In Chinese metaphysics are not only Astrology Baczy and harmony Feng Shui space system. Is it predictive technique, which is used for I Ching divination. As in Feng Shui here use the Hexagram. I CHING is also called the book of changes.
At first concentrated on the issue that they want to clarify for themselves and who need an answer-tip. Then use either three Chinese coins, special sticks. And they receive the hexagrams. All combinations-64.
Then the resulting Hexagram decoding, receiving a reply.
Often use in practice this method for clarifying situations. Yet neither this method does not let me, as my clients.
For example, one woman lost her passport and could not find it. I Ching pointed to the North and/or North-East. But suggested that it would be difficult to find a thing in the House. As it turned out later, the passport was with a friend who lives from the client to the Northeast.
Another case: a girl called to two events and she could not choose where to go in the end? The answer was that walk south is not safe, there's trauma. Just one event was in the South side from her home, and the other in the East. She listened and did not go to one of the events, choosing what was carried out in the eastern side. As it turned out later, at an event that was in the South side at the party unsuccessfully squib exploded, hitting the pans on with
Another case: a familiar her friend asked to borrow a large sum of money for a couple of weeks. I Ching warned not to do so-and showed losses and parting. But the Lady is furious, because he still is close and familiar, awkward to refuse. Already a month and a half she is looking for a companion, which is actively hiding from it. Hiding along with her money.
And here's the girl sent on a business trip, in which she really didn't want to go. I Ching told her that she is waiting for a romantic meeting! Reluctantly he went on a trip. And back, told me that Yes, she met a guy on a train. They've spent time together several times and plan to meet yet.
On these and other matters I Ching answers. I work with an expanded technology, when I look at the Hexagram and look at your birth chart. And on the basis of these two powerful techniques I write you the answers.
If you have a need to learn something by using the I Ching, contact: oksanamarkoblog@gmail.com
Sincerely, consultant on Feng Shui, I Ching and Baczy Oksana Marco
##I Ching divination #prediction #uznajsud'bu #uznajotvet #najtiotvet #astrologMarko #Astrology #kitajskajametafizika
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
In Chinese metaphysics are not only Astrology...
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in...
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Health
Total component 4
¼ Cup baking soda
1 art. l. melted coconut oil
1:00 l. oil it
10 drops of essential oil (Peppermint, clove or cinnamon)
Mix the ingredients to a pastelike consistence, store in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
How does it work?
Baking soda: provides optimal Habitat Wednesday bacteria. According to studies, soda removes plaque and stains are not worse than regular toothpaste!
Coconut oil: according to all laws of Ayurveda, coconut oil is useful for almost any part of the body. Oral cavity is no exception. To achieve the consistency of a paste, add the soda it is coconut oil, because he has the most powerful bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Neem Oil: since ancient times in India use Neem Oil to maintain oral hygiene: it removes plaque, eliminates inflammation and bleeding of the gums.
Peppermint oil: has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Besides perfectly removes halitosis, preserving a sense of freshness into the evening.
Oil of cinnamon: Besides the fact that your teeth will be safe from harmful bacteria, you will be guided by the delightful aroma of cinnamon.
Clove oil: it is similar to peppermint oil, but also has the ability to shoot a toothache.
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
The next three days the Moon is in Sagittarius. These...
The next three days the Moon is in Sagittarius. These days will require from us a special ambition, compliance with the laws and respect for the rights of others. See far in the future and of course do not forget to bring arrows 😋
#lunavstrel'ce ###astrologer horoscope Astrology #selfigoroskop #like4like #like #selfi #astroprognoz
A few words about the gifts.
If you have not...
A few words about the gifts.
If you have not yet thought about the gifts to NG, it's time! 19 December, Mercury turns retro phase until 8 January. Long proven fact-shopping in this period.
Than face?
-bought gifts may not be in a topic, small/large duplicates of already existing, etc in short, large chance that they never come in handy owner will not once peredareny, in the worst case thrown out.
-increases the risk of stumbling upon the hidden marriage, which is found at the most inopportune time during operation. Especially in complex technology.
— stupor when selecting gifts multiply. Massively. So the queue promises to be fabulous.
— transportation delays. Don't count on delivering end-to-end-will not work. Book in advance.
If you do not have time to 19.12:
— eliminate spontaneity, carefully consider that buying. But better ask directly that who should. Overfill the delivery 2 times longer.
#astrolikbez ##Astrology prediction #retromerkurij #astropogoda #dekabr'2016 #mercury #novyjgod #gifts
Mars and Kartikeya
Some experts, O my lord, say Mars...
Mars and Kartikeya
Some experts, O my lord, say Mars -
this is Kartikeya, the intrepid warrior. Others argue
Mars - a planet, and Kartikeya - the star, which has the same
force. And because it is believed that those who were struck by Mars, could ease their plight by worshiping Kartikeya, then let me tell
about him.
Some experts have been known to say that Kartikeya was born directly from the seed of the lord Shiva. When Shiva and Parvati retired for the first time after the wedding, their love lasted continuously embrace a hundred million years. And intercourse is truly awe inspiring, was interrupted only because it distracted the attention of Siva Agni, the fire god. Having lost control of himself, Shiva allowed seed erupt, and so was born Kartikeya.
However, from other sources, my lord, it follows that Kartikeya was born of the seed of Agni, kindled a mad love for Krittika (the stars forming the constellation of the Pleiades). After all, the name of Kartikeya means "son Krittika."
R. Svoboda
India Jyotish ####Vedic Astrology Philosophy #
The first lunar day.
St. Petersburg: 29 November 15.18...
The first lunar day.
St. Petersburg: 29 November 15.18 - 09.43 on 30 November.
Naryan-Mar: 15.18 November 29 - 09.23 on 30 November.
The symbol - a lamp, the lamp, the "third eye". The stones - diamond, rhinestone. The body - head (the front part), the brain.
The first lunar day is the basis of the lunar cycle. You are at the very beginning. This time - a blank page on which to put all my wildest dreams, plans and expectations. Figuratively speaking, today, you are laying the foundation for the whole of the coming months, and the stronger the foundation is, the more successful will be held the coming period.
The first day of the lunar month - is very bright and clear day. Today, your thoughts have the power and are prone to to be realized in the coming months. It is important to think only of the good in the day. The bad and evil thoughts today is not the place, especially if they are directed at another person. Wishing on the first day of the Moon to anyone evil, there is a risk of failure to clothe themselves. On the contrary, all the thoughts coming from the heart will be a success.
This is a very unusual day. Its symbol is a lamp, which means the image of eternal Light, a spiritual connection with the universe. Therefore, all actions aimed at spiritual cleansing and development of huge benefit. For example, you can refer to the past, to reflect on their actions, to meditate, and if we remember insults, very good to forgive them.
Favorably affect monitoring of the fire. If possible, you can sit around the campfire or the fireplace, but you can just light the candles. If you listen to the sound of a flame, concentrate on the good, there will be a sense of peace and love. This means that you have felt the cleansing of his inner world of fears and negative emotions, and thus freed from that burden, and now we can focus on what really matters to you, and that will allow Dr.
The first lunar day can be described as a creative day. He does not like the hustle and bustle. And because all the new initiatives and addressing important issues recommend that you wait for other days. But in this lunar day can safely include your imagination, turn to intuition, to consult with the soul and begin to invent, to dream and to make plans for a whole month in advance. And this is the main work today.
It is believed that the first day of the lunar month - day work with mental images. That is all that you conceive will tend to its realization, and if your plans match your interests and needs, they will success. And best of all, that in this case, you do not require any effort. Crafty ideas come true with the same success, and in the same direction. This means that anyone wishing to evil, you yourself will fall into his trap. vnimate
At the beginning of the lunar cycle, you have very little energy, you have yet to collect it in full. Therefore, your defense is very weakened. In this connection, it is recommended to be very careful about the contacts. Particularly unfavorable collective action. If you avoid multiple contacts failed, it is important to be able to preserve the purity and inner calm. This will help avoid provocative moments.
But if there is a possibility that the first lunar day of good alone. For example, you can stay at home and read a book, listen to music, to sit at the computer or just to think and dream about their plans. But it's best to take a walk in nature, which is rich in energy. Sit by the fire. Rest of the practice that day is to be welcomed.
the first day of the moon is not suitable for marriage.
The first day of the moon follows one of the critical points - the new moon. At this point, one lunar rhythm gives way to another. There is a transformation. And this is fully reflected in our body. We can say that at this moment you are born again, dropping all accumulated in the previous month. So, right now, you are very vulnerable.
