is its main trouble-flee from her eyes. She sees too much detail on anything and can't stop look. For it is very difficult synthesis because it assumes it is a moment of abstraction from a specific item
So instead of synthesis of Virgo often goes on the more affordable for her, but usually search cul-de-sac details, details, details of the lines, which would be the most important, the key to conception and embodiment of the sense. Virgo can find carefully disguised as a key to solving chess Etudes, but lost in the complex compositional game, where a common intuitive assessment of the situation and there is no strong moves.
As a moveable sign, Virgo (not like the Taurus) doesn't tend to bind to popadajushhimsja in its path forms and details. Doing one thing, it can get to a completely different without trauma. Coming to a party for a friend and discover that Paul (according to Virgin) is not clean, it not thinking quietly in disguise and it washed out, then in disguise again and forget about his act. This plasticity Virgin could become her uniform bane,
In the absence of work with their forms of Virgo, and misses relax her hard. (For her emotional life is closely linked to tangible forms, is often expressed through them, she was pretty "real signs of incorporeal relations"). For her vacation-it is rather a change of occupation. Virgo can get great satisfaction from any work done (in her opinion) well, no matter how nasty and dirty this work might seem surrounding: Virgo instinctively knows how to see
From unrealized Virgin formed following subconscious belief: "as soon as I get to work with forms, putting order, etc., I have an enthusiasm (in other words, turn on Virgin and gives energy), I'm arguing in work and spend a lot of energy, and as a result, it fails, and I fall without force in the midst of chaos, so that better and not start at all. However, any one symbolic action even quite neprorabotannaja Virgo will
Virgo-Chief comforter. That would be with a man no matter what happens, no matter what emotional suffering and deprivation do not get lost it when it is found in yourself minimum force starts to be engaged in any particular case (for example, prepares a table for funerals), Deva comes to him and comforts him in his own way, distraction, helps eliminate the heaviest sorrow (switching the main energy channels of mooladhara).
Virgo has the most specific way of thinking of all the zodiac signs. She was a very great difficulty perceives abstract concepts, stubbornly trying to find them an analogy from the world of intelligible forms that it is not always possible. So Virgin is characteristic of terrible profanity: not having understood and not well enough overall concept or the intricacies of the devices in your spiritual life, but having learned vocabulary, Virgo can start talking that you bitterly regret his acquaintances
Virgo-the salt of the Earth. They symbolize the important thing, for what people put into the manifest world-this is the exact working with Forms. It materializes all of our dreams, fantasies, thoughts, emotions, energy, and only realized through it all karmic human programme.
Managing Mercury symbolizes the way of perceiving the forms of the Virgin-through thinking, idea, kombinatornoe, but not directly mapping-sensually, as Taurus. So Virgin strongly hampered by direct perception of the form as such (and enjoying it), she perceives her mentally, rational-and here, thanks to mercury, has no equal. In her mind the most freakish arise and a variety of options for creating new forms (and reconstruction
Neptune's imprisonment gives the difficulty of perception for the Virgin all sorts of subtle feelings, moods, tints and just things to discuss. At the same time it strives to comprehend the unity of the world, but in his own way, through a key detail and completeness of the details (see below Jupiter's imprisonment). Here the subtlety is that the way she thinks he synthesis it cannot and may not be able in principle; but these attempts sometimes Virgo myself not realizing it turns out
Imprisonment of Jupiter gives Virgin an instinctive love of abundance of details, i.e. small forms that make up the most. Here she is also looking for a way to harmony and its synthesis and usually does not find. Cloistered Jupiter gives Virgin many shapes to work with them, but also respite change sessions and secret (well, if not explicit) pride of work done. He gives Virgin temptation, which resulted in the scattering of her eyes, but with the proper methodical foreman
Here is the study of the captivity of Jupiter more difficult than in Gemini, as additionally prevents imprisonment of Neptune. Virgin is still very hard to see things broadly.
The fall in Virgo Venus symbolizes the difficulties of the Virgin in the emotional, romantic and sexual matters, complex relationship with art and scepticism towards the society.
Difficulties with romance, emotions and sex are rooted in too specific and practical view of the world; in these matters is good still light haze, and, in the end, sex not limited to Physiology and even it is not defined. Virgo must understand that its natural perception and reactions have a right to exist, but does not represent nor her most, nor the world; then it can gain even a known fineness.
Virgin relationship with art is complicated by the fact that it perceives it through the details, ruthlessly dissecting a single live fabric paintings or narration. If a work of art it the same love she will revel in its otsechennymi parts did not hesitating because they bleed and are the last gasp-She doesn't notice. At the higher level of Virgo comprehends synthesis and becomes a true connoisseur, but the temptation of sneaking UTO
๐ [club62620907 | EASTER BOOTS]
๐ฏ For marriage. During the Paschal service, the...
๐ [club62620907 | EASTER BOOTS]
๐ฏ For marriage. During the Paschal service, the girl who has sat up without a groom should say 3 times quietly: "THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST, SEND ME THE GIRL OF THE GOD!".
๐ฏSimple magic for prosperity. A piece of the consecrated paski crumble on the windowsill or the ground near the house. Fly birds should peck sacred food - and in return for you will come luck and prosperity for a year!
๐ฏFor money. You need to take a 5-penny coin or any other with a figure of five. On Sunday, say such words to her (say 3 times):
"In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit. Money to the money, a pretty penny to a penny. As people are waiting for the Holy Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so would the servant of God (name) go to me the river. All the holy saints, all here with me. Amen". Now put the coin in your wallet and wear it as long as possible.
๐ฏFor a comfortable year. On Sunday, make three donations, saying: "God gave me God, I return, God will multiply me a hundred times and return me a thousand times."
๐ฏ For health reasons. During the first stroke of the Easter bell in the church, it is necessary to say: "CHRIST IS RISEN, AND SLAVE OF GOD (NAME) - HEALTH!". They say that it can bring recovery even to a seriously ill person.
๐ฏ The secret for those who want to get pregnant: On the Easter table, put a slice of the most delicious cake in a beautiful little "children's" plate with the words: "A KITCHEN FOR MY CHILD!". After dinner, feed it to the birds.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
#MagicSummer #magic #esotericism #horoscope #common_goscope #horoscope_one_day_day #horoscope_on_today #astrology #astrological_ forecast...
#MagicSummer #magic #esotericism #horoscope #common_goscope #horoscope_one_day_day #horoscope_on_today #astrology #astrological_ forecast
Horoscope for today 14 April 2017
April 14, 2017 should not abandon the proposals of friends immediately after work to go to nature. Today's day, held far from the pressure walls, will allow you to fully experience - the cold has finally left, and with them winter colds and depression have disappeared.
#Ganesh_Concrete #Squirrel_to_Kolovrat #Neo Shaman #Seven_Two_Tree_Two #Astrology #Numerology #Palmistry #Magic #Sketch...
#Ganesh_Concrete #Squirrel_to_Kolovrat #Neo Shaman #Seven_Two_Tree_Two #Astrology #Numerology #Palmistry #Magic #Sketch
[Id382253154 | @belkavkolovrate]
Friday, April 14, 2017
We invite you to a seminar of Absalom Underwater "Many-sided...
We invite you to a seminar of Absalom Underwater "Many-sided" I "and" astrology! More info and registration here: https://ip-shkanchikova.timepad.ru/event/470333/
#Astrology #seminar #psychology, #AvessalomPodvodnyj
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
#Psychology @ vita_schkola_schastya
Today Orthodox Slavs celebrate Clean Thursday.
Historically, this day, our ancestors were physically and spiritually. In Net Thursday to hold a general cleaning, throw away all the junk out of the House.
The very title of the day "Clean Thursday" implies not only cleanse the home and body, but also putting order in their thoughts.
Happiness-it's in the details. In life there are no trifles;)
Let's talk today about home care and how to turn the routine into fun?
I often hear now that many women are willing to pay, just to have them in the House order cast a housemaid. In simple words-the other woman))
Okay-okay, won't Boggle, homework and chores around the House doesn't like most modern women. Many of the annoying fact that worries at home charged them literally in charge and distract them from the supposedly truly important and necessary cases.
In fact, important and necessary cases often, correspondence on the Internet ๐ you need to have a certain bravery to confess in an empty hobby itself and take on with enthusiasm for putting order-in a dirty apartment there is neither comfort nor comfort and, moreover, live in dust and dirt is harmful to human health.
But there is also a category of housewives that when the word "cleaning" experiencing strong stimulation. How to love homework and stop seeing it extremely unpleasant and tedious process?
It all depends on our inner attitude, so before the upcoming cleaning, cooking and ironing is not worth thinking about how you get tired walk and clean up everything and all, stand at the stove all day and so on. Better think of smiles of excitement, when they enter into a clean and neat apartment, as they will enjoy new original dish. Say to yourself-"I can refuse the gloom, I can do everything quickly and with pleasure". ๐๐
๐Sozdajte the right atmosphere-turn your favorite songs or tunes that will lift your spirits and give vivacity.
If it is specifically about cleaning the House or apartment is not a plan for one day only and immediately divide the process into several stages in order, for example, Monday wash all the curtains in Tuesday wash Windows and floors Wednesday.
☀ Hit yourself pretty aprons, kitchen towels, napkins and, update your wardrobe home clothes. It also inspires the cleanness and cosiness in the House.
Wine there is also the practice of "fifteen minutes": you initially plan to household chores that may over time in 15 minutes. You can impose order on the shelf, iron a couple of things, wash the floors in the hallway. Tired with this approach-fail, and Affairs to remake a lot throughout the day.
๐ฅNe refuse the use of technological innovations, they seriously can facilitate housework each women: dishwasher washes the nasty fat with pots and pans, "hair dryer" cope with linen, and in mul'tivarke you can easily prepare delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
๐Ne forget to praise yourself for an entire carved and transformed the case and remember home and order it-that's the true reflection of any hostess.
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#Psychologist #Tat'janaPomrjasina
#relationship #radost'kazhdyjden' #psychology #magicheskajauborka #Astrology #psihologijasosmyslom #pozitivnajapsihologija

##Esoteric magic ##self astrology
##Esoteric magic ##self astrology
Comic horoscope, part 2
#Astrology #MPPG #signs #of the zodiac...
Comic horoscope, part 2
#Astrology #MPPG #signs #of the zodiac #horoscope #joke #part2

Thursday, April 13, 2017
#Astrology @ magic_edelweiss
The element of water, area creation, Cardinal...