At this point, the immune system and psyche weakened. It increases the likelihood of ill. So on the first day of the moon, it is desirable to treat yourself with attention and care of himself. Recommended in the day to avoid the various loads. Alcohol, spicy and hot food could also adversely affect the weakened body. A good help for him may be all that will allow you to be in a relaxed and peaceful state. For example, a nice quiet
Not a bad effect brings starvation. First, you remove the burden of digestion of food to the body. And secondly helping him get rid of toxins, which are very easy to go out that day. This is because improving metabolic processes in the body. Welcomed a large fluid intake. It may be herbal teas, herbal teas, juices. But it is not recommended to use sugar and salt, or products containing them. Will benefit from warm
From a medical point of view, on the first day of the moon are particularly sensitive to the diseases of the brain and the front part of the head. It is undesirable that day to treat these bodies, as well as to influence them surgically. These recommendations do not apply to those cases where there is a risk to your life.
It is believed that the disease arose in this lunar day will be prolonged, but in any case ill recover.
It is believed that dreams are the first lunar day prophetic, but require the correct approach to the interpretation. That is the attitude to dreams is the same as everything else. Negative is recommended to let the dreams, and to the good you can attend. In any case, all you have dreamed, it is only a certain image, which you can listen, and you can skip past him.
On the first day of the moon happens to the whole spirit of the coming month. And the way you react to your thoughts, played no small role. If you dream something bad, poor, and you will be hooked on this mood, it will not be slow to manifest themselves in your life. But the same applies to pleasant dreams. You can treat them as a pleasant sign that promises only good.
Get astrological consultation can be a professional astrologer Hope https://new.vk.com/bukaris (the nature and fate of horoscope, the partners will work, forecasts, any questions and situations). Phone 89214456643, 89817172245
Astrology ###astrolog_Nadezhda Nadezhdiny_sekretiki #lunnyy_kalendar
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Harp ###Astrology Rekomendatsii_na_kazhdyy_den
Heading "Astrology TIPS FOR EVERY DAY"
Harp ###Astrology Rekomendatsii_na_kazhdyy_den
Heading "Astrology TIPS FOR EVERY DAY"
November 29, 2016 onwards, 30 and 1 lunar days (8:39/15:19), Moon in Sagittarius, new moon in 15:19. A good day for all cases aimed at strengthening material well-being. Favorable shopping. Try to wake up in a good mood and keep this mood to bedtimes.
HOW TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE ...? The family is very important...
HOW TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE ...? The family is very important to understand that husband and wife should not each other anything, so if they do something for each other, they need each other to give thanks. This is a good foundation. " (Venerable Geshe Dzhampa Thinley)
General Astrology claims that any Union lasting more than three years can hold only two words that its members should be constantly talking to each other.
These two words: "sorry" and "thank you".
We are so accustomed to each other in ordinary life that stop noticing the small inconvenience that we deliver a close person.
Yes there that inconvenience-we cease to notice the person who every day suffer near us and tries to take care of us.
The words of Jesus Christ: "love your neighbour as yourself" just about it.
Just two words and your marriage saved)))
#astrologdenisdavydov #obshhajaastrologija #krizisnajaastrologija #konsul'tacijaastrologa #astropsiholog #sovetyastrologa #life #love #family #astrology
The devastating effects of the planets in the year 2017...
The devastating effects of the planets in the year 2017
The main principle of astrology: "forewarned is forearmed". In my article I want to warn those who are born into specific dates published below on what tests you prepared a star in 2017 year. Knowing this information, you can always use "straw".
In the year 2017 in your life will come great changes, if you were born on these dates:
January: 7.8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
February: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 28
March: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
April: 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
May: 7, 8, 9, 31
June: 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
July: 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
August: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
September: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
October: 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
November: 9, 10, 11
December: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
If your date is not in the list, wait for a sequel, maybe she is in another. Continued tomorrow ...
◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠ ◡◠
#prognoz2017 ###Astrology horoscope Zodiac #self-knowledge #self-development #cosmogram #формула_души #astropsihologija #planets
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in...
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]:
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
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🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
The intersection of lines on your palms can tell a...
The intersection of lines on your palms can tell a lot about the character.
One of the most interesting lines in the Palm of your hand is directly under the base of the fingers. It's called heart line. How these lines intersect depends your relationship and future marriage. Not necessarily refer to hiromantu-Let's learn to do it yourself!
First, simply align the hands side by side and expand them.
Note how to touch the top of the line.
1. If the line on the right hand are higher than on the left, it means that you are a good lover, wise not by year. You tend to listen to his wise side of the soul.
2. If the line on the left hand higher than the right, it means that you are purposeful and independent people, which do not necessarily require love for happiness. You're struggling with life situations and until it is needed, you will not be able to perceive love too seriously.
3. If your lines are the same height, it is said that you are calm and civilized individual.
You don't particularly like changes in life and most likely you'll be wonderful parents.
#Astrology @ modern_ledi
📌 [club62620907 | Time to make a wish. NEW MOON]
Moon November...
📌 [club62620907 | Time to make a wish. NEW MOON]
Moon November 29, 2016 will take place at 15:18 Moscow time at the 7 degrees of Sagittarius. It is a sign of fire element in astrology is considered that there is the truth above all else. Sagittarius is managed by Jupiter, the planet of good, encouraging, so that the new moon gives start high hopes.
Sagittarius inspires the true and unconditional love for travel and the search for truth, opens up new horizons. New Moon is usually associated with something new that will soon appear in your life, and the influence of Sagittarius gives a desire to experience adventure, go on a trip, find new friends. There may come new ideas for creative projects. You will have a unique opportunity to reconsider their beliefs and start to think big.
Maybe in the next two weeks you will consider issues of further education, travel plans or addicted spiritual quest. The greatest impact of the new moon in Sagittarius will have on people Mutable signs of the zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, but others will also feel the impact.
New Moon in Sagittarius brings a sense of liberation, there is the inspiration given by the stars. This quality is further emphasized by the fact that Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius sign, forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Aquarius. Those aspirations and desires that have not been implemented, will now have the momentum and limitations will be left behind.
At the same time, there is a new moon stressful aspect with Neptune in Pisces, so it is advisable to avoid making important decisions, if you are not sure. Great expectations - that's great, but there is a difference between faith and naivety. It may happen that the initial enthusiasm fades and your new beginning will not develop.
On such a day is good to make a wish, and to carry out the rituals of new beginnings. They can relate to anything: love, money, work, career.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui ##BaZi lunnyykalendar
What is your baby? READ ON HIS HAND
Understand the...
What is your baby? READ ON HIS HAND
Understand the child's future reading but his hand is certainly not easy. But, as practice shows, there are signs that clearly and simply identifies some one very important personality trait. Find this sign (if any) in the palm of your baby is not difficult, and the information that contains the sign, can be very useful to parents.
Entry 1 - Heart line without branches. People from time immemorial have noticed that the smaller branches of the line of the Heart, the less reason to expect from the man's sympathy for the suffering of others, the more pragmatic in nature, the rational mind. Line without branches and meanders clearly indicates a lack of warm feelings, selfishness, the ability to live without love. Such people are called "heartless". From such people should not expect any tender n
Badge 2 - two parallel vertical lines at the base of the ring finger. In their interpretation, most chiromantists unanimous in their opinion that it is a sign of success and happiness, with success in all spheres of life and good luck in all affairs. Ahead - serene and happy life.
Sign 3 - Head line deviates to the bottom of the palm (Mount Moon). Such a child is inclined to dream, his imagination; thinking he could make some kind of mistake, but that does not mean that it is fundamentally does not want to comply with the necessary regulations. With age, he can manifest literary talent. It is possible that the child is already in a small age is something writes, fantasizes, but keeps mum about it, if it is hidden by nature, what can Pointing
Badge 4 - Fate Line at the end is slightly bent to the index finger. This is - a sign for success in the future, material and social. The child will find their place in life, he is a respected person and will be able to achieve much.
Sign 5 - a rare sign that the east is called "Eye of Fatima" - the triangle formed by three lines: Destiny, Head and Health. Child marked a special intuition that allows people to understand the intentions and anticipate consequences neryadovye ordinary life events. Such a person is hard to deceive, but easy to earn his forgiveness: he's so well understands everything!
Such a person is inclined to mysticism, is able to predict the future and get into people's minds. Parents who found the mark on the hand of the kid, do not worry about its adaptation in adult life. Yes, he grows a kind person, not always understood by those who are inclined to the primitive propositions. Sometimes it creates in society a serious problem, but the child, marked by the Eye of Fatima, is protected. He's not one of those who, almost sitting at the desk,
Zodiac 6 - a series of vertical lines at the base of the little finger. According to this sign in the palm of a child can safely predict that he is of those who, like Chip and Dale to the rescue. Maybe we face the future doctor, in any case, this trade him according to his ability. And as happens in life, it depends on many factors. However, this sign does not indicate any special abilities, implemented as a kind of paranormal effects, sorcery or Drew
Sign 7 - Destiny line originates at Mount Moon. Child - fidget, baby - restless, ready at any moment to break away, if somewhere shone something interesting. If you have a child, do not rush to condemn him, look at his palms first. It is not known to all the circumstances, which over time will develop in destiny, it's just a sign of restlessness, ready to change places. This does not mean that adult child's life become a Roma
Sign 8 - fairly large gap between the life line and the heads, which means a high level of emotionality. If the gap between the lines is very wide, it testifies to extreme impulsivity child. In this situation the child must learn to be careful and keep their negative emotions. We must remember that all children overly emotional life is not easy. But they, like no one else, lies the ability to have compassion and love. It is only necessary
If between the lines of life and Head does not have any gap, then such a person is peculiar emotional deafness that puts parents in front of the opposite nature of the problem: the child is not inclined to understand others and to sympathize, at school it can hardly be given to the humanities, and many other things can make life difficult and himself, and parents.