#Astrology @ magic_edelweiss
The element of water, area creation, Cardinal cross. Ruler of the Moon, Saturn, kul'minirujut in Jupiter and Neptune, in the fall of Mars. People Of Cancer.
"There is no Bottom. Simply deeper not allowed ". Stanisลaw Jerzy Lec
If the elements of fire, Earth, and air, you can sometimes see in human nature in its pure form, i.e. in relation to the element of water, the situation is not so simple. About cancer we can say this: the more in the nature of man is represented by the sign, the more he tends to hide from your eyes for its strong hitinovoj sheath. The role of this shell can play House, apartment, Office (cancer), certain rigid frames of communication for which he almost Nico
Those eyes could be called arcane if they lurked Enigma Enigma bigger than any human soul, containing, as they say, the whole world. This is not the case (of course); but Cancer enshrines the principle of substantiality of perception and transformation, and his eyes showed that some (often very small) piece of his soul perceives the surrounding and transformed in accordance with perceived because absorb and thus change themselves. In cancer (area with
In the area of creation of nature is not yet aware of themselves, so the cancer is usually not formulates for himself its tasks as described above, and even more never aims to change the world (this is in contrast to Scorpion). However, is it really the law of empathy, essentially taking something, he will not only change himself, but also leave their mark on the vosprinjatom and in case of strong Cancer is its indirect effects may
Therefore, Cancers (like all water signs) born psychologists. They have the ability to just listen closely to the person, and it is already a lot, even if the cancer finally will not say anything: the problem may fall away or resolve itself simply as a result of the story about her all understand, not condemnation, tacitly-inspiring cancer.
However, cancer is not necessarily always silent; as a cardinal sign, it may even be too fussy or govorlivym, but it always remains within the framework of its carapace.
The fact of the matter is that one of its major problems is the problem of emotional expression. It is related to the fact that programs the subconscious protecting him from the essential perception ("carapace" cancer), while not giving him an opportunity entity and emotional expression: gateway prevents water in both directions.
At the same time the expression of its essence and emotions not only him, but all the rest: emotions on the world given not so much, and much of it is concentrated in crayfish. Depth perception of cancer makes him appropriate karmic obligations that it rarely performs. He has a perpetual temptation to hide in your shell when you need to and when, precisely, when situations needed something to embrace, but really do not want to. Cancer too
It should be emphasized that the cancer, introducing the element of water in the zone of creation, not really aware of its transformative force, does not seek to change the world; his karmic task much more difficult: change yourself. Cancer governs the moon. Crayfish respected his mistress; so on the night of the full moon, they creep out on a sandy shoal and its welcome. The Moon moves on Zodiac much faster other planets; Therefore, Cancers are so changeable, but they seem particularly easy
Nevertheless, Moon gives an incomparable pleasure of empathetic Cancer meet the needs of the people close to him: cancer loves to feed them, to take care of them, desires and even whim. It can act as an excellent adversary and even a versatile black teachers.
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
๐ [club62620907 | CLEANSING SPACE]
Now in the period of the waning...
๐ [club62620907 | CLEANSING SPACE]
Now in the period of the waning Moon, definitely need to clean space. Particularly worth to do it before the great Easter.
To perform a purification ritual, you need to prepare:
-black and Red candles
-a large salt
Black color perfectly banishes all evil, but it is better to take salt chetvergovuju. Chetvergovoj called salt purchased in Net Thursday (Orthodox). If not, buy a normal Thursday. Frying pan with which it's time to leave, you need to put on a very small fire and pour salt in there. Light a candle and go through all the black housing from left to right, looking at all the angles. Each corner need to revamp a candle, saying the Lord's prayer
Meaning the simultaneous burning of salt and walking through the apartment is in exile from the evil corners, collecting all bad energy scorching salt. After going through all the rooms, not surpassing attention even a bathroom and the bathroom, go back into the kitchen and leave a candle to burn out in the pan. By the way, the more pent up bad auras in the House, the more noisy behaves salt.
After the black candle dogorela, salt from old fabric gathers skimmings and onto the street. Dig a pit and dig thoroughly the entire assembled negative. If the Pan is bad, it too will have to throw it away.
Red candle is lit on the street (in a pinch-in), you must enter through the front door. On the perimeter, the same route it is necessary to pass the second time. The light from the candles red color symbolizes the new energy of goodness and love. If you walk with the words: "I admit in his love life" will happen soon, the long-awaited meeting. The main thing when formulating desires not to mention a part of "no" ("I won't be lonely anymore"-bad
Back in the kitchen, you can open a window for the winds of change. During after-burning candles need to think about what would happen the magic in your life due to clearing houses from energy accumulated dirt. Believe in miracles-and they will surely begin to happen with you!
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
Dear readers!
Anton Astrogor is sent by Russia with copyright...
Dear readers!
Anton Astrogor is sent by Russia with copyright course Palmistry hand and Cosmic mystery of the soul. "
Course complete with Fiziognomikoj and Dermatoglifikoj.
Palmistry is a science is one of the oldest systems of interpretation on the individual characteristics of a person, his character traits, they experienced the events and his impending fate on skin relief of Palms-papillary and especially fleksornym lines, as well as the hills on a Palm and appearance hands. On your hands end with thousands of nerves that are in direct contact with your brain, and thus on nerves is the permanent bi-directional traffic.