Important note: the girls overcome both of these extremes is easier with more flexibility in behavior.
Sign 9 - the gap between the line of Head and Heart line. The sign says how a person is open to others, or, on the contrary, secretive. Index - the value gap. If the distance between the lines of the head and heart is very large, it is indicative of a certain openness and innocence of the child. He believes those who fell in love, and, obviously, it would be in his life forever.
If the gap between the lines of heart and head is minimal, this indicates a very secretive man. It is not easy to deceive, but also the joy of human communication it gets smaller.
Sign 10 - the end of the line is connected to the Heart of Life line. The negative sign. It shows promiscuous, points to the danger of being deceived and betrayed. Such a person is lucky in matters of love and friendship can not be called. He often runs not one of those people who are ready to counter the movement of the soul, can easily become a victim of betrayal. Judgments and actions are highly dependent on the senses, without any mind control.
Sign 11 - the line that runs vertically on the Mount of the Moon, reaching the Mount of Mars (Isis line). This line is very rare and is a sign of the absolute human wisdom, his intelligence, education and sensitivity. He knows the world by means of reflection and observation; curiosity is aimed at improving himself.
Sign 12 - Life Line, which smoothly skirts the hill of Venus, covering a large space. This is - a sign of vitality, a reliable indicator of vitality, good immunity, a large store of internal energy. This refers not only good health, but also active position in life in the future. The islets, the chain breaks at the beginning of the Life line should not cause panic: eventually all will be adjusted, it is crucial to the continuity of the line, its quality
Record for consultation to the astrologer, palmist, tel: 380509553258
##Astrology palmistry #arturvedadp #dnepr
Monday, November 28, 2016
9 SECRETS of the MORNING Awakening: activate the metabolism during...
9 SECRETS of the MORNING Awakening: activate the metabolism during 30 minutes!
Metabolism is the process of metabolism in the body. He often plays a key role in our body. People with faster metabolism usually slender, regardless of whether he eats cakes or salads, but those who have metabolism slowed down, the less fortunate.
Be upset is not worth it, because the process of metabolism can be controlled. We have 9 ways to speed up metabolism, following which, electrify the body digest food and burn calories faster. Most importantly, do them all together.
Wine Drink warm water with lemon
If you just woke up and had not yet decided what to do, drink water. With lemon. After drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice, you will purify your intestines and start the process of metabolism.
Vyzhmi juice from the lemon slices in a cup of warm water, and for extra benefits add there 1:00 l. of honey.
Wine for 30 minutes before the wake up
If getting up early for you is a real test, but still try to pull yourself together. Start the habit to set the alarm for 30 minutes before their usual time of recovery. Early awakening is put in us by nature itself, why it is so important for metabolism, biological clocks synchronized with the real time.
Wine cloud hop. After awakening cloud hop! Rope or without, but 5 minutes of jumping on the spot will cause lymph circulate through the body faster, clearing it from toxins that have accumulated over night.
Wine Stretch. Morning stretching is very important for all groups of muscles, joints and spine. You can run it directly from the bed after jumping. Perfectly invigorates and doesn't require much time: 5 minutes!
Wine Prisedaj. To accelerate metabolism after stretching, poprisedaj 10-20 times will suffice. After the daily morning workout mood improves significantly.
Wine Eat 2 eggs. Two boiled eggs work wonders. Eggs are rich in vitamins, protein-the building blocks of muscles and perfectly nourish. Complete this product on oatmeal, cottage cheese or salad — champion breakfast is ready!
Wine Drink a cup of green tea. Green tea antioxidants and substances that speed up metabolism. After the cheerful wake need coffee disappears, but the tea is an excellent solution. We should also drink green tea throughout the day.
Wine Pack something to eat
Big breaks between meals have had a negative impact on metabolism. Prihvati with a something to snack before lunch break: Dried apricots, nuts, bezdrozhzhevye bread or Apple.
Wine don't forget about water
Water is a key element of the proper operation of all systems of the body. Experts say that when a person feels thirsty, his body already obezvozheno. Therefore replenish their water reserves should be regularly.
Try to bottle with water was always at hand. Very soon a regular drink enters into a habit, and you certainly feel positive changes.
Wine Start every morning with compliance with these simple rules, and the question of losing weight soon will go away with your agenda. Metabolism of unspeakably accelerate! Don't forget to tell your friends about it. ☝
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#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
29 lunar day: (28 November-29...
29 lunar day: (28 November-29 November 6:52 before 7:55) Moscow time. The Moon is waning. The fourth-quarter.
Characters: Hydra Octopus.
Stones: Black Pearl, mother of Pearl, obsidian, cacholong, white opal, Labrador, colored Jasper.
Today almost all day with 12:48 to 23:46 the Moon without the course. For many, Monday will be a difficult start of the working week.
Twenty-ninth lunar day is rightly considered to be dangerous, especially for those who are born in the same day. This day falls and accidents. So it is not something to start something new, even to plan meaningful case. Do normal, everyday things.
A bad sign: hear the screams, the sound of the trumpet any lingering musical sounds. This means that you are doing something wrong. Children's whims for screams don't count. Kids around the new moon always capricious, slightly smaller than a full moon, but also clearly and prominently.
Avoid dark, turbid water and darkness. We recommend that you burn candles or light the lamp.
Today good to wash the floors in the House cold water and change it frequently. And in the evening, wash your feet cool (better running cold) water and mentally ask for water pick up the accumulated negative. Recommendation is useful for all without exception! And those who were born in the twenty-ninth lunar day can and need to do that every night.
All have a nice day and good people on your way!
#Astrology #lunnyjkalendar' #29lunnyesutki
27 November, Sunday.
Day, which will give the opportunity...
27 November, Sunday.
Day, which will give the opportunity to find a way out of the crisis.
Are you worried the old problem that has long required permissions. The time had come for the successful correction of errors of the past, eliminate guilt before the people you have wronged.
Watch your words and actions-this is the day they will have far-reaching consequences. Only you can decide what will be the road ahead.
#Таро_гороскоп ##гороскоп_Водолей #horoscope Aquarius #Tarot #Astrology #знаки_Зодиака #гороскоп_на_27_ноября
#VEDAS @ vedavyas
#Veda #knowledge #true ###Jyotish Astrology receive #teacher #apprentice
#VEDAS @ vedavyas
#Veda #knowledge #true ###Jyotish Astrology receive #teacher #apprentice
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in...
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Men's Club
Whatever happened in the past and whatever awaited us in the future, we always stay in the present, in the place where we can make the choice. Man creates the future now. Mistaken people who are constantly thinking about the future and do not notice this. Their future and remains forever in their minds. It will never materialize.
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -
#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
ASTROPROGNOZ November 27, 2016, 28 lunar day (6:23), waning...
ASTROPROGNOZ November 27, 2016, 28 lunar day (6:23), waning moon in Scorpio. A wonderful day for a relaxing vacation home with family and closest friends. Do not break the peace, be merciful, patient and friendly. Useful any hydrotherapy, in the first place - hardening.
Suitable day for cooperation, joint actions, joint efforts. Whatever goals you may set for themselves, there is no doubt that it will be possible to find helpers and allies. There are cash flow, unexpected gifts. Midday appreciate the good news concerning you personally or for the people close to you. Good fold a trip they will have a great time and establish a pleasant acquaintance, will give a lot of vivid impressions. not ICs
Auspicious day for communication. Very good pass any meeting in an informal setting. You can easily find common language with people, get along with those who have recently quarreled. There are unusual proposal, an invitation to take part in some fun activities. The cause for which you take out of curiosity, can eventually bring great pribyl.Vy easily cope with household chores, family support and help them,
The day starts very well. In just a few hours you will find answers to questions that have long puzzled. It will be able to deal with some important things to finish what was started before. The emotional background is favorable; You are positive and full of optimism, which willingly share with others. In the second half of the day will decrease business activity. Many Geminis need to rest; some representatives of the sign should be used
A fruitful day. You copes with everything, what you undertake, you do not need help, but do not reject it if friends and relatives offer from a pure heart. There may be new goals, ideas and plans; Some Cancers will realize that it is time to change your lifestyle, and make the first steps in this direction. Day is perfect for the discussion of important issues, including - the areas of finance and property. You make decisions on their own, not
Easy auspicious day, bringing a lot of great ideas and new plans. It will be able to solve the questions bothering you lately, to help a loved one who has appeared in a difficult situation. Many Lions are willing to participate in charity events, make an effort to make the world a better place. Probability of a successful purchase, and here it is spontaneous decisions are the most successful. The second half of the day - a good time for Mr.