Palmistry, one of the oldest Sciences going in times of Pythagoras and Aristotle, but already at that time people have owned the art. It is closely linked to Astrology and Medicine, along lines on your hands, you can tell the world about your predispositions and life situations you have to meet. Learn your hands you will be able to better spending time and watching with great interest over the life of the.
Palmistry-not just prophesying by hand is a companion astrology. Connecting the planetary influence with the lines on your hand, you can add personal horoscope interpretations or formula of the soul, as well as to trace the course of events, because the lines on your hand (our energy feeds) vary depending on the actions made by you.
The course will be detailed topics:
-Solar and Lunar psycho-types of people, their hands.
-Handshake and gestures.
-Planetary influence on the fingers of one hand.
-Elemental and Zodiac.
-The size and shape of the fingers.
-Value lines on the fingers.
-Energy blocks.
-Pads of your fingers and drawings on them.
-Problems and illness, read on the fingers.
-Loss of hands, fingers or individual phalanges.
-Nails. The mental world of a person. The shape and size of the nails.
-Signs on nails. Nail health and pathology.
-Zodiacal and planetary influence.
Hill Of Venus. Managed and unmanaged feelings.
-Soul and flesh. Carnal and spiritual marriage.
-Sensual blocks block husband, parent unit.
-Line offense. Marriage with a stamp in their passport and without.
-Stability of marriage on your hands.
Health line: size, meaning and interpretation.
-The power of Mars and Pluto on the Hill of Venus.
-Over the hills and Palm lines. Palm, as materialistic and idealistic world of man.
-Planetary influence in the Palm of your hand. Hills and hillocks.
-Palm, as the life or the battlefield.
Line of fate: value, build, size and interpretation.
-With what fate you were born?
-Line intuition: build, size, meaning and interpretation.
-Line crazy — the mental world of a person. Free or dependent you have mind?
-Heart line — the astral world of man.
-Children in the Palm of your hand.
-Line of the Sun: the value construction and interpretation.
-The Ring Of Venus. Other lines.
-Marks on the hand: moles, warts, islets, stars, triangles, squares, dots, wounds, scars.
-History of palmistry.
-Whether you want to predict the destiny?
-The Bible on the hands.
Each lesson lasting 2:00. Lectures written by Anton Astrogor in mode 2-3 day workshop by appointment only.
Planned cities:
-Irkutsk with 21 April until May 2-3
- Barrow
If you want to consult or you organizer of lectures and groups in those cities, please contact SMS to numbers: 8-926-300-5678 or 8-977-262-69-86
If you are studying topics such as: #Palmistry, Astrology, #Astropsihologija #, #FormulaDushi, #psychology, #Physiognomy, and other esoteric directions, then you will love this course.
In fact of course certificate!
All necessary materials are available!
For training, all you need is a journal and desire ๐
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017 year
Aspects of the day:
April 12, 2017 year
Aspects of the day:
Opposition Moon in Scorpio to retrogradnomu Mercury in Taurus,
bikvintil' Mars to Jupiter retrogradnomu.
Image of the day:
Forrest Gump
Instead of being angry that your projects are hampered by, go for a jog. This will not only help you lose momentum yesterday grams (hopefully not pounds!), but will soothe your raging emotions and does not give off on others.
And though now long distance runners, who ran last year, even a single physical occupation of several clear your head and help keep the emotional wave of the day.
##Astrology forecast #astroprognoz, #obrazdnja #astrologer #ol'garovnaja
Eternity like a twink ... ๐ฎ
Twink love is eternity ๐
With love...
Eternity like a twink ... ๐ฎ
Twink love is eternity ๐
With love, your World-Catherine soul Mira๐เคคाเคฐा
The founder of the school network. Esoterics, tarolog, a teacher of Yoga and Pilates. Help find harmony, love and freedom. Consulting and training for Tarot.
Testimonials here:
For an appointment please call in person and online at Tel. 8-(812)-645-9-812 or HP vk.com/catru78
@yoga. jw
#ะะพะทัะพะถะดะตะฝะธะตะจะบะพะปะฐ_ะผะธัะัะฐัะพััะะทะดะพัะพะฒัั #jogaspb ###meditation Pilates esoterics #Tarot #Astrology #massage #soljanajapeshhera #ะะบะฐัะตัะธะฝะฐWorld
#Astrology #MPPG #prosheptalbog #nauho #each #sign #zadiaka #horoscope
One legend has it that one day at dawn, God gathered 12 children and each whispered its purpose. This is the main secret life of each zodiac sign.
You, Aries
I give you the responsibility always and everywhere be a leader to lead people for themselves and Kindle the fire in the hearts of men. Go to your dream out zhelaniya and inspire people. You're going to be stubborn, many will scold you for this quality, but you never forget that without stubbornness does not achieve the desired!
You, Taurus
I give you an easy way to increase your benefits. But this happens only on one condition: If in your heart you will love. Try not to confuse love and material. Remember, that love should always be in the first place, and then you will do it.
YOU, Gemini
I would be giving you a special gift: you help people understand each other. But for this you need to pass one test: find harmony with oneself and the world. If you succeed, then the universe will get another first-class psychologist, politician or diplomat.
YOU, Cancer
I give you wisdom, sensuality and sensitivity in one bottle. Do you like no one else can help people by the Council. Please don't becomes the hermit. You need people!