The day can be quite stressful if you do not want to compromise, to show flexibility and pliability in personal relationships. Try not to provoke conflicts, to smooth out the rough edges, if there is a disagreement, do not refuse to support those who are in it nuzhdaetsya.Vozmozhny small cash receipts, some representatives of the sign will be able to solve their financial problems, or to make a profitable purchase. It is necessary to take care of health: profile
Good day, allowing a good time, relax and rejuvenate. It manages to avoid unpleasant situations, disagreements and quarrels. You get along very well with the family and even with those who you are too cute, can find a common language. Useful travel and walk, a change of scenery. Many scales will find sources of inspiration. Participate in all family activities, to communicate more with children, it is in your favor. It will be great opportunity to rake
At the beginning of the day may be unpleasant coincidences, misunderstandings. difficulties in communication may occur, sometimes it will be difficult to find a common language with those who you likable. Not excluded family quarrels. However, shortly after noon, a turning point. Luck will help to improve the situation, to solve many problems. Pleasant surprises are possible in the afternoon: encouraging news, it is possible to make a successful purchase, decide
At the beginning of the day may be unpleasant coincidences, misunderstandings. difficulties in communication may occur, sometimes it will be difficult to find a common language with those who you likable. Not excluded family quarrels. However, shortly after noon, a turning point. Luck will help to improve the situation, to solve many problems. Pleasant surprises are possible in the afternoon: encouraging news, it is possible to make a successful purchase, decide
Day calls for caution in communication. Try not to give promises not to commit; Try not to ask questions themselves "head" and to avoid direct and unambiguous answers if you ask about something important. Do not disclose their secrets unfamiliar people, and with close beware. Try not to test the patience of others, refrain from criticism. Today, it is in you, the people who find themselves in difficult situations, seek support and
You will be a good day. You can succeed in unusual and interesting cases to understand the intricate situations, to find a way out of the predicament. You gain the victory over stronger opponents, solve challenging questions, feel at ease and confident. Be alert to strangers: they can begin to envy your success, it is possible that it will result in trouble. The day is favorable for communication with someone you love, romance
An important and responsible day. You have to make an important decision; here it is better to rely on their own intuition than follow someone else's advice. At the beginning of the day can be difficult to develop relationships with loved ones, but later will be able to find a common language, if you refrain from harsh criticism, hurtful comments and accusations. In the second half of the day will be an opportunity to discuss with someone important to you, to agree on further action and are common
##Goroskopnasegodnya goroskopnaden horoscope ###astro-forecast forecast ##prognoznaden prognoznasegodnya astrology #horoscope ##slyubovyuozvezdah
Sunday, November 27, 2016
As my astrologist ⭐ 🌘 (a.k.a. close podruga👭), me stars...
As my astrologist ⭐ 🌘 (a.k.a. close podruga👭), me stars intended to cook vkusnjashki🍦, Patty, pljushki🍔🍩🍰🍕🍡. The gift of time without losing, praktikujus'😉 #pirogssajroj #jakulinarotboga #baking #edabogov #BestLife #zvezdysuljat #Astrology #samaneemfiguruberegu #nurazvechtoodinkusochek #nudva ✌ @ Izhevsk, Udmurtiya
#лунный_календарь @ot_panterki #лунный_календарь #Moon #astrology
🌘 26 November from 4.30-27...
#лунный_календарь @ot_panterki #лунный_календарь #Moon #astrology
🌘 26 November from 4.30-27 LUNAR DAY
Character day-Trident, God of the sea Neptune attribute. It is therefore very benefit all contact with the water: swimming pool, sauna, sauna or simply a warm bath at home.
It is a day of self-education and spiritual search. This is a very good time for all kinds of undertakings, as well as research activities, training, information-gathering and analysis, for the transfer of knowledge from older generation to the younger. Communicating with people of the older generation is especially useful today.
Contacting superiors-neutral
Visit Barber-excellent
Physical activity-neutral
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in...
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: spiritual teachers
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -
#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
I can sit for hours at the window and watch...
I can sit for hours at the window and watch as it's snowing ...
Silence snegopadenija ... It is good for different cases.
~ Erlend Lu "Doppler" ~
ૐ #AlhimijaZhizni #Astrology #Palmistry #Numerology #Esoteric Tarot consultations ###la108

Horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster (part 2)
##MPPG astrology...
Horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster (part 2)
##MPPG astrology horoscope ###Cocky part2
Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Rooster
Year of birth: 1993.
Water Petushki impressionable people, at first you'll be afraid of that fiery host 2017 will take custody of children only from their element. Nothing of the sort - spreads its wings and fly toward happiness.
Many are waiting for the water-Petushki interesting business trips - superiors appreciate your talents, and will not send you to the Arctic Circle, and a comfortable place where you are and show yourself, and to look for business partners.
Contracts in 2017 the Water Petukhov is the sea, and almost all of them will be beneficial - neither partner would dare to foul play.
In the water-loving creatures from the field is expected cheerful atmosphere. Chance to find half a year Cockerel Fire will be a lot - there they are elected, lined up at the house, one more beautiful than the other.
If confused, the Fire Rooster Prilep red feather on the right man, look carefully. The Water Family children waiting for a pleasant surprise - a fortune the full year will be next, and will save you from fighting.
By the way, just opened a shop of children's goods - whether it is time to look for a baby pram, stork was about to make a break on your roof after a long flight.
In the year of the Fire Rooster Water creatures can finally start working for yourself, really, how much can you set aside money in someone else's pocket?
Business owner under the supervision of the year will flourish, but at the same time will multiply and competitors - ponastavili their networks, and will not pass without penalty.
Nothing Fire Rooster Water podyschet guys reputable sponsors, of course, is not the nineties, but the "roof" of excess will not.
And when everything is more or less stabilized, and you can go on vacation - a resort, not a resort, and only to a brand new bungalow you rest exactly succeed.
Horoscope for 2017 for the Wood Rooster
Years of Birth: 1945 and 2005.
Wooden Petushki - creating extremely resistant, they realize that they will not drop the food (this is their personal proverb) easily in the beak. But in the year of the Fire Red Rooster is sometimes possible to relax and clean the feathers.
Wooden Petushki like to show others their success - in 2017 you will be able to shine and crowing of the talents on every corner.
Wooden children friendly and peaceful - with you comfortably and oligarchs, and staff, it is no wonder that all around only do they help you reach the pinnacle of power.
In the field of love Wooden Males tend to the best - if you are a fan or something clever and cute, if chosen, the genius and the ideal of beauty.
Fire lord 2017 will adjust the crowd of suitors, and you have to fend Wood legs that you avoid being dragged off to the registry office. They say there is a good idea - playing pleasant music, and they all go to happy faces.
Do not believe me - hurry, in the year of the Fire Rooster tired of waiting for you there. Family Wooden Cockerel horoscope in store many interesting things - romance is more than a honeymoon, and the relationship with their families will enjoy the harmony.
Wooden Petushki people dreamy, and in 2017 your wishes will come true with amazing speed. A car? Please, get out the windows zoom jeep with a personal driver. Apartment? You kind of hut - two, or three-bedroom, or maybe you want a house with a sea view?
Of course, all this will have to achieve themselves, nowadays very few people involved in charity work. But Wood Petukhov work does not scare me - are you ready to work hard from morning till night, and crossed legs, if expected profits.
Fire Rooster will throw their fellow Wooden several lucrative contracts - partners will fall remarkably pliant.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Dear friends! Receiving orders for personal annual forecast of 2017...
Dear friends! Receiving orders for personal annual forecast of 2017 astrologer Olga Kotova is open. Write: astrozerkalo.com or kotova _ oi@mail.ru
#astroprognoz #prognoznagodpetuha #Astrology #vashastrolog #astrologukraina #astrologrossiija #astrologspb #astrologmoskva
🌔27 Moon sutki🌖
Waning Gibbous Moon
Saturday, c 4:33...
🌔27 Moon sutki🌖
Waning Gibbous Moon
Saturday, c 4:33 26.11.2016 5:39 on 27.11.2016
Stones-purple transparent Amethyst, Emerald, selenite, aduljar, pink and Crimson Quartz.
Spend the day learning of the world. Today, exacerbated by intuition, it can help to get the secret knowledge. To gain this knowledge is recommended to meditate and listen to the internal sensations. Day of discovery, enlightenment, ascertaining the truth. If you want to and you had insight, free yourself from solving mundane affairs. Life and small questions will only distract you. Another source of important information may become dreams. They show the true
Today is inextricably linked to the water element. Characters-ship Island Lighthouse, anchor. Increases the power of the water, but not always its effect on the body turns out to be positive. Therefore, it is not recommended to swim in cold sources and look in the mirror surface of ponds. Even an ordinary mirror better spend less time. And here is the ocean travel — on the yacht, boat, boat, will be successful.
The day went well, keep yourself State of joy. Not obremenjajte yourself unnecessary worries. Be friendly and upbeat. In such a condition well analyze their actions, to get rid of illusions, solve internal questions. Try to be in harmony with yourself all day. In acquiring mental balance nature will help you. Go outside the city or take yourself to work in the garden or a vegetable garden. Connect with loved ones, but Pom
You may feel a slight malaise you feel sorrow or longing. Locate the source of your feelings and try to go back to a harmonious State. Today you can't get hung up on themselves and their problems. Close friends need your support. Learn to listen, not interrupting. If this day you will visit bright joyful feeling high, then it is a sign of increasing your spiritual level.
Health and nutrition. A small feast is acceptable. Alcohol use is not recommended, no smoking. A vulnerable part of the body is Shin. The disease is usually associated with the lymphatic system and the circulatory system. May be inflamed lymph nodes, find blood disease. Fortunately, the diseased cured quickly. Diseases harmless thaws pass without complications.
Not to do prohibited donation x-ray and chemical medicine intake. Most are valid only in the most extreme cases. Water procedures today are useful. A warm bath or cold shower in the morning will improve mood. Today you can get a haircut and experiment with color and styling hair. New haircut will attract joy and well-being.
Love and relationships. Spend time with family and loved ones. Communicate with parents, with people of the older generation. From them you can get a piece of the unseen knowledge. If family or friends advise you anything, they are doing it from the heart. Don't waste time figuring out relationships, searching for negative context in the words of the interviewee. If you don't like the course of the conversation, change the subject or stop socializing, but not present before the conflict.
Wedding can be play if you are not afraid of occurrence of sentimental, sad and sometimes drab scenes. Conception is better to reschedule for another day. Today begins the fate of sick children, children with health problems and unstable character.
Work and creativity. Look for new approaches to solving problems. In General, a good day. Good for both experiments in its sphere of activity and original solutions. All operations will be successful. Today it is better to address the completion of the old cases, and with the new delay. Hand out the debts, solve money matters.
Today it is safe to change jobs. To contact his superiors only small issues. You can take a vacation and travel-Moon favours all strannikam in the twenty-seventh lunar day. Students can continue their education, but if they pass the exams scheduled for today will not be easy. Have to make an effort and stretch the mind to get a good grade.
Born on this day becomes a spiritual teacher, mentor others. He owns a secret knowledge. He is not clinging to worldly life, free from stereotypes and illusions. Such a person is always happy to share their experiences with others. His knowledge will provide support and support for many erring souls. His life is full of changes, it is subject to fate, until it all looks good. He is a dreamer and visionary, romantic, Wanderer, traveler.
At best, the individual becomes capable of higher love. He gives this love the whole world and deserves his favor. In the worst case, born in the twenty-seventh lunar day drowning in their illusions. He becomes secretive man. It can grasp the financial failures (debts, alimony), from which he will hide.
#lunnyesutki #Moon #Astrology #lunnyjden' #fazaluny #simvoldnja #Ayurveda
📌 [club62620907 | HABIT PROGRAM on POVERTY]
Some habits affect physical state...
📌 [club62620907 | HABIT PROGRAM on POVERTY]
Some habits affect physical state of brain and actually hit people in poverty.
1. The habit of feeling sorry for myself
Habits of poverty starts with relentless self-pity and mourning its unsuccessful current fate. Not the kind of figure, not those revenues, not education, not an apartment, not the weather, not the seller girl at the supermarket — everyone, absolutely everyone around can be an occasion for self-pity and bemoaning its bad luck.
Meanwhile, people who become addicted to constantly feeling sorry for myself, quickly loses sympathy from others. Sorry such a poor thing you ad infinitum, but something you want to do yourself. Eternal ipohondrika Shun nothing from him (he can only whimper), his name is not in the company. As a result he remained critical of little personal connections, without which it is almost impossible to make a career, get into an interesting project. Feel sorry for yourself is the best
2. The habit at all save
If you store the first thing looking for the Division with the sale, if you think that colleagues at work are paid more in that they work less if your never give in debt, do not leave tipping waiters and think with your salary, you cannot give birth to a child, the more likely the habit of poverty in you already sit.
Analysts say that the desire for total savings is not a sign of reasonable thrift and an indicator that the person does not have a balance between income and expenditure. Wealthy people just willing to pay for things their real value. And, in addition, is willing to pay for someone else's work — and the same waiting on the other.
3. The habit of all evaluated in denznakah
Only programmed on poverty people believe that you can be happy only if payroll with lots of zeros. That you cannot enjoy life and be happy, if not expensive clothes, own the mansion, prestige car. Sociologists argue that the question "what do you need for happiness?" enumerate wealth start only the poor.
People with high incomes are called true love and friendship. While the actual wealth they don't call bank account. In their view, the rich are those who can attract money, organize new business literally from scratch. A truly successful person does not depend on the volume of your own bag with gold.
4. The habit of panic when running out of money
When only when one thought that you can get under the abbreviation you have pulse quickens, it could be a sign of an internal programme of poverty. Rich people's money are not unchanged in size: they are today, gone tomorrow. And so the circle.
5. The habit of spending more than you earn
You work for two jobs but still not enough money? It's time to change something! If a person does not understand than one loan differs from another, the rich he just will not.
6. The habit of engaging in unloved affair
If not me, then who? Psychologists say that people who engage in unloved affair is potentially ready to failure and poverty. The reason for this are the feelings of them need to do unpleasant them. To eliminate this habit, you must do not what someone needs to, and is what causes the greatest satisfaction. Only in this area, you can achieve excellent results!
7. The habit of staying away from relatives
Very good losers originate from those moves away from his own family. "Why should I call the mother-in-law — it should, here are even calling ...", "Uncle Sasha with aunt Heather is simply a collective farm, do not need to call, and what about us think?", "Dad, do you not remember how chastised me in the yard at all? Yes, I was only four years, but I have not forgotten. "
Meanwhile, all the "hereditary" rich family is the oberegaemaja value. After all, you can find comfort and support when in all other spheres of life crisis happens. Think about it.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
Gde Nayti Lyubov?
ARIES can meet future other hearts in...
Gde Nayti Lyubov?
ARIES can meet future other hearts in institutions related to art, for example, in the theater, an art museum or exhibition of works related to creativity. In stores selling artwork or objects for creative activities, companies, artists, writers, creative encounters-these are all places where to find love Aries is likely.
CALF is easier to find love in the sphere of everyday life, for example, in dry-cleaning salon, store, office rentals. It can be a flower shop or greenhouse, and a pet shop or Zoo, and any workshop, clinic or pharmacy.
Your love TWINS easier to meet business partners in the company, in an Office a prosperous legal firms, especially in schools or beside them, at embassies and around them in the terrain, combining stones or trees and flowering plants.
Cancer can meet your love in a mysterious place, for example in the cabin of magic, in the House of the man, studying esoteric science institution, learning magic tricks in any poorly lit frightening kind of place.
A friend of my heart Leo can meet during distant travels on the plane, at any institution, especially in high-level institution, teaching philosophy and laws, in the bookstore, in the Office of a foreign company, the courses of foreign languages, in places where many foreigners.
VIRGO is easiest to meet future lover at work near construction sites, Office construction organization in store construction materials in institutions related to legislative or monitoring the implementation of laws, in mountainous terrain, on the streets, are deprived of vegetation.
Representatives of sign Libra are easier to meet someone able to subdue their heart, in any field, originally designed in organizations engaged in experimental and research activities in clubs that bring together people with similar interests across the globe, in the company of good friends, in establishments associated with the exact sciences-this is exactly the place where to find love Libra is likely.
His future friend of the heart IT is easier to meet around the reservoir, the water in the pool anywhere during rain, stores and organizations related to water, for example, in the sports shop, as well as in a hospital or next to it.
If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius, look for love on rallies and demonstrations, at the source of fire or near fire station. In stores that sell liquor in the military organization, in the interiors of the red color.
Born under the sign of CAPRICORN are easier to meet future lover outdoors, in a picturesque place, scattered with flowers, gardening, fashion salon, beauty salon, organizations related to crafts and needlework.
AQUARIUS will find their happiness while walking, trips to transport, in a crowded place in the House of a relative, on Internet forums in a lively discussion of the latest news and policy in the tabloids. This is the most likely place where to find love Aquarius is easiest.
The future of the beloved FISH easier to meet in any residential area, next to a residential house, at the home of a relative in the furniture store, or home life in organizations related to maternal and child welfare, schools, maternity clinics.
http://www.astroinna.com/gdenayti.htm #Astrology #love #dating #ljubovnajaastroologija #Zodiac #gdevstretit'ljubov'

Born November 25:
Sagittarius ♐ sign of Fire.
Endowed with a...