You, Leo
As Aries, I give you the ability to lead the people. You always help people wise Council, let they scolded you for selfishness. If not your ego (and without the disadvantages of men can't exist), you wouldn't have been able to achieve well-being. In addition, I would be giving you wide soul, that you helped all those who need it.
You, Virgo
I entrust you to follow their interests. Be true to itself, whether it be dotoshna to detail and spread knowledge around him. If you posleduesh' this purpose, then you will reign around the aura of peace and tranquillity, where you can share with others.
You, Scales
I give you the ability to see beauty in everyday things. Watching all that you see. Vospevaj all beautiful. Way may be the one you want: singing, drawing, writing, etc. with a birth weight of talent you possess!
YOU, Scorpio
I give you the most pleasant gift. But, please, no offence at me. From an early age, you can see the souls of others. This will bring you a lot of grief, but will have to accept the fact that the man strongly animal origin. If you accept things as they are, you can get everything you want.
You, Sagittarius
I give you the opportunity to bring people joy and Kindle in them fire. Who would not have met thee in the way, that instantly learns something wonderful and amazing. You people will be better able to recognize themselves.
You, Capricorn
I give you hard work. In life you will be able to accomplish much, if you work hard. You people will be filled with boundless energy, which will help them make the most of different heights.
You, Aquarius
I grant you the right to be happy and free any second life. Through you I can remind people about himself. Don't forget to please oneself, to be able to fill the other.
You Fish
Youngest child I give heavy burden. You're going to be very sensitive to the world and you will notice everything, both good and bad. You're all going to pass through itself, but do not grieve. In the most difficult moments I always come to the rescue.
As you can see, God has given each a certain skill, which are based on love. Some he gave and difficulties, but forgot to mention that during the most difficult moments He will always be there.
Sometimes it seems that not we are masters of these...
Sometimes it seems that not we are masters of these little dogs, and they are ours.
#dog #dogs ##Astrology horoscope
Kalb Al-Asad. Or The Heart Of A Lion.
The star...
Kalb Al-Asad. Or The Heart Of A Lion.
The star Regulus in the natal chart the present gift of fate.
#Princess #Astrology #natal najakarta #tajnarozhdenija #malen'kijlev ##destiny star
The SUN symbolizes the...
The SUN symbolizes the male principle, sense of individuality; creative energy; Shining inner "I" (soul); inalienable values. It is peculiar to encourage and create. Gives a person need for recognition and self-expression. If the eastern sector, which is operated by Sun, negarmonichen, suffers from health, primarily in males, decreased vitality, suffers career. The nature is evident pride; arrogance; excessive desire b
The MOON symbolizes the feminine principle, emotional responses, conditional response. Stimulates the need to feel domestic support, demanding reach home and emotional safety. The Moon dictates the need for emotional serenity and sense of belonging to something, need to correctly perceive themselves. If Northwestern sector, managed by Luna is defective, it primarily affects the relations between households, i.e. jemoc
MARS is a symbol of the desire, the will to act, initiatives, activities, physical strength and vitality. It gives a person an energetic and aggressive solicitation of sexual motivation, the ability to act decisively. Determines the need for attaining desires, as well as the need for physically and sexually aroused. Disadvantages of the southern sector, which manages Mars always lead to passivity, indifference, apathy, which in turn, I
MERCURY is responsible for communications, the conscious mind (i.e. logical or rational mind). Reflects the need to express their perceptions and intellect through skill or speech. It symbolizes the need to establish relationships with other people, as well as the need to learn. Defects in the northern sector, managed by mercury, lead to lower achievement in school, as well as problems in the material sphere. In nature manifested wrong used
JUPITER is a symbol of abundance and grace. Stimulates the motivation in a person to greater order or connection with something greater than their own selves. Provides the need for faith, trust and confidence in life and yourself; the need for self improvement. The worst is when there is a defect in the north-eastern sector. It was from there that we receive all the good, including luck and wealth. Nature manifesting excessive self-confidence, laziness, RAS
VENUS is responsible for emotionally painted a taste, values. absolute energy exchange with others through their own impact and receive from others, the ability to share. Encouraged to have public recognition, love and express their affection, and also determines the need for pleasures. From Venus dependent relationship with your loved one, it defines the ability to feel comfort and harmony, as well as the ability to show their emotions. Handicap
SATURN is a symbol of discipline and restrictions. Induces a person to protect the integrity of its structure and ensures the pursuit of reliability and confidence through the osjazae menting achievements. Provides the need for public recognition; the need to rely on their own means, abilities and work. As a result of disharmony in this sector declining social status, a person can become rashljabannym and poignant, that is called "without a King in the head. In HA
We suggest you order a personal horoscope or horoscope member of your family, as well as
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#Astrology Jyotish jenergiiplanet ##arturvedadp ##dnepr

In this period, any transportation is difficult, more...
In this period, any transportation is difficult, more often than usual, traffic accidents. Computers, software, any office equipment are more often out of order. This is not the right time to purchase computer equipment, it is not recommended to purchase vehicles and other items related to communication and moving, as well as any serious acquisitions, because With a high degree of probability there will be some weeks
This is an unfavorable time for starting serious negotiations, making any agreements, contracts, travel, employment, changing the type of activity, starting new projects.