Born November 25:
Sagittarius ♐ sign of Fire.
Endowed with a sincere and comprehensive kindness people are born in this period. They can count on in any matter. Their distinctive features are responsibility, self-discipline and the ability to empathize.
For all his restraint, they are incredibly active, to follow their goals slowly but surely, creating for themselves the most favorable conditions. They are designed to make our world a better place, and they manage it fully.
Horoscope astrology ###November
🌛 lunar horoscope by SKYLARIA
Moon in Cancer
Here the moon...
🌛 lunar horoscope by SKYLARIA
Moon in Cancer
Here the moon is in its own sign and feels as comfortable as possible. This means that people with Moon in Cancer is very sincere, good-natured, compliant, soft and calm. They are very sensitive, emotional and sensitive, because of what can become touchy and thin-skinned. Strong intuition and intellect, wisdom, vivid imagination, a tendency to philosophize and humanities. They have a rich inner world, which they admit is not ka
1st degree of Cancer
"Outlandish ring, sealed with a large figure of a heart made of white onyx." - Indicates a man with a secret knowledge. He is extremely sensitive, full of compassion for people and doing much to help and bring joy to others. He is gifted with extraordinary strength, spreading a sense of calm and serenity. This person is probably not free from their own concerns, but it has enough force to cope with any
2 nd degree of Cancer
"Tiller, leaning against a tree, watching the other peasants, digging up the adjacent field." - Indicates that the one who gives others do the work, which he must fulfill himself. A man loves a luxurious lifestyle, it is agreeing to only receive, not bothering as it should for the sake of it. He may put forward his own philosophical concept for the protection of their deeds and will be supported throughout its current s
3rd degree of Cancer
"Climbing plants, eaten by worms and covered gazebo are unsightly." - Indicates that the person who is prone to a quiet and simple life, away from the hustle and bustle of cities. Good and trusting by nature, a person can pass on their most important business in the hands of others, entirely relying on them, thus risking to face adversity, turmoil and loss. It would be wise to be attentive to both their studies and to those to
4-th degree of Cancer
"Napivshiysya merry in costumes sleeping on the desk, his glass of red wine overturned - the contents spilled on the floor." - Indicates a romantic person, but the extravagant nature, appreciating earthly folly greater than wisdom. In his pursuit of happiness he finds nothing but fatigue, exhaustion and emptiness. It is a symbol disorientation.
5-th degree of Cancer
"A man sitting on a mountain near the gold mine, which has recently produced a boom in front of him -.. New picks and shovels He stared grimly at the paper containing reports of the most valuable discoveries in this area." - Indicates that the one who pays too much attention to rumors. Such a person is at risk before they gathered enough relevant information - such is the nature of his mind. This trend is being uncontrolled, lead him to the "country of hunger" BME
6-th degree of Cancer
"Man, generously spending money, entertains his friends, jester, hiding behind a curtain, laughs at him." - Indicates that the person to whom the money comes from, but he squanders them again and falls into poverty. This person must control their desire for extravagance, capable of attracting to it only ephemeral friends, leaving him nothing but trouble and misery. It is a symbol of extravagance.
7-th degree of Cancer
"The ancient white marble Corinthian column, crowned with gold, slightly damaged at the base." - Indicates that the one who does not know how to bend. Time does not inhibit such a person, because the beauty and grandeur on his side; However, the beauty, no matter how lofty it may be, is never complete without "cracking" and yet - it only emphasizes her. Direct column means strength, damage at the base - the fear that one is able to destroy everything if he make it possible
8-th degree of Cancer
"The editor of the newspaper at his desk, on which a lot of clippings negotiates with a man turns away from him." - Indicates a man whose position allows him to possess many secrets related to the lives of others. At his disposal is a force that will cause fear in many people with high position and reputation. The desire for material privileges can cause a man to fluctuate during the performance of their official Obl
9-th degree of Cancer
"Acrobat, speaking in the presence of a large number of people." - Indicates that the person who comes out to the public, whose ventures provide him success. He sees a lot of changes in my life, and at times he has to be very difficult, but the energy and resourcefulness of this great man and his spirit inflexible. great wealth does not "fall down" this man, but his life will not end because of a lack of funds. It is a symbol of Fame.
10-th degree of Cancer
"An artist at the easel is located on the wonderful forest glade. Sunset and the mysterious shadows of unearthly beauty fall everywhere." - Indicates a very stubborn man, endowed with artistic talent. Poetry shapes and colors found in it a mystical response. He loves the silence, and simple rural life will allow to draw his soul so much inspiration and relaxation. Such a person does not seek immortality, because it is not new to him. It penetrates VZG
11-th degree of Cancer
"The girls, adorned with wreaths of wildflowers, dancing on a green lawn." - Indicates a joyous man with a light heart and friendly nature, whose dream - to spread happiness and satisfaction wherever he may be. Such a person will be very popular and loved. He came into the world with a message of life, love, hope and the intention is not to yield to temptation and sin. It is a symbol of simplicity.
12-th degree of Cancer
"Avenue of trees to bend under the pressure of destructive storms - beautiful golden autumn leaves fall off a continuous stream." - Indicates a person whose thoughts are focused on providing himself a good financial situation in old age, he will work hard for the fulfillment of their desires. Love is such a person will suffer for calm and stormy winds of adversity will shake it in the same way as wood sotryasaemo hurricane. However, it is boron
13th degree of Cancer
"Active volcano, spewing, devastated the whole area in the district, but the peasants gathered in groups, are kept near their small houses." - Indicates that the one who was born to be in danger. He follows his desires, the enterprises participating in the very risky nature, but they are of little use and entail a great deal of trouble. Such people tend to get stuck in their beliefs and can get trapped, confronted with the views of b
14-th degree of Cancer
"The crab, climb the vertical steel harpoon on it - the ring of seven stars." - Indicates a person who did not embarrassed by the fact that encounters resistance, obstacles and difficulties, through their own efforts to gain influence and take an important and responsible position in his chosen field. His iron will is oriented toward the elusive goal and a man realizes the advantages and win. It is a symbol of invincibility
15-th degree of Cancer
"Hammer, which is used in the auction, is on top of the piles of gold coins and banknotes." - Indicates that the person leading their business with the agility and resourcefulness. Such a person will try my best to keep achieved. The position of such a person entails a real benefit, and its methods of forcing others to obey him. This man's life is not without disappointments, but he's not one of those who likes to procrastinate and wait
(Continued. In the trail. Article)
🐠 To find out which is the sign and degree of your Moon, you can write your data (date, time and city of birth) in the comments or in our private messages.
##Lunnyy_goroskop Lunnyy_Rak Luna_v_Rake ###Moon #abode Cancer gradus_Luny ###Jyotish astrology #SKYLARIA

26 lunar day: (25 November...
26 lunar day: (25 November, 3:34 - November 26 to 4:40) Moon waning. The fourth quarter.
Symbols: toad, marsh.
Stones: yellow jade, jade, chrysoprase.
One of the most dangerous days for those who love to talk. It brings the bustle and chatter. Very often in this day people instigate quarrel over trifles.
Avoid conversations, especially with unfamiliar people. Keep communication to a minimum. A sober assessment of reality. High risk of collision with bigotry, bullying, gossip.
It is believed that in the twenty-sixth lunar day is very good to meet, leaving the house, a man with a full bucket: You're going in the right direction. Lightning in a dream or in reality will become a warning: too much pride and vanity.
The first half of today's highly complex: conforms to the lunar day. In the evening, at 16:52 Moon again goes into idle until 11:01 the next day.
One joy: this is the last working day of the week. Therefore, on the sly to finish all my duties and silently washes away home!
Good people on your way!
Astrology ###lunnyykalendar 26lunnyesutki
Friday, November 25, 2016
Moon phase: 25 November, Friday, 26th lunar day, the Waning...
Moon phase: 25 November, Friday, 26th lunar day, the Waning Crescent Moon.
25 lunar day c 2:20 24.11.2016 on 3:27 25.11.2016
26 lunar day c 3:27 and 25.11.2016 until the next day
November 25, 2016 year in 12:00-26 lunar day. Complex, critical day. Try to refrain from any active action in all areas. Better to keep vitality rather than squander them on empty chatter.
Devote yourself to post, abstinence. Free yourself from unwanted contact and look at life sober look.
On the date 25.11.2016 in 12:00 the Moon is in the phase of "new moon." This 26 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac, Libra. Percentage of illumination of the Moon is 15%. Moonrise at 3:27, and the sunset at 15:01.
Moon in the sign of Libra. The appropriate time to rest after hard work, resulting from Lunar Virgo. It is best not to start anything new and global, and quickly finish earlier and planned.
Nice and quite fruitful period for business cooperation, based on mutual understanding and the absence of any differences. The negative point is the increasing complexity in the decision-making process.
For a long time can vary between all the pros and cons, ferret out both advantages and disadvantages, to mull over, but did not come to a final judgment. Therefore, the adoption of important decisions are best moved to a more favorable time.
Day of the week-Friday, that day is under the auspices of Venus-a mysterious, enigmatic and light of the world. He was considered a women's day since ancient times. On this day, girls and women were supposed to relax, do not upload yourself any Affairs.
Because Venus patronizes elegance and beauty, creating a person feeling of tranquillity, the Friday best sum up the working week and get rid of all unnecessary. The best is to prepare for the upcoming week. And in no way try to turn all the work before the end of the working day.
###lunnyjkalendar' horoscope astrology
🌙 🌙 🌙
Today in the store, standing in line at the cashier...
🌙 🌙 🌙
Today in the store, standing in line at the cashier, inadvertently heard the conversation of two girls:
-Want to radically change the appearance: short haircut, red color and high heels. My guy Moon in Gemini, need to frequently change and surprise him. Looking for a smart brunette with long hair, I realized that the guy she is very expensive)))
This is one of many options the use of astrology in life-the opportunity to better understand each other, something to cede, somewhere to make nice. This is the opportunity, knowing the pros and cons, use them wisely. Who owns information-owns peace (n. Rothschild). Knowledge always make us stronger.
🌙 and what your Moon sign? Join the Group [club130900645 |. Astrology Numerology. Vastu.] do repost fixed https://vk.com/wall-130900645_53 records and send in HP your data of birth! I will answer all! Description of the Moon in each sign can be found in the records of the group. One account per request.
🌙 This information will also be useful to establish communication with children. In separate articles, I describe the secrets of rearing children.
[id249848099 | your astrologer Natalia May (the astrologer])
#astrodeti #astrosekret #Astrology #znakizodiaka #konsul'tacijaastrologa
25 November
27-th lunar day, start at 21:40
25 November
27-th lunar day, start at 21:40
Good for any work, for planting and sowing, to communicate with people of the older generation, teachers and sages. Also the day of receipt of the sacred knowledge.
Jupiter in kvadrature with Pluto
Striving for leadership, approval of their ideological positions and interests in the business. Period unfavourable for corporate business. Hopes for profit would not be fulfilled. Failures in addressing the issues of privatization, credits and debts, insurance, taxes and duties. Clash with the law in one form or another, can lead to significant changes in your business and life in General. Better at this time not to use other people's money and money partnero
Venus in conjunction with Pluto
Day is absolutely unfavourable for any business. Especially avoid solve important business or start new ones. Possible serious conflicts in the work Wednesday. A critical day for your finance. Probable large losses or loss of, theft. The intensity of emotional experiences. Exposure to public sentiment, it is better to avoid large concentrations of people, as well as public speeches, debates or conferences. The need arises
Venus in kvadrature with Jupiter
Laziness, excessive pursuit of pleasures. Your actions aimed at avoiding trouble, will bring even more trouble. Bad day for business, possible losses, unjustified profit calculation. Delays in finances, and unnecessary expense, extravagance would exacerbate the situation. The need for the exorbitant cost. Misleading perspective. Obstacles in social activity or responsibility and obligations in connection
The Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter
Significant, although intermittent success in financial affairs, particularly in real estate transactions in services. Fortunately the flow relationships with partners, establishes good relations with women; assistance can be expected from them, get good advice. On this day well set plans, perhaps opening new perspectives. Successful cases occur with official bodies, influential people. Success in the long-haul business trips.
Astrology horoscope ####forecast Rahashan
#Astrology #Sun #Mars
The difference between Mars and the Sun...
#Astrology #Sun #Mars
The difference between Mars and the Sun in classical astrology.
"... Solar is a creative, fatherly beginning. If Mars is intended to remake something, change it, that Sun intended to something new. Avessalom podvodniy writes that the Sun is manifested through imperative will.
"You have no other right, but to work its will."
Accordingly, creating, you become the father for his work. In this and the principle of fatherhood. In this perspective, Mars is only a scalpel, or other instrument in the hands of the Sun, which you can adjust/tweak something that already exists. "
(c) Max
What do we know about space? We know that it...
What do we know about space? We know that it is filled with energetic particles — radiation, light. We're fairly far along in developing knowledge on the matter, but in our knowledge, despite all scientific progress, still huge holes gape. The extent of our knowledge of the cosmos and history, quite possibly, insignificant. We know even less about how energy affects human beings. Science, especially physics, is not knowledge is a potential acquisition
So, what do we know about space and time? I know that if I'm in the here and now, I am on myself quite a definite influence of external conditions. And precisely these conditions would be different if I'll be in another place and at another time. And, like the butterfly effect, different conditions will create different opportunities and different development. It's obvious, isn't it? But isn't this is the essence of astrology? We take the time
#sergejmahlaj ###Astrology astrologer star #chitajupozvezdom #romantic
There are three things that won't affect the relations...
There are three things that won't affect the relations: the appearance, age and weight!
To forecast relationship mainstream psychological compatibility, sexual and gender-based interaction, conflict issues.
Results: psychological compatibility arhivazhna is on it keep long-term relationship; sex is one of the several components of the partnership, and not the most important (Yes, Yes, Yes, despite a massive sex-promotion); more often than not relations collapse due to conflict-therefore it is these aspects I look first!
But three things have no bearing on relations: appearance, age and weight!
#astropsihologija #Astrology #relationship #sovetastrologa
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Born 24 November:
Sagittarius ♐ fire sign.
They will always strive...
Born 24 November:
Sagittarius ♐ fire sign.
They will always strive for communication and recognition, they are active and incredibly active. They, as nobody knows what a friendship, but could become the most merciless enemies.
Such people will always attract attention as those who sincerely sympathized with, and those who don't care for them openly.
They don't hide from difficulties, prefer to deal with the problem once and for all than to constantly hide from it.
#November ##horoscope astrology
24.11.2016 at 02-27 Moscow time comes 25 LUNAR...
24.11.2016 at 02-27 Moscow time comes 25 LUNAR DAY
Symbol-sink, vessels, turtle
Day, a day of deep knowledge of wisdom and prophecies. Awakening the higher psychic abilities. A good day for travel, removals, trade and judicial affairs, sleep and rest. Favourable acquaintances. Bring the joy of meeting with friends and Associates, relatives and members of the opposite sex. Day passive, contemplative, period of loneliness. The motto of the day, you can make the words George Vicina of it after
People 25-th day even in young years talk maturely, as old. This is wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but capable of being transformed; often see prophetic dreams. A lot may contain an inexhaustible stock of spiritual and mystical development. Often born "veshhaly".
The mystery of birth or incomprehensible circumstances will play a major role in the life of a conceived on this day. He will receive protection and intercession. Characterized by intuition, foresight and Avoidant. Dangerous diseases and the wisdom of the elderly person. The main thing is that the formula "the end justifies the means" does not become a principle of his life.
Stones-spars, Tiger's eye, Hawkeye (light blue and dark blue), cat's eye (green), prazem, all fossil-wood charcoal; sink, as well as the Heliotrope, pink marble.
Twenty-fifth lunar day is propitious for performing trade operations, in any field, from car sales to purchase crayons for the Office. Problems arising in these lunar day, should be resolved not so much mind and through logical thinking how many insist on intuition. This particularly applies to money, because, according to esoteric teachings, it is money associated with the element of water. If you suffer during this period what Lee
In the twenty-fifth lunar night better refrain from starting a family. This period is more suitable for planning a life together, to prepare for the celebration of marriage and so on. It is believed that those who married at twenty-fifth lunar day, all the time would "sink to the bottom, they will often lie in financial crises and periods of mental discomfort. In General, I must say that this is a time more suited to divorce than to create but
With his health in the twenty-fifth lunar day, nothing happens. If you hurt your feeling will remain the same, the pain did not increase, but did not leave. Although, I must say, for non-traditional healing practices is the most successful and opportune time, especially those actively using water, for example, balneotherapy. Healthy people is very useful in this Lunar time to bathe in the River, Lake, sea or rate. If this is not possible, make
Sex in the twenty-fifth lunar day must be leisurely. You must not only select poses require special voltage of both partners. Very useful today is sex in water, for example, in the lake or in the shower. Some astrological school reviews during this period before love games to drink a little red wine. The only ban: people suffering from illnesses associated with urogenital area sex today is strictly prohibited because it can
Due to the fact that the twenty-fifth lunar day are associated with water, they are also linked to the depths of the subconscious. For this reason, practically all astrological schools agree that Dreaming of this period were visionary in nature, that is now a man tend to have prophetic dreams. A large part of the dreams of the twenty-fifth lunar day does not even require their interpretation, all the characters are quite definite and specific. (E)
In the esoteric Christian tradition in the twenty-fifth lunar day, usually performed the baptism. In other schools are also very often on this day various sacraments ordained neophytes with water. In some schools, sjugen-up to the twenty-fifth lunar day committed practice standing under a waterfall, and yoga performed various purification procedures like using water and in the water. According to the Tibetan astrological school, in this
Practice days: Self-test psychological tests images that operate at the level of the subconscious mind can not only inform about human preferences or his attitude toward some vital problems, but enable and adjust them. In the twenty-fifth lunar day should be testing ourselves, which allows us to estimate the internal installation. and, if necessary, adjust them. Meditation: potential ideals in man.