The conclusions drawn at this time are likely to require re-examination and rethinking. Communication is difficult. Distortions, backlogs, difficulties with execution of documents, discrepancies, confusion, delays in payments hamper effective conduct of business.
This period is more suitable for restoring old ties, analyzing and adjusting the work done, finalizing past tasks. This period is favorable for those cases, agreements, deals that in the past failed.
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Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Horoscope for April 11, 2017 year
Today you will...
Horoscope for April 11, 2017 year
Today you will easily fall into a rage, and though complacent you too will fast, better still, behind these attacks follow. They can play a bad joke.
Upcoming changes will not affect either you or change your situation for the better. Do not resist them.
Today you will need to understand and support. Referring them to someone, make sure that the chosen one is in a good mood, otherwise you risk to share with him the roles.
Today, going to the store, pay first for what you desperately need, not for what you want. Your budget in both categories may not fit.
Your health depends solely on you himself, and therefore, if you are not quite indifferent, it's time to give it some attention. Long live prevention!
Date may be marked by a State of blissful insanity, which will overcome you in the morning and doesn't let up until the end of the day. In this there are pros-nobody will disturb you.
Weight scales
Having fun at your pleasure, sometimes remember that your freedom still exist and are they just there, where the freedom of the rest of humanity. Are you sure nobody interferes?
Open the door for a romantic mood, and they will not keep you waiting. Today is not worth engaging in anything that requires you to explanations, that you have received, it would be very bad.
Today, the majority of the secret may become apparent. Let's hope that this is only at hand.
Work has recently become for you somehow obsession. It nowhere you are not going to go away, calm down. You need to take a break from any thoughts, it is desirable to sleep.
Not worth skromnichat' beyond measure. Let others smoke incense and you sing in your honour in fanfare. Let them entertain themselves, if they so desire. Yes and you will be pleased.
Today you may experience trouble with your friends or family. Try not to take offense at them too, otherwise you will have to apologize to you.
#horoscope Astrology Zodiac ###prediction #esoterics
* China prayers on this day of prayer about the harvest...
* China prayers on this day of prayer about the harvest.
* Great for betrothal, marriage proposal (but not weddings), starting a new job or taking office, negotiations, visiting friends, commercial transactions and operations.
* You can seek treatment, start your journey or training.
* A good day for the start of construction, but it is not necessary to lay the Foundation or demolish old buildings.
* Not suitable for funerals (although unlikely for a funeral have a lucky day ...)
* Likely difficulties, delays and obstacles to movement, it is not necessary to deal with urgent issues, buy and sell land and real estate.
* Do not start the project, which has a clear time frame, you don't meet them, no matter how hard we try.
* Travel to this day is also very poor.
Born in the year of the dog I recommend caution and prudence.
Try not to take fundamental decisions, and set them to a more favorable period.
Favourable watches: Dragon, snake, monkey.
What is Personal BaZi and Destroyer, see my YouTube channel.
You can order an individual calendar (you can see on my site tuabellavita.ru).
#baczy #Ltv #galiagreku #sovetdnja ###Astrology horoscope galijagreku #goroskopnakazhdyjden'
April 10, 2017 year Horoscope by zodiac signs
100-th day...
April 10, 2017 year Horoscope by zodiac signs
100-th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Before the end of the year remains 265 days.
Horoscope for Aries on April 10, 2017
Today, you tend to look at things widely and can seek happiness away from home. Possible increased interest in topics related to higher education, politics, sociology, jurisprudence, the common outlooks and extension of the scope of personal influence. It is not excluded that you are interested in religious or moral questions. It would be appropriate to visit tourist firm, University, Church.
Horoscope for Taurus on April 10, 2017
Today we can afford a little more excitement and relaxedness, partially withdraw from their beliefs. Risky event likely to succeed, even if the first course of events will make you a bit jittery. It's a good time to chat with the staff of the foreign organization or medical institution, employees of the tax, banking, insurance, or customs structure.
Horoscope for Gemini on April 10, 2017
Today it is worth to show diplomacy and adapt to the interests of other people. Such tactics will be the best way to achieve mutual understanding and make more productive any cooperation. The atmosphere in the marital union or business tandem not least will depend on how much you are willing to deal with the current mood of second hand and with her old habits.
Horoscope for cancer on April 10, 2017
Day pass unnoticed if a familiar chore you'll engage with enthusiasm and energy. For you may be contagious excitement of subordinates and their belief in the success of the planned activities. You will probably have to work closely with foreign counterparts. Today is the right time to visit the veterinarian or pet store, as well as other troubles associated with the content of a pet.
Horoscope for Leo on April 10, 2017
Today is a great day for exercises aimed at disclosure of your individuality. At this time you will be easy to defend their beliefs, get confirmation of their rights, achieve regular heights in education or political career. It is not excluded that the fruits of your work or you have creative ideas will receive recognition and win supporters far outside the usual Wednesday.
Horoscope for Virgo on April 10, 2017
Today your tactic is unlikely to be consistent. Throughout the day you can chase the nervousness. It is not excluded that per day your intentions change several times. You can be a difficult choice to make, and to concentrate on one purpose. If you are confused and do not know where to stay, give priority to domestic issues, efforts at home, the responsibilities of the parents.