#Vk.com / astro_taro #www.astrotarot.su ##tarot astrology #spirituality
#esoterics #MPPG #Astrology #koshheevo #time...
#esoterics #MPPG #Astrology #koshheevo #time #winter #solstice
Solstice many feels like the sinking of the outside world when time stops and one day is like another. At the same time, internal movement in the individual microcosm becomes more intense, interesting and meaningful. Not coincidentally, these days people of different ethnic groups to commit traditional mystical rites on summing up the past year, liberation from all unnecessary, outdated (thoughts, stuff, disease, relationship). Own life goes on PE
Karachun-the so called Winter Solstice among the Slavic peoples, when daylight is almost dying, and people are necessary domestic efforts, optimism and purity, to survive this most difficult year in the dark and the cold period. Ancient Pagan God Chernobog, Karachun, dreamlike Koschei the deathless (bones), aka Christmas Lord Frost is the owner of this mystical time. Astrological Saturn, ruler of the time and order
Not only the winter chill, but the chill of deep space feels in the days of the solstice. This "days of open doors" between the worlds, when the Earth's rotation axis coincides with the axis of the Galaxy, and happens the interpenetration of Earth energy, solar and Galactic order, hierarchical building, synchronisation of vibrations. At this time each person can feel how he his condition corresponds to world harmony, the sacred commandments, semantic explanation of SA
Doors between worlds are open and the abode of people these days can enjoy the merits of other civilizations, other dimensions, other spheres of multi-story universe. It is believed that in the darkest days of the year to help the people of the higher worlds come bright angels. At this time Christ is born-the Savior of the people from the darkness of the outer and inner (important!). Joyful Christmas meeting echoes the ancient traditions of the celebration of the Festival, adding light updates
Astrological new year and Christmas, naturally associated with the winter solstice. These days the building in one line of the Earth, Sun and the Galactic Center bring us new energy, new civilizational impulses, the man looks at the world with new eyes and tries to understand about myself, who he is. Hilarious celebration, meeting, feast-simply needed, they give to see, feel, that we are all one in God's eyes! Strengthened community of people and r
I wish us all good health and optimistic mood to properly settle accounts with all "debts" worthy pass and with clear, clean state of mind to enter into the new year!
24 November day metal dog ⚙ 🐕 this day should not begin...
24 November day metal dog ⚙ 🐕 this day should not begin any important cases, trying to cope with the law in any way, try this day simply otdohnut'😊. #astro_zi #divination #Astrology #baczykonsul'tacija #baczyprognoz #goroskopnazavtra ##baczy horoscope @ Kutuzovsky prospect
(Elena Brova).
Today we begin to consider 4 House. I really like how in astrology is called IP-it is called "root" and indeed, House 4 shows our "roots" — our family born and relationship with him. How close, or entirely absent.
Moreover, kuspid 4 Home-IP indicates our ability to continue their family line, to bear children-the truth about this "feature" we'll talk later, within the framework of the consideration of the topic "5 House and children.
On 4 home, more precisely on the axis 4-10 House go some of the most important people in our lives are our parents. Even in one astrological "family", often there is no unity about which of these two houses responsible for the mom and which one for the father. You can easily find in the different astrological sources expressed approval with the same conviction that "CLASSICS 4 House it is a mother and a father of 10 and vice versa" in the classics 4 home is a father, and 10 is mother! "and each and
But personally, my experience shows that this dispute is not worth dealing with it-in each specific situation will be private map. It is believed that for 4 Home goes the parent that is closer to the Nativu on the psychological level, which closely link. And increasingly, it is precisely this formulation works better than all the rest.
I'm going to be an even easier way I describe features of the parent, and invite Nativu to determine who is the mother or father. It's so much easier, more productive and more appropriately.
For simplicity, not burdening the perception of constant footnotes "mother (or father)", "father (or mother), we will describe the 4 home as the mother, assuming that the father goes to 10, but you, please remember that it may not be mom and dad, then mom would go to 10 home.
Again in order to simplify the presentation, within the framework of the review of the quality of parenting and relationship with them, I won't duplicate descriptions, data for the parent to 4 home, when examining parent to 10, since interpretation remains the same. Therefore, the parent axis, we consider only within parse 4 houses, and about 10 you can make a judgement for yourself, by following the same descriptions that were given to 4 houses.
4 House (and here it is 4!) shows that we have inherited from their parents. And "inherited" in the broadest sense of the word. 4 House is all that we took from nature. This and the habits and hereditary traits and traditions and way of life-it was in our childhood. Since it was decided to build a life in my parents ' House, we bring in their own family, their own adult life and House.
4 house symbolically corresponds to Cancer - 4 signs of the zodiac. Moon - Cancer controls, and therefore, is a symbolic ruler of the 4th house. Despite the fact that you and I have not had time to study in depth the planet, you still know, that the Moon - a mother, it is the same house again, family, etc.
Psychologists have long explained to us all that influence parent model behavior for the rest of our lives is enormous. Moreover, it is not important even was a parent physically in our life or not. He is still in our head, our perceptions of it laid in our subconscious. In astrology-impact of parents is determined by the Suns Moon-mom and Sun-father.
Building your mental life, we rely on our Moon-how would we start from what was embedded in us our mother. If it suits us, we strive to emulate, if not, try to do everything as it is "not", but still the basis taken her behavior toward us.
Marshalling his Ego, we rely on the Sun-Father, his contribution can be decisive for the development of our personality. Again-we either get strong support from him and then go through life boldly and confidently, either do not receive and then either live "scored", or tried to prove that we are better than HE thought about us.
These two planets determine the most important thing in our lives. But our topic today is the planet on which we will be with you when the time comes to speak long and happily. Our topic is 4 House. Just to understand where the legs grow "," why ", it was necessary to remember about the role of the moon.
The House still more "narrow" feature than the planet. 4 therefore it is responsible for the home lifestyle home, which we inherited from our ancestors. What we see life in his home, the atmosphere in it, even its appearance.
What is the climate in our House, we will seek to obtain, on the basis that it was when we grew up. And again, we can try to emulate the way it was in our otchem Dome, and can build it on absolutely other type, but whatever it is we will go from what is seen in childhood.
4 House is all of our properties. Of course, first and foremost it is the House in which we live. It is beautiful or not, well maintained or old, noisy or harmonious, luxurious or poor, close or friendly are all we see of the 4 indicators at home.
All that is embedded in the concept of home and family can be traced back to 4 home, although it would be more accurate to say-for 4 home and moon.
But it's not just the House, the property in which we live. This is all real estate, which we have to own in this life.
The good performance of the 4 houses can promise an abundance of real estate and household and commercial. Bad-will require us to be attentive to the fact that we have, and to preserve what is, in order to protect yourself from sad fate to finish the life in social housing (or even what on-cooler).
Promises you a life change of residence or even distant emigration look too at home 4.
It is the birthplace of the same figure, and how we relate to it.
As I have already said, this includes all property that is personal property-therefore his last Nativa "home" on this earth is his tomb, it also houses 4 indicators.
It turns out that people are very differently about this indicator is someone unwilling to listen to anything at all about the place of his burial, someone this theme causes a rapid interest, people with excitation are finding out whether the central place of their last refuge, or not, that they would talk, etc.
You choose-whether this factor or not, but in any case, the rules for its consideration will be the same when considering your life at home. With only one exception-you are unlikely to be able to move.
In addition, 4 House shows us "end of life" — in the sense of the last period of our lives. And here it is important to understand-not old age! Namely, the last period! Because, unfortunately, not all of the last period of life is the same as the old age.
How to understand "shows the last period of life" — 4 Home shows how we will accommodate your last period (let's maintain mood take it that this is "old age"). Whether we are active and cheerful, contacts and healthy, or we will need to take care in advance about his old-age pension to avoid the abandoned and penniless, etc.
4 House associate more with deep subconscious. And here it is important to understand. The Moon is associated with the subconscious, involves more than anything else. But figures 4 home show those features of mental life that have developed under the influence of external circumstances experienced in childhood. Not the fact that He remembers them or remember correctly, there wasn't any special events, but the children's memory has something for everyone on the team extracted something focused, and that emphasizing the sequential
The Moon generates such subliminal construct on the same principle. But it is not confined to the home, originally, family. It is not confined to childhood. And 4 House "writes" information associated with early age may have occurred at home, but not associated with response at home, close to the incident response. Or not associated with early childhood, but it is associated with rod, family.
Perhaps delve into this difference has no special meaning, just wanted to explain the term "House, associated with deep subconscious."
#Astrology #ic #family #home #parents ##конец_жизни #Moon Sun