Horoscope for Libra on April 10, 2017
Today intensifies your sociability, increases mobility, increased interest in close contact with representatives of remote areas. Not excluded new prospective dating, especially on the road or in the course of correspondence. Promises to the success of any initiative associated with training abroad, with travel and shipping at long distances, with a translation or brokering.
Horoscope for Scorpio on April 10, 2017
Today is pay attention to sources of income, use of material savings, nutrition. If the work or post brings income means you're on the right track. It is possible to profit at the expense of sports passion, foreign relations, realization of creative ideas. The right time for shopping, training, preparation for any journey, experiment or competition.
Horoscope for Sagittarius on April 10, 2017
Most of your initiatives today waiting for success. Use the opportunity to demonstrate the richness of the surrounding its ebullient creative nature. Your natural enthusiasm does not seem inappropriate to anyone, especially if you're busy any creative activity. This is an excellent time for any undertakings related to theatre, sport, games, politics, advertising, development of foreign relations.
Horoscope for Capricorn on April 10, 2017
Today may change for the better your opinion of the representative of any city or country, the scientific school or political party. There is also a warming in relations between you and someone from distant relatives. You might think about changing nationality or place of residence. Don't be discouraged if you bypassed easily surround at the turn: most likely, it's just not your day.
Horoscope for Aquarius on April 10, 2017
Today is a great moment for participation in collective actions and political activities, to visit the original company or chat with friends. With others you will quickly bring the similarity of educational, moral, social preferences, religious beliefs. It is not excluded that this day you decide to become a full member of the non-formal community.
Horoscope for Pisces on April 10, 2017
Find a useful application of its energy. Active independent activity with a creative slant to make you more visible in the eyes of superiors, closer to the desired goal, and in addition may bring additional income. Win another top today you will help the sudden inspiration, adventurism, thirst for championships and leadership in business. But remember that this path for you the exception rather than the rule.
Name day April 10
Aviv, Bojan, Varahisij, Evstrat, Zanifa, Hilarion, Ilya, Jonah, Lazarus, Ma'ruf, Maresij, Savva Narkissa, Stepan.
Folk calendar April 10
Mother-and-stepmother. Hilarion-vyverni shafts.
Coltsfoot flower teplit land.
On this day, loses his magical powers, which in the wreath Stepanov antiqued peasants wove in Russia 2 (15) August the entire family going on the meadow. The resulting wreath brought in house and hung in the Red corner. It was believed that the wreath gives the beauty of the wall of the House and living in it. When podstupala ill, digging of herbs and flowers, wreaths and had boiling water. Believed that raznosivshijsja with this good spirit blossoming meadows odoleval illnesses and diseases, helped the soul man
Illarion Vyverni Shafts: If snow lay before this day, but now he begins to melt very quickly.
Signs of April 10
Peals of Thunder during a thunderstorm are long and not harsh to prolonged bad weather.
Around the edges of melting snow cool to cold spring.
Forty sits on tops of trees — a temporary cooling.
#Astrology horoscope prediction ###goroskopnaden' ##10aprelja #April Monday #vremjapervyh #ufc210/astro-ru.ru
๐ The world will change when...
๐ The world will change when women regain their strength and their femininity.
"There is a lot of talk about women's energy and often. And sometimes the concepts are mixed.
๐ Because they usually develop one of the two female energies.
๐ They are both female, but different. Each of them has its own purpose.
๐ Sexual female energy This is the female energy of the lower energy centers. Thanks to her, children are born, because exactly this energy fuels a man's passion.
"It is this energy in a woman that makes men lose their heads and peace."
๐ Like any energy, it does not have color. It's not bad and not good.
It is very necessary. But it's important to use it correctly.
๐ If we consider it the only possible of the women, then such unpleasant things can happen as: - Men need only sex around
๐No one of them wants to talk heart to heart. - No one wants to introduce her husband to such a girlfriend - it's dangerous!
๐This energy does not allow a man to relax and relax next to a woman - she is too hot - There is no respect in the family, only sex Practices for the development of this force usually boil down to intimate gymnastics, the science of flirting and seduction.
๐Very often this is what girls are doing that do not have a partner yet - they think that they just do not have enough sexuality. And it usually leads to the fact that partners appear, but her husband is not. But there is another female energy.
๐Lunar. Moon energy is the energy of the upper centers. It is the energy of purity, friendship. Love and tenderness.
๐This energy is for daily use. It does not increase in men lust
๐ She evokes a desire to take care of a woman and take responsibility for her. She attracts only worthy men
๐ It allows you to deepen the relationship It pacifies the men - and they can rebuild their strength She is in us since the birth
The main thing is that this energy can be used everywhere and always, remaining a woman and not being afraid of consequences. But this does not mean that we do not need sexual energy. It is very important - without it there would not be children. But it is important for her to know the place and time. In the bedroom with her husband - that's it.
๐There will also be useful lace underwear, and bright makeup, and ultra-short skirts, and belly dancing (which was originally a dance for the bedroom).
๐ The blocking of sexual energy is fraught with female diseases and difficulties with childbearing. But its abuse is no better than for health, and for the soul.
๐ Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance. One energy for a bedroom. The other is for the rest of the world.
And then lunar energy needs to be practiced more often and more. It is her that needs to be developed, it is about her that she should be remembered every day.
๐๐๐ Take care of your energies!
#Astrology #Psychology #Life Psychology #Psychology of relationships #10ะฐะฟัะตะปั #spring #Vedas #happiness #Family
Monday, April 10, 2017
LIBRA ♎ search image of women for MEN
If we consider...
LIBRA ♎ search image of women for MEN
If we consider the sign of Libra ♎ as the desired image of women as such, it will symbolize the elegant, elegant, beautiful woman, like a ballerina. She is graceful and very opened minded. She has an open, friendly look and a nice, soft voice. Its attractive, well groomed appearance speaks of excellent taste. She skillfully combines colors, materials and even styles. She always knows what to wear in Paris, London and New York. Most often she vesela and bezza
As a trendsetter, her world is the world of fine art and aesthetics. She skillfully combines work and pleasure, turning their preferences and abilities into the profession. Fashion, film, architecture — here it feels like home. She loves any public events: from the usual parties to a celebratory banquet. She easily and gracefully turns and maintained friendly contacts, enjoys socializing, which obliges to nothing. She likes Kul
To win the heart of this woman, man need to know please her look, as well as exquisite manners. Well-groomed appearance and skilful treatment and good taste will make an indelible impression on her. Rough manhood only will Spurn it and open direct offer downright shocking. She believes that caring for a woman need so how did the troubadours and the Knights of King Arthur's time. However, this does not mean that men have to Sconce
Life with her nice, rasslablenna and painted in a spirit of partnership. She believes that love is an art that should not dive into the depths of human existence. So she constantly tries to make life together with her was harmonious. It's hard to be one, as the air need to communicate. However, these contacts did not mean her desire to connect with another person. She hates when she pressed, as in everything else, it
She loves to flirt, to again and again to receive confirmation of its appeal. The man who will decide her jealous, will be difficult. If he decides this trait of her character, she will be faithful to his wife. Eroticism for her is a graceful dance. Nice, exciting combination of flirtation, grace and harmonious balance of intimacy and distance awake in her playful sexiness. And here she is again needed attention, recognition of its style, form and ljubovna
When in a relationship difficulties, it is instantly ready to concede, cleverly avoiding conflicts and easily accepting the wishes and suggestions of the partner. Because it feels good only in a peaceful manner, she would rather agree to fake world
than go to open conflict. The desire to be accepted and love my ¬ often stronger than its own needs and experiences. At first glance for a partner is good, but this attitude is hard to deal with, especially when tackling deeper problems. Anger and inability to withstand voltage often forced her to take hasty decisions that problem either ignored or postponed for a while.
Image of her life reflects the desire for beauty and perfection. Her house is elegant and reminiscent of the artwork from a glossy magazine. The tastefully furnished rooms are so clean and orderly, that of Roy impression uninhabited.
She loves to be in the company of other people and belongs to the friendship with love and attention, even when not too deep. Being a hospitable hostess, she knows how to create a pleasant atmosphere for socialising, gratifying tastefully designed guests delicacies. People admire the fact the ease with which it handles the household, work and relationships and never looks tired or depressed.
Peace in the family is also important for her, as in everything else. Woman-Libra tries to sidestep trouble party as long as possible. It takes care that all was well. As regards children, with them she was trying to be as fair and strives to accommodate their interests ¬ with with her. At the same time, it is important to remain attractive to a partner. Educating children, it encourages their interest in music, art and languages, so they know what to ve
Whoever is looking for passionate emotions and long-term commitment, this woman seems too cold and perfect. But those who appreciate the charm and elegance will find in her face balanced, honest partner.
Click on #ะณะพัะพัะบะพะฟ_ััััะฝัะัะตะปะตะฝะฝะพะน and read the previous articles on this topic
* Book: h. Banchaf "secrets of love"
#ะณะพัะพัะบะพะฟ_ััััะฝัะัะตะปะตะฝะฝะพะน #Magic #runes #Astrology #info #practice #education #ััััะฝั_ะฒัะตะปะตะฝะฝะพะน
✔ Woman Aries
✔ Taurus Woman
✔ Woman Gemini
✔ Woman Cancer
✔ Woman Leo
✔ Woman Virgo
✔ Woman Scales
Woman Scorpio
Sagittarius Woman
Woman Capricorn
Aquarius Woman
Woman Pisces
Man Aries
Man Taurus
Male Twins
Male Cancer
Male Lion
Man Virgo
Man Scales
Man Scorpio
Man Sagittarius
Capricorn Man
Man Aquarius
Male Fish

#ะปัะฝะฝัะน_ะบะฐะปะตะฝะดะฐัั @ot_panterki #ะปัะฝะฝัะน_ะบะฐะปะตะฝะดะฐัั #Moon #Astrology #element
9 April, 5:00...
#ะปัะฝะฝัะน_ะบะฐะปะตะฝะดะฐัั @ot_panterki #ะปัะฝะฝัะน_ะบะฐะปะตะฝะดะฐัั #Moon #Astrology #element
9 April, 5:00 pm-Moon LIBRA (AIR sign)
These are the days of air and light. At this time we feel the energy of the sky, and our forces are quickly recharged, if just to stay outdoors, take a walk in a field, or anywhere else where there is a good overview. Useful will be breathing exercises.
«Air» Moon increases our communicative, interest in different information.
This period is suitable for baking. Good time for washing Windows (especially in the days of the waning Moon), as well as for cleaning, getting rid of dust and airing things.